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Krafts and Kooking for Kids Korner

You'll need:
  • 4 c. confectioner’s sugar
  • 2/3 c. sweetened condensed milk
  • Few drops green food coloring
  • 1/4 tsp. peppermint extract

Sift confectioner’s sugar onto a piece of waxed paper. Measure 4 cups. Mix milk and flavoring. Shake 3 drops of food coloring into a spoon first then mix it in well with the milk. Beat in sugar gradually. Mix until smooth and the candy gets stiff. You may think you don’t need all the sugar, but add it. It will work in after a while. Form into 30 small balls. Place on waxed paper. Flatten with a fork. You may wish to make pink mints flavored with wintergreen.

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