THE red-deer of the Highland mountains form the subject of a branch of
sport largely used as a means of recreation and recuperation by many of
our most busy and often overworked statesmen, soldiers, and commercial and
professional men.
The red-deer is indigenous in the northern parts of Scotland, as it used
to be throughout the kingdom. There are so few obstructions that I believe
it would be possible for these wild deer to roam if they pleased from the
north of Caithness to the south of Argyle-shire, but as a rule the deer
attach themselves to particular localities. Their numbers do not increase
rapidly, even under favourable circumstances. The antiquity of the
red-deer in Gairloch is proved by their cast-off horns having been found
deep in peat bogs, where they must have lain many centuries (Part III.,
chap. v.).
Deer are said to have been scarce in Gairloch in former times, when,
notwithstanding rigorous penal statutes to the contrary, there was much
poaching. In the reign of James I. (1424), there was an enactment that "alsoone
as onie Stalker may be convict of slauchter of Deare, he sail paie to the
King fourtie shillings; and the halders and mainteiners of them sail paie
ten poundis;" and there were statutes of a similar character in almost
every succeeding reign, the penalties becoming more serious as time went
on. Since the time when the present system of letting deer forests was
introduced, the number of deer in Gairloch has greatly increased.
A considerable part of the hill ground is now under deer, or, to use the
popular but (to the uninitiated) misleading expression, is "forested."
This word is supposed by some to be a corruption from the Gaelic word
fridh, which they say was originally synonymous with the English " free;"
not meaning that forests were free and open to the public (for nothing was
less so under the old Scots acts), but signifying that the ground had been
"freed from," or made clear of, cattle and sheep. If this were so, the
word " forest" as thus used would of course have nothing whatever to do
with trees. But the better opinion seems to be that the Gaelic word fridh
always meant a forest in the usual acceptation of the English word, and so
was really covered with wood. The forests of timber which formerly clothed
the Highlands have been previously mentioned, and the causes of their
disappearance in recent times have been discussed (page 74). It was mostly
the woodland that was kept unpastured, and so became the resort of wild
animals, including deer. The fridh was most strictly preserved, and
exactly corresponded to the "forest" of the old Scots acts. In a Scots act
of 1535, prohibiting the intrusion of "gudes, nolt, scheepe, horse, meires,
or uther cattle," into "forrestes" reserved for "wild beastes and
hunting," the "forrestes" are classed with "haned wooddes." Now "hained"
is a Scotch word still in use; on the Borders they constantly speak of a
grass field being "hained" when the stock are withdrawn from it, either to
take a hay crop from it or to rest it. If fridh {Anglican forest) was in
1535 considered equivalent to a "hained" wood, it appears unlikely that it
ever meant a "free" wood. In any case, there is abundant evidence that for
at least nearly five centuries deer forests have been private hunting
grounds strictly protected by the legislature.
The deer forests of Gairloch are to a great extent unsuitable for sheep.
The recently formed deer forests have been constituted by putting the
sheep off what were previously sheep farms. It may surprise some readers
to learn that in this part of the Highlands, as well as in many other
parts, it generally requires at least ten acres of hill ground to support
one sheep.
There are the following deer forests within the parish of Gairloch :—

These forests will by-and-by probably yield altogether about two hundred
stags a year, besides a like number of hinds in the winter, but not until
the newer forests have had a year or two more to allow of an increase of
their stock of deer. It is impossible to estimate accurately the number of
wild red-deer in Gairloch. Considering, however, the number of deer that
may probably be killed in Gairloch after the next year or two, I would
suppose that the stock when that time arrives will number about two
thousand five hundred deer. This is a mere guess, based upon a comparison
of the number killed and the stock on the ground, ascertained
approximately by census, in some old deer forests that have come within my
Stags are usually in condition for killing between 15th August and 8th or
10th October. These dates depend upon the season. In the case of a stag
with a very fine head, the sportsman will probably not wish to shoot it
until the horns are quite free from velvet, which perhaps may not be until
well into September. Roaring begins in the last days of September, and a
week or ten days later the stags are out of condition. There is no close
time fixed by law for killing stags, and some proprietors do not even
limit the season, which really fixes itself by the condition of the deer.
A stag which has twelve points to its antlers is called a royal, but a
royal head is not necessarily first-rate. The best heads are distinguished
by their wide span, thickness, and long points. A good stag is generally
eight or ten years old at the least. The stag casts its horns every
spring, and it is said the hinds eat the old horns; certainly they are
seldom found.
Hinds are in the best condition for shooting in November and December. The
hinds have only one calf in a year, though there have been rare cases
known of a hind having two calves.
Deer-stalking is an arduous and absorbing sport,—its difficulty is its
glory. This is especially so in the stag season, for in summer and autumn
the deer often keep to the higher parts of the mountains. Frequently a
stalk is only attempted when a good stag has been spied in the early
morning, or even the day before. If it be decided to stalk a particular
stag, the sportsman and his attendants endeavour to approach by such a
route as that, if possible, they may not be visible, and so that no breeze
may convey their scent to the wary deer. Notwithstanding every precaution,
it will sometimes happen that the suspicious stag gets an alarm from a
previously unseen sheep that has strayed into the forest, or from a
crowing grouse, or a frightened mountain hare, or even an eagle, and it
may be the chance of a shot is lost to the sportsman for that day.
Hence it will be seen how fatal to a, successful stalk would be the sudden
presence upon the scene of a thoughtless rambler upon the mountains, who,
quite unintentionally it might be, would thus mar the pleasure and success
of the hard-earned and well-paid-for sport of the deer-stalker.
Until late years the deer were hunted by. staghounds, and the present
method of deer-stalking was rarely practised. Now-a-days dogs are not much
used except for the purpose of tracking wounded deer ; and cross-bred
dogs, including strains of the collie, pointer, lurcher, and other breeds,
are found to be better adapted to this use than the handsome staghounds so
grandly depicted by Sir Edwin Landseer, scent being more important than
speed. Even for tracking, dogs are little used in the smaller forests,
lest their baying might drive deer away to other ground.
In "The Pennylesse Pilgrimage," by John Taylor, "the King's Majestie's
Water Poet," printed 1633, an excursion he made to Scotland is described.
He visited the Earl of Mar at Braemar, and made the following quaint
record :—
"There did I find the truely noble and Right Honourable Lords John
Erskine, Earle of Marr; James Stuart, Earle of Murray; George Gordon,
Earle of Engye, sonne and heire to the Marquise of Huntley; James Erskin,
Earle of Bughan; and John, Lord Erskin, sonne and heire to the Earle of
Marr, with their Countesses, with my much honoured, and my best assured
and approved friend, Sir William Murray, Knight, of Abercarny, and
hundreds of others, knights, esquires, and their followers; all and every
man in general in one habit, as if Licurgus had been there and made lawes
of equality. For once in the yeere, which is the whole moneth of August,
and sometimes part of September, many of the nobility and gentry of the
kingdome (for their pleasure) doe come into these Highland countries to
hunt, where they doe conforme themselves to the habite of the Highland
men, who, for the moste parte, speake nothing but Irish; and in former
time were those people which were called red-shanks. Their habite is shoes
with but one sole apiece; stockings (which they call short-hose) made of a
warme stuff of divers colours, which they call tartane. As for breeches,
many of them, nor their forefathers, never wore any, but a jerkin of the
same stuffe that their hose is of, their garters being bands or wreathes
of hay or straw, with a plaed about their shoulders, which is a mantle of
divers colours, much finer and lighter stuffe than their hose, with blue
flat caps on their heads, a handkerchiefe knit with two knots about their
necks ; and thus are they attyred. Now, their weapons are long bowes and
forked arrowes, swords and targets, harquebusses, muskets, durks, and
Loquhabor axes. With these weapons I found many of them armed for the
hunting. As for their attire, any man of what degree soever that comes
amongst them must not disdaine to weare it; for if they doe, then they
will disdaine to hunt, or willingly bring in their dogges; but if men be
kind, unto them, and be in their habite, then they are conquered with
kindnesse, and sport will be plentifull. This was the reason that I found
so many noblemen and gentlemen in those shapes. But to proceed to the
"My good Lord of Marr having put me into that shape, I rode with him from
his house, where I saw the mines of an old castle called the castle of
Kindroght," &c.
It thus appears that lowlanders were in the habit of visiting the
Highlands nearly three hundred years ago for the purpose of hunting the
red-deer, and that to please the natives they adopted the Highland dress
whilst in the north.
It was not, I believe, until between 1830 and 1835 that the present system
of letting deer forests became general in the Highlands. The rents paid to
the proprietors have enabled them in many cases to free their estates from
encumbrances, and to effect material improvements, whilst the annual
visits of wealthy southerners have conferred considerable benefits on the
native population.
The well-remembered Colonel Inge, who (about 1832) began his sporting
visits to the Highlands, is often spoken of as one of the pioneers of
English sportsmen in the north. At that time he rented deer-stalking in
Gairloch from Sir Francis Mackenzie, and the military discipline he
maintained among the forty keepers and gillies he always employed is still
spoken of, as are also his passion for method and order, and his love of a
good joke.
There are many misconceptions abroad with regard to deer forests, even
among those who might be expected to be better informed.
In 1883 a Royal Commission inquired into the condition of the crofters and
cottars in the Highlands and islands of Scotland. In the report of the
Commissioners a large section is devoted exclusively to deer forests and
game. The Commission was considered to be decidedly friendly to the
interests of the crofters. The report can be purchased through any
bookseller for 4s. 8d., and ought to be perused by all who are interested
in the subject. The following quotations speak for themselves :—
The Commissioners say:—"The principal objections advanced against deer
forests, as presented to us, are the following:—
"1. That they have been created to a great extent by the eviction or
removal of the inhabitants, and have been the cause of depopulation.
"2. That land now cleared for deer might be made available for profitable
occupation by crofters.
"3. That it might at all events be occupied by sheep farmers, and that a
great loss of mutton and wool to the nation might thus be avoided.
"4. That in some places, where deer-forests are contiguous to arable land
in the occupation of crofters, damage is done to the crops of the latter
by the deer.
"5. That deer deteriorate the pasture.
"6. That the temporary employment of gillies and others in connection with
deer forests has a demoralising effect.
"1. In regard to the first of these objections, we have to state that we
have only found, during the course of our inquiry, one clearly established
case in evidence of the removal of crofters for the purpose of adding to
an already existing forest. Depopulation, therefore, cannot be directly
attributed to deer forests, unless it can be shewn that they employ fewer
people than sheep farms.
"2. The evidence on this head is, as might be supposed, very conflicting.
It is of course true that there are few deer forests where an occasional
spot of hard green land might not be found which would be available for a
crofter's residence, and cultivation ; but, looking to the small
proportion of arable to pasture land in such places, it may fairly be
assumed that almost insuperable difficulties would be offered to the
settlement of crofters in these deer forests, as they would find it
impossible to defray the expense of purchasing the large sheep stock which
the ground is competent to carry, even though they would not in this case
be obliged to take over the stock on the ground at a valuation.
"3. Suffice it to say, that as sheep in the Highlands do not come into the
market until they are three years old, and, making no allowance for
losses, there would be an additional annual supply of about 132,000 if all
these forests were fully stocked with sheep; it is thus abundantly evident
that, in view of the sheep in the United Kingdom amounting to 27^
millions,—besides all the beef grown at home, and all the beef and mutton
imported, both dead and alive, from abroad, —the loss to the community is
not only insignificant but almost inappreciable ; while owing to the large
importation of wool from abroad,. the additional supply of home-grown wool
would be altogether unimportant, if the area now occupied by deer were
devoted to sheep."
"4. This complaint has been brought several times under our notice. In
some cases the proprietor has, when appealed to by the crofters, shewn
readiness to erect a fence to protect their crops from depredation, or to
afford aid in warding off the deer; but in others the small tenant has
been left without protection and without assistance." To meet these latter
cases simple remedies are suggested.
"5. The Commissioners state that the evidence on the fifth objection is
conflicting; they express no definite opinion of their own upon it.
"6. In discussing the last objection, the Commissioners state the pros and
cons, which they seem to balance pretty evenly. They add: " It must be
remembered, however, that temptations to dissipation are not tendered to
the youth of the Highlands by sporting employments only. They may be found
with equal facility, and less qualified by wholesome influences, in
connection with the existence of a sea-faring man, a fisherman, or a
casual labourer in the lowlands,—in fact, in all the other walks of labour
and of gain to which the Highlanders betake themselves, and betake
themselves with confidence and success. That there is a certain number of
persons living loosely on the custom of tourists, anglers, and occasional
sportsmen in the Highlands, and thus engaged in pursuits unfavourable to
habits of settled industry, is undoubtedly true; but these people are not
attached to forests, and their existence is inseparable from the general
attractions of the country."
The Commissioners then summarise the subject in discussing two
comprehensive questions. The first is, whether "the occupation of land as
deer-forest inflicts any hardship or injury upon any class of the
community, and if so upon what class?" and in reply to this question they
say, " It has been shewn that crofters have rarely, at least in recent
times, been removed to make or add to deer forests; that comparatively
little of the land so occupied could now be profitably cultivated or
pastured by small tenants; that no appreciable loss is occasioned to the
nation, either in mutton or wool; and that the charge of inducing idle and
intemperate habits among the population is not consistent with experience.
There remains the class of sheep-farmers, of whom it may be said, that if
they are affected at all, it is only in connection with the cost of
wintering their hill sheep, and that in this respect deer forests have
undoubtedly benefited those who remain by diminishing competition.
"We next have to inquire, Whether deer forests are of substantial benefit
to the various classes which compose the community in the Highlands ?
There can be no doubt that in the case of landowners this is so. If it
were otherwise, they would clearly not let their land for the purpose. The
advantage is especially felt at the present moment, when sheep farms are
very difficult to let. We believe that if it were not for deer forests,
and if the present condition of sheep farms is prolonged, much of the land
in the Highlands might be temporarily unoccupied, or occupied on terms
ruinous to the proprietor.
"It has been shewn in evidence that not only does the proprietor derive
pecuniary benefit from the system, but that, either through himself or his
shooting tenant, substantial advantages have accrued to other classes of
persons resident in the district. In the first place, the high rents given
for deer forests must have the result of reducing local taxation, and-
this affects the smallest crofter as well as the largest farmer. The
material advantage to the inhabitants of such districts does not, however,
stop here. We have evidence that a very large expenditure has been
effected, both by owners and lessees of deer forests, which would not
certainly have been the case in their absence. Especially as regards those
who have recently purchased Highland properties, it seems that while a
deer forest formed the chief original attraction, this may subsequently
become only an incident in the charm of a Highland residence, and that a
great portion of the improvements made by new proprietors has little
direct reference to sport. As instances of the latter may be mentioned the
erection of houses of a class far superior to mere shooting-lodges, roads,
farm buildings, and, above all, plantations, which in some cases are on a
very large scale, and which, so far from being immediately dependent on or
connected with deer, require to be carefully protected from them by
six-foot wire fences. The expenditure directly connected with deer forests
occupied by tenants includes bridle-paths, shooting-lodges, and keepers'
houses, besides a good deal of wire-fencing, sometimes between sheep and
deer, and sometimes between one deer forest and another. Taken together,
the expenditure is very large. It will be thus seen that, contrary to what
is probably the popular belief, deer forests in a far greater degree than
sheep farms afford employment to the various classes above mentioned, and
this consideration forms, in our judgment, the most interesting of all
those which have been submitted to us."
In the above extracts detached sentences and paragraphs have been quoted,
but any reader who cares to compare the quotations with the original
report will, I am sure, allow that the extracts present a fair epitome of
the Commissioners views.
It is but right to add, that the Commissioners make {he following
recommendation on this subject:—
"It is our opinion that provisions should be framed, under which the
crofting class would be protected against any diminution, for the purpose
of afforestment, of arable or pasture area now in their possession, and by
which the areas which might hereafter form the most appropriate scene for
expanding cultivation and small holdings, should be preserved from
curtailment; if this were done, the interests of,the class for whom we are
specially concerned would be effectually secured."
Grouse shooting is of course a sport largely indulged in by sportsmen
tenants in Gairloch, as in other parts of the Highlands. Grouse are not so
abundant on the west coast moorlands as in some other districts. This is
principally due to two causes,—the larger proportion of bent-grass and
rushes to heather, which is the food of grouse ; and the cold hail and
rain which often occur just at the time the grouse are hatching. There is
one compensation, viz., the grouse disease does not appear so frequently,
nor wreak such wholesale destruction, on Gairloch moors as on other better
stocked grounds elsewhere. In many years nearly all the first nests
produce no young birds, so that by the Twelfth "cheepers" are still
abundant, and it is far pleasanter to defer grouse shooting until a
fortnight later.
The delights and the healthfulness of grouse shooting have been favourite
subjects of sporting writers. There are few peculiarities in grouse
shooting in Gairloch. Perhaps it is worth mention that mixed bags are more
frequent here than in many districts, and this is especially true in the
latter part of the season, which by-the-by yields out and away the most
enjoyable and invigorating sport. It is a pity that so many sportsmen from
the south run away to their partridges and pheasants, and leave untouched
and unenjoyed the very pick of Highland sport. Many sportsmen, even of
some experience, would be surprised to find how well grouse lie to dogs on
the west coast up to the very last day of the season. In and after October
the following varieties may be added to the bag of grouse, viz., woodcock,
snipe, wild duck, teal, golden plover, rock-pigeon, hares, and rabbits. Of
course black game and partridges are also frequently met with, as well as
Grouse and ptarmigan are shot in all the deer forests of Gairloch. There
are only three separate grouse shootings in the parish, viz., those
attached to Inveran, Poolhouse, and Drumchork.