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The Lochaber Emigrants to Glengarry
Rae Fleming, Editor, 1994
Note: We'd like to thank Hugh MacMillan for giving us permission to place this book onto our site.
© 1994 Natural Heritage / Natural History Inc. Click here to learn more about Hugh and his work.

  • The Lochaber Emigrants to GlengarryForeword, Preface & Introduction
  • Part I - Passengers 1802 - David G. Anderson
  • Part II - The Scottish Background
    • The Looting of Lochaber - E. J. Cowan
    • Origins of the Lochaber MacMillans and the Descent of the Families of Murlaggan and Glenpean - Graeme M. Mackenzie
    • De Cho Fada's a Tha Gu Canada? - How far is it to Canada? - Kenneth J. McKenna
  • Part III - Glengarry Affairs
    • Documents and Letters relating to the Lochaber Emigrants of 1802 - prepared by Ian MacMillan
    • Documents and Letters relating to the Lochaber Emigrants of 1802 - prepared by Kenneth J. McKenna
  • Part IV - Caribbean Connections
    • Family and Ethnic Bonds between West Indians and Canadians - Stanley R. Barrett
  • Part V - Western Connections
    • Westward from Glengarry - Hugh P. MacMillan
    • The Indian-Metis connection: James McMillan and his Descendants - Heather Devine
  • Part VI - Charts
    • The Glenpean and Murlaggan Charts - Hugh P. MacMillan and Duncan (Darby) MacDonald
  • Part VII - Biographical Sketches
    • Two MacMillan Characters - Hugh P. MacMillan
  • Part VIII - Conclusion
    • How this book came to be - Hugh P. MacMillan
  • Bibliography, Index

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