A CHARTER granted to
Aberdeen in 1319, and another to Edinburgh in 1329, by King Robert
I., bear early evidence of the practice which latterly became
general of substituting for the rents payable by burghs fixed annual
feu duties, not subject to those fluctuations which were liable to
occur under earlier arrangements. The burghs thus became feudal
vassals of the crown, a position which was apparently open to the
acceptance of any royal burgh, and it was perhaps, as has been
surmised, in consequence of their being viewed in this relationship
that the burghs were represented in the famous parliament, held at
Cambuskenneth on 15th July, 1326, when the lay estates of the
kingdom, specially named as the earls, barons, burgesses and free
tenants of the realm, granted an annual revenue to the king, certain
crown exactions were freely abandoned, and all taxes and impositions
without the authority of parliament were declared illegal. [A.P.S.,
i. p. 475.]
As the burgh of
Glasgow did not hold direct of the sovereign, or pay rent to the
crown, it could not apply for a feu-charter, but apparently those in
authority considered it desirable to have the burgh's market and
trading privileges renewed, and on 28th July, 1324, King Robert
ratified and confirmed the charter granted by King Alexander II., in
1225, which original charter was repeated verbatim in the body of
the new grant. Under the authority thus renewed the burgh was
fortified with all the liberties and customs possessed by any royal
burgh, and the burgesses were to have the king's firm peace and
protection in their trading journeys throughout the kingdom. [Glasg.
Chart. i. pt. ii. p. 23. This charter was granted while the king was
at Scone but he had been at Glasgow on 10th and 13th, and perhaps
other days in June preceding (Marquis of Bute's "Itinerary of King
Robert," Scottish Antiquary, xiv. p. 19).]
Bruce's charter being
mainly for the advantage of the trading community was put into the
custody of the magistrates and was not among the cathedral muniments
which were removed to France at the time of the Reformation. It
forms No. 1 of the Inventory of the City's Writs, compiled in 1696,
and must then have been in its place, but through some not very
creditable want of care it had disappeared by the time it was
required for the purpose of being included in the printed volume of
Glasgow Charters. A like fate has unhappily befallen No. 2 of the
Inventory of 1696. This was a charter, also by King Robert, dated
15th November, 1328, and confirming the charter granted by King
Alexander III. in 1275, whereby the bishop and his men of Glasgow
were authorised to go to and return from Argyle with their
merchandise freely and without any impediment. [Ib. p. 24. The king
was in Glasgow at this time.] The loss of this charter is of the
more consequence seeing it embraced verbatim that of 1275, of which
neither original nor transcript exists.
Following on the
treaty of Northampton, in 1328, and the marriage of Prince David
with the Princess Joanna, sister of the English king, Edward III.,
amicable intercourse between the two countries was resumed, and one
of Bruce's latest acts. was the writing of a letter to King Edward
calling attention to the custom duty exacted from Scottish merchants
on entering or leaving English ports, by sea or land, and asking
that the same privileges should be given to Scottish merchants as
the English would wish their merchants to enjoy in Scottish ports.
The letter is dated 3rd May, 1329, and was written from Cardross,
where Bruce died on the 7th of the following month. [Bain's
Calendar, iii. No. 984.]
King David II. was
only five years of age when he succeeded to the throne, and at first
government in his name had to be conducted by successive guardians
of the kingdom. In aggravation of the usual disadvantages of
minority rule, Edward Balliol, son and heir of the unlucky King
John, assisted by an English army, partly composed of those barons
who had been disinherited of their Scottish estates, invaded the
country and met with such an amount of success that he took the
title of king and was crowned at Scone in September, 1332. Like his
father, "King" Edward of Scotland manifested no zeal for Scottish
independence, and he not only acknowledged the English king as "lord
paramount," but also formally conveyed to him the southern counties
of Scotland, and these districts were thereupon placed under the
charge of English officials. As an illustration of the working of
this transfer it may be mentioned that Edward's sheriff of Roxburgh,
in the years 1335-7, accounted for his intromissions with the rents
of the manors of Lillesclif, Alncrum and Ashkirk, parts of the
temporalities of the bishopric of Glasgow, and out of these rents
the abbots of Melrose and Neubotle were allowed the sum of £50. [Ib.
pp. 322, 375.] In 1335-6 the sheriff of Dumfries accounted for 1s.
4d. received from the land of "Benneueryk," belonging to the bishop
of Glasgow, and formerly valued at 20 merks, which land was then in
the king's hand on account of the vacancy in the see. The lands here
referred to are apparently those of Bishopforest, in the stewartry
of Kirkcudbright and near the Dumfriesshire border. [Antea, p. III;
Bain's Calendar, iii. P. 318.] The right of disposal of these lands,
but under a different name, was shortly after this claimed by Edward
Balliol. By a charter dated 21st September, 1347, Edward, "king of
Scots," granted to John de Denton, an Englishman, for his good and
praiseworthy service, "the forest of Garnery, which with all its
belongings was possessed by William, bishop of Glasgow, an enemy and
rebel against us, and which by forfeiture of the same bishop came
into our hands." [Transactions of the Dumfries and Galloway
Antiquarian Society (1916-18), 3rd series, vol. v. p. 257.] As in
the sheriff's account the lands in the charter are stated to be of
the value of 20 merks yearly, there seems to be no doubt as to their
identity, especially as the bishops of Glasgow were not possessed of
temporalities other than Bishop-forest in this locality. [In the
charter whereby the archbishop of Glasgow granted Bishopforest to
feuars, in 1613, it is described as a 20 merk land of old extent
(Reg. Mag. Sig. vii. No. 1025).]
During the invasion
of Scotland in July, 1335, King Edward, with a numerous force,
entered the country by Carlisle, while another army, commanded by
Balliol, advanced by Berwick. After ravaging the country the two
divisions united at Glasgow, and thence marched towards Perth. They
met with no organized opposition, the country through which they
passed being completely deserted by the inhabitants, who retired to
inaccessible districts, taking their cattle and provisions with
them. [Hailes' Annals, ii. pp. 219-20; Pictorial History, i. p.
Bishop Lindsay,
unlike the "rebel" William, adhered to the party of Edward Balliol,
and when the latter was at Glasgow, on 25th September, 1333, in the
second year of his "reign," he confirmed his father's charter
securing the church in annual revenues payable furth of the farms of
Cadihou and Rutherglen. In this confirmation charter many of the
disinherited lords are named as witnesses. [Reg. Episc. No. 283.] It
would almost appear that the bishop's adherence to Balliol did not,
at least in later years, embrace attachment to the English king, as
it is stated that in the year 1335, while on one of two ships
sailing from Flanders, with many Scots on board, he was taken
prisoner by the English and died from wounds which he received at
the time of the capture. The see remained vacant till February,
1336-7, when John Wyschard, archdeacon of Glasgow, was chosen bishop
and duly consecrated, but his episcopate was brief, as in
consequence of his death another vacancy is noted on 11th May, 1338.
[Dowden's Bishops. p. 313. Some uncertainty, formerly entertained
regarding the succession of bishops between 1316 and 1339, has been
almost wholly removed by information contained in recent
publications and summarised by Bishop Dowden (Ib. pp. 309-13).]
William Rae,
precentor of Glasgow, was appointed bishop in 1338-9, and he
retained the episcopate till his death in 1367. His name does not
often occur in connection with the public affairs of the period, but
in the published Calendars of Papal Registers there are notices of
many missives transmitted to him from Rome. One of the more
interesting of these was a mandate, dated 23rd January, 1347-8,
authorising the bishop to give dispensation to the future king of
Scotland, there designated "Robert, Lord of Stratgrif, knight," and
Elizabeth More, parents of a "multitude" of children, allowing them
to intermarry, notwithstanding the impediments of consanguinity and
affinity. This concession was granted at the request of David, king
of Scotland, Robert's uncle, and of Philip, king of France, and on
condition that Robert should found a chaplainry within the church of
Glasgow. [Papal Reg. iii. p. 265. The stipulated chaplainry was
founded by Robert on 12th January, 1364-5, with an endowment of ten
merks yearly payable from lands in Stirlingshire (Reg. Episc. No.
302).] Again, by a man

date dated 2nd
May,1355, the bishop was entrusted with another dispensation, this
time for the marriage of Robert, here designated "steward of
Scotland," and Euphemia, relict of John, earl of Moray, who were
related in the fourth degree of kindred and the third of affinity.
[1b. p. 547.] These dispensations were not known to Hector Boece and
George Buchanan, who in their historical works expressed doubts as
to the legitimacy of Robert III.; and, in refutation of this
calumny, Father Innes and the other charter scholars of the Scots
College in Paris who, in the end of the seventeenth century, came
upon documents preserved among the Glasgow muniments disclosing
evidence on the subject, were elated with their success. The
information contained in the Glasgow collections led to
investigation at the Vatican and the discovery of the original
documents, [Reg. Episc. pp. xxxix, xl.] the purport of which was
communicated to the bishop of Glasgow by the mandates above referred
Notwithstanding the
many disappointing events which happened during David's reign, and
the occasional discouragements resulting from the acts and conduct
of the king, Scotland was never without its band of loyal subjects,
an irresistible barrier to the complete surrender of its
independence. Fortunately Edward of England, in consequence mainly
of the drain upon his resources in the long contest with France, was
eventually disposed to adjust terms with this country, and by a
treaty entered into in 1357, about a year after Edward Balliol had
renounced the "royal dignity" in his. favour, [Bain's Calendar, iii.
No. 1603 (27th January, 1355-6). Taken prisoner at the battle of
Durham (or Neville's Cross) on 17th October, 1346, David had been
eleven years in captivity.] he consented to King David being
released from captivity, in consideration of a ransom which,
exorbitant as it was, all classes of the community agreed to pay.
[Ancient Laws and Customs, i. pp. 194-9; Bain's Calendar, iii. 1648,
1650.] But though the prelates, secular and regular, as well as the
nobles and merchants of the realm, had entered into this
undertaking, Pope Innocent VI., on being applied to for a
ratification, stated that "considering the loss it would cause to
the said prelates he is in conscience unable to grant it." [Papal
Reg. iii. p. 595.] Though the evidence on the subject is not quite
complete, there are grounds for believing that the ransom money,
payment of instalments of which was a heavy burden on the country
for many years, was never fully settled. [Exchequer Rolls, iii. p.
lv. Contributions for the ransom as well as for the maintenance of
King David were levied from Glasgow along with the other burghs.
Thus between the years 1365 and 1373 the burgh, by six consecutive
payments, contributed in all £28 7s. 9d. (lb. vol. ii. pp.
Subsequent to his
return from captivity there are confirmations by King David of
several endowments of the church of Glasgow, [Reg. Episc. Nos. 298,
312.] but on the other hand there is indication that part of the
dowry of his second queen, Margaret Logie, was obtained from the
bishopric. By a charter, granted at Edinburgh on 18th May, 1367,
Margaret, Queen of Scotland, constituted Sir William of Kirkyntulach,
master of the hospital of Polmadie, within the bishopric of Glasgow,
which hospital, it is added, was at her disposal through the grant
by the king to her of part of the bishopric. Sir William was to have
the full administration of the goods and rents of the hospital for
his lifetime, he sustaining all burdens and services exigible
therefrom. [Reg. Episc. No. 307.]
Letters of protection
were granted by King David to the Friars Preachers in general, in
1357, and by letters patent, in 1362, he specially took the prior
and brethren of Glasgow, their lands and men, their whole goods,
movable and heritable, spiritual and temporal, into his lasting
peace and protection. In 1360, also, he had made a donation of two
merks to the convent of the Friars Preachers in Glasgow. [Fratrum
Predicatoruns, pp. 159-60; Exchequer Rolls, ii. p. 52.] By this time
the Friars had received several other donations and endowments. In
1314, Guyllascop MacLauchlan, of Argyll, bestowed on them forty
shillings, yearly, for the upkeep of their buildings and repair of
their church ornaments, or for any other pious uses in the services
of the church, the money to be payable from the rents of the
granter's lands of Kilbryd, near his tower called Castellachien, on
the shore of Loch Fyne. [Lib. Coll. etc. p. 252.] In the following
year King Robert gave for the lights and other works of the church
twenty merks, yearly, from the rents of Cadihou in the Vale of
Clyde. [lb. p. 153. The charter was sealed at Ayr on 28th April,
1315, in presence of Edward Bruce, the king's brother, Thomas
Ranulph, his nephew, Walter the steward, Bernard, abbot of Arbroath,
his chancellor, and Sir James of Douglas, knight.]
The next grant to be
noticed is embodied in a charter without date but supposed to belong
to this period, or perhaps about 1325. By this charter John of Govan,
burgess of Glasgow, for the weal of his soul and of the souls of his
ancestors and successors, and all the faithful dead, in praise and
glory of Almighty God, and of the glorious Virgin Mary and St. John
the Evangelist, in honour of whom the church of the Friars was
named, gave to the prior and convent of the Friars Preachers of
Glasgow, for the support and necessary repair of their church, and
of the ornaments of the chief altar thereof, several lands,
tenements and annual rents. These consisted of eight riggs of land
lying in the field of Broomielaw and yielding five shillings yearly,
seven of these riggs being described as lying between the land of
Sir Walter of Roule on the east and the land of St. Mary, [Antea, p.
133. John of Govan had probably succeeded to the land which belonged
to Christian, spouse of Simon of Govan, in 1293.] possessed by John
Wyschard, on the west, and the eighth rigg as lying between the land
of Walter Rule on the west and the land of Agnes Brown on the east ;
three riggs of land held by Richard Schort for payment of Sod.
yearly, and described as lying in the Croupis, being perhaps part of
the land latterly known as Cribbs Croft, which occupies part of the
space between the present George Street and Square and Rottenrow;
two tenements, one of them yielding thirty pennies and the other
three shillings yearly; six shillings and "two days in harvest,"
being the yearly rent of a house in High Street; forty pennies
payable yearly from a tenement on the east side of Fishergait; a
tenement on the north side of Gallowgait, yielding four shillings
yearly; and five shillings yearly payable furth of a tenement on the
north side of the place or cloister of the Friars. [Lib. Coll. etc.
pp. 155-8.] The last of the endowments known to have been bestowed
on the Friars during King David's reign was that of Alan, lord of
Cathcart, who gave to them twenty shillings yearly from his lands of
Bogtowne, near Cathkert, for the purchase of oil for their lamps.
The charter embodying this grant is dated at "Cathkert," 14th
August, 1336.
[lb. pp. xlv. 158-9.
The Lord of Cathcart had fought by the side of Bruce and survived to
recount his adventures to Barbour, who thus refers to him in his
Metrical History
A knycht, that then
wes in his rowt
Worthi and wycht, stalwart and stout,
Curtaiss, and fayr, and off gud fame,
Schyr Alane off Catkert by name
Tauld me this taile, as I sail tell."
—Barbour's Bruce
(1869), b. vii. 1. 113-7.]
It is in consequence
of his name having been associated with speculations regarding the
erection of the first stone bridge over the River Clyde, at Glasgow,
that Bishop Rae comes prominently into notice in connection with the
history of the city. "This prelate," says M'Ure, "was no small
benefactor to the town: for, upon his own charge, he built the
stately bridge of eight arches over the river of Clyde ; the third
arch at the north end thereof was built by the Lady Lochow, and the
bishop built the other seven, which still remains a monument of his
bounty and liberality to his episcopal seat." [M`Ure's History of
Glasgow (1830 edition), p. 15.] M'Ure also states that the lady who
built the third arch was Marjory Stuart, daughter of Robert, first
duke of Albany, who married Duncan Campbell, Lord Lochow, the first
of the family to assume the designation of Argyle. [lb. pp 53.] But
the bracketing of Bishop Rae and Lady Lochow as contemporaries seems
an anachronism, for Duncan Campbell lived till the year 1453 and
could not have been married till long after the death of Bishop Rae
in 1367. Nor can reliance be placed on the statement, presumably a
tradition in M'Ure's time, that the bridge owed its construction to
Bishop Rae. For one thing, the time was unpropitious. Added to the
distractions caused by national and civil wars and the frequent want
of a settled government, Scotland was ravaged by the pestilence in
1350. For these and other reasons the country was not in a
prosperous condition, and Glasgow, sharing in the general
depression, could scarcely have been then in a position to enter
upon such an extensive undertaking. Nor is it likely that seven
arches of such a structure could be built on the sole charge of the
bishop. On this point tradition, voiced by M'Ure, could not be
expected to speak with authority in 1736. In the MS. of Henry the
Minstrel, written in 1488, it is stated that the bridge of Wallace's
time "was of tre," [The Wallace, b. vii. 1. 533. Again in b. iv. 1.
100, "Our Clyd that tyme thar was a bryg of tre."] the inference
being that the bridge of 1488 was built of a different material.
There is no extant document of an earlier date bearing on the
subject. In 1571 the bridge was referred to as having been damaged
by "great trowpes" of ice, and in 1618 it was described as " ane of
the most remarcable monuments within this kingdome," and as being
very much decayed and at the point of ruin. In 1654 stones were
falling off, showing signs of dilapidation; and in 1671 the
southmost arch gave way. These facts indicate considerable age, and
it seems evident that if the bridge was not erected in the
fourteenth century, it probably belonged to the early part of the
fifteenth century. Originally it was only twelve feet in width. In
1777 ten feet were added to the upper side, and as thus widened the
bridge remained till about the year 1850, when it was replaced by
the present Victoria Bridge. [Glasg. Chart. i. pt. ii. pp. 146, 300;
Glasg. Rec. ii. p. 296; iii. pp. 153, '6'; vii. pp. 450, 532. Dr.
Macgeorge says: "The old foundations had been laid on beams of oak,
and it is interesting to know that when these were taken out after
the lapse of five hundred years, they were found to be as fresh as
when first put in" (Old Glasgow, 1880 edition, p. 254). When the
works for the. preservation of the "Auld Brig" of Ayr were in
progress a few years ago, it was found that there also the structure
had been raised on oak foundations (The Brig of Ayr, by James A.
Morris, 1910).]
In confirmation of
the statement that the third arch of the bridge was built by Lady
Lochow, M'Ure mentions that "her head is cut out of stone upon the
pillar or but-ridge thereof and, having mentioned that
she also built the Leper Hospital, near the south end of the bridge,
he adds that " her effigies was likewise cut out in stone, and
erected upon the buildings of the said hospital." [M'Ure's History
of Glasgow, p. 53.] Lady Lochow was probably married towards the end
of the fourteenth century and was alive in February, 1419-20, when
she and her husband were granted the privilege of a portable altar.
But she seems to have died shortly thereafter, as on 17th January,
1422-3, a dispensation was granted to her husband to enter into a
second marriage. [Papal Reg. Vii. pp. 259, 336.] Taking all these
circumstances into account, it appears that if Lady Lochow had any
hand in its construction the bridge can scarcely have been erected
in Bishop Rae's time. M'Ure cites no documentary evidence in support
of the statement that this lady endowed the hospital, and, on the
other hand, most of his statements on the subject are clearly
erroneous. The discrepancies are, perhaps, partly to be explained by
supposing that tradition had confounded the leper hospital with the
hospital of Polmadie, and the daughter of the first duke with the
wife and widow of the second duke of Albany. Isabella, eldest
daughter of Duncan, Earl of Lennox, was espoused to Murdoch,
afterwards second duke of Albany, in 1391. On his return from
captivity, King James I. wreaked fearful vengeance on the Lennox and
Albany families, and this lady, in the course of two days, lost her
eldest son, her father, her husband, and another son, all by the
hands of the executioner. The remaining son fled to Ireland, and
died soon afterwards. Retaining her titles, the Countess of Lennox
and Duchess of Albany lived till about the year 146o, having a few
years previously transferred the endowments of the hospital of
Polmadie to her collegiate church of Dumbarton. Contemporaneously
with that transfer, the Friars Preachers received from the lady an
endowment from her lands of Balagan, for the weal of her soul, of
the souls of her husband, her father and her three sons. Not
improbably, therefore, it was the good deeds of the Duchess of
Albany which, through errors in memory and tradition, had, in the
course of three centuries, been inadvertently attributed to Lady
Lochow. |