[Pages 332 and 333 missing from the book]
which (both cave and
weapons) had beep concealed long ago by means of the "sian," were seen by
some women gathering lichens not many years since (Part II., chap. xiv.).
Two miles away, to the left, the woods of Loch a Druing may be noticed
clothing a hollow on the side of the range of hills beyond the Bac an
Leth-choin. It was in these woods that the fairy called the Gille Dubh
lived (Part II., chap, xiii.); and behind the top of the ridge is the
Fedan Mor, where Duncan MacRae hid the keg of gold (Part II., chap. xiv.).
The road is not passable for carriages beyond Stirkhiil, but a walk
forward to Cove is strongly recommended. The primitive out-of-the-world
character of the place and its inhabitants, the fine cave, the natural
arch (see illustration), and the views from and general features of the
coast, will well repay the pedestrian who spends an hour in the following
stroll. The village of Cove begins very soon after you leave your
carriage. The road is a cart road, until, on the left, a house is reached
with a wing (formerly used as a school) at right angles to its main
portion. Open the door of this wing and you see a curious room, which is a
place of worship with its little pulpit, and is also a store-house of all
manner of fishing implements and dresses. The house is the home of the
catechist attached to the Aultbea and

Poolewe Free churches. The
picturesque cove or harbour is to the right of the path, and when the many
coloured boats are laid up on its shore it forms a charming picture. Go
forward by the narrowing path, and ask some of the civil inhabitants to
show you the cave where they worship. It is a romantic place with its old
desk, and stones and pieces of wood arranged for seats, the nest of a
mavis or thrush on a ledge of rock, and the narrow entrance veiled by a
tangle of woodbine and eglantine. The sea can almost wash into this cave.
A few yards from it is a hole which opens into another and smaller cave;
there is a larger cave in the rocky headland nearer the harbour. A brief
further stroll on the top of the low cliff reveals the curious detached
rock standing out from the shore with its natural arch (see illustration),
resembling similar arches at Torquay, Freshwater (Isle of Wight), and
other places. The return from Cove is by the same route, or a boat may be
hired to Poolewe. 2. Excursion to Fionn Loch.—This excursion (so far as
beyond Inveran) can only be made by special permission of Mr O. H.
Mackenzie of Inverewe, and that certainly cannot be obtained after July.
Cross the bridge at Poolewe and turn to the right. The road follows the
course of the River Ewe pretty closely. There is a picturesque little crag
on the left called Craig an Fhithich, or "the raven's crag." The flat peat
bog a little further on is called the "Shore." Between the road and the
river, on the right, is the remains of the iron furnace called the Red
Smiddy (Part I., chap. xx.). The next hill we pass, on the left, is called
Craig Bhan. It was on this and other hills to the left and further on that
Donald Maclean saw the visions of soldiers in red uniforms described in
Part II., chap. xv. Observe the beautiful peeps of the river Ewe and Loch
Maree, and the wooded rmls often called the Trossachs of Loch Maree. The
road soon enters the Inveran woods, and after passing the Inveran
farmhouse, where there is a fine view of the lower end of Loch Maree,
arrives at a wooden bridge over the Inveran river or burn, the outlet from
Loch Kernsary. To this point the road has been on the property of Sir
Kenneth Mackenzie, but now enters that of Mr Osgood H. Mackenzie. The gate
at this bridge is kept locked. A small loch (Loch an Doire Garbh), with
abundant water lilies, is soon passed on the right, and then Loch Kernsary
is reached, a fine sheet of water about a mile long. There is an
artificial island, or crannog, with a grove of trees on it, now nearly
destroyed by the rooks that nest here. Turning to the right the farm of
Kernsary, with its sheltered fields and smiling woods, is reached. The
small river is spanned by a frail foot-bridge, below which is the ford for
carts and carriages. The cottage and byre on the hillside to the left are
the place called Innis a Bhaird. A house was built here in the first half
of the eighteenth century by the bard named Cross, who was called "Bard
Sasunnach" (Part L, chap. xiv.). From Kernsary the almost Alpine road
constructed by Mr 0. H. Mackenzie about 1875 gradually ascends to a height
of 600 feet above the sea level. Both at Kernsary and for a mile further,
near the road, are the remains of cottages or shieling bothies. The
patches which were formerly cultivated are now mostly overgrown with
bracken. The varied colouring of the landscape, especially to the right of
the road, is wonderfully fine at any time of the year. At a distance of
about six miles from Poolewe the road terminates at Fionn Loch, which is
admirably described by Mr Jolly in chapter xiv. of this Part. This fine
loch is 550 feet above the sea level, and contains some picturesque little
islands, mostly wooded. Some of them are mentioned in Part III., chap. vi.
The chief attraction of Fionn Loch consists in the amphitheatre of
mountains round the head of the loch. Beinn Lair, broken off towards the
north-east in a series of remarkable precipices, is the central object
(see illustration, page 54); whilst the Maighdean to the east, and Meall
Mheannidh to the west, form noble guards on those flanks. The horns of the
crescent are completed by Beinn a Chaisgean on the east of Fionn Loch and
Beinn Aridh Charr on the west, the latter presenting a series of
magnificent escarpments. The south end of Beinn a Chaisgean has two fine
spurs, Scuir a Laocainn and Scuir na Feart. Below Beinn Lair, and slightly
to the east, are the lower eminences of Craig an Dubh Loch (a spur of
Beinn Tarsuinn Chaol), streaked by veins of pegmatite, showing white even
at some miles distance. Return to Poolewe by the same route. This
excursion may be made also from the Gairloch Hotel, but in any case
special permission must be obtained for it beforehand.
Other excursions
by road from Poolewe Inn may be made in either direction towards Gairloch
or Aultbea, and the excursions from Aultbea described in the next chapter
may be accomplished from Poolewe.
Of water expeditions there are the
voyage on Loch Maree (Part. IV., chap.xiii.), which can readily be done
from Poolewe Inn, and boating expeditions on Loch Ewe either for purposes
of angling or exploration.
Of walks and strolls there are many. Rambles
on the west shore of Loch Ewe, or about the township of Londubh, or to
Inveran farm and bridge, or to the splendid points of view of Loch Maree
above Tollie, are all replete with interest. The old track continued from
Tollie pier along the south-west side of Loch Maree is well worth
following for a mile or more. Expeditions for angling purposes to any
lochs which are open to those staying at Poolewe Inn furnish additional
walks. There is a walk from Poolewe Inn to Craig Bhan which I particularly
recommend. Cross Poolewe bridge; turn to the right, and follow the Inveran
road (as if you were going to Fionn Loch). It is about a mile to the first
small detached strip of natural birch wood just opposite the house (on the
other side of the river) furthest away from Poolewe. Craig Bhan is the low
hill that rises close above the road on the side you are on. Near the top,
about one hundred and fifty yards from the road, you will find on the one
hand a magnificent view of Loch Maree, and in the other direction of Loch
Ewe. I know no finer point of view in the district. One of the brochs, or
Pictish round houses (Part I., chap, xxi.), is to be seen on Craig Bhan.