EXTRACTS from the " New
Statistical Account of Scotland." "PARISH OF GAIRLOCH. "Presbytery
of Lochcarron, Synod of Glenelg." Drawn up by the Rev. Donald M'Rae,
Minister of Poolewe, and dated September 1836.
"I.— Topography and Natural
"Name.—The name of the parish is compounded of gearr—short, and loch. The
parish takes its name from a salt water loch of the same name. At the end
of this loch, the natives point out a hollow spot of ground which they
choose to denominate * the Gairloch' by way of distinction, as they allege
that the parish takes its name from it; but it evidently derives its name
from the salt water loch, or rather bay, for, comparing it with most of
the other salt water lochs on the west coast, it scarcely deserves the
name of loch.
&c.—Few parishes on the west coast can boast of more magnificent mountain
scenery, as the traveller can testify who has sailed down the picturesque
Lochmaree. The principal mountain in the range is Slioch, or Sliabhach ;
its elevation above the level of the sea cannot be less than three
thousand feet. The traveller who, from the west end of Lochmaree, takes a
view of the scenery before him, cannot fail to be struck with astonishment
at the wild grandeur of the scene presented to his view; the much admired
and far-famed Lochmaree, with its four-and-twenty wooded islands; the
range of mountains, commencing on the right and left, and extending four
miles beyond the east end, of Lochmaree; Lochmaree itself, eighteen miles
long, appearing in the distance like an amphitheatre of nature's own
workmanship, and presenting to the eye of the stranger an impenetrable
as already stated, is eighteen miles long, and one and a half mile broad
at an average. The greater part of it is sixty fathoms deep, so that it
has never been known to freeze during the most intense frosts. About the
centre of the loch is an island called 'Island Maree,' on which is a
burying-ground supposed to be dedicated to the Virgin Mary; hence the name
of the island and of the loch. This is one conjecture; another is, that
some of the Danish kings were buried in this island, and that the original
name of it was ' Eilean nan Righ,' which came to be pronounced * Eilean
Maree.' The number of tombstones in the burying-place, with inscriptions
and hieroglyphical figures which few now-a-days can satisfactorily
decipher, gives a plausibility to this conjecture which is not easily got
over. As it is a doubtful subject, and likely to remain so, a third
conjecture may be ventured. There lived, a great many years ago, in this
part of the Highlands, a great and good man called 'Maree,' who had his
principal residence on this same island; after his death his admirers
prefixed Saint to his name. Many of his generous and benevolent deeds are,
to this day, recounted by the people of this and the surrounding parishes.
"On the centre of this island is
a deep well, consecrated by the said Saint Maree to the following purpose.
To this same well are dragged, volens nolens, all who are insane in this
or any of the surrounding parishes, and after they have been made to drink
of it, these poor victims of superstitious cruelty are towed round the
island after a boat, by their tender-hearted attendants. It is considered
a hopeful sign if the well is full at the time of dragging the patient to
the scene. In justice to the people of this parish it may be stated, that
they have not such an unbounded belief in the healing virtues of the well,
and the other parts of the transaction, as their most distant neighbours
appear to entertain. The belief in such absurdities is daily losing ground
in the Highlands; and there is little doubt that, in course of a few years
more, the clouds of superstition that overhang the moral horizon of our
Highlands will be dissipated by the better education of the peasantry.
"There is only one river worthy
of particular notice in this parish, viz., the *Ewe,' which issues from
Lochmaree, and is only one mile long from its source to its confluence
with the arm of the sea called 'Lochewe.' This beautiful stream abounds
with salmon of the very best description. It is surpassed by no river on
the west coast for angling; and hence it is, during the summer months,
frequented by gentlemen from all parts of the kingdom for this healthy and
delightful exercise. An English military gentleman killed one hundred
salmon and grilse, in the course of a few weeks, during the summer of
1834; and I am credibly informed that the late proprietor, Sir Hector
Mackenzie of Gairloch, Bart., frequently killed twenty salmon in one day.
Besides Gairloch, Lochewe is the only other salt water loch in the parish.
This loch, into which the waters of Lochmaree fall, is from eight to ten
miles long. Near the mouth of it is a fertile and well cultivated island,
called Isle Ewe. Much attention and expense were bestowed upon the
improvement of this island by the present proprietor, Sir Francis
Alexander M'Kenzie of Gairloch, Bart., before he came into the full
possession of the Gairloch estate. The two principal headlands jutting out
on each side of Lochewe, are Ru Rea on the south, and Green Stone Point on
the north side.
"Climate,—The climate is mild, although extremely rainy. This may be
accounted for, partly by the mountainous character of the country, and
partly by other causes. The prevailing winds are the west and south; and
at whatever season of the year it blows from these quarters, we are almost
certain of torrents of rain. Easterly winds invariably bring us dry
weather, and hence they are welcome visitants, although they warn us to
wear additional coverings. The easterly winds are more prevalent in the"
month of March and first half of April, than at any other season of the
year. But there has been a marked change in the climate for some years
back. Instead of the deep falls of snow, and the long-continued frosts
that were wont to starve the black cattle, smother the sheep, and
fertilize the soil in former years, we have now mild weather and very much
rain. Notwithstanding the extreme wetness of the climate, and the people's
frequent exposure in the open air, their principal employment being
fishing, they are in general healthy, and of robust constitutions.
"Geology and Mineralogy,—This and
the neighbouring parish of Lochbroom afford numerous displays of
interesting geological phenomena. Old red sandstone and quartz rock
abound, but gneiss and its various subordinate formations may be
considered the prevailing formation. Upwards of one hundred and fifty
years ago, when the science of mineralogy was comparatively in its infancy
in Scotland, and when the spirit of speculation and adventure did not move
with such bold strides as in later times, a Sir James Kay sent several
people to work at veins of iron ore, on the estate of Letterewe, along the
north side of Lochmaree, in this parish. I understood they continued to
work successfully for several years ; but as wood was their sole fuel for
conducting the operations, they were obliged to desist when the wood in
the neighbourhood was exhausted. The ruins of one of the furnaces for
working the ore are within a few hundred yards of the manse of Poolewe;
and those of another are ten miles farther up, along the north side of
Lochmaree. A spot is pointed out to the passer by, near the east end of
Lochmaree, where they buried their dead. It is, to this day, called *
Cladh nam Sasganach,' the burying-ground of the Englishmen. Highlanders
look upon all who do not speak the Gaelic language as Sasganaich, or
Englishmen. At a later period, some other individual, or perhaps the same,
thought he had discovered a vein of silver ore, in another place along the
north side of Lochmaree; but after-digging to a considerable depth, the
undertaking was abandoned, without yielding a remunerating return to the
spirited adventurer.
"II.—Civil History.
" Eminent Men.—This parish has
been as fortunate as most of its neighbours in being the birth-place and
residence of eminent characters ; but the only person whom I shall at
present mention, is William Ross, the celebrated Gaelic bard. This
individual was born in the parish of Strath, Isle of Skye, in the year
1762. After receiving as liberal an education as the school of Forres at
that time could afford, he was appointed parochial schoolmaster of
Gairloch, when about twenty-four years of age. In that situation he
continued four years. He died in his twenty-eighth year ; and his remains
are deposited in the churchyard of Gairloch. * As a writer of Gaelic songs
' (to quote from a short memoir prefixed to a collection of his songs,
published four years ago), * William Ross is entitled to the highest
praise. In the greater number of his lyrics, the bard leads us along with
him, and imparts to us so much of his own tenderness, feeling, and
enthusiasm, that our thoughts expand and kindle with his sentiments.'
"Landowners.—The landowners of
the parish are Sir Francis Alexander McKenzie of Gairloch, Bart. ; Sir
George Stewart M'Kenzie of Coul, Bart.; Duncan Davidson, Esq. of Tulloch;
James Alexander Stewart M'Kenzie, Esq. of Seaforth ; and Hector M'Kenzie,
Esq. of Letterewe.
"Parochial Registers.—There were no parochial
registers kept in the parish previous to the year 1802; since that period
they have been regularly kept.
" Character of the People.—The
ancient population of this parish, as far back as the oldest living
inhabitants can remember, was comparatively rude and uncultivated. There
are now living in the parish some who remember the time when there was
only one or at most two Bibles in the parish, besides the minister's.
What, in such a state of things, could be expected of the manners of the
inhabitants? Yet these same individuals will unhesitatingly affirm, that
people were more generous and more noble-minded at that period, than they
are now.

The causes of the increase are
various, and, too numerous to be mentioned here. Among these, however, may
be mentioned the habit of early marriage, and the system of letting the
land in lots. The lot of lands this year in the possession of one family
may, before twelve months are over, be divided into three equal
portions,—in other words, three distinct families live upon the produce of

There are only four blind individuals, within the
bounds of this parish; ten fatuous persons; and six deaf and dumb ; four
of the latter belong to one family, and two to another.
"Language, &c..—The
language generally spoken is the Gaelic. I am not aware that it has lost
ground within the last forty years. Some young men, indeed, who have
received a smattering of education, consider they are doing great service
to the Gaelic by interspersing their conversation with English words, and
giving them a Gaelic termination and accent. These corrupters of both
languages, with more pride than good taste, now and then introduce words
of bad English or of bad Scotch, which they have learned from the Newhaven
or Buckie fishermen, whom they meet with on the coast of Caithness during
the fishing season. The Gaelic, however, is still spoken in as great
purity by the inhabitants in general as it was forty years ago.
"The houses of the people
in general have but one outer door, and as they and their cattle go in by
that one entrance,—the bipeds to take possession of one end of the house,
and the quadrupeds of the other,—it cannot be expected that a habitation
common to man and beast can be particularly clean. Some of the people,
indeed, are now getting into the way of building byres for their cattle,
contiguous to their dwelling-houses; and it is acknowledged even by the
most indolent that a great improvement is thus effected. It is hoped that
the practice may soon become mere general. When the young people go to
kirk or market, few appear more ' trig or clean ;' and a stranger would
hardly be persuaded that some of them lived in such miserable hovels. When
a girl dresses in her best attire, her very habiliments, in some
instances, would be sufficient to purchase a better dwelling-house than
that from which she has just issued.
"The people are in general contented with their
situation and circumstances. If they have a lot of lands, grass for two or
three cows, and fishing materials, they seldom have any further objects of
ambition. Owing to the means of education not being commensurate with the
increase of population, the intellectual character of the people does not
keep pace with their moral and religious character. They are naturally a
shrewd, sensible, steady sort of people. With a few exceptions, they are
of good moral character. They seldom quarrel among each other; and when
they have any differences, these are generally settled by the proprietors
or factors. A law-suit is seldom heard of from this parish.
"When I advert to their religious character, I am
constrained to acknowledge my fear that their knowledge of the truths of
our holy religion is more of the head than the heart. The form of
godliness is not so much wanting as its power. I do not mean, however,
that in this respect the people of this parish are not on a parity with
those of the neighbourhood.
"Smuggling was carried on to a great extent in this
parish some years ago, but is now very much on the decrease; indeed while
there is a vestige of such a demoralizing practice remaining there can be
but slender hopes of moral improvement. It may be mentioned to the honour
of one of the heritors, that he has erected a licensed distillery, for the
sole purpose of giving a death-blow to the smuggling on his estate.
"Agriculture.—The number of families employed in agriculture, including
those who employ servants, is 556; male servants upwards of twenty years
of age, 86; female servants of all ages, 141. Number of acres under wood,
5000. The woods are generally kept in good condition, by thinning,
pruning, &c.
"Rent of
Land.—Average rent of arable land is from 10s to £1
per acre; rent of grazing a cow or ox for a year, from £1 to £2 ; rent of
pasturing a ewe or sheep for a year, from is 6d to 2s 6d.
servants receive from £$ to £& per annum for wages, exclusive of their
victuals; masons receive from 2s 6d to 3s, carpenters from 2s to 2s 6d,
blacksmiths 3s, weavers from is 6d to 2s, per day, all including victuals.
"Fisheries.—The various kinds of
fisheries carried on in this parish are salmon fishing, cod and ling
fishing, and herring fishing. The salmon fishings are let at £150 per
annum. Salmon fishing is carried on by cruives, stell-nets, bag-nets, and
stake-nets. Cod and ling are taken by long lines and the hand-line; and
herring by the common mode of meshed nets.
"Navigation.—'There are four
vessels belonging to the several ports in the parish, averaging about
thirty-five tons burthen each.
"V.—Parochial Economy.
"Means of Communication.—This
parish is extremely ill supplied with the means of communication, owing to
the want of roads. We have one post-office, situated at Poolewe.
"Ecclesiastical State.—The parish
church is as conveniently situated as it could well be, considering the
extent of the parish; its distance from the eastern extremity of the
parish is twenty-eight miles, from the southern fifteen miles, from the
western twelve miles, and from the northern extremity twenty miles. The
church was built in the year 1791, and got a thorough repair in 1834. The
church affords accommodation for five hundred sitters only. The manse was
built in the year 1805; but a considerable addition was built to it in the
year 1823. The glebe is worth about ^30 per annum; the amount of the
stipend is ^240., There is one Government church in the parish; it is
situated at Poolewe, six miles to the north of the parish church, and
fourteen from the northern extremity of the parish. It is now erected into
a new and separate parish quoad sacra, called the Parish of Poolewe. We
have one catechist employed by the Committee for managing His Majesty's
Royal Bounty, and another paid by contributions from the parishioners.
There is not a single Dissenter within the bounds of the parish. The
average number of communicants at the parish church and Government church
is 360.
"Education.—The total number of schools in the
parish is nine; the parochial school is one of that number; all the rest
are supported by different religious societies. The branches of
instruction taught at the parochial school are Greek, Latin, mathematics,
arithmetic, writing and English, and Gaelic reading. The branches taught
at the Society schools are arithmetic, writing, English and Gaelic
reading. The salary in the parochial school is £30 sterling, and £4 are
obtained from school fees; at the Society Schools the salaries are from £8
to £2$ sterling. Scarcely any school fees can be calculated upon, owing to
the poverty of the people. From six to eight schools are still required in
the parish ; and some of the schools now in operation ought to be put on a
more permanent and efficient footing. Not more than one in every ten of
the whole population is able to read and write in English. In 1833, 1773
persons above six years of age could not read either in the Gaelic or
English languages.
"Poor.—The number of poor receiving parochial aid in
the parish is about one hundred, each receiving from 2s 6d to 6s per
annum. The annual amount for their relief is about £16, principally
arising from church door collections.
"Inns.—There are five licensed
inns in the parish. Their effects are most destructive to the morals of
the people. This is evident from the fact, that those who live in the
close neighbourhood of these houses are in general given to tippling and
idleness, while those who have not such a temptation at their doors are
sober industrious people.
"Fuel.—Peat is the only kind of
fuel used by the people ; it is procured in the mosses contiguous to their
dwelling-houses, at an expense of from £1 to £2 for a family, in the year.
"September, 1836. |