picturesque life—The
prairie hunters and
dog trains—The great
winter packets—Joy in
the lonely forts—The
summer trade—The York
boat brigade—Expert
voyageurs—The famous
Red River cart—Shagganappe
ponies— The screeching
western cayuse—The
great buffalo
hunt—Warden of the
plains—Pemmican and
fat—the return in
The great prairies of
Rupert's Land and
their intersecting
rivers afforded the
means for the unique
and picturesque life
of the prairie hunters
and traders. The
frozen, snowy plains
and lakes were crossed
in winter by the
serviceable sledge
drawn by Eskimo dogs,
familiarly called "Eskies"
or "Huskies." When
summer had come, the
lakes and rivers of
the prairies, formerly
skimmed by canoes,
during the fifty years
from the union of the
Companies till the
transfer of Rupert's
Land to Canada, were
for freight and even
rapid transit crossed
and followed by York
and other boats. The
transport of furs and
other freight across
the prairies was
accomplished by the
use of carts—entirely
of wood—drawn by
Indian ponies, or by
oxen in harness, while
the most picturesque
feature of the prairie
life of Red River was
the departure of the
brigade of carts with
the hunters and their
families on a great
expedition for the
exciting chase of the
buffalo. These salient
points of the prairie
life of the last
half-century of
fur-trading life we
may with profit
Under the regime
established by
Governor Simpson, the
communication with the
interior was reduced
to a system. The great
winter event at Red
River was the leaving
of the North-West
packet about December
10th. By this agency
every post in the
northern department
was reached. Sledges
and snowshoes were the
means by which this
was accomplished. The
sledge or tobogan was
drawn by three or four
"Huskies," gaily
comparisoned; and with
these neatly harnessed
dogs covered with
bells, the traveller
or the load of
valuables was hurried
across the pathless
snowy wastes of the
plains or over the ice
of the frozen lakes
and rivers. The dogs
carried their freight
of fish on which they
lived, each being fed
only at the close of
his day's work, and
his allowance one
The winter packet was
almost entirely
confined to the
transport of letters
and a few newspapers.
During Sir George
Simpson's time an
annual file of the
Montreal Gazette was
sent to each post, and
to some of the larger
places came a year's
file of the London
Times. A box was
fastened on the back
part of the sledge,
and this was packed
with the important
missives so prized
when the journey was
Going at the rate of
forty or more miles a
day with the precious
freight, the party
with their sledges
camped in the shelter
of a clump of trees or
bushes, and built
their camp fire; then
each in his blankets,
often joined by the
favourite dog as a
companion for heat,
sought rest on the
couch of spruce or
willow boughs for the
night with the
thermometer often at
30 deg. or 40 deg.
below zero F.
The winter packet ran
from Fort Garry to
Norway House, a
distance of 350 miles.
At this point the
packet was all
rearranged, a part of
the freight being
carried eastward to
Hudson Bay, the other
portion up the
Saskatchewan to the
western and northern
forts. The party which
had taken the packet
to Norway House, at
that point received
the packages from
Hudson Bay and with
them returned to Fort
Garry. The western
mail from Norway House
was taken by another
sledge party up the
Saskatchewan River,
and leaving parcels at
posts along the route,
reached its rendezvous
at Carlton House. The
return party from that
point received the
mail from the North,
and hastened to Fort
Garry by way of Swan
River district,
distributing its
treasures to the posts
it passed and reaching
Fort Garry usually
about the end of
At Carlton a party of
runners from Edmonton
and the Upper
Saskatchewan made
rendezvous, deposited
their packages,
received the outgoing
mail, and returned to
their homes. Some of
the matter collected
from the Upper
Saskatchewan and that
brought, as we have
seen, by the inland
packet from Fort Garry
was taken by a new set
of runners to
Mackenzie River, and
Athabasca. Thus at
Carlton there met
three parties, viz.
from Fort Garry,
Edmonton, and
Athabasca. Each
brought a packet and
received another back
in return. The return
packet from Carlton to
Fort Garry, arriving
in February, took up
the accumulated
material, went with it
to Norway House, the
place whence they had
started in December,
thus carrying the "Red
River spring packet,"
and at Norway House it
was met by another
express, known as the
"York Factory spring
packet," which had
just arrived. The
runners on these
various packets
underwent great
exposure, but they
were fleet and
athletic and knew how
to act to the best
advantage in storm and
danger. They added a
picturesque interest
to the lonely life of
the ice-bound post as
they arrived at it,
delivered their
message, and again
The transition from
winter to spring is a
very rapid one on the
plains of Rupert's
Land. The ice upon the
rivers and lakes
becomes honey-combed
and disappears very
soon. The rebound from
the icy torpor of
winter to the active
life of the season
that combines spring
and summer is
marvellous. No sooner
were the waterways
open in the
fur-trading days than
freight was hurried
from one part of the
country to another by
moans of inland or
York boats.
These boats, it will
be remembered, were
introduced by Governor
Simpson, who found
them more safe and
economical than the
canoe generally in use
before his time.
Each of these boats
could carry three or
four tons of freight,
and was manned by nine
men, one of them being
steersman, the
remainder, men for the
oar. Four to eight of
these craft made up a
brigade, and the skill
and rapidity with
which these boats
could be loaded or
unloaded, carried past
a portage or decharge,
guided through rapids
or over considerable
stretches of the
lakes, was the pride
of their Indian or
half-breed tripsmen,
as they were called,
or the admiration of
the officers dashing
past them in their
speedy canoes.
The route from York
Factory to Fort Garry
being a long and
continuous waterway,
was a favourite course
for the York boat
brigade. Many of the
settlers of the Red
River settlement
became well-to-do by
commanding brigades of
boats and carrying
freight for the
Company. In the
earlier days of
Governor Simpson the
great part of the furs
from the interior were
carried to Fort Garry
or the Grand Portage,
at the mouth of the
Saskatchewan, and
thence past Norway
House to Hudson Bay.
From York Factory a
load of general
merchandise was
brought back, which
had been cargo in the
Company's ship from
the Thames to York.
Lake Winnipeg is
generally clear of ice
early in June, and the
first brigade would
then start with its
seven or eight boats
laden to the gunwales
with furs; a week
after, the second
brigade was under way,
and thus, at intervals
to keep clear of each
other in crossing the
portages, the catch of
the past season was
carried out. The
return with full
supplies for the
settlers was earnestly
looked for, and the
voyage both ways,
including stoppages,
took some nine weeks.
Far up into the
interior the goods in
bales were taken. One
of the best known
routes was that of
what was called, "The
Portage Brigade." This
ran from Lake Winnipeg
up the Saskatchewan
northward, past
Cumberland House and
Ile a la Crosse to
Methy Portage,
otherwise known as
Portage la Loche,
where the waters part,
on one side going to
Hudson's Bay, on the
other flowing to the
Arctic Sea. The trip
made from Fort Garry
to Portage la Loche
and return occupied
about four months. At
Portage la Loche the
brigade from the
Mackenzie River
arrived in time to
meet that from the
south, and was itself
soon in motion,
carrying its year's
supply of trading
articles for the Far
North, not even
leaving out Peel's
River and the Yukon.
The frequent
transhipments required
in these long and
dangerous routes led
to the secure packing
of bales, of about one
hundred pounds each,
each of them being
called an "inland
piece." Seventy-five
made up the cargo of a
York boat. The skill
with which these boats
could be laden was
surprising. A good
half-breed crew of
nine men was able to
load a boat and pack
the pieces securely in
five minutes.
boat's crew was under
the command of the
steersman, who sat on
a raised platform in
the stern of the boat.
At the portages it was
the part of the
steersman to raise
each piece from the
ground and place two
of them on the back of
each tripsman, to be
held in place by the
"portage strap" on the
forehead. It will be
seen that the position
of the captain was no
sinecure. One of the
eight tripsmen was
known as "bows-man."
In running rapids he
stood at the bow, and
with a light pole
directed the boat,
giving information by
word and sign to the
steersman. The
position of less
responsibility though
great toil was that of
the "middlemen," or
rowers. When a breeze
blew, a sail hoisted
in the boat lightened
their labours. The
captain or steersman
of each boat was
responsible to the
"guide," who, as a
commander of the
brigade, was a man of
much experience, and
consequently held a
position of some
importance. Such were
the means of transport
over the vast water
system of Rupert's
Land up to the year
1869, although some
years before that time
transport by land to
St. Paul in Minnesota
had reached large
proportions. Since the
date named, railway
and steamboat have
directed trade into
new channels, for even
Mackenzie River now
has a Hudson's Bay
Company steamboat.
The lakes and rivers
were not sufficient to
carry on the trade of
the country.
Accordingly, land
transport became a
necessity. If the
Ojibeway Indians found
the birch bark canoe
and the snowshoe so
useful that they
assigned their origin
to the Manitou, then
certainly it was a
happy thought when the
famous Rod River cart
was similarly evolved.
These two-wheeled
vehicles are entirely
of wood, without any
iron whatever.
The wheels are large,
being five feet in
diameter, and are
three inches thick.
The felloes are
fastened to one
another by tongues of
wood, and pressure in
revolving keeps them
from falling apart.
The hubs are thick and
very strong. The axles
are wood alone, and
even the lynch pins
are wooden. A light
box frame, tightened
by wooden pegs, is
fastened by the same
agency and poised upon
the axle. The price of
a cart in Red River of
old was two pounds.
The harness for the
horse which drew the
cart was made of
roughly-tanned ox
hide, which was
locally known as "shagganappe."
The name "shagganappe"
has in later years
been transferred to
the small-sized horse
used, which is thus
called a "shagganappe
The carts were drawn
by single ponies, or
in some cases by
stalwart oxen. These
oxen were harnessed
and wore a collar, not
the barbarous yoke
which the ox has borne
from time immemorial.
The ox in harness has
a swing of majesty as
he goes upon his
journey. The Indian
pony, with a load of
four or five hundred
pounds in a cart
behind him, will go at
a measured jog-trot
fifty or sixty miles a
day. Heavy freighting
carts made a journey
of about twenty miles
a day, the load being
about eight hundred
A train of carts of
great length was
sometimes made to go
upon some long
expedition, or for
protection from the
thievish or hostile
bands of Indians. A
brigade consisted of
ten carts, under the
charge of three men.
Five or six more
brigades were joined
in one train, and this
was placed under the
charge of a guide, who
was vested with much
authority. He rode on
horseback forward,
marshalling his
forces, including the
management of the
spare horses or oxen,
which often amounted
to twenty per cent. of
the number of those
drawing the carts. The
chosen for good grass
and a plentiful supply
of water, the time of
halting, the
management of
brigades, and all the
details of a
considerable camp were
under the care of this
One of the most
notable cart trails
and freighting roads
on the prairies was
that from Fort Garry
to St. Paul,
Minnesota. This was an
excellent road, on the
west side of the Red
River, through Dakota
territory for some two
hundred miles, and
then, by crossing the
Red River into
Minnesota, the road
led for two hundred
and fifty miles down
to St. Paul. The
writer, who came
shortly after the
close of the fifty
years we are
describing, can
testify to the
excellence of this
road over the level
prairies. At the
period when the Sioux
Indians were in revolt
and the massacre of
the whites took place
in 1862, this route
was dangerous, and the
road, though not so
smooth and not so dry,
was followed on the
east side of the Red
Every season about
three hundred carts,
employing one hundred
men, departed from
Fort Garry to go upon
the "tip," as it was
called, to St. Paul,
or in later times to
St. Cloud, when the
railway had reached
that place. The visit
of this band coming
from the north, with
their wooden carts,
"shag-ganappe" ponies,
and harnessed oxen,
bringing huge bales of
precious furs,
awakened great
interest in St. Paul.
The late J. W. Taylor,
who for about a
quarter of a century
held the position of
American Consul at
Winnipeg, and who, on
account of his
interest in the
North-West prairies,
bore the name of
"Saskatchewan Taylor,"
was wont to describe
most graphically the
advent, as he saw it,
of this strange
expedition, coming,
like a Midianitish
caravan in the East,
to trade at the
central mart. On
Sundays they encamped
near St. Paul. There
was the greatest
decorum and order in
camp; their religious
demeanour, their
honest and well-to-do
appearance, and their
peaceful disposition
were an oasis in the
desert of the wild and
reckless inhabitants
of early Minnesota.
Another notable route
for carts was that
westward from Fort
Garry by way of Fort
Ellice to Carlton
House, a distance of
some five hundred
miles. It will be
remembered that it was
by this route that
Governor Simpson in
early days, Palliser,
Milton, and Cheadle
found their way to the
West. In later days
the route was extended
to Edmonton House, a
thousand miles in all.
It was a whole
summer's work to make
the trip to Edmonton
and return.
On the Hudson's Bay
Company reserve of
five hundred acres
around Fort Garry was
a wide camping-ground
for the "trippers" and
traders. Day after day
was fixed for the
departure, but still
the traders lingered.
After much
leave-taking, the
great train started.
It was a sight to be
remembered. The gaily-comparisoned
horses, the hasty
farewells, the hurry
of women and children,
the multitude of dogs,
the balky horses, the
subduing and
harnessing and
attaching of the
restless ponies, all
made it a picturesque
day. The train in
motion appealed not
only to the eye, but
to the ear as well,
the wooden axles
creaked, and the
creaking of a train
with every cart
contributing its
dismal share, could be
heard more than a mile
away. In the Far-West
the early traders used
the cayuse, or Indian
pony, and "travoie,"
for transporting
burdens long
distances. The "travoie"
consisted of two stout
poles fastened
together over the back
of the horse, and
dragging their lower
ends upon the ground.
Great loads—almost
indeed—were thus
carried across the
pathless prairies. The
Red River cart and the
Indian cayuse were the
product of the needs
of the prairies.
A generation had
passed since the
founding of the
Selkirk settlement,
and the little handful
of Scottish settlers
had become a community
of five thousand. This
growth had not been
brought about by
immigration, nor by
natural increase, but
by what may be called
a process of
accretion. Throughout
the whole of Rupert's
Land and adjoining
territories the
employes of the
Company, whether from
Lower Canada or from
the Orkney Islands, as
well as the clerks and
officers of the
country, had
intermarried with the
Indian women of the
When the trader or
Company's servant had
gained a competence
suited to his ideas,
he thought it right to
retire from the active
fur trade and float
down the rivers to the
settlement, which the
first Governor of
Manitoba called the
"Paradise of Red
River." Here the
hunter or officer
procured a strip of
land from the Company,
on it erected a house
for the shelter of his
"dusky race," and
engaged in
agriculture, though
his former life
largely unfitted him
for this occupation.
In this way,
four-fifths of the
population of the
settlement were
half-breeds, with
their own traditions,
sensibilities, and
prejudices —the one
part of them speaking
French with a dash of
Cree mixed with it,
the other English
which, too, had the
form of a Red River
We have seen that
tripping and hunting
gave a livelihood to
some, if not the great
majority, but these
occupations unfitted
men for following the
plough. In addition
there was no market
for produce, so that
agriculture did not in
general thrive. One of
the favourite features
of Red River, which
fitted in thoroughly
with the roving
traditions of the
large part of the
population, was the
annual buffalo hunt,
which, for those who
engaged in it,
occupied a great
portion of the summer.
We have the personal
reminiscences of the
hunt by Alexander
Ross, sometime sheriff
of Assiniboia, which,
as being lively and
graphic, are worthy of
being reproduced.
Ross says: 'Buffalo
hunting here, like
bear baiting in India,
has become a popular
and favourite
amusement among all
classes; and Red
River, in consequence,
has been brought into
some degree of notice
by the presence of
strangers from foreign
countries. We are now
occasionally visited
by men of science as
well as men of
pleasure. The war road
of the savage and the
solitary haunt of the
bear have of late been
resorted to by the
florist, the botanist,
and the geologist; nor
is it uncommon
nowadays to see
officers of the
Guards, knights,
baronets, and some of
the higher nobility of
England and other
countries coursing
their steeds over the
boundless plains and
enjoying the pleasures
of the chase among the
half-breeds and
savages of the
country. Distinction
of rank is, of course,
out of the question,
and at the close of
the adventurous day
all squat down in
merry mood together,
enjoying the social
freedom of equality
round Nature's table
and the novel treat of
a fresh buffalo steak
served up in the style
of the country, that
is to say, roasted on
a forked stick before
the fire; a keen
appetite their only
sauce, cold water
their only beverage.
Looking at this
assemblage through the
medium of the
imagination, the mind
is led back to the
chivalric period of
former days, when
chiefs and vassals
took counsel together.
. . .
"With the earliest
dawn of spring the
hunters are in motion
like bees, and the
colony in a state of
confusion, from their
going to and fro, in
order to raise the
wind and prepare
themselves for the
fascinating enjoyments
of hunting. It is now
that the Company, the
farmers, the petty
traders are all beset
by their incessant and
importunities. The
plain mania brings
everything else to a
stand. One wants a
horse, another an axe,
a third a cart; they
want ammunition, they
want clothing, they
want provisions; and
though people refuse
one or two they cannot
deny a whole
population, for,
indeed, over-much
obstinacy would not be
unattended with risk.
Thus the settlers are
reluctantly dragged
into profligate
"The plain hunters,
finding they can get
whatever they want
without ready money,
are led into ruinous
extravagances; but the
evil of the long
credit system does not
end here. . . . So
many temptations, so
many attractions are
held out to the
thoughtless and giddy,
so fascinating is the
sweet air of freedom,
that even the
offspring of the
Europeans, as well as
natives, are often
induced to cast off
their habits of
industry and leave
their comfortable
homes to try their
fortunes in the
"The practical result
of all this may be
stated in a few words.
After the expedition
starts there is not a
man-servant or
maidservant to be
found in the colony.
At any season but
seedtime and
harvest-time, the
settlement is
literally swarming
with idlers; but at
these urgent periods
money cannot procure
"The actual money
value expended on one
trip, estimating also
their lost time, is as

"From Fort Garry, June
15th, 1840, the
cavalcade and
followers went
crowding on to the
public road, and
thence, stretching
from point to point,
till the third day in
the evening, when they
reached Pembina (sixty
miles south of Fort
Garry), the great
rendezvous on such
occasions. When the
hunters leave the
settlement it enjoys
that relief which a
person feels on
recovering from a long
and painful sickness.
Here, on a level
plain, the whole
patriarchal camp
squatted down like
pilgrims on a journey
to the Holy Land in
ancient days, only not
quite so devout, for
neither 6crip nor
staff were consecrated
for the occasion. Here
the roll was called
and general muster
taken, when they
numbered on this
occasion 1,630 souls;
and hero the rules and
regulations for the
journey were finally
settled. The officials
for the trip were
named and installed
into office, and all
without the aid of
writing materials.
"The camp occupied as
much ground as a
modern city, and was
formed in a circle.
All the carts were
placed side by side,
the trams outward.
Within this line of
circumvallation, the
tents were placed in
double, treble rows,
at one end, the
animals at the other,
in front of the tents.
This is the order in
all dangerous places,
but where no danger is
apprehended, the
animals are kept on
the outside. Thus the
carts formed a strong
barrier, not only for
securing the people
and their animals
within, but as a place
of shelter and defence
against an attack of
the enemy from

"There is another
appendage belonging to
the expedition, and
these are not always
the least noisy, viz.
the dogs or camp
followers. On the
present occasion they
numbered no fewer than
542. In deep snow,
where horses cannot
conveniently be used,
dogs are very
serviceable animals to
the hunters in these
parts. The half-breed,
dressed in his wolf
costume, tackles two
or three sturdy curs
into a flat sled,
throws himself on it
at full length, and
gets among the buffalo
unperceived. Here the
bow and arrow play
their part to prevent
noise. And here the
skilful hunter kills
as many as he pleases,
and returns to camp
without disturbing the
"But now to the camp
again—the largest of
the kind, perhaps, in
the world. The first
step was to hold a
council for the
nomination of chiefs
or officers for
conducting the
expedition. Ten
captains were named,
the senior on this
occasion being Jean
Baptiste Wilkie, an
English half-breed,
brought up among the
French, a man of good
sound sense and long
experience, and withal
a fine, bold-looking,
and discreet fellow, a
second Nimrod in his
"Besides being
captain, in common
with the others, he
was styled the great
war chief or head of
the camp, and on all
public occasions he
occupied the place of
president. All
articles of property
found without an owner
were carried to him
and he disposed of
them by a crier, who
went round the camp
every evening, were it
only an awl. Each
captain had ten
soldiers under his
orders, in much the
same way as policemen
are subject to the
magistrate. Ten guides
were likewise
appointed, and here we
may remark that people
in a rude state of
society, unable either
to read or write, are
generally partial to
the number ten. Their
duties were to guide
the camp each in his
turn—that is day
about—during the
expedition. The camp
flag belongs to the
guide of the day; he
is therefore standard
bearer in virtue of
his office.
"The hoisting of the
flag every morning is
the signal for raising
camp. Half an hour is
the full time allowed
to prepare for the
march ; but if anyone
is sick or their
animals have strayed,
notice is sent to the
guide, who halts till
all is made right.
From the time the flag
is hoisted, however,
till the hour of
camping arrives it is
never taken down. The
flag taken down is a
signal for encamping.
While it is up the
guide is chief of the
expedition. Captains
are subject to him,
and the soldiers of
the day are his
messengers; he
commands all. The
moment the flag is
lowered his functions
cease, and the
captains and soldiers'
duties commence. They
point out the order of
the camp, and every
cart as it arrives
moves to its appointed
place. This business
usually occupies about
the same time as
raising camp in the
morning; for
everything moves with
the regularity of
"All being ready to
leave Pembina, the
captains and other
chief men hold another
council and lay down
the rules to be
observed during the
expedition. Those made
on the present
occasion were:—
(1) No buffalo to be
run on the Sabbath
(2) No party
to fork off, lag
behind, or go before,
without permission.
(3) No person or
party to run buffalo
before the general
(4) Every
captain with his men
in turn to patrol the
camp and keep guard.
(5) For the first
trespass against these
laws, the offender to
have his saddle and
bridle cut up.
For the second offence
the coat to be taken
off the offender's
back and to be cut up.
(7) For the third
offence the offender
to be flogged.
Any person convicted
of theft, even to the
value of a sinew, to
be brought to the
middle of the camp,
and the crier to call
out his or her name
three times, adding
the word 'Thief' at
each time.
"On the 21st the start
was made, and the
picturesque line of
march soon stretched
to the length of some
five or six miles in
the direction of
south-west towards
Cote à Pique. At 2
p.m. the flag was
struck, as a signal
for resting the
animals. After a short
interval it was
hoisted again, and in
a few minutes the
whole line was in
motion, and continued
the route till five or
six o'clock in the
evening, when the flag
was hauled down as a
signal to encamp for
the night. Distance
travelled, twenty
"The camp being
formed, all the
leading men,
officials, and others
assembled, as the
general custom is, on
some rising ground or
eminence outside the
ring, and there
squatted themselves
down, tailor-like, on
the grass in a sort of
council, each having
his gun, his smoking
bag in his hand, and
his pipe in his mouth.
In this situation the
occurrences of the day
were discussed, and
the line of march for
the morrow agreed
upon. This little
meeting was full of
interest, and the fact
struck me very
forcibly that there is
happiness and pleasure
in the society of the
most illiterate men,
sympathetically if not
inclined, as well as
among the learned, and
I must say I found
less selfishness and
more liberality among
these ordinary men
than I had been
accustomed to find in
higher circles. Their
conversation was free,
practical, and
interesting, and the
time passed on more
agreeably than could
bo expected among such
people, till we
touched on politics.
"Of late years the
field of chase has
been far from Pembina,
and the hunters do not
so much as know in
what direction they
may find the buffalo,
as those animals
frequently shift their
ground. It is a mere
leap in the dark,
whether at the outset
the expedition takes
the right or the wrong
road; and their luck
in the chase, of
course, depends
materially on the
choice they make. The
year of our narrative
they travelled a
south-west or middle
course, being the one
generally preferred,
since it leads past
most of the rivers
near their sources,
where they are easily
crossed. The only
attending this choice
is the scarcity of
wood, which in a warm
season is but a
"Not to dwell on the
ordinary routine of
each day's journey, it
was the ninth day from
Pembina before we
reached the Cheyenne
River, distant only
about 150 miles, and
as yet we had not seen
a single band of
buffalo. On July 3rd,
our nineteenth day
from the settlement,
and at a distance of
little more than 250
miles, we came in
sight of our destined
hunting grounds, and
on the day following
we had our first
buffalo race. Our
array in the field
must have been a grand
and imposing one to
those who had never
seen the like before.
No less than 400
huntsmen, all mounted,
and anxiously waiting
for the word 'Start!'
took up their position
in a line at one end
of the camp, while
Captain Wilkie, with
his spyglass at his
eye, surveyed the
buffalo, examined the
ground, and issued his
orders. At eight
o'clock the whole
cavalcade broke
ground, and made for
the buffalo; first at
a slow trot, then at a
gallop, and lastly at
full speed. Their
advance was over a
dead level, the plain
having no hollow or
shelter of any kind to
conceal their
approach. We need not
answer any queries as
to the feeling and
anxiety of the camp on
such an occasion. When
the horsemen started
the cattle might have
been a mile and a half
ahead, but they had
approached to within
four or five hundred
yards before the bulls
curved their tails or
pawed the ground. In a
moment more the herd
took flight, and horse
and rider are
presently seen
bursting in among
them. Shots are heard,
and all is smoke,
dash, and hurry. The
fattest are first
singled out for
slaughter, and in less
time than we have
occupied with the
description, a
thousand carcases
strew the plain.
"The moment the
animals take to flight
the best runners dart
forward in advance. At
this moment a good
horse is invaluable to
his owner, for out of
the 400 on this
occasion, not above
fifty got the first
chance of the fat
cows. A good horse and
an experienced rider
will select and kill
from ten to twelve
animals at one heat,
while inferior horses
are contented with two
or three. But much
depends on the nature
of the ground. On this
occasion the surface
was rocky, and full of
badger holes.
Twenty-three horses
and riders were at one
moment sprawling on
the ground. One horse,
gored by a bull, was
killed on the spot,
two men disabled by
the fall. One rider
broke his shoulder
blade; another burst
his gun and lost throe
of his fingers by the
accident; and a third
was struck on the knee
by an exhausted ball.
These accidents will
not be thought
considering the
result; for in the
evening no less than.
1,375 buffalo tongues
wore brought into
"The rider of a good
horse seldom fires
till within three or
four yards of his
object, and never
misses. And, what is
admirable in point of
training, the moment
the shot is fired his
steed springs on one
side to avoid
stumbling over the
animal, whereas an
awkward and shy horse
will not approach
within ten or fifteen
yards, consequently
the rider has often to
fire at random and not
infrequently misses.
Many of them, however,
will fire at double
that distance and make
sure of every shot.
The mouth is always
full of balls; they
load and fire at the
gallop, and but seldom
drop a mark, although
some do to designate
the animal.
"Of all the operations
which mark the
hunter's life and are
essential to his
ultimate success, the
most perplexing,
perhaps, is that of
finding out and
identifying the
animals he kills
during a race. Imagine
400 horsemen entering
at full speed a herd
of some thousands of
buffalo, all in rapid
motion. Riders in
clouds of dust and
volumes of smoke which
darken the air,
crossing and
recrossing each other
in every direction;
shots on the right, on
the left, behind,
before, here, there,
two, three, a dozen at
a time, everywhere in
close succession, at
the same moment.
Horses stumbling,
riders falling, dead
and wounded animals
tumbling here and
there, one over the
other; and this zigzag
and bewildering melee
continued for an hour
or more together in
wild confusion. And
yet, from practice, so
keen is the eye, so
correct the judgment,
that after getting to
the end of the race,
he can not only toll
the number of animals
which he had shot
down, but the position
in which each lies—on
the right or on the
left side—the spot
where the shot hit,
and the direction of
the ball; and also
retrace his way, step
by step, through the
whole race and
recognize every animal
he had the fortune to
kill, without the
least hesitation or
difficulty. To divine
how this is
accomplished bewilders
the imagination.
"The main party
arrived on the return
journey at Pembina on
August 17th, after a
journey of two months
and two days. In due
time the settlement
was reached, and the
trip being a
successful one, the
returns on this
occasion may be taken
as a fair annual
average. An
approximation to the
truth is all we can
arrive at, however.
Our estimate is nine
hundred pounds weight
of buffalo meat per
cart, a thousand being
considered the full
load, which gives one
million and
eighty-nine thousand
pounds in all, or
something more than
two hundred pounds
weight for each
individual, old and
young, in the
settlement. As soon as
the expedition
arrived, the Hudson's
Bay Company, according
to usual custom,
issued a notice that
it would take a
certain specified
quantity of
provisions, not from
each fellow that had
been on the plains,
but from each old and
recognized hunter. The
established price at
this period for the
three kinds over head,
fat, pemmican, and
dried meat, was two
pence a pound. This
was then the Company's
standard price; but
there is generally a
market for all the fat
they bring. During the
years 1839, 1840, and
1841, the Company
expended five thousand
pounds on the purchase
of plain provisions,
of which the hunters
got last year the sum
of twelve hundred
pounds, being rather
more money than all
the agricultural class
obtained for their
produce in the same
year. It will be
remembered that the
Company's demand
affords the only
regular market or
outlet in the Colony,
and, as a matter of
course, it is the
first supplied."