NO traveller can claim even a moderate acquaintance
with the parish of Gairloch unless he has acquired some knowledge of her
Highland population. This part of our book is designed to help the reader
in obtaining that knowledge; nevertheless it is not intended to supersede
personal inquiry and observation.
To the casual observer the people here differ very
little from the inhabitants of other parts of Great Britain; a closer
examination reveals peculiarities in their race, language, manners and
customs, superstitions, religious observances, and other characteristics,
well worthy the examination of all who resort to this romantic country.
There is a common misconception on the part of
English tourists who pay flying visits to the Highlands. Many of them
suppose that the natives are of the same blood, and speak the same
dialect, as the lowland Scot. Nothing could be further from the fact. To
speak of a Highlander "as a Scotsman only," is, as Captain Burt says, "as indefinite as barely to call a Frenchman an European." The Highlander,
though inhabiting a part of Scotland, is essentially different from the
typical Scotchman. The apprehension of this truth, which will be
illustrated in the following pages, is the first step towards the
knowledge of the Gairloch Highlanders.
In Part I., chap, i., we have seen how the original
Pictish tribe of the Caledonians called the Cantae, who inhabited
Ross-shire, became intermixed with two foreign, yet probably cognate
breeds, the Norwegians and the Danes. Further admixture of blood took
place by the settlement in Gairloch of Highlanders of other septs,
particularly the MacBeaths, M'Leods, MacRaes, and Macdonalds. The
ironworkers left their mark on the breed, in such names as Cross, Kemp,
and Bethune or Beaton. In more recent times sheep-farming brought lowland
blood, identified by the names of Watson, Reid, Stewart, MacClymont,
Lawrie, Boa, &c. Again, it is said, no doubt with truth, that some few
English or even foreign sailors have at different times settled in
Gairloch, owing to shipwrecks or other causes. A Spanish ship, possibly
connected with the Armada, is said to have been wrecked on the Greenstone
Point, and one or two persons used to be pointed out who, though bearing
native names, were believed from their dark wavy hair to have Spanish
blood in their veins. So the Taylors of Badachro are descended from a
lowland sailor lad. Lastly, the minor admixtures of blood from the
immigration of attendants who came with brides of the Gairloch lairds (of
whom are the Campbells or M'Ivers, Grants, Chisholms, &c), and of some
other individuals mentioned in these pages, such as Rorie Mackay,
the piper, have, in a less degree, leavened the Gairloch breed. On the
whole, however, it must be considered as mainly sprung from the original
Pictish stock, herein differing ab initio from the lowland race.
The surname Mackenzie greatly
predominates in Gairloch, and there are a number of distinct families of
that name; many of them have an unbroken lineage from one or other of the
lords of Kintail, or of the lairds of Gairloch, whose ancient origin has
already been given. In the present day pedigrees are less thought of than
in the time of the old seannachies, who were the genealogists of their
clans, but many people now living in humble circumstances could, if they
pleased, trace their ancestry a thousand years in an unbroken line through
the original Kenneth, the progenitor of the family. The blood of kings and
nobles flows in their veins, and accounts no doubt for the innate courtesy
and gentle manner often noticeable among the humblest of the Gairloch

Surnames were little used in
Gairloch in old times, and it is supposed that many persons of different
races who settled in the Mackenzie country were after a time reckoned to
be Mackenzies. Possibly the clan name was originally adopted only as a
means of connecting the follower with his chief, whose tartan of course he
wore for identification.
To the present day surnames are
little used in Gairloch when Gaelic is being spoken, and even in English a
number of men are often called by the equivalents of their Gaelic names.
These Gaelic names are formed by the addition to the Christian name of a
soubriquet or byname, often hereditary, or else of the father's,
grandfather's,, and even the great-grandfather's Christian names or some
or one of them. Thus in the minutes of the Presbytery of Dingwall,
referring to sacrifices of bulls (Appendix F), we find the names of Donald
M'Eaine Roy vie Choinnich and Murdo M'Conill varchu vie Conill vie
Allister, which in English are respectively " Donald the son of John Roy
the son of Kenneth " and " Murdo the son of Donald Murdo the son of Donald
the son of Alexander." " Roy," properly " Ruadh," happens to be the only
soubriquet in these two compound names. Take some examples from names of
men now living:— Alexander Mackenzie, the senior piper of the Gairloch
volunteers, is the son of John Mackenzie of Moss Bank; the father is known
as Iain Glas, i.e. Pale John; the son is always called in Gaelic Ali' Iain
Ghlais, i.e. Alexander [son] of Pale John. This name also illustrates the
custom of continuing a soubriquet, whether appropriate or not, from one
generation to another; Iain Glas is so called, not because he has a pale
face, but because the byname had belonged to an uncle of his. So we find
John McLean, the industrious crofter on the east side of the Ewe, called
Iain Buidhe, or Yellow-haired John, not because he has yellow hair, but
because an ancestor of his was dubbed with that byname.
Among very numerous instances of
the application of bynames to men now living, the following may be given
:—Donald Og, Alie Ruadh, Uilleam Ruadh, Alie Beag, Iain Dubh, Eachainn
Geal, Seann Seoc, and Alie Uistean, meaning respectively Young Donald,
Red-haired Alexander, Red-haired William, Little Alexander, Black John,
White Hector, Old Jock, and Alexander Hugh. Young Donald is an elderly
man; Little Alexander a tall man; Old Jock acquired the name as a boy
because he had then an old head.on young shoulders; and Alexander Hugh is
so called because he had an ancestor named Hugh, though he himself was
baptized Alexander only. In each of these crises the individual is either
a Mackenzie, Urquhart, or Maclennan, but is never so called by his
neighbours. The same system of nomenclature is similarly applied to the
other sex.
It is worth notice that several
Gaelic names are not translatable into English; thus Eachainn is not
really Gaelic for Hector, anymore than Uistean is for Hugh, but these
English names have long been adopted as reasonably good equivalents for
the Gaelic.
Some female names in Gairloch
sound strange to lowland ears, i.e. those formed by adding ina to a man's
name not usually associated with that termination in the south,—for
example, Simonina, Donaldina, Murdina, Seumasina (or Jamesina), Angusina,
Hec-torina, &c. |