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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Few, More, Most

Few, More, Most

"Ha! Ha! Ha! I’ve got the whole flower garden to myself," giggled Eddie. "There are no other bees in sight. I’ll have all the pollen I want." He buzzed over to a bright red poppy and began to gather pollen.

A few minutes later several other bees flew into the garden. Eddie looked at them. "Hey! I was here first! Go and find your own flowers!"

The bees landed on the poppy next to him. "Eddie, there’s only a few of us. Can’t we share the flowers with you? We’ll stay out of your way."

Eddie sighed. "All right. Since there are only a few bees I suppose you can stay, but don’t come near the poppies. They’re mine!" They flew over to the rose bushes and began to gather pollen.

A while later a few more bees came. "Not more bees!" Eddie grumbled. "Now there are a lot of bees, which means less pollen for me." The bees flew around the daisies and geraniums. "I suppose it’s all right, as long as they don’t come near the poppies." He went back to gathering his poppy pollen.

As the day went on, more and more bees arrived in the flower garden. Eddie had no choice except to try to ignore them. "More and more bees. This is the most bees I’ve ever seen. I thought I’d have this flower garden to myself," he complained. So many bees kept coming into the garden that Eddie started getting annoyed. They were landing on the poppies and crowding him. "I’m getting out of here. There are too many bees!" He flew away, looking for a flower with no bees around it. "Aha! There’s one." He landed on a orange nasturtium. "This will have to do."

A while later a few bees came flying by. "Oh no you don’t. You’re not having this nasturtium!" Eddie snapped. The other bees didn’t dare land and flew off. Eddie spent the rest of the day by himself, enjoying his flower.

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