THE tide of prosperity which was rising
in Glasgow as the middle of the eighteenth century drew near was
accompanied by a number of domestic happenings of more or less
significance. A movement which
may be regarded as the first strike of workmen in the history of the
city took place among the journeymen wrights and masons. Past memory
of man these workmen had begun their labours at six in the morning,
and continued till eight at night in the workshop or seven at
housework. They now demanded that they should work for an hour less
in the evening without deduction of wage, and several of them had
already stopped work until these terms should be agreed to. To this
the deacons and masters of the trades concerned replied by ordaining
that no freeman should hire a journeyman except upon the
time-honoured terms, under a penalty of ten merks for each
infringement; also that no freeman should hire another man's servant
until he was cleared and quit of his former master. The demand, they
considered, was "an imposition, not only on the freemen of the
craft, but upon the lieges, and a species of oppression." On this
ground the matter was placed before the Magistrates and Town
Council, who duly "interponed" their authority, and the first
Glasgow strike was at an end. [Burgh Records, 19th March, 1746.]
The trades already incorporated, like
the masons and wrights, might be regarded as associations rather of
employers than of workmen, but the workmen also presently began to
form societies. The first trades union formed upon the modern model
in Glasgow was that of the "porters or workmen," who applied to the
Magistrates and Council in 1748 for authority to enforce the rules
of a society they proposed to set up. The first purpose of the
society was the support of decayed members and their widows. They
asked power to levy money for this purpose; and, to ensure that they
would serve their employers honestly and faithfully, they further
asked that no one should be allowed to be employed until he was a
member of the society and had given caution for his honesty and good
faith. Here again the Town Council "interponed" its authority, and
the society of porters and workmen started its career. Each porter
was provided with a badge, and unauthorised persons acting as
porters were subject to a penalty of five shillings sterling. [Ibid.
2nd April, 1748.] The example was immediately followed by the horse
setters or hirers of the city. In this case the rates for hiring
horses were included in the constitution of the society. For a horse
ridden single within six miles the hire was one shilling sterling,
or if ridden double eighteen pence. For any distance up to a hundred
miles the hire was twopence halfpenny per mile. If the horse were
ridden thirty miles from Glasgow it could be kept six days, and if
for less distances shorter periods. The hire of a chaise was
tenpence per mile. In this case also authority was given to enforce
the rules, and the society was duly set up, with oversman,
collector, and other necessary officials. [Ibid. 13th May, 1748.]
A much more delicate matter to settle
was the claim made by the University and its professors for
exemption from rates, taxes, and all public burdens, not only of the
college itself, but of all their houses and lands within and without
the city. In its earliest struggling days the University had been
granted a privilege of this sort by the Crown, but at that time its
only property was the building in which its work of teaching was
carried on and the regents and students lived. The enlarged demand
now made was carried first to the Court of Session, but afterwards
by mutual agreement was submitted to the arbitration of George
Sinclair and Thomas Millar, advocates. After considering all the
documents and hearing all the evidence, these gentlemen decided that
while the college buildings themselves and their immediate
precincts, including the houses of the professors and others, should
be exempt from taxation, other properties within and without the
city, owned by the college and its professors, must bear the same
public burdens as the properties of other people. [Burgh Records,
14th Aug., 17th Nov. 1746.] This decision put an end to the
possibility of any great extension of an iniperium in imp erio which
had more than once threatened serious trouble between town and gown.
As matters stood, the exemption allowed to the buildings of the
college afforded important and appropriate relief when, as in the
following year, a tax was imposed by Parliament on windows and
lights. [Ibid. 16th April, 1747. So serious a burden was the window
tax regarded by the clergy of Scotland that they subscribed £400 and
sent Jupiter Carlyle to London as a special envoy to secure the
exemption of the Scottish manses.—Autobiography of Rev. Alexander
Carlyle, p. 496.]
Another institution whose suggestions
at that time had far-reaching effects was the Fire Insurance
Society. The lesson of disastrous conflagrations, to which the
houses of that day were especially liable, had not been lost upon
the citizens, and the plan of subscribing to an association which
should undertake the risks of loss had already found favour. [See
supra, Chap. XVIII and Burgh Records, 12th Apr. 1726. The society
was erected into a legal incorporation by the Magistrates and Town
Council in 1758.—Burgh Records, 17th Jan.] The next step was for
that association to take measures to reduce the risk as far as
possible. For many years ladders and water buckets had been provided
by the Town Council, and latterly even three "fire machines" for
pumping the water had been procured. But in an emergency it was apt
to be found that the buckets and ladders had been used for other
purposes, or were out of repair, and that there was no expert at
hand to attend the working of the "fire machines." The Fire
Insurance Society now suggested the formation of a regular fire
brigade. A certain Robert Craig was to be appointed fire-master, and
for his trouble was to be exempted from all trade stent or taxation,
as well as watching, warding, and quartering of soldiers, and to be
paid five pounds sterling yearly. Twenty-four able men, instructed
by him, were to be in readiness to turn out at fires, and were to
practise the playing off of the machines four times a year. They
were to have strong leather caps with the Glasgow arms pained in
front to distinguish them when on duty, and were to be paid five
shillings yearly, with further "reasonable gratification" for their
trouble on the occasion of fires. Further, the servants in the
tanneries, sugar houses, and other works, who had received burgess
tickets gratis, were to be warned yearly by the magistrates to
repair instantly upon alarm of fire, to carry the fire machines to
the scene of action and assist in extinguishing the conflagration.
The Fire Insurance Society backed its proposals with an offer to pay
half of the cost, and the Town Council promptly agreed to the
arrangement. From that date Glasgow has enjoyed the services of a
more or less regular fire brigade. [Burgh Records, 7th May, 1747.]
Even with the best appliances then available, however, little could
be done to extinguish a really serious conflagration, and on 3rd
June, two years later, a large part of the village of Gorbals, with
its thatched roofs and narrow main street, was destroyed. [Ibid.
28th June, 1749. At that fire Major Wolfe, afterwards the victor at
Quebec, is said to have taken part with a small party of soldiers in
fighting the flames.—Old Ludgings of Glasgow, p. 61.]
At the same time the benevolent and
philanthropic spirit which has always been characteristic of Glasgow
life remained in evidence. In 1747 Robert McNair, a merchant weaver,
placed before the magistrates proposals for the erection of an
institution like the modern industrial school or reformatory. He
proposed to erect a building of two storeys and attics on the south
side of Trongate, with accommodation in the attics for a hundred
spinners, on the upper floor for weavers, warpers, winders, and
confectioners, and on the ground floor for hecklers, lint buffers,
clay searchers, and bakers, with kitchen and eating apartments. He
proposed to appoint a manager and be at the entire expense of the
establishment, in which he would receive all delinquents, boys and
girls, committed to him by the magistrates, train them to useful
employments, and furnish them with bed, board, and clothing. He
demanded no more than the benefit of their work till they gave proof
of their ability to earn their own bread and prove industrious
citizens, and the establishment was to be under the supervision of
the magistrates. The proposal was duly approved by the Town Council,
who recommended the magistrates to deliver youthful delinquents to
McNair "in so far as authorized by law." [Burgh Records, 1st Oct.
1747.] It is to be regretted that information is not available
regarding the success or otherwise of McNair's enlightened
But while attention was being paid to
the material interests of the citizens in these various ways, the
increase of prosperity was bringing about the development of taste
for the arts and the lighter side of life. In 1750 the Town Council
added to its gallery of royal portraits a painting of its good
friend the Duke of Argyll, after whom Argyle Street was presently to
be named. For that painting the city paid £42 to Allan Ramsay, son
of the Edinburgh poet and bookseller. [Ibid. 1st May, 1750.] Forty
guineas was evidently the recognised price for a portrait by a
first-class artist in Scotland at that time. It was the fee paid to
Sir Henry

Raeburn by Gordon of Aikenhead for
his own picture later in the century.
The art of the theatre also began to
emerge from its long period of opprobrium. In the Scotland of
pre-Reformation times the performance of plays had been a popular
entertainment. Among outstanding examples was Sir David Lyndsay's
"Satire of the Three Estates," performed before King James V. at
Linlithgow in January, 1539/40, and occupying no less than nine
hours in representation. But John Knox and his fellow
disciplinarians had throttled all such carnal amusements with a
determined hand, [See a number of curious extracts from the Book of
the Universal Kirk (Maitland Club) quoted by Strang in Glasgow and
its Clubs, p. 309.] and though James VI. invited the players of
Shakespeare's company to Edinburgh, and they made their way as far
as Aberdeen, it was only by his special patronage that they were
allowed to perform. Dramatic art, like most other arts, was under a
cloud in Scotland for more than a hundred years. The country was not
without actors, but they were regarded, in Glasgow at any rate, as
vagabonds and sons of Belial. In 1670 the magistrates interdicted
"strolling stage-players from running through the streets and from
performing plays in private houses, which they called `The Wisdom of
Solomon.'" [CIeland's Annals, ii. 189.] It was probably an act of
great daring by which the masters of the Grammar School of Glasgow,
in 1720, allowed the performance of something in the nature of drama
by the scholars. The view of the Town Council on the subject was
shown by a notice of it in the Burgh Records. The minute runs, "The
Magistrates and Town Council, considering that the allowing of
public balls, shows, comedies, and other plays or diversions, where
acted in houses belonging to the town, and particularly in the
Grammar School house, has occasioned great disturbance in the city,
do therefore strictly prohibit and discharge the allowing of public
balls, shows, comedies, and other plays, and diversions, to be acted
or done, within any of the town's houses, and particularly within
the Grammar School, excepting such plays as are acted by the boys of
the school, and have relation to their learning, and to be acted by
none else but themselves, and none others to be present thereat but
the masters and scholars of the school, and remit to the magistrates
to see that this act be not contravened." [Burgh Records, 10th Jan.
Times were changing however. At
Edinburgh, in 1725, Allan Ramsay published his pastoral drama, "The
Gentle Shepherd," and twelve years later he went so far as to build
a theatre in Carrubber's Close. Edinburgh Town Council promptly
stopped that enterprise, and nearly ruined the poet; but the venture
showed the veering of public taste. In 1728 a company of strolling
players, Anthony Aston's, made their way from Edinburgh to Glasgow,
and persuaded Bailie Murdoch to grant them permission to perform
"The Beggar's Opera" in the Weigh House. They got a good audience on
the first night, but afterwards, according to the Rev. Robert Wodrow,
they "got not so much as to pay their music." The magistrates were
blamed for granting permission, and the magistrates blamed the
ministers, who should have interfered in time. "Sabbath after," says
Wodrow, "the ministers preached against going to these interludes
and plays.... Mr Rob of Kilsyth went through all that was a-going
about meeting-houses, plays, errors, and profaneness, and spared
none, as I hear." [Wodrow's Analecta. Chambers's Domestic Annals,
iii. 550.]
In 1750 a play was staged in the hall
in which Daniel Burrell taught dancing under the patronage of the
Town Council, on the east side of High Street below the Bell of the
Brae, and in 1752 a wooden theatre was fitted up against the wall of
the Bishop's Palace. On its stage such actors as Diggs, Love,
Stampier, and Mrs. Ward appeared after the end of the season in
Edinburgh. Popular opinion, however, still ran strongly against such
amusements, and ladies and gentlemen coming to the performances from
the lower, more fashionable parts of the town were regularly
escorted by a military guard. The climax came in 173 when
Whitefield, the evangelist, preaching from a tent in the Cathedral
churchyard, took occasion to point to the theatre and denounce it as
the Devil's house. No sooner were the words spoken than the mob
rushed to the spot and levelled the wooden building with the ground.
[Cleland's Annals, ii. 139. Whitefield himself, however, denied
this. Tyerman's Life of Whitefield, U. p. 314.] It was probably in
connection with this outrage that John Davidson, writer to the
signet and the town's law agent, paid the sum of £7 16s. sterling on
account, half of the college and half of the town, "in relation to
the players that came there and set up a public playhouse last
year." [Burgh Records, 21st Jan. 1754.]
Eight years later another attempt was
made. One, Jackson, a comedian, and two friends, came to Glasgow and
sought the permission of the magistrates for the erection of a
regular theatre. Already bitten, however, the city fathers refused
to countenance the enterprise, and no one within the royalty could
be found to sell a site for the building. At last a piece of ground
was secured at the village of Grahamston, where the Central Railway
Station now stands; [The village was named after John Graham of
Dougalston who feued six acres of land on the west side of St.
Enoch's Burn from Colin Campbell of Blythswood about 1709. One of
Graham's sub-feuars was Miller of Westerton, in the parish of
Bonhill, whose grandson sold a site for the theatre at the then
exorbitant price of 5s. per square yard.] a group of Glasgow
merchants, including William McDowall of Castle Semple and James
Dunlop of Garnkirk, subscribed the cost, and a theatre was erected.
But on the opening night, in 1764, when Mrs. Bellamy and other
respectable actors were engaged to appear, a disorderly crowd took
possession of the theatre, stopped the performance, and set fire to
the stage. The whole interior was destroyed, and Mrs. Bellamy and
the other performers lost all their wardrobe. [Glasgow Mercury, 11th
May, 1780. The ladies of Glasgow presented Mrs. Bellamy with forty
silk gowns to replenish her wardrobe.] The theatre itself, after
some years of indifferent success, was burnt to the ground in 1780.
Jackson then built a small theatre in Dunlop Street, which was
opened in 1782. But now the tide of public taste had turned, or the
theatre was in a more accessible spot. It before long proved too
small for its audiences. A subscription was then set on foot in
shares of £25 each, "the most magnificent Provincial Theatre in the
Empire" was built in Queen Street at a cost of £18,500, a patent was
secured by Act of Parliament, and in 1804 the rather chequered
career of modern drama in Glasgow was begun. [Cleland's Annals, ii.
140. It is discouraging to know that the original subscribers to the
Queen Street theatre lost all their money, and the theatre, patent,
and scenery were in the end sold for £5000, just enough to cover the
outstanding debts. For terms of feu, see Burgh Records, 17th Jan.
A very full account of the early
drama in Scotland and of early dramatic ventures in Glasgow will be
found in Strang's Glasgow and its Clubs, p. 307.
A facsimile of the signatures of
subscribers to the Theatre Royal is given as an appendix to Frazer's
Making of Buchanan Street.] |