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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
Beth's Weekly Moultrie Observer Column - Week 30
(This appears here courtesy of The Moultrie Observer)

We're hoping everyone here at home will join the visitors from all across the country at Scottish Weekend 2002 at The Odom Library.
As I write this the first week in December, we already have a fourth of our capacity already registered, so don't delay in registering for this unique event. After the space is filled, we simply cannot accept any more reservations.
On Saturday, February 16, 2002, we'll have vendors in the large auditorium at the library, our entertainers will be in the Children's Library and our programs will be scheduled for The Chamber of Commerce (3rd Floor - Scottish Country Dancing with Bobby Murray); The Colquitt County Museum of History and the main reading area of our public library.
Mr. Duncan A. Bruce will be available to sign copies of his books, The Mark of the Scots and The Scottish 100.
If you'd like a complete and detailed program of the Saturday events, just come by the library and ask for a copy of the December/January Family Tree.
Saturday evening will be our dress-up Gala Banquet and Ceilidh at The Community Room out at Spence Field. Our professional entertainers will return to delight one and all after our seafood buffet...and the birthday celebration for our Honoured Guest, Mr. Duncan A. Bruce, of New York City. Mr. Bob Barr of Orlando, Florida (retired Public Relations Director for Eastman Kodak - and Master of Ceremonies for the Stone Mountain Highland Games, etc.) will serve as our Master of Ceremonies.
We are honoured to have with us for the weekend the Scottish-American Military Society from Savannah serving as our Honour Guard as well as the Centerville Volunteer Fire Department Pipes and Drums.
We know that there will be representatives from Burke's Peerage and Landed Gentry attending - all the way from Great Britain. The Deputy Consul from Great Britain in Atlanta is also scheduled to be in attendance. Our guests who have registered already come from as far away as California and New England...usually we have about 35 states represented at this Moultrie event.
Sunday morning, we will enjoy a moving and beautiful Kirkin' o' the Tartans at the First Presbyterian Church. There will be a luncheon to follow in the social hall.
Space prohibits us listing all of the participants and all of the activities planned for this weekend. Call me if you wish more information.
Our Scottish Weekend Committee this year includes, The Rev. Dr. Hugh Ward, Melody Jenkins, Sharon and Bob Herndon, Jim Soos, Jayna Johnson, Barbara Johnson, Beth Alligood and Beth Gay.
Registration for the complete weekend (which includes three meals) is $75.00. You may attend Saturday and Sunday events only for $60 a person.
For a registration form, just stop by the library in Moultrie and request either a form or a December/January copy of The Family Tree.
Our guests are limited to the first 250 who register for Friday evening and 400 who register for the remainder of the events.
You might also be on the lookout for the February issue of Southern Living magazine -which will feature our 1999 Scottish Weekend and information on the 2002 event.
Scottish Weekend 2002 will be great fun! Register early. Don't be disappointed.
By the way, we are on the hunt for items for our goodie bags and for door prizes! If your business has anything you'd like to donate, just give me a call. (229-985-6540) We need 200 of whatever you have for the goodie bags...and anything you think would be a nice door prize! We'll come pick things up!
If your business has a sign that changes copy easily - we'd ask that you please say, "Welcome Scottish Weekend" or "Welcome Scots to Moultrie" or "We're glad Scottish Weekend is here" or whatever you'd like to say.

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