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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
Beth's Weekly Moultrie Observer Column - Week 35
(This appears here courtesy of The Moultrie Observer)

Every once in awhile, someone comes by and wants to know, "What in the world is an Ahnentafel chart?"
To me, it's both hard to say and hard to understand, but both can be accomplished with a little diligence.
An Ahnentafel starts with a specified person and lists his/her ancestors. The first person, whether male or female, is number "1."
That person's father is number "2" and all following father's are a multiple of "2."
That first person's mother is the fathers number plus "1." The wife's number is always "1" plus her husbands number. If the father's number is "8," the wife is number "9."
Her father is 2 times 9, which is 18.
It really isn't complicated. Honest.

Did you know that there were income taxes during the Civil War? If your ancestor was in the United States during this time, you might find information on him or her in the Civil War Income Tax Records. The Internal Revenue Act of 1862 instituted a tax to pay for the war. This tax was in effect from 1862-1872 and the records are available through the National Archives.

Is your name Smith? There are dozens of names from around the world that became Anglicized into the familiar, "Smith." In Hebrew, Smith becomes Zillai or Krarash. In French, you would be known as Lefevre, Lefebvre or Le Fevers.
If you were from Russia, your name would be Kiznetzov or if you were Spanish, Herrera. In Manx, Smith becomes Gawn.

The American Folk Life Center at the Library of Congress will launch a program to collect and preserve the personal experience stories and oral histories of America's war veterans and then to make selections available to the public over the Internet. The program is scheduled to begin November 11, 2001.

The Veteran's Oral History Project encourages war veterans, their families, veterans groups, communities and students to audio-and videotape the memories of veterans time in service to their country.
Beginning November 11, the center in Washington will initiate the planning phase of the project. Guidelines to assist the public in conducting local documentation will be developed but the library plans to create a network of partnerships throughout the United States to encourage affiliated organizations, community groups and individuals to collect these recollections and firsthand accounts.
More than 19 million war veterans are living in the United States today, but almost 1500 die each day.
If you would like more information about the Veteran's Oral History Project, contact  or call 1-888-371-5848.

By the way, you might like to know the proper way to refer to your Scottish and Scots-Irish ancestors. Many people today refer to the "Scotch" or the "Scotch-Irish" when they talk about their families.
Scotch is something to drink.
The people are Scottish or Scots, but never Scotch. Many people of Scottish ancestry are deeply insulted to be called "Scotch."
You might also like to know that a patterned material is known as "tartan" and not "plaid." The tartan is a pattern of stripes going in both directions. The "plaid" is what the Scottish gentlemen wear over their shoulders on dress occasions...and is pronounced "played."
As Matt, on Room by Room frequently says, "Just thought you'd like to know."

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