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Scottish Regiments
Northern Ireland Establishment Scots (L M N)


Lamb, Anthony, Instrument Maker, NYC
Lansing, Widow, Albany
Lascelles, Peregrine, Col. 47th REgt
Laulhe (Lauhle), Jacob, Lt. 46th Regt
Laulhe (Lauhle), John, Capt. 55th Regt
Lawrence, Charles, Brig Gen.
Lees, John, Merchant of Quebec
Le Hunte (Lehunt), George, Capt Lt., 55th Regt, later 80th Regt
Lesley (Leslie), Mathew, Capt 48th Regt, Asst. Dept. Quarter-Master Gen for NA
Lever, ?, Capt,  of Wood St. Dublin
Levis, Gaston Francois, Chevalier de
Levy (Livy) and Lyon (Lyons), sutlers to the 27th and 44th Regt
Levy, Hayman, Merchant  of NYC
Lifforts (Lefferts), Jacobus, Powder Merchant, NYC
Lintot (Lyntot), Bernard, Merchant of NYC
Lispenard, Leonard, Merchant of NYC
Livingston, Peter Van Brugh, Merchant of NYC
Livingston, Philip, Merchant of NYC
Lloyd, James,
Lloyd, Arthur, Lt 46th Regt.
Lloyd, Thomas, Lt 55th Regt.
Long (Lang), James (possibly John), Merchant of NYC
Long, Joseph and Hugh, Merchants of Dublin
Lottridge, John, Capt Indian Dept.
Lottridge, Robert (Richard), Tavenkeeper of Albany
Lyle, Abraham, Mercahnt of Albany
Lyman, Phineas, Col. Connecticut Provincial Regt.
Lyne, Matthew, Mercahnt of Schenectady
Lyne, Moses, Capt, Master of Sloop "Cedar"
Lynott, Thomas, Merchant of Albany
Lynsen, Abraham, Merchant and Auctioneer of NYC
Lyons, Soloman, Sutler to 44th Regt, Partner in Levy and Lyons
Lysaght, Andrew, Landlord of Dublin
Lysaght, Cornelious, Lt 35th Regt
Lysaght, Nicholas, Lt 43rd Regt


Macomb, Alexander, son of John Gordon Macomb
Macomb, Jane Gordon, Wife of John Gordon Macomb
Magee, Mr. of Belfast, Acquaintance of Macomb
Man (Mann), Isaac, Mercahnt of NCYC, Col. of Albany Co. Militia
Mangin, Paul, Capt 46th Regt.
Marselis, Gysbert, Capt., Sloop Master of Albany
Marsh, James, Capt. and REgt Paymaster, Grenadier Co. 46th Regt
Massey, Eyre, Lt. Col. 27th Regt, 46th Regt
Maturine (Maturin), George, 35th Regt
Maxwell, James, Capt, 46th Regt.
Meredith, Thomas, Lt 60th Regt
Merydath( Meredith), Hugh, Lt 80th Regt.
Meyrick, James, Clerek to John Calcraft
Miller, Sergeant, Indep Comp of New York, Innkeeper of Albany
Minnett, James, Capt-Lt 55th Regt.
Mirrie, Robert, Capt and Reg Paymaster, 1st Regt.
Moncrieffe, Thomas, Lt. 1st Regt of Foot, latr Capt 55th Regt. Adjutant and Aide de Camp to Amhurst
Monckton, Robert, Col 60th Regt, later Maj Gen.
Moneypenney, Alexander, Capt 55th Regt
Monier, John, Postmaster of Albany
Montgomery, Archibald, Col, 77th Regt.
Montgomery, Richard, Lt, Capt and Reg Adjutant, 17th Regt, later Maj Gen Continental Army
Montressor, James, Col. Militry Engineer
Moore (More), Increase, Lt Indep Comp of Rangers
Moore (Moor), Thomas William, Merchant and Auctioneer of NYC, partner in Moore Lynsen
Morris, Lewis, Jr, 2nd Lord of Morrissania manor
Mortier, Abraham, Merchant, Postmaster of Albany
Muller (Mullen), William, Lt 60th Regt Military Engineer
Munro, John, Merchant of Albany
Myers, Elias, Lt 60th Regt, Military Engineer
Myers, Naphtali Hart, Merchant of NYC
MacCall (McCall), John, peddler
MacDonald, Gregory, Ensign 42nd Regt. Vol Officer of Rangers
McAdam, William, Mercahnt of NYC
McCormick, Daniel, Mechant of NYC, Partner in Moore, Lynsen, Co.
McEvers, Charles and James, Merchants of NYC
McFarlan, Andrew, Merchant of Schenctady
McKay, Charles, Peddler of Albany
M'Kinzie, James, Indentured Servant
MacLean, Alan, Capt., New York Indep Co.
McLean, Alexander, Lt 42nd Regt.
McLane, James, Capt, 46th Regt
McMaster, William, Merchant of Schenectady
McMullin, Allan, Lt 48th Regt.
McQuade, Barnaby, Pvt. later Capt, New York Provincial Regt.


Napier, James, Dr. British Army Chief Surgeon, at Albany
Needham, George, Capt 46th Regt.
Nicholson, Arthur, REg Surgeon 60th Regt.
Micholson, William, Rev., Reg Chaplain, 60th Regt.
Nicol, Edward, Merchant of NYC
Noyan, et de Chavoy, Pierre-Jacques, Chevalier de, Commander Fort Frontenac.



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