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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Sara’s New Kilt

Sara walked down the aisle of the fabric store, holding her mother’s hand tightly. She looked at all the different colors of cloth; some had blue stripes, some had yellow polka dots and other fabric had patterns of kittens and apples on it. Sara’s mother had come to buy tartan fabric. She wanted to make pillows for the couch and a wall hanging for their living room.

They soon found where the fabric was and Sara’s mother picked up a bolt of it. Sara smiled. The woolen fabric had white and black stripes printed on a yellow background. It was pretty. "Sara, wouldn’t this look nice if I made a pillow out of it, especially if we put black lace around the edge," her mother said. Sara looked at the fabric. She shut her eyes and tried to imagine the pillow sitting on the couch. "That will look good, mama. I want to lay my head on it," Sara chuckled.

"We’ll get some then," her mother said, and handed a clerk the bolt of fabric so she could cut some yardage. They looked at some other fabric. It had blue, red, and green stripes printed on white. Another was turquoise blue and had glittery gold woven through it. "Oh, look at this," Sara said. "It sparkles!"

"It’s very pretty," her mother agreed. "What can we make from this fabric, Sara?"

"Let’s make a wall hanging for my room," Sara answered.

"A wall hanging? That would be wonderful. It isn’t tartan, but it is pretty. Let’s do it!" Sara’s mother carried the bolt to the counter and had the clerk cut a few yards of it.

"This is fun!" Sara called out. "Can we get some fabric so you can sew a new kilt for me, Mama?"

"Why sure," Mama said. "Why don’t you show me what kind of fabric you’d like?" Mama took her hand and they walked through the store.

"I like this, Mama," Sara said, pointing to some white fabric with yellow, red, green, and blue plaid on it. Then she spotted something else she liked. "I like this too. I love the little Scotty dogs," she giggled. Then she spotted some pink-striped fabric, and then some with red hearts. Sara saw so many fabrics and she wanted them all.

"You can only pick one, Sara," her mother reminded.

Sara walked around, looking carefully at her choices. She walked up to the counter. "I want a kilt made of that tartan fabric," she said.

Her mother smiled. She asked the clerk to please cut another two yards for Sara’s new dress.

That night, before Sara went to bed, she and her mother spent some time cutting the fabric out, using a kilt pattern. Sara’s mother spent hours at her sewing machine.

When Sara woke up in the morning, she jumped out of bed and ran into the living room. There was her new kilt, hanging on a coat hanger. On the couch were two pillows that matched the dress. She took the kilt and ran into her bedroom and put it on. Then she ran back into the living room and jumped onto the couch. She laid her head down on the pillow.

Her mother came in and smiled. Sara was happy with her new tartan kilt and her mother was happy with the new pillows.

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