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Scotsman in Canada
Volume 1 by Wilfred Campbell -
Volume 2 by George Bryce
[Transcribed by Hugh Sutherland for which many thanks]
Note: The links in here are to .pdf files |

Volume I
The World-Mother (Scotland)
Chapter I - The Scottish Ideal in
Scotland and in Canada
Chapter II - The Scotsman in
Chapter III - The Ulster
Scotsman in Ulster and in Canada
Chapter IV - New Scotland,
or Nova Scotia, and the Order of Baronets
Chapter V - The Pictou
Chapter VI - Other Nova
Scotia Settlements, and early individual Scotsmen
Chapter VII - The Scotsman
in Prince Edward Island
Chapter VIII - The Scotsman
in New Brunswick
Chapter IX - The Scotsman in Qubec
Chapter X - The Glengarry
Settlements, The coming of the Scottish Loyalists
Chapter XI - The Glengarry
Settlements, The coming of the Fencible Regiment from Scotland
Chapter XII - The Perth
Chapter XIII - The Lanark
Chapter XIV - The MacNab
Chapter XV - Galt's
Settlement at Guelph
Chapter XVI - The Talbot and
Middlesex Settlements
Chapter XVII - The Zorra
Settlement and the MacKays
Chapter XVIII - The Huron
and Bruce Settlements
Chapter XIX - The
Governors-General of Scottish Extraction connected with Canada
Chapter XX - The Scotsman
and Education
Chapter XXI - The Scotsman
and Education (continued)
Chapter XXII - The Scotsman
in the Churches
Chapter XXIII - The Scotsman
in the Churches (continued)
Chapter XXIV - W. Lyon MacKenzie and Bishop Strachan
Chapter XXV - Scotsmen in
Public Life between the MacKenzie and MacDonald period and since
Chapter XXVI - Sir John
Alexander MacDonald
Chapter XXVII - Other
Scotsmen of the Confederation period
Chapter XXVIII - Some noted
Jurists, Administrators, Physicians, and Financiars of Scottish
Chapter XXIX - Scotsmen in
Literature, Journalism, and Art
Chapter XXX - Scottish
Societies in Canada

Volume II