THE period of King
James's reign which followed his return from England is marked by
much legislative activity and in this connection the burghs were not
overlooked. Under statutes then passed regulations came into
operation for the more effective supervision of craftsmen and their
work; hostels or public inns were to be provided for the
accommodation of travellers; burgesses and indwellers, sufficiently
equipped, had to appear for inspection of their armour, at the
periodical wapinshawings; measures were to be adopted for security
against fire; the "array of burgesses and thair wyffis" was
regulated by the sumptuary laws; rules were laid down "anent Lipper
folk"; beggars were subjected to licensed conditions; playing at
football was discouraged as interfering with the practice of
archery, and instructions were given to the king's officers and
burgh sergeants for the maintenance of order.
By a parliament held
on 26th May, 1424, a subsidy was imposed to meet the contribution to
England stipulated for on the return of the king from captivity. As
Glasgow bore its share of the taxation for King David's ransom it
might have been expected that the burgh would also be a contributor
to the levy of 1424, but in the Exchequer Rolls, where the
contributions of twenty-three burghs are recorded, Glasgow is not
included in the list.
Acts of parliament
were passed for securing the "fredoine of halikirk"; traffic in
pensions payable out of church benefices was prohibited; church
lands unjustly alienated were to be restored; and churchmen were
forbidden, by themselves or their procurators, to take their law
pleas to foreign ecclesiastical courts without the king's consent.
These and other regulations, however needful and salutary, did not
meet with approval in all quarters, and the responsibility for their
introduction having to some extent been ascribed to John Cameron,
who was Bishop of Glasgow from 1426 to 1446, he was subjected to not
a little opposition and trouble on that account.
It is not known if
King James ever held court in, or even passed through Glasgow,
though, keeping in view the long official, as well as personal,
intimacy which subsisted between him and Bishop Cameron, it is
likely enough that he was an occasional visitor. The bulk of the
king's charters, so far as recorded in the Great Seal Register, were
granted at Edinburgh, and a large number are dated from Perth, but
Glasgow is not one of the eight towns from which the remainder
emanated. So far as has been noticed, the only charter of James,
connected with Glasgow, is one granted under his privy seal, at
Edinburgh, on 14th April, 1426, whereby, in consequence of the see
being vacant at the time, he presented Thomas Pacock, priest, to a
chaplainry in the cathedral founded by Bishop Lauder.
The appointment to
the see, which fell vacant through the death of Bishop Lauder, on
14th June, 142.5, had been specially reserved to the Pope, but, in
ignorance of the reservation, the chapter elected John Cameron as
bishop. On all the circumstances being represented to the Pope he,
on 22nd April, 1426, assented to the choice made by the chapter and
subsequently authorised the consecration of the new bishop. Still it
appears that in these arrangements entire harmony did not prevail.
In a papal bull, issued in May, 1430, it is stated that Cameron had,
before his promotion, incurred disability more than once, and by
subsequent action in parliament had been the author of statutes
about collation to benefices which were against ecclesiastical
liberty and the rights of the Roman Church, transgressions which had
resulted in his excommunication. Through the intervention of the
king on the bishop's behalf, and after an investigation, in the
course of which the accuracy of many of the charges was disputed,
while proper behaviour was promised in the future, the bishop was
absolved from the sentences which had been pronounced against him. [Dowden's
Bishops, pp. 319-22. rrevious to his appointment as bishop, Cameron
had been a canon of Glasgow, provost of Lincluden, king's secretary
and official of St. Andrews. (See also Medieval Glasgow, pp. 6o el
On this as well as on
subsequent occasions when the bishop had to defend himself against
accusations lodged at the papal court, one of his chief accusers
seems to have been William Croyser, Archdeacon of Teviotdale.
Between the bishop and the archdeacon there had been a controversy
with regard to the jurisdiction exerciseable by the latter; and the
dean and chapter, to whose arbitration the dispute had been
referred, pronounced a decree on 14th January, 1427-8, whereby it
was found that the bishop was entitled to have his commissaries
throughout the whole diocese, qualified to decide all causes to the
same extent as in the archdeanery of Glasgow. The commissaries
appointed by the Archdeacon of Teviotdale were entitled to hear and
decide all minor causes within their jurisdiction, but the
archdeacon had no power to dismiss or incarcerate the clerks in his
archdeanery or to appoint them to or deprive them of benefices
without the special authority of the bishop. It was also declared
that the losers in causes ,decided by the archdeacon or his
commissaries should have recourse by appeal to the bishop or his
auditor. [Reg. Episc. No. 332. Croyser was deprived of the
archdeaconry in or about the year 1433, but it was subsequently
restored to him, and by the decision of the dean and chapter in 1452
it was declared that the Archdeacon of Teviotdale had precisely the
same jurisdiction in his district as the Archdeacon of Glasgow had
in his part of the diocese (lb. No. 373. See also 'James I., Bishop
Cameron and the Papacy " in the Scottish Historical Review, vol. xv.
pp. 190-200).]
Bishop Cameron held,
successively, the offices of secretary of state and keeper of the
privy and great seals. He was chancellor of the kingdom from 1426 to
1439, and he also served on several embassies to England ; but
notwithstanding the calls upon his time involved in the performance
of official duties and the unpleasant interruptions arising out of
his contests with ecclesiastical superiors and others, diocesan
affairs, and especially those connected with the cathedral, were
attended to with conspicuous efficiency. To the cathedral chapter
already embracing twenty-six members, he procured an addition of
seven prebends, and passed a series of statutes, regulating the
attendance and duties of the canons, and the yearly sums payable by
them to their vicars, and he ratified the ordinance issued by Bishop
Matthew in 1401 for payment of certain sums on admission of
prebendaries in order to provide the vestments and ornaments needful
for service in the cathedral. [For a list of the prebends in Bishop
Cameron's time see p. 193.]
The term vestments
and ornaments, as used in Registrum Episcopatus, included the
necessary equipment and furniture of the cathedral, whether of a
decorative character or not, and as considerable expenditure was
incurred in procuring and upholding these the money raised from
taxed prebends would have been insufficient for the purpose unless
supplemented by gifts from pious benefactors. A donation obtained
from Walter Fitz-Gilbert in 1320 has been already referred to; [Antea,
p. 149.]

(a) The prebendary of
Durisdeer had to provide for the maintenance of six boys in the
(b) Sanquhar is entered in list, but the sum is left blank.
(c) The prebendary of Cumnock paid II merks to the inner sacristan (sacriste
interiori) for his maintenance.
(d) The prebendary of Polmade had to pay 16 merks yearly for the
maintenance of four boys serving in the choir (Reg. Episc. Nos. 338
and 341).
and on 2nd February,
1429-30, Alan Stewart, Lord of Dernele, gave to the church a set of
vestments and ornaments on condition that he should have such use of
them as he needed during his lifetime. [Reg. Episc. No. 337.] The
noting of these two transactions in the Register was apparently
thought necessary to secure the donors in their reserved rights; but
there must have been numerous unconditional gifts of similar objects
no record of which can now be traced. At the command of the bishop
and chapter an inventory of all the ornaments, relics, jewels and
books in the cathedral was made up by the chanter, the treasurer and
two canons, in 1432-3. [Reg. Episc. No. 339. A translation of the
inventory is given in Dr. J. F. S. Gordon's Scotichronicon, ii. pp.
451-7; and Bishop Dowden has given a partial translation and
supplied valuable notes on the vestments and ornaments in
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, 1898-9, pp. 280-329. The
books are described by Professor Cosmo Innes in his Preface to Reg.
Episc. pp. xlii-xlvi.] Among the relics enumerated in the inventory
were two silver crosses, each ornamented with precious stones and
containing a piece of wood, part of the true cross; a phial or
casket, with hair of the Blessed Virgin; in a silver coffer, parts
of the garments of St. Kentigern and St. Thomas of Canterbury, and
part of the hair shirt of St. Kentigern; in one silver casket, part
of the skin of St. Bartholomew, the apostle, and in another a bone
of St. Ninian; a casket with a portion of the girdle of the Blessed
Virgin Mary; a phial with a fragment of the tomb of St. Catherine; a
bag containing a portion of the cloak of St. Martin; a precious case
with combs of St. Kentigern and St. Thomas of Canterbury; and two
linen bags with bones of St. Kentigern, St. Tenew, and several
saints. At the Reformation most of the relics and jewels were
carried to France by Archbishop Beaton, and such of them as were not
otherwise removed for safety, and were found about the cathedral,
ran the risk of being destroyed as objects of idolatry.
The parishes which,
by Bishop Cameron's additions, had their rectors constituted members
of the cathedral chapter were Cambuslang and Eaglesham in the county
of Lanark, Tarbolton in Ayrshire, Luss in Dumbartonshire, Kirkmaho
in Dumfriesshire and Killearn in Stirlingshire. [The patrons
consenting to the erection of these prebends were Archibald Earl of
Douglas for Cambuslang, Sir John Stewart of Dernlie for Tarbolton,
Sir Alexander Montgomery for Eaglesham, John Colquhoun, Lord of Luss,
for that parish, Sir John Forestar and his lady, Margaret Stewart
with Sir William Stewart, her son, for Kirkmaho, and Patrick Lord
Graham for Killearn (Reg. Episc. Nos. 336 and 340; also, vol. i. p.
xlii.).] The remaining new prebend was in a peculiar position. Some
particulars have already been given about the Hospital of At a conference held in the chapel on the west side of
Edinburgh Castle, on 7th January, 1424-5, the Earl of Lennox
acknowledged that the Bishop of Glasgow had full right to the
patronage of the hospital with its annexed church of Strathblane,
and he accordingly resigned any claim he had in favour of Bishop
Cameron and his successors. [Antea, pp. 147-8, 158, 163. 'Reg. Episc.
No. 344.] Having thus obtained a free hand in the disposal of these
endowments, Bishop Cameron, with consent of his chapter, erected the
hospital and church into a prebend of the cathedral, stipulating
that the church should be served by a vicar, to whom should be paid
14 merks yearly besides getting the use of about thirty acres of
land as a glebe. [Reg. Episc. p. ci; letters by the bishop and
chapter dated 12th January, 1427-8 ; ratified by a papal bull dated
5th December, 1429; Ib. No. 338.] It is not known if the hospital,
as a refuge for poor men and women, was now discontinued, but even
as a prebend of the cathedral its connection with Glasgow was soon
severed. In 1453 Isabella, Countess of Lennox and Duchess of Albany,
founded the collegiate church of Dumbarton; and by some arrangement,
to which the Bishop of Glasgow must have been a party, though
particulars of the negotiation have not been discovered, the whole
endowments of the hospital were transferred to the Collegiate
Most local
historians, following the lead given by John M'Ure, state that the
building of manses for the prebendaries originated with Bishop
Cameron, but in reality these churchmen, bound to give attendance at
the cathedral during a considerable part of each year, must always
have had suitable residences in Glasgow, and it is probable that the
arrangement proposed in 1266, whereby the bishop then to be
appointed was required to provide such additional space as might be
required for the erection of manses, was substantially carried into
effect about that time. Of the few recorded notices bearing on the
possession of prebendal manses there is the narrative of an inquiry
which took place in the chapel of Edinburgh Castle on 2nd March,
1447-8, for the settlement of a controversy between Mr. John Methven,
canon of Glasgow, and Sir John Mousfald, chaplain, as to the
ownership of a tenement on the north side of Ratounraw. The
arbiters, consisting of Lord Chancellor Crichton and others, found
that Mr. John had full right to the tenement as being annexed and
belonging to the prebend of Edilston. At that time Methven was
apparently prebendary of Edilston and thus entitled to occupy the
tenement as his manse, a building about which some interesting
particulars of later date have been collected.
The great stone spire
of the cathedral, from the level of the parapet of the central
tower, was placed by Bishop Cameron, and he also completed the
chapter-house, on one of the carved bosses in the vaulting of which
his arms are shown. The erection of the consistory house and
library, an oblong structure of two storeys, which, with the
addition of a third storey added in the seventeenth century, formed
the south-west tower of the cathedral, is also believed to have been
accomplished in the bishop's time [Glasgow Cathedral (1901), pp. 17,
19; (1914), pp. 25, 26. As mentioned, antea, pp. 128-9, it has been
suggested that the south-west tower may have been so far erected in
Bishop Robert Wischart's time.]; and, not confining his building
activities to the cathedral and its accessories, Cameron made an
addition to the adjoining episcopal residence by adding the tower,
which, according to M`Ure, bore his name and on which his arms were
visible in 1736. [Mediaeval Glasgow, p. 77. Dr. Primrose points out
that the tower erected by Bishop Cameron was not, as generally
supposed, at the southwest angle of the wall facing Castle Street,
but was placed towards the east within the palace grounds.]
As territorial lords
the bishops had several grain mills throughout the barony. A mill on
the River Kelvin served the Govan and Partick wards. Baddermonach
ward, corresponding to the modern Cadder parish, had its mill at
Bedlay, and Clydesmill supplied the wants of Cuik's ward or West
Monk-land. Two of the cathedral prebends also had mills as part of
their endowments—the barony of Provan having its mill on the
Molendinar Burn, and farther down the stream, at the foot of Drygate,
the subdean having his mill, for the grinding of grain from his own
lands and perhaps from others within the thirl.
So far as has been
ascertained the burgesses of Glasgow, previous to the fifteenth
century, were thirled to no mill in particular, and it is not till
some years later that we have definite knowledge of the means
provided for grinding their grain. Originally hand mills may have
supplied all demands, but, in the interest of those overlords who
possessed water mills, burgh laws of the thirteenth century forbade
the use of hand-mills unless they had to be resorted to in
consequence of great storms or want of water. In any case, it may be
assumed that this primitive process would be superseded at an early
date, and that the bishops would see to the supply of the requisite
grinding facilities at one or other of the mills on the Molendinar
Burn. At length a definite arrangement was concluded with Bishop
Cameron whereby the burgesses and community were empowered to
construct a mill on their lands of Garngadhill, on the north side of
the Molendinar Burn, in consideration of their contributing two
pounds of wax, yearly, for the lights around the tomb of St.
Kentigern in the cathedral. These facts are ascertained from a
document which is still preserved, being a Notarial Instrument,
dated six weeks after the bishop's death, and certifying that the
keeper of the lights acknowledged the yearly delivery of the
specified quantity of wax from the time when the arrangement was
made, a date, however, which is not given. [Glasg. Chart. i. pt. ii.
pp. 25-27 (4th February, 1446-7).]
From another source a
further supply of lights was secured for the cathedral. Lands called
at one time Collinhatrig, afterwards Conhatrig and now Conheath, in
Dumfriesshire, formerly belonged to the Bishops of Glasgow, and
under an arrangement between the Duke of Albany, then governor of
the kingdom, and Bishop William, the revenues were annexed to the
Hospital of St. Leonard in Ayrshire. But by a charter, dated 7th
June, 1442, King James II. dissolved this union, and the rights in
the lands were restored to Bishop Cameron, who bestowed the rents on
the cathedral for the better supply of wax and upkeep of lights; and
he also stipulated that any surplus of income should be applied in
providing white lawn and other ornaments of the high altar. [Reg.
Episc. No. 347; also p. cii. The yearly feuduty payable to the
archbishop for the lands of Conhatrig in 1632 was 3 6s. 8d.
(Descriptions of sheriffdomns of Lanark and Renfrew (1831), p.

Bishop Cameron also
instituted a mass to be called the Mass for the Dead Bishops and to
be celebrated by the vicars of the choir and the four boys of the
Polmadie prebend. For their services the vicars were to be paid
eighteen merks yearly out of the ferms of the burgh of Glasgow,
[Reg. Episc. p. cii.] a most interesting stipulation, on the working
out of which information would have been welcome. The only burgh
ferm payable to the bishops, of which we have any trace, was that of
sixteen merks for the lands possessed by the burgesses; but,
following the practice prevailing in royal burghs, additional "ferms"
were probably exacted for customs and other dues leased to the
community. Out of these combined revenues the vicars might draw
their annual allowance of eighteen merks. [During the English
occupation King Edward's collectors, in 1302-4, took £48 6s. 8d. and
40s. from the burgh ferms. Bain's Calendar, ii. p. 424; antea, p.
According to a
tradition which George Buchanan says was current in his time, Bishop
Cameron had the reputation of dealing harshly with his rentallers,
[Buchanan's History of Scotland, 1821 edition, vol. ii. book xi. p.
225.] but this may imply no more than that he took greater care than
some of his predecessors had done to collect his yearly revenues as
well as to exact the occasional heavy fines or casualties falling
due on renewals of investiture. The agreement with the burgesses as
to the town mill may be regarded as an example of the bishop's
methodical way of transacting business; and if previous bishops had
not already begun to keep the rental books, of which specimens are
still preserved, bearing dates between 1509 and 1570, it is not
improbable that Cameron introduced the system. Buchanan also states
that the bishop was reported to have died, under mysterious
circumstances, "in a farm of his own, about seven miles from
Glasgow," on Christmas eve, 1446. Subsequent writers assume this
"farm" to have been the bishop's manor-house of Lochwood, which was
situated about six miles east of the cathedral. But grave doubt is
cast on the accuracy of the story, not only on account of its
inherent improbability, but also by the following entry in the
Auchinleck Chronicle (p. 6), which is regarded as containing a
contemporary narrative of events :—" Ane thousand iiii ° xlvj. Thar
decessit in the Castell of Glasqw, master Jhon Cameron, bischop of
Glasqw, apon Yule ewyne, that was bischop xix yere." Besides,
tradition was not altogether one-sided in its dealing with the
bishop's character. John M'Ure, who wrote in 1736, found it hard to
credit the story recounted by the earlier historians about Cameron,
"from what good things we hear " about him. Viewed from M'Ure's
standpoint the extortionate laird getting in his "racked rents" from
"poor tenant bodies, scant o' cash," is transformed into the "great
prelate, seated in his palace," and bounteously distributing favours
among " his vassals and tenants, being noblemen and barons of the
greatest figure in the kingdom." [M`Ure's History of Glasgow (1830
edition), pp. 18-20, 48.] Exaggeration seems apparent in both
accounts, but the fact of these being in circulation at so great
distances of time bears witness to the exceptional influence
exercised by Bishop Cameron while he ruled the see.
In the reign of James
I. Scotland was visited by two observant strangers, one from the
continent and the other from England, each of whom has left a record
of his impressions of the country, in general, and the Englishman
likewise refers to Glasgow in particular. Æneas Sylvius, afterwards
Pope Pius II., was a guest at the king's court in the winter of
1435, and he describes Scotland as a cold, bleak, wild country,
producing little corn, for the most part without wood, but yielding
a "sulphurous stone " which was dug out of the earth for fuel. The
cities had no walls, the houses were mostly built without lime, with
roofs of turf in the towns. Hides, wool, salt fish and pearls, were
exported to Flanders. [Hume Brown's Early Travellers in Scotland,
pp. 25-27.] Though there is no evidence that Glasgow came under the
notice of this keen observer most of his quoted remarks may be
adopted as applying to its condition at that time, including the
allusion to coal digging, which was then probably carried on in open
The other visitor
just referred to was John Hardyng, who was sent to Scotland by Henry
V. and Henry VI. of England, to procure deeds confirming the claims
of English superiority over Scotland, and who, being unsuccessful in
the search, returned with documents suspected to be of his own
manufacture, but which he stated had been procured by purchase in
fulfilment of the purpose of his mission. In his metrical Chronicle
which propounds different schemes for the conquest of Scotland,
Hardyng has the following remarks on Glasgow:
"Returne agayne unto
And from thence to Glasco homewarde,
Twenty and foure myles to S. Mongo's shrine,
Wherewith your offeryng ye shall from thence decline,
And passe on forthwarde to Dumbertayne,
A castell stronge and harde for to obteine.
In whiche castell S. Patryke was borne,
That afterwarde in Irelande dyd wynne...
.... Than from Glasgo to the towne of Ayre,
Are twentie myles and foure wele accompted,
A good countree for your armye everywhere
And plenteous also, by many one recounted ...
.... Next than from Ayre unto Glasgew go,
A goodly cytee and universitee,
Where plentifull is the countree also,
Replenished well with all commoditee."
A plan is sketched
for three armies traversing the country in a sort of conquering
march and all three meeting at
Standyng upon Clyde, and where also
Of corne and cattell is aboundaunce,
Youre armye to vittayle at all suffysaunce."
The Chronicle was
written by Hardyng in his advanced age, and some of his remarks,
such as his allusion to the "universitee" of Glasgow, are applicable
to a period later than the reign of the first James. But in any
case, the Englishman's observations convey the impression that in
the first half of the fifteenth century the country was in a fairly
prosperous condition. |