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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
Crafty Scots Page 15
Scottish Decorations for the (Very) Thrifty

The Year of the Cats
There aren't any pictures of the year we honored Clan Chattan (Does anyone have any?).  However, we used primary colored tablecloths...and used a runner of cat-embellished gift wrap (which was sold as a fund raiser by our local schools) down the centers of the tables.  We cut out of plain old black construction arched-back cats...put two of them together and stood them up in the centers of the tables...

You know what we did next!  We scattered our mix of garland, ribbons, glitter and candles down the middle.  We had extra cats...and cut out some giant ones to put up with "sticky stuff" (that comes off without harm) all around the room. 

Oh yes...our candy that year was chocolate hand-made cat-lollipops!

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