History of the Border Counties Roxburgh, Selkirk, Peebles by Sir George Douglas
In composing a History of the
Border Counties, a writer’s first inclination is to produce a book made up
largely of legend and tradition, and freely interspersed with citations from
the Border Ballads. But, fascinating as is the material thus presented, so
long as Sir Walter Scott’s ‘ Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border,’ with its
rich equipment of notes and introduction, is within the reach of every one,
a new book of the kind can scarcely be considered necessary; whilst those
who seek for a critical study of the ballads will find it ready to their
hand in the second volume of the ‘History and Poetry of the Scottish Border’
by the late Professor Veitch. The aim, then, of the following sketch is
rather to bring the history of the Border counties into line with the
results of recent historical and antiquarian research, presenting to the
reader, so far as may be, only well authenticated fact, and thus not
scrupling, when necessary, to explode even long-cherished error. In pursuit
of this method, where no reliable information is available, a matter is
occasionally left doubtful—though the ingenious surmises of competent
students have of course been allowed their due weight.
In preparing his little
monograph, the author has of course made free use of the existing histories
of the district—namely, of the careful but somewhat ponderous work of
Ridpath ; of Jeffrey’s ‘ Roxburghshire,’ which, much of its information has
been superseded, still for Borderers contains much good reading; of the
animated narrative and valuable documents of Mr Craig-Brown’s
'Selkirkshire’; of William Chambers’s pleasantly written ‘Peeblesshire’;
and, finally, of Mr F. H. Groome’s useful ‘Short Border History.’
His researches have also been
much aided by such standard works as—to name but one or two—Morton’s
‘Monastic Annals of Teviotdale,’and the valuable Introductions to the
Cartularies of the Border abbeys, as well as by the many interesting books
dealing with the Borders which in more recent years have poured from the
press, among which it may suffice to specify the two volumes of ‘Calendars
of Border Papers’ (1560-1603), the ‘History of Liddesdale’ by Mr R. B.
Armstrong, the histories of the Douglas and Scott families, compiled from
original sources by the late Sir William Fraser, the ‘Border Elliots’ of the
Hon. George Elliot, and the Rev. J. Wood Brown’s ‘Life and Legend of Michael
It now remains for the author
gratefully to acknowledge the goodwill which he has met with generally in
the course of his labours, and to record his special thanks to the gentlemen
and lady hereafter named : to Dr David Christison and Dr Joseph Anderson,
for notes lent and help by consultation; to Mr F. H. Groome and the Rev.
George Gunn of Stichill for reading the proof-sheets of the book; to the
gentleman last-named and to the Rev. J. A. Findlay of Sprouston for local
information; and to Mrs M. M. Turnbull of Eastfield and others for
information regarding Borderers in the Colonies. He also wishes to convey
his thanks to Mr James Sinton for undertaking the compilation of the
Bibliography appended to the volume, at the same time acknowledging the
assistance Mr Sinton has received from Messrs D. Johnstone and Orr of
Edinburgh and Messrs W. & J. Kennedy of Hawick.
Springwood Park, Kelso,
March 1899
The Great Haggis Hunt 2017
Chapter I.
Roman invasion and occupation—Roman remains Chapter II.
Withdrawal of the Romans—Prehistoric remains in the Border counties : caves,
camps, prehistoric town on Eildon, broch at Torwoodlee, the Catrail,
standing-stones, cup - markings, cists, miscellaneous finds—Legendary or
semi-legendary characters: King Arthur, Merlin—Ida—The kingdom of
Bernicia—The kingdom of Northumbria—Battle of Degsastane Chapter III.
Conversion of Northumbria—Aidan—Old Melrose—Boisil—Cuthbert: he embraces
the religious life ; his mission-work; miracles; called away from Melrose;
subsequent life and death; character; local associations—Later history of
the Northumbrian kingdom—The Danes—Battle of Brunanburh—Northumbria an
earldom—Battle of Carham. Chapter IV.
Disturbed condition of the Border continued — Amalgamation of
nationalities—Influence of St Margaret—Growing importance of the
Border—Early notices of Border localities—Foundation and rise of the Border
abbeys—Kelso : early abbots, architecture, arts and industries, possessions
and revenues, private benefactions, cultivation and tenancy of land—Melrose
Abbey: Old Melrose, *Chronica de Mailros," architecture of abbey, John Morow—Jedburgh
: early foundation, grants to the abbey, daily life there,
architecture—Early Border churches—Influence of the monks—Dawn of thought
and poetry in the Borders ; I)r it helm ; Michael Scot, arguments in support
of a Border origin, early studies and subsequent career, true character,
legends ; Thomas the Rhymer, localities associated with his name, prophecies
attributed to him, their local allusions; Lord Soulis; Habby Ker. Chapter V
Border land-names — Professor Veitch’s views — Surnames; early mention of
some, and origins of Border families : Scott, Douglas, Ker, Armstrong,
Elliot—By-names—Castles : the old and new type—Peels : their
evolution—Burghs—Narrative of events on the Borders—Malcolm resigns northern
counties to England— William the Lion : his capture ; endeavdurs to
recover northern counties; relations with John—Alexander II.—Reopening and
settlement of northern counties’ question—Commission to determine Border
line—First Border laws—Alexander III.—A coup at Kelso—The contre-coup—Finding
of an ancient cross and um at Peebles—The Royal Family on the Borders—The
ghost that danced at Jethart. Chapter VI
Change brought about on the Borders by the death of Alexander III., and
events following—The convention of Birgham—Edward summoned to the
Border—Subsequent events—Scottish incursions over the Border—Sack of
Berwick—Edward’s itinerary in Roxburghshire—Local names in the Ragman
Rolls—Lands restored in virtue of fealty sworn—Wallace in Ettrick—Forest
archers at Falkirk—Wallace’s election as Guardian at St Mary of the Lowes —Lanercost
chronicler’s account of military events on the Border —Tradition of
Wallace’s descent from a Peeblesshire family—The “Wallace” tower and
thorn—The Frasers of Oliver, father and son—The Borders under English
rule—Adventure of Douglas on the water of Lyne—The “ Emerald ”
Charter—Douglas captures Roxburgh Castle by stratagem—Succession of Scottish
incursions after Bannockburn — Douglas routs the English at Lintalee —
Progress of the war on the Borders—Froissart’s account of the Scottish
soldiers and their habits—The incursion into Weardale —Treaty of
Northampton—Bruce charges his successors with the care of Melrose Abbey—“The
Good King Robert’s Testament ”— Death of Douglas—The Border hero of the War
of Independence. Chapter VII.
Claim of Thomas, Lora Wake, to the lands of Liddel — Edward Baliol at
Roxburgh solemnly surrenders the liberties of Scotland —Roxburgh, Jedburgh,
the Forest, and Peebles given up to the English—They are regained by the
Scots—Murder of Dalhousle by the Knight of Liddesdale at Hermitage—Death of
the Knight —Wark Castle defended by the Countess of Salisbury—Battle of
Neville’s Cross, and recovery by Edward III. of the Border country—The black
death transmitted to the Borders from England—Scots and French defeat the
English at Nisbet--Baliol’s second surrender to Edward III. at Roxburgh—The
“Burnt Candlemas”—Border country under English administration— Douglas
claims the crown—The Earl of March’s squire slain by English in Roxburgh
market-place—The “Bloody Fair’’and its sequels—Unrest on the Borders—John of
Gaunt’s invasions— Douglas wins back the Scottish Border country—John of
Vienne comes to the Borders—Caustic criticisms of his followers—Destruction
of Melrose Abbey by Richard II.—Story of Divine retribution for the same—The
battle of Utterbum—Its characteristics. Chapter VIII.
International conference at Hadden—Provision against Scots-Eng-lishmen and
English-Scotsmen — Rupture between March and Douglas—Second battle of Nisbet
Moor—“ Tineman,” Earl of Douglas—Rout of Homildon Hill—Wavering allegiance
of the Percys — Siege of Coklaw — Hotspur’s rebellion and death at
Shrewsbury—Tineman again an English prisoner—Formidable rising in the north
checked by the Earl of Westmorland—First use of cannon in Border
warfare—Renewed rebellion and death of Northumberland—Border pirates—Capture
and demolition of Jedburgh Castle—The expenses how defrayed—Borderers keep
in view the regaining of their old limits—The Percy honours and estates
restored—The “Fool Raid-’ ar.d its sequel—Capture and recapture of Wark—Deaths
of March and Tineman—Provisions affecting the Borders in truce with England
by James I. on his return from captivity—The king’s speech as he crosses the
Border —State of the Border at the time—Impressions de voyage of a future
pope—The Borders peaceful under James I.—Battle of Piperden—Great siege of
Roxburgh—The poems of “Peebles to the Play” and the “Three Tales of the
Three Priests of Peebles”—Light thrown by them on social life of the Borders
in the fifteenth century. Chapter IX
New provisions in the truce of 1438—The Douglases: Archibald, fifth carl;
his son, William, the sixth earl ; character and fate— “Gross James”—The
power of the family reaches its height in Earl William ; his estates and
influence on the Borders; his murder by James II. in Stirling Castle—Wars
with the Black Douglases—Their downfall—The Scotts profit thereby—End of the
last Earl of Douglas—Doings on the Borders—New regulations for the defence
of the Middle Marches—Siege of Roxburgh Castle —Death of James II.—Capture
and demolition of the castle— Modem depredators—Borderers in the Wars of the
Roses— Border laws (third series)—Selfish character of Douglas’s
ambition—The truce strained to breaking-point on the Borders— Character of
James III.—Borderers under Angus and Home take part in the
rebellion—Archibald, Earl of Angus, “Bell-the-Cat” —The Douglases lose
Liddesdale and Hermitage—New treaty with England—Perkin Warbeck on the
Borders—A royal marriage destined to affect the Borders—The rise of
moss-trooping— Causes which led up to Flodden—Blood-feud of Ker of
Fernihirst and the Herons of Ford—Battle of Flodden. Chapter X.
The Borders after Flodden—Local traditions—The Dacre raids—The Homshole
incident—Faction rife in the country—“Raid of Jed-wood Forest”—Outbreak of
hostilities with England—Surrey’s Jedburgh despatch—Siege of Fernihirst and
its sequel—George Buchanan’s account of Albany’s siege of Wark Castle—Battle
of Melrose Bridge—Blood-feud of the Scotts and Kers, and murder of Buccleuch
in the streets of Edinburgh—Fall of Angus—The king turns his attention to
the Borders—Maitland’s “Complaint against the Thieves of Liddesdale”—Description
of a Border raid— Demoralisation of the Borders—William Cokbum and Adam Scot
made examples—The king’s expedition into Teviotdale—Execution of Johnie
Armstrong of Gilnockie and his companions—Was it justified?—Ballads of
freebooting life—Relations between the two countries—Affair of Hadden
Rig—Preparations for invasion, and death of James V.—Depression of the
Borders. Chapter XI.
Matrimonial scheme of Henry VIII.—His anger at its defeat—First expedition
of Hertford—Incursion by Lord Eure on Jedburgh— English raids on the
Border—Angus threatens vengeance—Battle of Ancrum Moor—Maid Lilliard—Hertford’s
second expedition —Defence of Kelso Abbey; its capture and
destruction—Wholesale devastation of Teviotdale—Hertford’s third
expedition—At Roxburgh alter battle of Pinkie—Repairs to the castle, and
submission of Border gentlemen — Buccleuch submits; his part in the French
alliance—De Beaujue’s narrative of the French assault on Fernihirst—Atrocities
practised by Borderers on their English prisoners—Con'rast between the parts
played by the Border counties in religious matters in the twelfth and
sixteenth centuries; how accounted for—Dissolution of the Border
monasteries, and appropriation of their lands—Proceedings of the Lord James
against Border thieves at Hawick—Mary, Queen of Scots, in the Border
counties—Her ride to Hermitage—Her illness at Jedburgh—Queen Mary’s house
there. Chapter XII.
Bishop Leslie on the manners of the Borderers —Their views of right and
wrong—Blood-feuds; good faith their religion ; born horsemen ; knowledge of
the country ; neglect of agriculture ; dwellings and style of living—Ridirg
ballads: “The Fray of Suport;” “Jamie Telfer o’ the Fair DodlieaJ;” “Dick o’
the Cow;” “Jock o’ the Syde;” &c.—The rising in the north—Double betrayal of
Northumberland—An English spy’s report of a conversation at
Jedburgh—Expedition of Sussex and Hunsdon—Borderers in the raid of Stirling—Peculiar
treatment of a herald in Jedburgh —Rebuilding of Branxholm—Method of
procedure on a “day of truce”—The raid of the Reidswire—Regent Morton’s
palace of Drochil—Rivalry between the families of Cessford and Femihirst
—Progress of events on the Border—Proceedings of Francis Stuart, Earl of
Bothwell—The ‘ Border Papers ’; by-names of Borderers—Old Wat of Harden and
the “Flower of Yarrow”— Legend of “ Muckle-mouthed Meg"—Rescue of Kinmont
Willie —Buccleuch and Elizabeth. Chapter XIII.
The Union of the Crowns, its effect on the Borders—The final raids —Stringent
measures resorted to for the pacification of the Borders—Deportation,
disarming, dragooning, &c. — “Jethart justice ”—James’s chancellor reports
progress—Bond of Borderers to repress robbery and bloodshed on the
Borders—Borderers in the foreign wars—Buccleuch companies in Holland—Scott
of Satchells —Slow progress of the Border counties—Their intellectual
insignificance—Hobby Hall; Samuel Rutherford ; lingering lawlessness—Peebles
races prohibited—Street scenes in Peebles—Instances from the Register of the
Privy Council; hamesucken, &c.—Cattle-maiming—Exploits of Christie’s
Will—The last of the moss-troopers—Willie of Westbumflat—Statutes regarding
sale of cattle on the Borders—Anecdote from Carlyle’s
'Reminiscences’—Measures against hunting and timber-felling in the Cheviots—
Borderers ennobled at the Union : Lord Scott of Buccleuch ; the Earl of
Roxburghe; the Earls of Ancrum and Lothian; Carr, Earl of Somerset; the Earl
of Melrose. Chapter XIV.
Progress of the Borders retarded by the civil and religious wars— Summary of
events in the country—An army under Leslie marches to the Border—Projected
attack on Covenanters at Kelso—Their encampment on Duns Law — Principal
Baillie’s description— Pacification of Berwick—The Covenanters pass the
Tweed at Coldstream—Position of Montrose before Philiphaugh—Battle of
Philiphaugh—Flight of Montrose—Traquair’s cynicism—Cruelty of the
Covenanters—Traditions of the battlefield—Persecutions of Catholics; Lord
Linton; the Marquis and Marchioness of Douglas—Severity of Church
discipline—Character of the times— Sieges of Neidpath and Home by
Cromwell—Marie, Countess of Buccleuch ; Anna, Duchess of Buccleuch and
Monmouth—The Borders during the later persecutions—Death of Samuel
Rutherford—Henry Hall of Haugh-head and his associates—Gateshaw Braes—Conventicle
on Selkirk Common—The “ Harbour Craig ” in Tweeddale—Martyr’s grave in
Tweedsmuir churchyard—Sack of Traquair House. Chapter XV.
The era of peace—Incident at the town cross of Jedburgh—The rebels of the
’15 enter Kelso—Indifference of the inhabitants—Sermon by the Rev. Mr Patten
in the Great Kirk—James VIII. proclaimed king—Differences of the
Generals—March to Jedburgh— Mutiny of the Highlanders at Hawick—End of the
campaign— Commission of Oyer and Terminer at Kelso—John Murray of Broughton
— March of Charles Edward’s troops through the Border counties — Route of
the western column—The Prince marches to Kelso—His reception there—Crosses
the Border from Jedburgh—Local incidents of the ’45—Adventure of Miss Jean
Elliot—Conduct of Murray of Broughton—Escape of a Jacobite prisoner at the
Devil’s Beef-tub—The locked gates of Traquair. Conclusion
Progress of the country—Witchcraft on the Borders—Sectarian intolerance :
Quakers ; Catholic emancipation — Material improvements : Schemes of Sir
Alexander Murray of Stanhope—Tobacco-culture in the Borders—Attention to
agriculture by Border lairds —William Dawson of Frogden, the “Father of
Scottish Agriculture ”—Opposition to improvement—Life of a Border laird of
the eighteenth century—Embellishment of estates—Letter of Lord Ancram —
Culture and distinction on the Borders during the eighteenth
century—Development of Border woollen manufactories : Hawick; Galashiels—Changes
in social life—The plague; fires ; duels—The Yetholm Gipsies—Border
smugglers—Superstitions—Walter Scott, the Ettrick Shepherd, Leyden, other
Border poets—The “False Alarm”—Character of the modem Borderer
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