The last of our steers on the board has been spread,
And the last flask of wine in our goblet is red
Up up, my brave kinsmen! belt swords and begone,
There are dangers to dare, and there 's spoil to be won.
The rain is descending; the wind rises loud
And the moon her red beacon has veiled with a cloud;
'Tis the better, my mates! for the warder's dull eye Shall in
confidence slumber, nor dream we are nigh.'
Now that James was free, he began really to rule, and
one of the first things he tried to do was to bring order to the Border
Lands. All about the Borders lived tribes of fierce, unruly men, who were
nearly always at war with the English or with each other. They never thought
of tilling the ground or of rearing cattle for themselves, but when they
were in need, they rode out against their peaceful neighbours, and stole
from them anything they could lay hands upon.
The great lords were often the worst thieves. In one
castle it was the custom, when the last bullock had been killed for food,
for the lady of the house to place upon the table a dish of spurs. This was
a hint to the lord of the castle that it was time for him to gather his men
and ride out for more. Then the men would buckle on their armour, mount
their horses and ride away.
In the gloaming of a summer night, or when the August
moon was shining, some peaceful farmer would be roused by the trample of
horses' hoofs and the lowing of cattle. He would awake, perhaps, to find his
cattle sheds empty, his barns ablaze, and the thieves already far away. Or,
if there was yet time to fight, lie might be left dead or wounded beside his
plundered homestead, while the robbers rode homeward, driving the good man's
cattle before them.
Sometimes these raids were the result of quarrels
between two families; they were vengeance for some real or fancied wrong.
Sometimes they were mere lawlessness. One man wanted what another had, so he
took it. Might was right. It seemed to these Border reivers, that if a man
could not protect his goods, they had a right to take them from him. That
was quite natural and simple, and so unruly were the times, that it was hard
to make these reivers believe that they were in any way worthy of
But King James meant not only to make laws, but to
force the people to keep them. He loved justice, and he set himself to
protect the weak from the strong. So, under pretence of a great hunting
expedition, lie gathered a good company of knights and soldiers, and rode to
the Borders. And so quick was the King, that he seized the greatest of the
reivers, and hanged them at their own castle gates before they were even
aware of their danger.

But one of the greatest of them all, called .Johnnie
Armstrong, he could not seize. This man was so much feared, that the people
far into England paid him money every year to be free from his attack. This
was called 'blackmail.' So long as the farmers paid the money, Johnnie left
them in peace, but if it was not paid. he plundered them without mercy.
Johnnie was very rich, and lived in great state. He
ruled like a King in his own country-side. He dressed very grandly, and when
he rode abroad, was attended by twenty-four men almost as fine as himself.
Johnnie had no fear of James, and when he heard of his
coining, he dressed himself in his best, and rode to meet the King, to ask
him to dine at his castle.
When Johnnie came before the King, WI' a' his men
sae brave to see, The King he movit his bonnet to him, He ween'd he
was a king as well as he?
But James, instead of being friendly as Johnnie had
thought he would be, was stern and angry. He was not pleased to see Johnnie
so grandly dressed, and followed by such a train. ' What wants that knave,
that a King should have but the sword of honour and the crown?' he cried.
'Take the traitor out of my sight, and let him be hanged.'
Then Johnnie begged hard for his life. 'My lord King,'
he said, ' I have ever been your true subject. Let me live, and I promise to
keep a band of forty true men always ready to fight for you.'
You must die,' said James.
'I have never hurt a Scottish subject, man or woman,'
said Johnnie. 'It is only the English that I rob. Let me live.'
'You must die,' said James, hard and stern as before.
'Away, away, thou traitor strang Out of my sight soon may'st thou be!
I grantit never a traitor's life, And now I'll not begin with thee.
'Had I known,' said Johnnie at last, 'that you meant to treat me so, I
should never have come near to you. I should have kept the border side in
spite of you, and of the King of England too. For well I know King Harry
would give the weight of my best horse in gold, to know that 1 must die this
'To seek het water beneath cauld ice, Surely it is a great follie,--
I have ask'd grace at a graceless face, But there is nane for my men and
But, had I kenn'd ere I cam frae hame, How thou unkind wadst been to me
I wad hae keepit the border side, In spite of all thy force and
But all that .Johnnie could say was vain, lie and his fourand-twenty gallant
men were led away to die. No doubt many people were glad to be rid of these
Border robbers. Yet although they were a great trouble to their neighbours,
they were also the defenders of their country against the English. So, many
mourned for their loss, and were angry with the King. But .James V., like
James I., had sworn to bring order into his land, and 'make the furze bush
keep the cow.'
'John hanged was at Carlinrigg, And all his gallant companie; But
Scotland's heart was ne'er sac wae, To see sae mony brave men dee.-
Because they saved their country dear, Frae Englishmen! Nane were sae
bold While Johnnie lived on the border side, Nane of them durst come
near his hold.' |