IT is difficult to tell how the M'Leods came to
Gairloch. It is not impossible that their claim to it may have dated back
to the times of the Norse Vikings, from one of whom, tradition says, the
M'Leods were descended. There were two clans of M'Leod,—the Siol Torquil,
and the Siol Tormod,—perfectly distinct and independent of each other,
though said to have sprung from one common progenitor named Leod. It was a
branch of the Siol Torquil who took possession of Gairloch.
Donald, Lord of the Isles, who about 1410 laid claim
to the earldom of Ross in right of his wife (Part I., chap, i.), was the
son of John Macdonald of Islay, first lord of the Isles. John claimed the
islands of Skye and the Lews under a grant by Edward Balliol. When John
made his peace with King David in 1344 he retained the Lews. From this
time the Siol Torquil held the Lews as vassals of the house of Islay. It
seems highly probable that Gairloch, Loch Broom, Coigeach, and Assynt,
being the adjacent parts of the mainland, were at first similarly held by
the Siol Torquil, a branch of whom called the Siol Mhic Ghille Challum
also acquired the island of Raasay.. In this case their original claim to
Gairloch would be derived either from the first lord of the Isles, or his
son Donald, Lord of the Isles and Earl of Ross. On no other theory can the
sway of the M'Leods in Gairloch be accounted for consistently with the
history of the times, unless indeed it was purely the result of "vaulting
However this
may have been, a branch of the Siol Mhic Ghille Challum soon made good an
independent claim to Gairloch. Oddly enough a family feud was the
commencement, as another was the ending fifty years later, of their legal
title to Gairloch. In 1430 King James I. granted "to Nele Nelesoun, for
his homage and service in the capture of his deceased brother Thomas
Nelesoun, a rebel, the lands of Gerloch and others in the earldoms of Ross
and Sutherland and sheriffdom of Innernys."
On this grant Neil, the son of Neil M'Leod, no doubt
took steps to enforce his claim to Gairloch, and to subdue the MacBeaths,
most of whom he drove from the country. He is said to have captured their
three strongholds,—Eilean Grudidh, the Loch Tollie island, and the
Gairloch Dun. It is in the time of the M'Leods that we first hear of the
Tigh Dige (ditch house), situated in a field below where Flowerdale House
now stands. It was a "black house," built of turf, roofed with divots
(large thin turfs), and surrounded by a moat or ditch.
The M'Leods also had another stronghold in Gairloch,
between Port Henderson and Opinan, the site of which is still called Uamh
nam Freiceadain, and which was the last fortress they held in Gairloch.
Eilean Ruaridh Beag, in Loch Maree, was held by one
Roderick (Ruaridh) M'Leod, after whom it was named. A fierce struggle, the
details of which are now lost, took place before the M'Leods were ejected
from this island, which afterwards became the residence of John Roy
Mackenzie, the fourth laird of Gairloch.
About 1480 Allan M'Leod, son of Roderick M'Leod, was
laird of Gairloch. His wife was daughter of Alexander the Upright, sixth
laird of Kintail, and sister of Hector Roy Mackenzie. They had two sons,
who were then little boys. The family lived on the island in Loch Tollie,—the
same fortalice formerly occupied by the MacBeaths. It was considered a
safe retreat in those unsettled times. Allan M'Leod was a peaceful man,
and occupied himself to a great extent with the sport the country
afforded. But an evil day was coming. His two brothers, who resided with
their people in the Lews, were unwilling that Mackenzie blood should run
in the veins of the heir of Gairloch. They determined to slay their
brother and his two boys, so that the inheritance fnight fall to
themselves. With this evil purpose they came over to Gairloch, and took up
their abode at the Tigh Dige, where they made every preparation for the
carrying out of their wicked scheme.
On the morning of the fatal day Allan M'Leod left
the Loch Tollie Island in his boat, and having landed at the east end of
the loch, went down Croftbrae to fish the river Ewe. At midday, as it was
hot, and the fish were not taking, he lay down on the green hill at Croft,
where the house of Kenneth Urquhart (called Kennie Rob) now stands. The
hill is named to this day Cnoc na mi-Chomhairle, or the " Hill of evil
counsel." There Allan fell fast asleep. His two brothers came over
from Gairloch to carry out their murderous intention. When, they came to
Loch Tollie they saw the boat ashore at the east end of the loch, and
therefore rightly concluded that their brother had gone down to fish the
river. They followed, and finding him asleep, killed him where he lay.
They cut off his head, and threw it into the mill-lead or race, between
the green hill and the spot where the Widows7 house, originally built for
a distillery, and therefore known as "The still," now stands, and the head
was washed down into the river. The brothers then returned to Loch Tollie,
and taking the boat reached the island. There they told their brother's
widow how they had slain him, and then they tore her little boys from her
trembling grasp. They carried them away with them, and when they came to a
spot above and to the north of the place now called "The glen" the
ruffians killed the boys, and buried them there at a rock still called
Craig Bhadan an Aisc, or the "rock of the place of interment." It is shewn
on the six-inch ordnance map. They stripped the blood-stained shirts from
the bodies as proofs that the boys were dead, and took them with them to
the Tigh Dige. At that time the dress of a boy consisted only of a stout
shirt or tunic, with a belt round the waist, until such time as he was old
enough for the belted plaid. The bereaved mother came ashore as'soon as
she could, and followed the murderers. She came in the evening to a place
called Clachan garbh, on the little burn half way between Achtercairn and
the present Gairloch Hotel. There were houses there at that time. She went
to an old man there, who had been a faithful retainer of her husband; she
told him her terrible story. He bade her wait until he went to the Tigh
Dige to see if her brothers-in-law had really killed the two boys. When it
became -dark he went to the Tigh Dige, and through an opening he saw by
the firelight the boys' little shirts hanging up. He managed unperceived
to get possession of the shirts, and brought them to the mother; they were
covered with blood. The mother took the shirts, and went off straight with
them to Brahan to her father, Alexander the Upright, who did not credit
his daughter's terrible tale until she shewed him the blood-stained
shirts. Alexander, who was then an infirm old man, sent his son Hector Roy
Mackenzie to Edinburgh to the king, and he produced the shirts to satisfy
the king that the triple murder had really been committed. The king gave
Hector Roy a commission of fire and sword for the destruction of the
M'Leods, and in 1494 he received a grant of Gairloch by charter from the
The proceedings which ensued, and the circumstances
attending the expulsion of the M'Leods long afterwards from Gairloch, will
be narrated later on. Meanwhile the reader will be glad to learn that the
two murderers were afterwards routed in a skirmish on the south side of
Gairloch by one of the MacRae heroes, who pursued them to a spot between
South Erradale and Point, where he slew them both, and they were buried in
a hollow there, which is pointed out to this day.
Although the crown charter of 1494 granted the whole
of Gairloch to Hector Roy Mackenzie, the M'Leods, as we shall see,
retained for another century one-third part of Gairloch. The terrible
murder committed about 1569 by Ruaridh Mac Allan M'Leod of Gairloch (Parf
L, chap, xii.) is curiously analogous to that recorded above. The murder
of 1569 was the immediate cause of the warfare which resulted in the final
expulsion of the M'Leods from Gairloch, just as that of 1480 had led to
their being ousted from a great part of their territory there.
Family feuds and jealousies were the causes of the
ultimate dismemberment of the Siol Torquil, and of the alienation of the
whole of their vast possessions. Anyone who cares to trace their history,
as given in Donald Gregory's and other works, will learn how all this
happened; it does not concern us further here. |