MEANWHILE the church
of John Knox seems to have found enough to do in arranging its own
machinery. The ideals of Presbyterian church government were still
in a nebulous state. The small handful of reformed preachers,
scattered over the country, evidently required watching. Several of
these persons were merely, in the words of Knox himself, "certain
zealous men who took upon them to preach," without education or
ordination, [Hist. of Reform. p. 251. The qualifications demanded of
them were, to judge from the Book of Discipline, primitive enough.]
and more than once they proved a source of weakness. On one occasion
Knox had to journey to Jedburgh to investigate a scandal of the
grossest sort into which one of these lay-ministers had fallen, for
which the minister had subsequently to do penance in sackcloth and
on the cuttystool at St. Giles' Cathedral, Edinburgh. [McCrie's Life
of Knox, pp. 250, 251. The early Assemblies had to deal with many
cases of the misbehaviour of the ministers with young women of their
congregations.] The Reformer could not appoint bishops as overseers
of his new church, for he was not a bishop himself, and of the three
Catholic bishops who became Protestant, only one, Alexander Gordon,
Bishop of Galloway, had been consecrated. [Stephens' Hist. of Ch. of
Scot. i. 125, note. ] In the emergency Knox hit upon the plan of
appointing "superintendents" over the various districts. These
men—there were five of them—had the disciplinary powers of bishops,
[Keith, iii. p. 516-519.] and the literature dealing with the time
is full of controversy regarding their authority. In particular it
was questioned how Knox, who was not himself a bishop, could appoint
bishops. Like the ministers, some of these superintendents, such as
the famous John Erskine of Dun, were laymen, and the actions of some
of them were also open to question. [The time of the General
Assemblies of 1565 was largely taken up with complaints of ministers
against superintendents, and vice versa.]
The individual thus
appointed Superintendent of the West was John Willock or Willocks,
formerly a friar in the town of Ayr. Adopting the Reformed
doctrines, he had fled to England to avoid persecution. There he
acted as a preacher in St. Catherine's, London, and as chaplain to
the Duke of Suffolk. On the accession of Mary Tudor he had fled to
Emden in Friesland. By the Countess of Friesland, he was, in 1555
and 1556, sent on missions to the Queen Regent of Scotland, and had
taken an active part in the Reformation, [Gibson's Hist. of Glasgow,
p. 58; Wodrow Miscellany, vol. i. pp. 261-4; Knox's History.] being
Knox's most trusted coadjutor. The two sides evidently held very
different views as to his character. Thomas Archibald, Chamberlain
to Archbishop Beaton, wrote to his master in Paris—"John Willocks is
made bishop of Glasgow, now, in your lordship's absence, and placed
in your place of Glasgow"; and he goes on to tell how Willocks had
taken possession of the Dean of Glasgow's house, and secured I000
out of the revenues of the archbishopric. [Keith, iii. 490.] And the
venerable Father Thomas Innes, in his letter to Glasgow University
in 1738, forwarding extracts from the Protocol Register of the
Diocese, accounts for the fewness of these records saved by
Archbishop Beaton by the statement that "the Friar Willox, with
those of his gang," had possessed themselves of the Glasgow
buildings. [Spalding Club Miscellany, ii. 368.]

On the other hand,
when Knox found it prudent to abandon his flock and flee from
Edinburgh when the queen-regent entered the city in 1559, Willocks
took his place, and by his prudence and firmness did much to
maintain peace. [McCrie's Life of Knox.] The esteem of his brethren
in the Reformed Church was shown by the fact that he was chosen
Moderator of the General Assembly in 1563 and again in 1565. Within
his own district he evidently had some trouble, for the General
Assembly of June, 1562, whose principal business was to ordain that
"if ministers be disobedient to superintendents they must be subject
to correction," remitted "the slander raised upon Mr. Robert
Hamilton, minister of Hamilton" to the trial of the superintendent
of Glasgow, "to remove him out of the ministry if he thought
expedient." [Stephens' History of Ch. of Scot. i. 164.]
Willocks seems to have had no power to
touch the temporalities of the bishopric. In 1571, however, a change
took place. The Reformed Church had now become more powerful. There
were 252 ministers, 157 exhorters, and 508 readers, [Note to Life
and Times of Archbishop Hamilton in Episcopal Magazine, 337.] and
they began to exercise a greater influence in state affairs. Seeing
the superintendents were advanced in years, and others unlikely to
take up their duties without greater emolument, the Assembly
appointed a commission to attend Parliament and treat with the
Regent as to a better settlement. [Spottiswood, V. 258.]
It appears to have been upon this
petition that Lennox as Regent proceeded with the new device of
appointing actual archbishops for the express purpose of legally
alienating the properties of the Church. The public, seeing the
object for which these persons were appointed, gave them the name of
"Tulchans," after the stuffed image of a calf which it was a common
device to bring into a byre to enable the cows to be more easily
milked. In the policy which Lennox thus adopted there is reason to
believe that personal interest also played a strong part. The Regent
seems to have been entirely under the influence of the Earl of
Morton, who, according to one writer, had such an ascendancy over
him that he "could have made him forfeit his word of honour ten
times in a day." [Crawford's Memoirs.] Another authority, referring
to the hanging of Archbishop Hamilton, says: "There is some ground
to suspect that the Earl of Morton, who had been gasping for the
revenues of St. Andrews, and who managed Lennox as he pleased, had
been the chief promoter of the primate's hasty fate ; for,
immediately on his death, he solicited so strongly for the rich
temporalities of that see, that, by threatening to leave the court
in case of a refusal, he so overawed Lennox, who could not do
without him, that he obtained a gift of them; which through all the
various forms of polity that ensued, he took care not to part with."
[Skinner, quoted by Stephens in Hist. of Ch. of Scot. i. 221.]
The "gift" thus mentioned was not a
direct proceeding, but was effected by appointing Morton's nominee,
John Douglas, rector of the University of St. Andrews, to be
archbishop of that see. The Kirk, seeing the revenues of the
archbishopric thus passing into other hands, protested against the
appointment, and the superintendent of Fife inhibited the archbishop
elect from voting in parliament in name of the Kirk, under pain of
excommunication. Morton, however, rebuffed the protest "with
contumelious words," and commanded Douglas to vote under pain of
treason. Having
thus feathered his friend's nest, Lennox proceeded to feather his
own. Archbishop
Beaton was still alive, and acting as Queen Mary's ambassador in
Paris; but three months after Mary's overthrow at Langside the Privy
Council, as we have seen, had passed an Act ordaining that, as he
had failed to appear and answer "such things as might be laid to his
charge," [Privy Council Register, i. p. 638. Diurnal of Occurrents,
p. 188.] he should be denounced rebel and put to the horn, and all
his movable goods escheated and brought to the king's use. A month
later, on 18th September, a decree of forfeiture had been pronounced
against him as a favourer of Queen Mary. [Retour of Charles H. to
the Darnley portion of the Lennox, printed in Irving's Hist. of
Dunbartonshire, pp. 87, 88.] Still, however, as we have seen from
the rental book of the diocese, Beaton's steward continued to enter
tenants, draw rents, 2nd transact business. This now came to an end.
Lennox appointed a new archbishop to the see. The person selected
was obviously a creature of his own. John Porterfield was minister
of the parish of Kilmaronock, on the south-eastern shore of Loch
Lomond. This parish, which then extended from the water of Endrick
on the east to the River Leven on the west, was the headquarters of
the old Earldom of Lennox, containing that earldom's two chief
strongholds, Balloch Castle and Catter, and notwithstanding the
"partition" of the earldom a century before, it was still largely in
possession of Lennox himself. [Keith, p. 260.] Porterfield's stipend
in Kilmaronock was £120 Scots. The purpose of his appointment to the
archbishopric appears clearly enough to have been to transfer the
possessions of the see to Lennox himself." His appointment must have
been one of the last acts of the Regent's life. On 7th September,
1571, sitting as archbishop in the Parliament of Stirling, he
subscribed an Act then passed, [Acts of Parliament of Scotland, iii.
p. 70.] but already, three days previously the Earl had met his
fate. While the
king's party were holding their parliament in Stirling—the assembly
in which the infant James VI. remarked, pointing to some damage in
the roof, "There is ane hole in this parliament"—Queen Mary's
adherents were holding a parliament of their own in Edinburgh.
Hearing that the Regent lay with few precautions against surprise,
the lords of the Queen's party formed the plan of a sudden raid. A
little before sunset on 3rd September, with a force of 60 hagbutters
and 340 Border horse, Huntly, Buccleuch, and Lord Claud Hamilton set
out from Edinburgh. About sunrise next morning they reached
Stirling, and so rapid and unexpected were their movements that
before the town was aware they had captured the Regent Lennox
himself, with seven other earls and three lords of the king's party.
While the Borderers, however, scattered for plunder, the town rose
and the Earl of Mar opened fire from his half-built mansion at the
head of Broad Street. The tables were turned and the raiders forced
to flee. Before they went, however, one of their leaders, Captain
Calder, seized the opportunity to shoot the Regent, who died that
same night.
Porterfield's only intromission with the affairs of the
archbishopric appears to have been his consent, on 10th October,
1571, to the conveyance of the parsonage house of Glasgow, with its
garden, sloping down to the Molendinar on the east side of the
Bishop's Castle, by the rector or parson, Archibald Douglas, to the
redoubtable Thomas Crawford of Jordanhill, the capturer of Dunbarton
Castle a few months earlier.[Great Seal Register, iii. p. 540, No.
2068.] The licence for Porterfield's election was only issued on 8th
February following, and he seems almost immediately to have retired
into private life and his parish on Loch Lomondside again, for at
the parliament held at Edinburgh in January, 1572-73, Episcopacy was
established in the Scottish Church, [Spottiswood, p. 260; Tytler,
iii. chap. xi.; Cunningham, i. 341-346.] and in the September
following, James Boyd of Trochrig, minister of Kirkoswald, was made
Archbishop of Glasgow.
The circumstances attending this
appointment are sufficiently interesting. Robert, fourth Lord Boyd,
was the great

man of the family which was afterwards
to attain the Earldom of Kilmarnock. He had fought for Queen Mary at
Langside, [Great Seal Register, iii. 509, No. 1969.] but on her
cause becoming desperate had joined the party of the Regent Lennox,
where his natural ability appears to have made him welcome. On 28th
August, 1571, his escheat was removed and he was appointed a
commissioner to treat with Queen Elizabeth. The death of Lennox and
the appointment of Mar as Regent did not interrupt Boyd's career,
for on 4th October he became a member of the Privy Council, [Privy
Council Register, ii. 83.] and when in turn, on 28th October, 1572,
Mar died, and a month later Morton became Regent, it was probably
felt more necessary than ever to secure Boyd's adherence. A cheap
and easy means of doing this lay at hand. On the day of Morton's
election, 24th November, 1572, John Knox had died, and the way was
cleared for the wolves to descend on the patrimony of the Church.
Six weeks later the ordinance was passed restoring Episcopacy, and
forthwith, while Morton's nominee, John Douglas, rector of St.
Andrews University, was confirmed in the archbishopric of St.
Andrews, the archbishopric of Glasgow was conferred on Lord Boyd's
nephew, the minister of Kirkoswald. |