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Children's Poems
by Margo Fallis
A Mud Bath

A Mud Bath

Walter, the warthog, looked up at the sun.

“It’s going to be a hot day. I don’t think that will be fun.”

He looked around from side to side and could not see a tree.

“Oh dear, what shall I do. I’ll be as hot as I can be.”

He wandered up the dirt path and much to his delight,

Walter spotted a mud hole. “What a lovely sight!”

Without a moment’s thought he ran as fast as he could,

And landed in the mud, sinking deep, just like he should.

“Ah, this feels much better. I’ll lie here all day long

And listen to the bumblebees and birds singing a song.”

He wiggled around and found a comfortable spot.

“This is great! I’ve found cover from the weather. It’s too hot.”

As Walter fell asleep there was a smile upon his face.

He was happy he’d found just the perfect, cooler place.

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