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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
The Goat's New Name

Ingrid's papa went to town to buy a new goat. Her mama used goat's milk to make cheese and butter. When Papa came home, he put the goat in a shed.

Ingrid loved animals and wanted to play with the goat, but she couldn't open the bar that held the shed door shut. “Hello, goat. I'm Ingrid. Can I come in and pet you?”

The goat heard Ingrid's voice and stuck his head out through a hole in the door. His horns barely fit through.

“Oh, hello. My name is Ingrid. Do you have a name?”

The goat's beard hung down. “Mehhhhh. Mehhhhh.”

“That's a funny name. I don't like it. I think I'll call you Don Quixote. He had beard and a long face like you. He didn't have horns though.” Ingrid giggled.

The goat went, “Mehhhhh. Mehhhhh.”

“No, it's not Mehhhhh. It's Don Quixote. Can you remember that?”

The goat nodded its head up and down.

“Very well, Don Quixote. You are to give mama lots of milk tonight. I want some cheese and butter. Nod your head if you understand me,” Ingrid said.

The goat nodded its head up and down.

“Papa won't let me come through the gate. He said you might hurt me with your horns. You wouldn't do that, would you, Don Quixote? Nod your head if you understand me.”

The goat nodded its head up and down.

A few minutes later Mama came outside. She opened the gate. “You stay out here,” Mama warned Ingrid.

“Yes, Mama.”

Mama opened the shed and milked the goat. She carried the full bucket into the house. Ingrid followed. “Mama, you got a lot of milk from Don Quixote.”

“What did you call the goat? Don Quixote?”

Ingrid giggled. “I know it's a silly name, but that's what seemed to fit.”

“Ingrid, the goat is a girl goat, not a boy goat. Don Quixote is a boy's name.”

Ingrid stared at her mama.

“Nod your head if you understand me, Ingrid,” Mama said.

Ingrid nodded her head. She went out to the fence and called the goat. “I can't call you Don Quixote any more. You're a girl. What would you like your name to be?”

“Mehhhhh. Mehhhhh,” went the goat.

“I should have listened. That's what you wanted to be called earlier. Mehhhhh, mehhhhh, it is then.” Ingrid ran back into the house to watch her mama make cheese. She was glad to have a new goat.

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