By the time James Law succeeded Robert
Spottiswood in the archbishopric of Glasgow, Scotland had become
fairly well reconciled to the episcopal system of church government
upon the establishment of which King James had been more or less
continuously engaged ever since he really wielded the sceptre. Had
he and his son Charles I. been content to leave public opinion to
take its own natural course, and had not proceeded to insist upon
such minor details as the kneeling position at communion and the use
of a prescribed liturgy, there is every reason to believe that the
Church of Scotland would have come down to us to-day in episcopal
form, and that some of the most regrettable chapters in the history
of the country would never have been written. Spottiswood as Primate
at St. Andrews was the king's most active minister in pressing
further effort to bring the administration of the Scottish Church
into line with that of England, and Law at Glasgow appears to have
devoted himself rather to the immediate interests of his diocese.
The new archbishop, it is true, was an
ardent supporter of episcopal forms. Otherwise he would never have
received his appointment. On one occasion, it is recorded, when the
communion was being celebrated in Glasgow Cathedral, he noticed some
of the college students remaining seated. Approaching, he commanded
them to rise if they would not receive the elements in the ordained
attitude, kneeling. His conduct in this matter excited the high
indignation of the College Principal, Robert Boyd of Trochrig, and
next day the latter, with the college regent, wended his way up the
High Street to the Bishop's Castle, and expostulated with the
archbishop for dealing at Christ's table "as imperiously as if
removing his horse-boys from the bye-board." [Life of Robert Blair,
p. 37.] Such demonstrations, however, were merely local, and while
they served to show the personal sympathies of the archbishop, they
could not have the effect of the larger acts of Spottiswood's
ecclesiastical statecraft.
Archbishop Law was a son of John Law
of Spittel, near Dunfermline. As he took his degree at St. Andrews
only in 1581, he was one of the newer school which had sprung up
since the days of John Knox, and had seen nothing of the fires and
ravages of the Reformation. His first charge was the parish of
Kirkliston in Linlithgowshire, to which he was appointed by the king
in 1585. There he showed himself so little influenced by the sterner
ideas of the Calvinistic school, as to indulge in the pastime of
football on Sunday. For this he was rebuked by his synod, but the
fact did not prevent his appointment in 1589 to be one of the
commissioners for the maintenance of religion in the Linlithgow
sheriffdom. In 16o6 the king made him Bishop of Orkney, and he was
consecrated by Archbishop Spottiswood four years later. [Keith, Cat.
Scot. Bish. 264.] He was evidently esteemed and trusted by James,
for on 20th July, 1615, less than two months after the transference
of Spottiswood to St Andrews, he was promoted to the archbishopric
of Glasgow, where he was installed in September. [Calderwood, vii.
203.] Between these two dates he was, by the king's order, admitted
a member of the Privy Council, and took the oaths. [Privy Coun.
Reg., x. 381.]
The great event of Archbishop Law's
reign at Glasgow was the visit of King James to the city in July,
1617. Not much is known of the part he played on that occasion,
except that he attended a meeting of the Privy Council, and
apparently did not object to the baptism of a gentleman's child in
the king's chamber by an English bishop. [Calderwood, vii. 272.]
To the cathedral and the city Law was
a generous benefactor. He contributed a thousand merks for the
reconstruction of the library house, and completed the leaden roof
of the cathedral. [Keith, Cat. Scot. Dish. 263-4.] He bequeathed
five hundred merks to the poor of St. Nicholas Hospital, and two
hundred and fifty each to hospitals of the merchants and crafts. Two
other monuments of him remain--a MS. commentary on several parts of
Scripture, which "gives a good specimen of his knowledge, both of
the fathers and of the history of the church," [Keith, 264.] and the
notable erection over his grave in the Lady Chapel of the cathedral.
This monument, the finest in the High Kirk, was set up by his third
wife, Marion, a daughter of John Boyle of Kelburne, ancestor of the
Earls of Glasgow, and it declares that he bestowed considerable
largess upon the schools and hospitals of the city.
Law's first wife was a daughter of
Dundas of Newliston ; his second, Grissel Boswell, brought him three
sons and a daughter. To his eldest son, James, he left the estate of
Brunton in Fife. His second son, Thomas, became minister of
Inchinnan. [Fasti Eccles. Scot. i. 189-190, iii. 378.]
During Archbishop Law's time the
country saw great acceleration in the movements of a policy in
ecclesiastical affairs which was to bring dire disaster upon both
church and throne. That policy was chiefly inspired by King James
himself, and in Scotland its principal mover was no doubt Archbishop
Spottiswood, now of St. Andrews; but Law must have been, of course,
a party to it, and Glasgow was destined to be the scene of some of
its most dramatic episodes. The successive acts of this policy are
part of the most vital history of Scotland at that time. They show a
gradual tightening of the cords and perfecting of the machinery by
which the king and his advisers, like Laud and Spottiswood, proposed
to regulate the spiritual affairs of men through a centralised
bureaucracy. Scotland, which had burst the bonds of a similar
control at the Reformation only half a century before, was not
inclined to accept again the orders of anyone, king or prelate, as
to the attitude in which it should approach the Almighty or the
words in which it should address Him. The royal policy therefore met
with an opposition which grew constantly stronger till it burst into
open rebellion.
In February 1610, King James,
following the example of Henry VIII., set up two courts of High
Commission in Scotland, one presided over by each of the
archbishops, with absolute power to try, judge, and punish offenders
in life or religion. [Priv. Coun. Reg. viii. 612, 614; Act. Parl.
iv. 435.] In 1615 a royal ordinance consolidated these courts,
appointed the commissioners, and made five, of whom one must be an
archbishop, a quorum. [CaIderwood, vii. 204, 210.] And in 1619 all
burgh magistrates were ordered to give effect to the findings of the
court. [Priv. Coun. Reg. xii. 121.] By these ordinances and the Acts
of the Glasgow Assembly of 1610, already alluded to, presbyterianism
was practically abolished and episcopacy established. Then, to make
the consecration of the Scottish bishops valid, according to the
views of the English churchmen, the Archbishop of Glasgow and the
Bishops of Brechin and Galloway went to London and were consecrated
by the Bishops of London, Ely, Rochester, and Worcester, and on
their return consecrated the Archbishop of St. Andrews and the other
Scottish bishops. [Balfour, ii. 35, 36; Gibson, 62; Chalmers's
Caledonia, iii. 628.]
The Act of 1592, establishing
Presbyterian Church government, was still on the statute book, and
bishops, as bishops, had in reality no legal standing. This Act, the
Magna Charta of presbytery as Cunningham calls it, was repealed by
the Parliament held at Edinburgh in 1612. That Parliament ratifled
the Acts of the General Assembly of r6io, with additions, legalized
the authority and jurisdiction of the bishops, and established
episcopacy on an unquestionable legal basis as the order of church
government in Scotland. At that Parliament Glasgow was represented
by the provost, James Inglis, and by James Bell. [Act. Part. iv.
469-470; Calderwood, vii. 165-173.]

The General Assembly still remained
part of the machinery of church government, but it was completely
controlled by the king and the bishops, and was only called to meet
at their pleasure. After the Glasgow Assembly of 1610 no meeting was
called for six years. In July, 1616, however, the Privy Council
directed a meeting of Assembly to be held at Aberdeen in the
following month. On that occasion the Earl of Montrose was Lord High
Commissioner, and Archbishop Spottiswood, as Primate, occupied the
Moderator's chair. [Privy Coun. Reg. X. 580, 581.] That Assembly
passed several Acts against popish practices, and it gave effect to
King James's far-sighted suggestion that every clergyman should keep
a register of all baptisms, marriages, and deaths in his parish.
[Previously the registration of deaths or burials had been provided
for by the synodal statute of St. Andrew's No. 161 (Stat. Eccles.
Scot. ii. 70) and that of baptisms, marriages, and the proclamation
of banns by a canon of the Provincial Council held at Edinburgh in
1551 (Lord Hailes, Annals iii. 263).] But the chief work of the
Assembly was the sanctioning of a new Confession of Faith, a new
catechism, a new liturgy, a new book of Canons, and new rules for
baptism, confirmation, and communion. [Calderwood, vii. 220, 242 ;
Spottiswood, ii. 305, 306 ; Priv. Coun. Reg., X. pp. cii. ciii. 598,
601.] In sanctioning these Acts of the Assembly the king took
occasion to express regret that they had not been more thorough.
This shortcoming he soon found opportunity to amend. During his
visit to the north in 1617 at the Parliament which he attended in
person, he secured the passing of the Acts prescribing the method
for electing bishops, restoring deans and chapters, planting kirks,
limiting the leasing of church lands, and preventing the
dilapidation of benefices. He desired to pass another Act declaring
that whatever he, with the advice of the archbishops, bishops, and a
competent number of the clergy, should ordain regarding the temporal
government of the Church, should have the strength of law. This Act
would have finally superseded the General Assembly. Had it been
passed, the king's policy would have been completely successful.
There would have been no need for the General Assembly of 1638, and
no opportunity for the revolution effected at that Assembly. There
might have been no signing of a National Covenant and of a Solemn
League and Covenant and no Civil War, and a whole chapter of the
story of Scotland—the fifty-year episode of the Covenanters—might
never have been written. But the proposal was resisted by certain
ministers and withdrawn by the king, who declared that he could do
more by his royal prerogative than the Act proposed. At the same
time he evidently recognized the significance of his rebuff, for he
had two of the ministers deprived of their benefices and thrown into
prison, and had Calderwood, the future historian of the time,
banished from the country. [Calderwood, vii. 257, 276, 282.]
Before James left Scotland on that
occasion he arranged for the calling of another Assembly at St.
Andrews in November. At this the Five Articles which had been
withdrawn from the Assembly of 1616 were again brought forward. By
these articles it was proposed to introduce kneeling at communion,
private communion and private baptism in urgent cases, confirmation
of children by the bishop, and observance of fast days and other
holy days. But the only ordinances the Assembly would agree to were
those allowing private communion in urgent cases, and instructing
the minister at communion to give the bread and wine direct to the
communicant. The remaining proposals were deferred for consideration
at another Assembly.
Angered by this result, the king
proposed to take extreme measures with those who had opposed him,
but was persuaded by the bishops to leave the matter to their
private persuasion. [Calderwood, Vii. 284-286; Spottiswood, iii.
248-252; Priv Coun. Reg. xi. intro. lviii. lix. 270, 271.] This
proving effective, another meeting of Assembly was called for the
following August, 1618. At this Assembly, held at Perth, Spottiswood
as moderator ruled that only the ministers who held commissions and
the noblemen and gentlemen who had received royal missives were
entitled to vote. Under these conditions the disputed articles were
passed, [Priv. Coun. Reg. xi. 454, 456.] but even in an Assembly
thus regulated, keen opposition was shown, and throughout the
country popular antagonism to the high-handed action was strongly
apparent. [Grub, ii. 326, 327.] In Glasgow, according to Calderwood,
Archbishop Law forbade all persons except those who proposed to
kneel from coming to the communion service on Easter day; "whereupon
the Principal of the College, Mr. Robert Boyd, the regent and the
scholars, and the town minister, Mr. Robert Scott, communicated
Meanwhile, in January, 1618, the king
had issued a proclamation commanding the observance of the five
holidays, Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, Ascension Day, and Sunday,
[Priv. Coun. Reg., xi., 296, 297.] and in June he had further
extended the powers of the Court of High Commission. [Calderwood,
vii. 384-388.]
Later, in July 1621, when a
Parliament was held in Edinburgh, a body of ministers drew up a
petition against the ratification of the Five Articles of Perth.
They were, however, ordered to leave the city, and prevented from
lodging their protest. The ratification, though opposed, was passed,
and though it was suspended during the Civil War, it was restored at
the Restoration, and as a matter of fact remains on the statute book
to the present day, and has only lapsed by the Scottish custom of
desuetude. [Act. Par!.]
Some further idea of the ways in
which the royal influence was exercised in favour of the complete
reestablishment of episcopacy, may be gathered from an incident
which occurred in Glasgow in 1622. At that time the Principal of the
College was Robert Boyd, a son of Archbishop James Boyd. He had been
presented to the senate by Archbishop Spottiswood as chancellor of
the University in January, 1615. He is said to have been a good and
learned man, but he did not share his father's approval of the
episcopal system, and at the time of the Perth Assembly in 1618 he
headed the other regents and the students of his college in opposing
the action of the king and that body. James and his Scottish Council
of course desired that the influence of the universities should be
in favour of their schemes, and pressure was accordingly brought to
bear upon the Principal to induce him to resign. Up till that time a
chief part of the emoluments of the Principalship had been derived
from the parsonage of Govan, the duties and revenues of which were
attached to the office. In December, 1621, however, Archbishop Law
and the other visitors of the College separated the parish from the
Principalship, fixed the emoluments of the minister, and left only
the appointment of that individual to the officers of the college. [Muniments
Universitatis Glasguensis i. 521 522.] Further pressure being
brought to bear, Boyd was forced to resign the principalship in
1622. [Wodrow's Biographical Collections, vol. ii. pt. 1, 122-164;
pt. 2, 78, 81, 223.] He was replaced by John Cameron, a Glasgow man,
who was not only a noted scholar and theologian, but was also a
strong supporter of the royal policy.
King James was not unaware of the
strength of the opposition to his desires which existed in Scotland.
The minority in the Parliament of 1621 which resisted the
confirmation of the Articles of Perth could hardly be ignored, and
when in 1623 he further exhorted the Scottish bishops to take
stronger measures against resisters, the Earl of Melrose pointed out
to him that these measures were giving rise to serious popular
resentment. In view of these facts he was wise enough to resist the
advice of Laud, then Bishop of St. David's, that he should force the
Scottish Kirk to conform to the English Church practice. [Gardiner,
vii. 276.] This did not hinder him, however, from issuing
proclamations on 10th June and 24th July, 1614, prohibiting all
conventicles and meetings in private houses by night. [Priv. Coun.
Reg. xiii. 519, 577, 582; Balfour's Annals, ii. 99.] Nor did it
prevent the Privy Council, two months later, from issuing an order,
reminding the king's subjects of their duty to obey the enactments
of the Perth General Assembly of 1618, sanctioned by Parliament in
1621, drawing attention to the evasion of these enactments in many
burghs, and the failure of magistrates to enforce them, and strictly
enjoining all burghs to choose as magistrates only persons of whom
they had good assurance that they would yield "obedience and
conformitie to the ordours of the church." [Priv. Coun. Reg. xiii.
603, 604.]
Such acts of interference with their
religious liberty could not fail to incense and irritate a
high-spirited and independent people; but to these feelings an
element of alarm was added by certain other transactions of the
The king's eldest son, Prince Henry,
upon whom so many of the nation's hopes had been set, was dead. The
second son, Charles, born at Dunfermline in the year 1600, had been
made Prince of Wales. For him the king contemplated a marriage
alliance with a daughter of Philip of Spain. With the memory so
recent of the Spanish Armada's attempt to crush England, and the
knowledge that Spain was the chief stronghold of Roman Catholicism
in Europe, the prospect of such a match must have raised forebodings
in every Protestant heart. James probably trusted to be able to
safeguard the religious interests of his country by the terms of the
treaty which would be drawn up, but his plans in this respect were
upset by the headstrong action of the prince himself. Charles,
twenty-three years of age, abetted by the Duke of Buckingham,
determined to go to Madrid in romantic fashion, and complete the
wooing and the treaty in person. Foreseeing complications, the king
only gave his consent with great reluctance, and in the upshot his
foresight was justified. Knowing that the prince would be reluctant
to return home in the character of an unsuccessful suitor, Philip
and his ministers proceeded to insist on conditions which would
never have been suggested had Charles remained in his own country.
In this way the prince was forced to undertake to give immunities to
the English Catholics, and to have them ratified by Parliament
within three years. After giving away so much he discovered that,
even though he married the Spanish king's daughter she was not to be
allowed to go with him to England. Accordingly, after spending nine
months in negotiations he returned home indignant, and three days
before the date arranged for the marriage ceremony, broke off the
match. A year later, on 12th December 1624, James and his son
ratified a treaty of marriage between the prince and Henrietta Maria
the fifteen-year-old daughter of Henry IV. of France and his queen,
Marie de Medici. In this case again, however, a condition was that
the disabilities under which Roman Catholics lay in this country
should be removed. This was a direct contravention of the assurance
given to the English Parliament that no such favour should be shown
to Roman Catholics. [Balfour, ii. 110.]
While affairs were in this
compromising position King James died at his mansion of Theobald's
of what was called a "tertian ague." He was in his fifty-seventh
year, longest lived of all the kings of the name of James, and, but
for his obsession on the subject of church government, a wise
monarch and successful ruler. The speed with which news could be
carried to Scotland at that time may be judged from the fact that
while James died on 27th March, 1625, Charles was proclaimed king at
the cross of Edinburgh on the 31st. [Balfour, ii. 115, 117, 119.] A
month later, on 1st May, Charles was married by proxy at Paris, and
on 12th June the young queen landed at Dover. [Balfour, ii. 119.]
Charles I. thus began his unhappy reign in a position of compromise:
he must break his solemn engagement either to his subjects or to his
queen and the court of France.
Within a few weeks of his marriage
the young king's difficulties began, and it almost immediately
became evident that Charles was to be a zealot without the caution
and sagacity of his father. Moved largely by his own wounded amour
propre, Charles had, as one of his first acts, declared war on
Spain, and at the meeting of his first English Parliament, on 18th
June, 1625, he made a demand for supplies to prosecute the campaign.
These supplies Parliament refused until Charles should agree to
certain stipulations. The king replied by dissolving Parliament,
raising money by taxes without parliamentary authority, and
enforcing his demands and ordinances by means of the oppressive Star
Chamber and Court of High Commission. [Gardiner, V. 432.] Thus began
the open quarrel between the King and the Commons in England which
was to go on with increasing asperity till the head of Charles was
laid on the block.
In Scotland, with equal
wrong-headedness, Charles almost at once raised strong enmity
against himself by his efforts to restore episcopacy to its
pre-Reformation position of ascendancy, and to bring the Scottish
Church service into conformity with that of England. Though
archbishops and bishops had been appointed to the ancient Scottish
sees by King James, they were very inadequately provided for. The
ecclesiastics of the Roman Church, we have seen, had been left at
the Reformation to enjoy two-thirds of their benefices for life; but
as these ecclesiastics died off their lands and revenues had been
conveyed by the Crown, for various considerations, to secular
owners, sometimes with, sometimes without, an obligation to provide
a modest support for the ministers of the kirk who had succeeded the
Roman clergy. One of the first proceedings of Charles on coming to
the throne was to endeavour to increase the endowments of the
bishoprics. By arrangement with the Marquess of Hamilton he secured
the revenues of the ancient Abbey of Arbroath for the Archbishop of
St. Andrews, and by similar arrangement with the Duke of Lennox
regarding the lordship of Glasgow he improved the revenues of the
Archbishop of Glasgow. In similar fashion he increased the incomes
of other bishops. [Grub, ii. 236.]
Such methods, by simple negotiation,
however, proved too slow and ineffectual for Charles. Arguing that
what the Crown had conferred the Crown could take away, he formed
the plan of a wholesale resumption of church lands and revenues. In
November, 1625, accordingly, proclamation was made of a general
revocation of all grants of Church lands that had been made by the
Crown. [Act. Pail. v. 23.] Such a proclamation was equivalent to a
sentence of ruin to many of the great families of Scotland. Many of
these had been in possession of the lands for more than the period
of prescription; [Cunningham, i. 503.] many had had their titles
confirmed by Acts of Parliament; and however just it might have been
to regard the possessions as inalienable from religious purposes, if
that view had been adopted from the first, it was certainly a
revolutionary exercise of the royal prerogative to reverse the
ratified and accepted transactions of more than half a century at a
single stroke. The proclamation excited the greatest alarm and
hostility. So formidable was the opposition that Charles found it
advisable to placate the people he had proposed to impoverish. The
nobles and gentry were admitted to the prospect of purchasing and
leading their teinds. This meant that instead of being compelled to
keep their crops in the field till the owner of the teinds had
selected and carted away every tenth sheaf, they could arrange
permanently to commute the teind for a money payment based on the
rental. [Cunningham, I. 280.] At the same time the ministers were
tempted to support the royal projects by the prospect of increased
stipends, and, by a new proclamation, ministers who had been
appointed before the passing of the Articles of Perth were exempted
for a time from complying with them. [Balfour, ii. 142, 145.] Still
later, however, Charles proceeded by legal action to annul the
grants of Church property and though, in response to remonstrance
from the holders, he was induced to appoint a Commission to arrange
terms for the surrender of this property to the Crown, a feeling of
insecurity and of resentment became widespread among the landowners
of the country. [Cunningham, i. 503 ; Gardiner, vii. 278.]
Among these owners of former Church
property was the University of Glasgow. Evidently that body was
seriously alarmed by the royal policy. If a general revocation of
all grants of Church lands and revenues were carried out the
University would be reduced to utter ruin, and left in the abject
and helpless condition in which it was found by Queen Mary. Its
authorities, therefore, exerted themselves, and in 1630 secured a
charter under the Great Seal, confirming the University in
possession of all the properties, revenues, patron-ages, etc., which
had been conferred upon it. These included the rights and revenues
which had belonged to the Friars Preachers and the Vicars of the
Choir of Glasgow, the parsonage and vicarage teinds and the
patronage of the churches of Govan, Renfrew, Kilbride, Dalziel, and
Colmonell. The charter detailed the salaries payable to the
principal and regents of the University, under burden of the
stipends of the ministers of the parishes mentioned, and it provided
for the exemption of the University, its resident members and
servants and its property, but not its tenants, from the burgh taxes
and other impositions. [Act. Par!. v. 75, 77; Glasg. Charters and
Documents, ii. 328-351.]
In the midst of the king's quarrels
with the English parliament over his illegal levying of taxes, the
Duke of Buckingham, his chief adviser, gay companion, and luckless
commander-in-chief, was assassinated, on 23rd August, 1628, and
after that event power passed largely into the hands of Sir Thomas
Wentworth, afterwards Earl of Strafford, and William Laud,
afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury. The former, with his policy of
"Thorough," devoted his energies to the establishment of the royal
prerogative as the sole engine of government, while the latter
redoubled his efforts to reduce to episcopal conformity all
religious rites and usages, and to crush relentlessly all
presbyterian and puritan departures from this cast-iron rule.
Laud's influence soon became
apparent. Following the resolution of the General Assembly held at
Aberdeen in 1616 a prayer-book had been prepared. It was ready in
1619, but was not put into use. By that time the public resistance
to the Articles of Perth had warned King James of the need for
caution, and he had assured the Parliament of 1621 that, if it
confirmed the Articles, the use of the new prayer-book would not be
insisted on. Laud, however, induced King Charles to order that the
draft of this prayer-book should be submitted to him. Though it had
been approved by the Scottish bishops, it did not satisfy the
English prelate's High Church ideas, and he proceeded to press upon
the king the introduction of the English liturgy to Scotland, in
order that there should be uniform service in the two kingdoms. Both
to Laud and the king the danger was pointed out of thus wounding the
susceptibilities of a proud people, strongly Presbyterian in
principle, and jealous of interference by the " auld enemy;"
England. But opposition only made Charles obstinate, he resolved to
bend popular opinion to his will, and embarked upon another detail
of the policy which was to prove disastrous to the country and
himself. [Balfour, ii. 181-184.]
Affairs were in this position when,
in November 1632, Archbishop Law died. In his time the relations
between the little city and its ecclesiastical superior appear to
have been altogether friendly. Except in the annual appointment of
the provost and the three bailies, Law does not seem to have
interfered in burghal affairs, and several happenings go to show
that the magistrates were anxious to pleasure the archbishop. In
June 1631, for example, the town council ordered the payment of
three hundred merks to the laird of Kelburn, the archbishop's
father-in-law, towards the cost of building a pier at Kelburnfoot,
the modem Fairlie, which should be available to the shipping of
Glasgow. [Council Records, i. 365.] The city's original shipping
port, Irvine, was becoming silted up. The library house of the
cathedral, also, having fallen into disrepair, the town council in
1628 ordered it to be built up, joisted, and roofed with lead at a
cost of 3100 merks (£172 4s. 5d. sterling). [Ibid, 363.]
Under Law's regime the burgh showed
signs of substantial advance in prosperity. In 1628 it decided that
the paving from the cross down the Saltmarket should be widened and
laid as near as possible to the booths or shops on both sides. In
1630 a new well was opened in the Trongate, slated and with two
pumps. At the same time the steeple of the Tron Kirk—otherwise St.
Mary's, the Laigh, or the New Kirk—was heightened in the most
approved fashion, and a new bell was provided for it at a cost of
£1058 6s. (£88 3s. 10d. sterling). Thirty-seven constables were
appointed for the city, the town officers were provided with uniform
consisting of "coat, breeks, and hose" of red kersey, and a "trustie
youth" was appointed "ane poist for this burgh." [Council Records, i.
373, 374.]
But the greatest evidence of all of
increasing prosperity was the town council's resolve to provide
itself with a more dignified council chamber, court house, and
prison. [Ibid. i 346.] In 1625 the work of demolishing the old
tolbooth was begun, and by the end of March, 1627 the new tolbooth
had been finished, its steeple furnished with clock and bell, and
surmounted with gilded weather cock and vanes. [Burgh Records, i.
349-363.] In the interval the council met, and courts were held in
the Tron Kirk, and the town's books and charters were deposited in
the house of the Dean of Guild. [Ibid. i. 358.] The new building on
the old site at the west side of the foot of High Street was worthy
of the growing fortunes of the city. Sir William Brereton,
afterwards a general in the Parliamentary army, who visited the city
in 1636, thus describes it. "The Tolbooth, which is placed in the
middle of the town, and near unto the cross and market place, is a
very fair and high-built house, from the top whereof, being leaded,
you may take a full view and prospect of the whole city. In one of
these rooms or chambers sits the council of the city; in other of
the rooms or chambers preparation is made for the lords of the
council to meet in these stately rooms. Herein is a closet lined
with iron, walls, top, bottom, floor, and door, iron, wherein are
kept the evidences and records of the city; this made to prevent the
danger of fire. This Tolbooth is said to be the fairest in the
kingdom." [Travels of Sir William Brereton (Chethasn Society), p.
94; Early Travellers in Scotland, p. 151.]
McUre, the earliest Glasgow
historian, writing in 1736, also waxes eloquent regarding the
building. "The town house, or tolbooth," he says, "is a magnificent
structure, being of length from east to west sixty-six foot, and
from the south to the north twenty four foot eight inches. It hath a
stately staircase ascending to the justice court hall, within which
is the entry of a large turnpike, or staircase, ascending to the
town council hall, above which there was the dean of guild's old
hall, but now is turned into two prison houses for prisoners of note
and distinction.... The steeple on the east side thereof, being one
hundred and thirteen foot high, adorned with a curious clock, all of
brass, with four dial plates. It has a large bell for the use of the
clock, and a curious set of chimes and tunable bells, which plays
every two hours; and has four large turrets on the corners thereof,
with thanes finely gilded ; and the whole roof is covered with lead.
Upon the frontispiece of this building is his majesty's arms, finely
cut out, with a fine dial." [Hist. of Glasgow, ed. 1830, pp. 207,
On the other hand the state of
shipbuilding, which in a later century was to become so vast an
industry on the Clyde, may be judged from an entry in the burgh
records for 1627. This runs that Thomas Reid, boatwright, was
allowed to be admitted a burgess on payment of the modified fee of
£40, the concession being made by reason of the fact that "thair is
nane of his craft within this burghe, and such necesser to the
But at least one of the sources of
the city's prosperity was to receive a blow from the action of the
king. A large part of the livelihood of the bishop's burgh was
derived from the fisheries of the Clyde and the West Coast, and it
is not difficult to understand the alarm of the community with
regard to a royal proposal which threatened to curtail public
fishing rights in these waters. The Earl of Seaforth, having
acquired the island of Lewis, applied to the king in 1627 for a
charter erecting Stornoway into a royal burgh with extensive and
exclusive fishing rights in these seas. This was strenuously
resisted by Tain, Inverness, Glasgow, and all the other royal
burghs, as an inroad upon their rights, and as a result Charles
withdrew the charter he had granted Seaforth. That nobleman had
already, however, brought fishermen from Holland, who prosecuted
fishing at the Lewis to the deprivation of the native population.
Charles then, seeing the possibility of a profitable enterprise,
brushing aside the objections of the burghs, intimated his resolve
to take the Lewis into his own hands, set up one or more free burghs
there, and establish a common fishery in the island, to be a nursery
for seamen. [Letter to Scottish Privy Council, 12th July, 1630.]
This was done by advice of the English Privy Council, and the
remonstrances of the Scottish burghs and Scottish Parliament
succeeded only in securing a reservation in favour of the natives of
certain districts "of all such fishings as were necessary for their
subsistence, and which they of themselves have and do fish." [Privy
Council Record, 28th July, 22nd and 23rd Sept.,1630.] In this way
the firths of Clyde and Forth were reserved for "native" fishermen,
while the other seas were handed over to an incorporated society
called "The Council and Community of the Fishings of His Majesty's
Dominions of Great Britain and Ireland." This society consisted of
six Scottish and six English and Irish councillors and some one
hundred and thirty-five fellows, holding office for life, and it
enjoyed the exclusive right to export fish. Established by a charter
under the Great Seal dated 19th July, this incorporation was an
early attempt to "nationalize" one of the chief industries of the
country against the methods of private enterprise. The charter was
confirmed by Act of Parliament on 17th November, 1641, but already,
in 1639, the management had proved so unsatisfactory that the king
had ordered an enquiry to be made into its financial affairs, its
losses, the oppressions it had committed, and the best method of
winding it up. It was finally dissolved by an Act of William and
Mary passed by the Scottish Parliament on 18th July, 1690, in which
it was set forth that the royal incorporation had continued to exact
£6 Scots per last of all herrings exported furth of the kingdom, to
the hurt and prejudice of their Majesties' leiges." This Act further
invited the merchants of the royal burghs and other good subjects to
employ their capital and industry in the fishing and curing of
herrings, in which trade they would enjoy all the freedoms and
advantages competent to them before the said company was erected.
[Act. Part. iv. v. vi. pt. ii. and ix.]
It was the time of trials for
witchcraft, and in 1621 and 1622 three poor creatures were tried for
this crime in Glasgow. In each case, however, the Privy Council
appointed a special bench of the magistrates to try the cases, and
Archbishop Law appears to have had no part in the transaction. [Priv.
Coun. Reg. xii. 580, 651, 711.] |