WHEN, on a winter day
in 1559, the burgesses of Glasgow saw Archbishop Beaton ride away
from the city with the French troops whom the Queen-Regent had lent
him for the rescue of the charters and other valuables in his
castle, [Keith's Hist. (Spottiswood Society), i. 245, 246.] probably
few of them realized that the event marked the greatest crisis and
turning-point in the civic history. Much has been made of the fact
that, with the departure of the Archbishop, the ancient burgh
acquired a new measure of independence, that from that time, with
some temporary interruptions from the Protestant archbishops of the
following century, the town council would be free to elect its own
bailies and transact other business without the interference of an
ecclesiastical superior. But the yoke of the archbishops seems never
to have pressed very heavily on the burgesses. As a matter of fact,
under the rule of a long line of great churchmen, the city and other
possessions of the bishopric had enjoyed almost complete immunity
from the ravagings and burnings and calls to arms which were the
common lot of the vassals of secular barons. It was only during the
previous sixteen years, since the death of King James V., and the
rise to power of the principles of the Reformation, that the
burgesses had seen red war within their gates. At the same time,
they had enjoyed the very ample and substantial benefits arising
from the residence in their midst of a great church dignitary with
his court of wealthy prebendaries. The Archbishop's castle and the
thirty-two manses of the canons, each with its considerable
household of officers and domestics, must have afforded constant
employment to a large number of craftsmen, and trade to a host of
merchants. The ecclesiastical revenues of Glasgow at the Reformation
have been moderately computed in the value of money in 1874, as
follows: [Walsh's History of the Catholic Church in Scotland,
329-331• See also Lawson's Roman Catholic Church in Scotland.]

[The free rent in
money and victual of the Archbishopric of Glasgow, with its several
baronies, as given at the general assumption of Thirds in 1561, will
be found in the Diocesan Registers, i. 23. The amount received in
cash was £987 8s. 7d., besides 32 chalders, 8 bolls meal, 28
chalders, 6 bolls malt, 8 bolls bear (barley), 12 chalders, 13
bolls, 3 firlots horse corn, and 24 dozen salmon. The temporal lands
were "the baronies of Glasgow, Carstairs, Ancrum, Lilliesleaf,
Eskirk, Stobo and Ediston, with the Bishop's Forest, and other
little things in Carrick, Lothian, and elsewhere."]
The expenditure of
such a sum, or even a considerable part of it, among a population so
small as that of Glasgow at the time of the Reformation was a very
important matter. In 1581, when the Confession of Faith was carried
from house to house by the elders, and it seems likely that the
greater part of the adult population was induced to sign, the number
of names adhibited was only 2250. [MacGeorge's Old Glasgow, p. 144;
Stephens' Hist. of the Church of Scotland, i. 300.]
Hitherto the city had
subsisted as a metropolis subsists, upon the custom brought to it by
the presence of the great, and of suitors flocking to the court of
the metropolitan. By the Reformation this means of living was at
once very seriously diminished, and the inhabitants of Glasgow,
especially those in the upper part of the city near the cathedral,
immediately felt the pinch. It is true that by an order of the Lords
of Council in 1562 the Roman clergy were allowed to retain
two-thirds of the rents of their benefices for life—an order which
greatly enraged John Knox ; but they were no longer called upon to
reside in their cathedral manses. It is true also that the Earl of
Lennox retained a town mansion at the Stablegreen Port, near the
Bishop's Castle; [Diocesan Registers, preface, p. i8; Marwick's
Early Glasgow, p. 61 MacGeorge's Old Glasgow, p. 117.] but since his
forfeiture in 1545, after the Battle of the Butts, and his
supersession by the Earl of Arran in the office of bailie of the
barony and regality, he had had small occasion to reside there. By
the abolition of the Pope's jurisdiction on 24th August, i56o, the
consistorial courts of the old Church were closed, or only opened on
very rare occasions. Two of these occasions may be noted.
In July, 1561, the
Archbishop of St. Andrews, as Primate of All Scotland and Legate a
latere, granted two commissions to the Abbots of Sweetheart and
Crossraguel and two canons of Glasgow, to confirm charters by the
Abbot of Glenluce to the Earl of Cassillis, [Orig. at Culzean,
quoted in Consiliar Scolice, clxxiv. note.] and on 1st April, 1562,
he commissioned the sub-chantor and other two canons of Glasgow to
hear and determine the action of divorce raised by Hugh, Earl of
Eglinton, against his reputed wife, Lady Jane Hamilton, daughter of
the Duke of Chatelherault. This trial proceeded publicly and
formally, and, on the ground that the parties were related within
the fourth degree of consanguinity, sentence of divorce was
pronounced in the High Church of Glasgow on 30th May, 1563.
[Fraser's Mem. of Montgomeries, ii. 163-181.]
But the recourse of
the public to Glasgow for such trials was now very rare indeed, and
was likely soon to cease altogether. On 8th February, 1564, the
Queen appointed four Commissaries, sitting at Edinburgh, to exercise
the jurisdiction formerly exercised by the Officials and
Commissaries of the archbishops and bishops in their consistory
courts. [Sir J. Balfour's Practicks, pp. 670-673; Act. Parl., iii.
33, 41.] Glasgow, in fact, ceased to be the spiritual and legal
metropolis of the West of Scotland, and the consequences were for a
considerable period calamitous.
Nearly a generation
later, in 1587, a petition was presented to Parliament by the
freemen and other inhabitants of Glasgow above the Greyfriars Wynd,
setting forth that, whereas that part of the city had, before the
Reformation, been "intertenyt and uphalden" by the resort of the
Bishop and clergy, it had now become ruinous and decayed, and the
residents greatly impoverished and without means to keep their
property in repair. The petitioners suggested as a remedy that "the
grite confusion and multitude of mercattis togedder in ane place
about the croce" should be taken in hand, and some of these markets
removed to the upper part of the city. As an argument they pointed
out that they were equally subject with the people in the lower part
of the town to be "taxt, stent, watcheing, warding, and all uther
precable charges," and should therefore equally enjoy the benefits;
and they concluded by pointing out that "that part of the said
cietie abone the said gray frier wynde is the onlie ornament and
decoratioun thereof, be ressone of the grite and sumptuous
buildingis of grite antiquitie, vane proper and meit for the ressait
of his heines and nobilitie at sic tymes as thai sall repair
thereto, and that it wer to be lamentit to sie sic gorgeous policie
to decay."
In response to this
bitter cry, on 29th July, 1587, Robert, Lord Boyd, Walter, prior of
Blantyre, the provost, bailies, and certain others, were
commissioned to take action. First the salt market was removed to a
place above the Wynd head; but this was so inconvenient to the fish
curers that it was returned to its old position nearer the river,
and the bear and malt market was established above the Wynd head in
its stead. [Glasgow Charters and Documents, i. pt. ii. P. 213; P.
243, No. 82.]
This petition
indicates not only the straits to which the inhabitants of a large
part of the city had been reduced, but also that the burgesses had
at last realized the change which had taken place, and had become
aware that they must no longer depend for their subsistence upon the
patronage of the Church, but must rely upon their own exertions.
This change was the greatest that has ever taken place in the
history and character of Glasgow. The ancient feudal and
ecclesiastical regime established by the far-seeing David, Prince of
Strathclyde, in the twelfth century, had served its purpose and was
dead. The city was now to enter upon a new era of greatness as a
place of trade, manufacture, and foreign enterprise.
The old order did not
pass away, however, without serious physical disturbance, and in the
throes which accompanied the birth of a new era Glasgow experienced
its full share. |