AN important stage in
the status of the Scottish Church was reached while Walter was
bishop of Glasgow. In a Lateran Council held in November 1215, at
which that Church was represented by the bishops of St. Andrews,
Glasgow and Moray, a long series of disciplinary measures were
passed, and it was enacted that throughout the Christian church
metropolitans should hold provincial councils yearly to correct
abuses, to reform morals and to enforce the statutes of general
councils. The Scottish church had long before this been pronounced
independent of the provinces of York and Canterbury, and had no
metropolitan of its own to summon a provincial council, but by a
Papal Bull, obtained in 1225, the Scottish bishops were authorized
to hold such a council, by authority of the Apostolic see, without
the co-operation of a papal legate or other outside assistance.
Though the phraseology was ambiguous this authority was interpreted
as of perpetual application, and from that time the Scottish church
exercised the privilege of holding its own provincial councils,
which all bishops, abbots and priors, were required to attend every
year. [Statutes of Scottish Church (Scottish History Society), pp.
xxxi-v.] Most
of the statutes passed by the Scottish provincial council are taken
from those of general councils and from English and other sources,
and the few special enactments are not always accommodated in any
peculiar way to Scottish conditions; but there is at least one
important resolution relative to the building of Glasgow Cathedral.
Following on a regulation as to the reception of Pardoners coming to
churches, on missions of the Pope or bishop, to grant indulgences on
the gift of alms, it was ordained, as a thing to be kept steadily in
view, that from the beginning of Lent until the Octave of Easter the
scheme for the building of Glasgow church should, on all Sundays and
feast days, be faithfully and earnestly brought before the
parishioners, in every church, after the gospel at mass, and that an
indulgence should be granted to those who contributed to the
building scheme. It was also directed that the indulgences should be
exhibited in writing in every church, and that the announcement
should be publicly and distinctly recited to the parishioners in the
common tongue. Contributions and the effects of persons dying
intestate and also moneys piously bequeathed were to be faithfully
collected and made over, without deductions, to the deans of the
respective places at their next chapter-meetings; and no one was to
authorize a collection in parish churches for any other scheme
within the period specified. [Statutes of the Scottish Church
(Scottish History Society), p. 25. This ordinance is said to have
been granted in 1242 (Reg. Episc. p. xxviii).] Donations in money
for the building and embellishment of the cathedral must have been
profuse, but of these no record has been kept. In one case, however,
where land was bestowed, the charters relating to the transaction
have been recorded in the Register. Forveleth, the widowed countess
of Lennox, designated as the daughter of Kerald, in exercise of her
free power, during her widowhood, gave to God and Saint Kentigern
the half quarter of the land called Hachenkerach, in the parish of
Buthelulle, for sustentation of the building of the church of
Glasgow, and that in free and perpetual alms, for the weal of her
soul and of the souls of the earls of Lennox and of the souls of her
and their ancestors and successors. The lands thus gifted were
apparently part of those now embraced within the estate

of Auchincarroch, about two miles
north-east of Alexandria, in the parish of Bonhill. The charter is
not dated, but it was confirmed by Earl Maldouen, and both grant and
ratification are supposed to have been penned about the year 1240.
[Reg. Episc. Nos. 177-8; Scottish Abbeys and Cathedrals, p. 58.]
It is probable that each of the four
Bishops next in sucession to Joceline had a hand in furthering the
construction of the Cathedral choir, but in this work the chief
share fell to Bishop Walter, whose episcopate extended from 1207 to
1232, and who is not only credited with completing that part of the
Cathedral but is also believed to have made some progress with the
nave and transepts. That in Walter's time the Cathedral had been put
into a fairly efficient condition there is historical evidence to
show, but strange to say the whole fabric disappeared without
leaving any trace of the process whereby such a sweeping clearance
was effected. Burning may have been the immediate agency or, as has
been conjectured, the older material may have been designedly
removed to make way for the magnificent choir and lower church which
took its place under the direction of Walter's successor, but under
what circumstances reconstruction began is a point of inquiry likely
to remain obscure.
Bishop Walter died in 1232, and William
de Bondington, at that time chancellor of the kingdom, [Before his
appointment to the bishopric Bondington had been a canon of Glasgow
Cathedral in the capacity of rector of Eddleston in Peeblesshire,
and he had also held the office of archdeacon, either of Teviotdale
or of St. Andrews, it is uncertain which. For fuller information
regarding the bishop reference may be made to Dr. Primrose's
Mediaeval Glasgow, pp. 16-33.] was elected his successor in the same
year. He was consecrated by the Bishop of Moray at Glasgow on
Sunday, 11th September, 1233, and he held the episcopate for
twenty-five years after that date. The new buildings undertaken by
Bishop William, consisting chiefly of the choir and lower church,
which remain till the present day, were carried on with remarkable
expedition, and it is thought that they may have been completed
during his lifetime.
[In his Glasgow Cathedral (1901) Mr. P.
Macgregor Chalmers thus describes the building:—"The choir is five
bays long, and the arches are of greater span than those in the
nave. The east end is square, with a column in the centre of the
wall. The unique feature in the plan is the Chapel of the Four
Altars, to the east of the choir and of the high altar. This is one
of the most beautiful parts of the whole design, the columns and
arches being exceedingly graceful, and the details of the windows
and walls of great richness. The plan appealed to the designer of
Roslyn Chapel, and he copied it in 1450. There appears to be no
reason to doubt that the architect of the choir at Glasgow was
familiar with the great work projected by his contemporary at Durham
—the Chapel of the Nine Altars. The chapels occupy similar positions
and serve similar purposes, and a study of the two works reveals
that there is much in common. The Bishop of Glasgow subscribed to
the new fabric at Durham, and he granted a twenty days' indulgence
to all who would contribute towards the work.
The main piers in the Glasgow choir are
elaborately moulded, the capitals are richly carved, and the arches
are decorated with a splendid series of small mouldings set in
relief by the deep hollows between. The second storey, or Triforium,
is a beautiful design, of a double arched opening within a pointed
arch. The clear-storey is treated as a simple arcade richly moulded.
The outstanding feature in the work is the elaborate character of
the mouldings. There is very little sculpture work. The east window
is of four tall lancets, and the aisle windows are of three lights,
under a single arch, the plate of stone over the lights being
pierced with cusped openings. The Sacristy door is at the north-east
corner of the Chapel of the Four Altars, where there is a staircase
leading from the lower church to the Triforium. There was another
door at the west end of the north aisle, which led to the room
called the Hall of the Vicar's Choral. This building no longer
exists; the doorway is built up, and the sill of the window above
has been lowered and made uniform with the other sills. The aisles
are vaulted in stone. This work is very interesting because of the
number of coats of arms which have been introduced, all brilliantly
gilded and coloured.
The plan of the lower church closely
follows the plan of the choir. The Chapel of the Four Altars is
repeated ; but, instead of the piers being detached, they are
connected to the east wall by screens of stone. The altars were
dedicated to SS. Nicholas, Peter and Paul, Andrew, and John. St.
Mungo's Well stands in St. John's Chapel. The door to the
Chapter-house, in the north-east corner of St. Nicholas' Chapel, is
the most elaborately decorated work in the cathedral.
The side aisles of the lower church are
vaulted in stone of a simple design. The centre aisle, in the
arrangement of the pillars and in the design of the vaulting,
presents features of great interest. The task set the architect was
to distinguish both the new site of the High Altar in the choir
above, and the site of the old Altar and Shrine of St. Mungo. An
open compartment was formed at the east end, equal in width to two
divisions of the vaulting in the aisles. In this compartment we may
now identify the Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The vault was
richly decorated with moulded ribs and carved bosses in great
There are four carvings on the bosses in the vaulting of the north
aisle, near the north porch, which merit special attention. Their
great beauty of design and execution justifies the opinion that
Gothic art at its best, approximated to the perfection of Greek art.
And these have a further interest in addition to their beauty if, as
appears probable, they are portraits of great benefactors to the
cathedral. One of the bosses is carved with a woman's face, of rare
beauty, sunk in the centre of a wreath of leaves. A man's face is
carved in the other boss. His hair is peculiarly dressed. It is worn
long at the back, but is fashioned in front with a plaited and
curled fringe, which hangs stiff and square upon the brow. The
nobles are shown with their hair dressed in this fashion in an
illustrated life of S. Thomas the Martyr, drawn by a Frenchman in
England between the years 1230 and 1260. It is probable that we have
in these two carvings portraits of Isabella de Valoniis and Sir
David Comyn, her husband. Her magnificent gift to the cathedral
[referred to postea, p. iio], was made before 1250. To these two
portraits must be added the portrait of the great builder-bishop,
William de Bondington, and, on another boss, the portrait of King
Alexander II., who died in 1249" (Glasgow Cathedral (1901), pp.
L3-15).] Other
works, at different parts of the building, such as the south and
west porches of the nave, the walls and pillars of the low building
on the south transept, and some parts of the chapter-house, appear
also to have been executed about this time. Experts recognize that
the style of work, which is of a pure English type, is marked by a
strong individuality, and the unknown architect is acknowledged to
have been no copyists. [Glasgow Cathedral (1901), pp. 15, 16.] A
durable sandstone was employed, which may have been obtained from
what was latterly known as the Cracklinghouse Quarry, the site of
which is now occupied by the Queen Street station of the North
British Railway Company.
Having done so much in rearing the
structure of the cathedral and fitting it for religious services,
the Bishop turned his attention to the services themselves, and
shortly before his death, while residing at his country seat of
Ancrum in Roxburghshire, he, with consent of his chapter, granted a
charter whereby the liberties and customs of Sarum (Salisbury) were
established as the future constitution of Glasgow cathedral. Bishop
Osmund of Sarum had, in 1076, composed a ritual which was very
generally adopted in other churches, and it seems to have been used
in Glasgow. Perhaps the constitution and customs of Sarum had
likewise been followed to some extent ; but definite information
regarding these were now procured, and the rules laid down with
greater precision. In the church of Sarum there were four principal
dignitaries—the dean, the chanter, the chancellor, and the treasurer
; four archdeacons, and also a sub-dean and sub-chanter. In Glasgow
there were only two archdeacons, one for Glasgow proper, and the
other for Teviotdale; but other office-bearers were the same in
Glasgow as in Sarum. It was the dean's office to preside over the
canons and vicars in the rule of souls and the correction of morals
; to hear all causes belonging to the chapter, and to decide by the
judgment of the chapter ; to correct the excesses of clerics ; and,
after fit consideration, to punish the parsons according to the
gravity of the offence and the quality of the offenders. The canons
received institution from the bishop, but possession of the prebends
from the dean. The dean assigned to the canons their stalls in the
choir and their places in the chapter. The office of the chanter was
to guide the choir, to appoint the singers and the ministers of the
altar, and to admit the boys into the choir, and superintend their
instruction and discipline. The chancellor had to bestow care in
regulating the schools, and repairing and correcting the books, to
examine and prescribe the lessons, to keep the seal of the chapter,
to compose its letters and charters and to read the letters
requiring to be read in the chapter. The treasurer had to preserve
the ornaments and treasure of the church, to manage the lights, and
also the great paschal wax, to maintain the bells and ornaments
providing all necessaries, to supply bread and wine, and candles

to the altars, and incense, coal, straw,
and bulrushes for the church. The subdean took the place of the dean
in his absence, and the sub-chanter similarly acted for his
principal, and likewise superintended the song school. [Reg. Episc.
No. 211.] |