AMID all the disturbances and
convulsions of that time the development of Glasgow somehow went
steadily on. It was the time, as we have seen, of the rise of the
great cotton spinning and weaving industry which was to remain a
staple of Glasgow business for several generations, till another
American war, the civil conflict of 1863 between the States
themselves, put a stop to supplies. In view of his services to this
industry, Richard Arkwright was made an honorary burgess and guild
brother of the city in 1784. [Burgh Records, 1st Oct., 1784.]
Cuthbert Gordon, also, the inventor of the process for making
cudbear, was, on the petition of the dyers and manufacturers,
recommended to parliament for recognition and encouragement. Besides
his original invention, it appears, he had "produced in cotton the
colour known by the name Nankeen, from the most common to the
highest red, which has hitherto defied all Europe, the Hindoo and
golden yellows, blues and greys of a variety of shades, and a
beautiful red, superior to madder and nearly equal to that of the
India red, even in its wild and uncultivated state." [Ibid. 15th
Jan., 1784.] An inventor, in
another field, who also excited attention in Glasgow, was Lunardi,
the aeronaut. That famous balloonist made two ascents from Glasgow,
in November and December 1785. As a preliminary his balloon was
exhibited, at a charge of one shilling, in the middle space of the
cathedral, between the choir and the nave, and the ascents were made
from St. Andrew's Square. On the first occasion he descended in the
neighbourhood of Hawick, and on the second in the parish of Campsie.
[Senex, Old Glasgow, p. 238.]
When in the city on that occasion,
Lunardi would have the pleasure of listening to the "music bells,"
newly rearranged in the tolbooth steeple, on which Joshua Campbell,
musician, and John Gardner, mathematical instrument maker, had
lately been engaged. The bells were played like a musical-box, by
means of a barrel, pegged on its revolving surface, and a different
set of tunes was arranged for each day of the week. [Burgh Records,
5th Oct., 1785.] These were the bells which brought Glasgow the
reputation enshrined in the rhyme
Glasgow for bells,
Linlithgow for wells,
And Fa'kirk for bonnie lasses!
In the following year a change that
was destined to take place in social customs was marked by the
establishment of the first licensed distillery in Glasgow, that of
William Menzies, first of a family which from that day till this has
been engaged in the industry. Previously there were only three
distilleries in Scotland, Burns's "dear Kilbagie" and two others.
[Mitchell, Old Glasgow Essays, p. 382.] Formerly, while claret was
the drink of gentlemen and ale of ordinary folk, the more potent
spirit in request was French brandy. The distilling of whisky, like
the making of cudbear, was an industry imported from the Highlands,
and the spirit was destined to grow in use till it became recognized
as the national beverage of Scotland.
An industry introduced to Glasgow in
the same year, which on the other hand owed its origin on a great
scale in Scotland to an Englishman, was the smelting of iron in the
blast furnace. From early times, iron had been smelted in small
quantities in the ovens known as bloomeries; of which traces are to
be found on many of the Scottish moors. The bloomeries were
succeeded by the larger furnaces at Furnace on Loch Fyne and
Taynuilt on Loch Etive, started by an English company in 1754. These
furnaces were lit only every twenty years, when the woods of the
respective neighbourhoods had grown enough to furnish the necessary
charcoal. The ore they smelted came from England, and the iron they
produced was sent back there. [Mitchell, Old Glasgow Essays, p.
294.] Down to the year 1760, when George III. became king, nearly
all the iron used in Scotland was imported from Sweden and Russia,
and the Glasgow Nailerie, or Smithfield Company, with its slit mill
on the Kelvin and its workshop near the Broomielaw, made only small
articles, such as spades and hammers. It was only in 1760 that the
first Scottish blast furnaces were established. These were erected
on the Carron in Stirlingshire by Dr. John Roebuck, a Sheffield man
who had studied medicine at Edinburgh and Leyden, and carried on a
chemical laboratory at Birmingham and a manufacture of sulphuric
acid at Prestonpans. [Jupiter Carlyle, Autobiography, p. 365.
Roebuck's partners in the enterprise were Samuel Garbett, a
Birmingham merchant, and William Cadell, a Cockenzie shipowner.]
They smelted partly Scottish and partly English ore, and after 1762
used pit coal for the purpose. They used their whole output for
their own foundry products, and the cast-iron guns they made, known
as " carronades," were used on every British battlefield of the
Following the example of Carron, and
encouraged by the existence of iron ore and coal in the district,
Thomas Edington in 1786 founded the Clyde Ironworks at Tollcross, to
the east of Glasgow. [Mitchell, pp. 295 and 382.] These furnaces
were followed by others at various places, including Govanhill to
the south of the city, and were the beginning of the great iron
industry of the West of Scotland, which brought wealth and
employment to the whole region, till the business was ruined by the
disastrous General Strike of 1926. Dlushet's discovery in
Lanarkshire of the rich deposits of black band ironstone, an ore
which almost smelted itself, and the invention in 1829, by James
Beaumont Neilson, manager of Glasgow Gaswork, of the hot-blast,
which turned the waste gases and heat of the furnaces to further
account, made this iron industry the greatest in the world, and for
a century, till the tops of the furnaces were closed, in order to
save the gases, the flare at night made a striking feature of the
landscape. Alexander Rodger, the "Radical poet," celebrated the
effect in his spirited lines, addressed to the owner of Clyde
Ironworks, in his time:—
The mune does fu' weel when
the mune's i' the lift,
But oh, the loose limmer tak's mony a shift,
Whiles here and whiles there, and whiles under a hap—
But yours is the steady light, Colin Dulap!
Na, mair—like true frien'ship, the mirker the night
The mair you let out your vast columns o' light;
When sackcloth and sadness the heavens enwrap,
'Tis then you're maist kind to us, Colin Dulap.
Still later, Alexander Smith, in his
fine poem, "Glasgow," described
The roar and flap of foundry
That shake with light the sleeping shires.
In Clyde Ironworks were cast many of
the cannon used at Waterloo.
Those were the years in which Glasgow
became notably an industrial city. After 1775, when James Watt and
his partner, Boulton, became able to supply steam engines freely for
mills and general manufacturing purposes, the owners of Glasgow
factories in constantly increasing numbers adopted steam as their
motive power. With the consequent growth of an industrial population
the severance between the interests of town and country began which
has been a feature of social and political life from that day till
this. The tendency was seen almost at once in the attitude of
Glasgow towards the proposed Corn Law. That law was, to begin with,
a tax by Government for the raising of revenue. But it was also
intended for the encouragement of land reclamation and agriculture,
then in a very backward state. Unfortunately another of its
consequences was to raise the price of bread to the industrial
workers, and, as this was the aspect which immediately concerned
them, they resisted the proposal to the utmost of their power. In
Glasgow, in 1786, the Chamber of Commerce drew up a reasoned protest
against any alteration of the law which would tend to raise the
price of grain, and the Town Council sent the protest to its member
of parliament, as well as to all the royal burghs of Scotland and to
the Convention of Burghs. [Burgh Records, 10th Oct., 1st Nov.,
1786.] From that time onward the subject formed a bone of contention
between the agricultural and industrial classes of the kingdom, in
which Glasgow took an active interest, [Ibid. 19th Jan., 1791.]
until in the middle of the next century the industrial interests
were strong enough to secure the repeal of the Corn Laws altogether.
[Green, Short History of the English People, p. 841.]
Another sign of a cleavage between
the social classes came into evidence in the city about the same
time. The incident showed clearly the growth of a class
consciousness, and was an obvious attempt of the craftsmen in the
community to assert themselves and to seize control of the
government machine. The attempt was made quite constitutionally,
through the machinery of the Trades House. The leader of the attempt
was a certain William Lang, of the Hammermen craft, and he handed
the Lord Provost a resolution of a majority of the Trades House,
with letters demanding official answers from the magistrates and
council. The resolution began by recalling that the duty upon ale
and beer had been granted to the city subject to supervision and
control by the Merchants House and Trades House. It asserted the
right of the Trades House, therefore, not only to modify the levying
of the tax, but to control the spending of the revenue which the tax
produced. Based upon this claim it asserted a right to inspect the
books of the Town Council, and exercise certain powers of direction.
The attack was of course opposed and
resented by the city fathers. They pointed out that the duty on ale
had been re-granted again and again to the city without any renewal
of the original stipulations, which had therefore lapsed. As for the
right to inspect the books and accounts of the city's affairs, while
they were willing to give that satisfaction to any private burgess
who might demand it, they knew of no right of the Trades House or
any other body to make the demand. To grant that demand would be
subversive of the legal authority vested in the magistrates and
council as administrators for the community, and they therefore
declared their resolve to use their utmost endeavours to support, in
a legal and constitutional manner, their just rights and privileges
against the "unwarrantable and unprecedented attack" made by a
majority of the Trades House. [Burgh Records, 6th Feb., 1787. The
duty on ale and beer was worth fighting for. In 1790 it was farmed
out by the Town Council for 2400 (Ibid. 26th Nov.). It continued to
be levied till 1839 (ibid. 4th Jan. 1833, note).]
The bid for power which was thus
stopped by the firmness of the magistrates and council apparently
left no feelings of bitterness in its wake, for the difficult
business of dividing the barony of Gorbals, which was undertaken
shortly afterwards, was carried through without difference or
acrimony. Hitherto that barony had been held in partnership by
Hutchesons' Hospital, the Trades House, and the Town Council, the
Hospital being owner of one half and the Trades House and the Town
Council of one quarter each of the property. It was now determined
to divide the property into separate possessions, and the division
was carried out in very fair and able fashion. The minerals below
the surface remained the common possession of the three parties in
the same proportions as before. The superiority, with the existing
feu-duties and casualties, and the rights of bailiary and justiciary
of the whole, were retained by the city, which paid Hutchesons'
Hospital and the Trades House £12oo sterling for their shares. The
surface was then divided into four portions of equal value, for
which the parties drew lots, Hutchesons' Hospital getting two
portions and the Town Council and the Trades House one each. The
transaction, which was first suggested in 1788, took several years
to complete, but was finally settled by a decree arbitral in 1795.
[Burgh Records, 10th Dec., 1788; 11th July, 1789; 1st June, 1792;
13th March, 1795. See also John Ord's Barony of Gorbals.] From that
arrangement have come the names of those districts of the southern
side of Glasgow known as Hutchesontown and Tradeston.
While this transaction was being
arranged, the Trades House had been establishing itself in new
quarters. The site chosen was in the street which had recently been
laid out by John Horn, the builder, on the grounds of the old
Shawfield Mansion, between Trongate and Ingram Street, and named
Glassford Street after the last owner of that mansion, John
Glassford of Dougalston. Previously the headquarters of the Trades
had been in the ancient manse of the prebendary of Morebattle, in
the old Kirkgate or High Street, immediately south of St. Nicholas
Hospital. [Macgeorge, Old Glasgow, p. 11. Strang, Glasgow and its
Clubs, p. 224 note.] This manse had been acquired shortly after the
Reformation, and the bell in the belfry tower on its roof had rung
for funerals passing to the High Churchyard for three hundred years.
[Strang, Glasgow and its Clubs, p. 224.] At last, however, the time
had come for the Trades House to have a meeting place more in
keeping with its importance and dignity. For its purpose it employed
an architect of European distinction.

Robert Adam was the most
distinguished of four brothers, all architects, who built the
Adelphi, and much improved the street architecture of London. It has
sometimes been stated that Robert Adam was the pupil of Sir William
Bruce, Bart., of Kinross, architect of the later part of
Holyroodhouse and of the Merchants House in the Briggate of Glasgow.
But Bruce died eighteen years before Robert Adam was born. Regarding
the latter, Jupiter Carlyle, who was his contemporary, writes that,
after studying at Edinburgh University, he "had been three years in
Italy, and, with a first-rate genius for his profession, had seen
and studied everything that was in the highest esteem among foreign
artists. From the time of his return—viz. in February or March
1758—may be dated a very remarkable improvement in building and
furniture and even stoneware, in London and every part of England."
[Autobiography of Alexander Carlyle, p. 354.] Adam was appointed
architect to George III. in 1762, became a Fellow of the Royal
Society, and sat in parliament as member for Kinross-shire.
It was this celebrated architect whom
the crafts of Glasgow employed to design the new Trades House, and
the building which he erected in Glassford Street remains a very
interesting and typical example of his work. The representatives of
the trades disposed of their ancient almshouse and meeting place in
the Kirkgate in 1790, and from 1794 have had their headquarters in
the building of Robert Adam's design.
The Trades House, however, was by no
means the only building erected in Glasgow by this famous architect.
The laying out of new streets on the grounds of Ramshorn and
Meadowflat suggested to a body of citizens the project of building a
new and more commodious set of Assembly Rooms for the use of the
community.' The plan, which had proved so successful in the case of
the older Assembly Rooms at the Cross, was adopted. Following the
astute device of the Italian, Lorenzo Tonti, two hundred and
seventy-four subscribers were found to invest the sum of £25 each,
on the speculative chance, for each subscriber, that his nominee
would prove the longest liver, and would thus bring the entire
property into the possession of his heirs. The foundation stone of
the building was laid on iith March, 1796, by Gilbert Hamilton,
ex-Lord Provost, and the architects were the brothers, Robert and
James Adam. Only the centre part of the building was their work :
the wings were added nine years later, from designs by Henry
Holland, and for half a century these rooms in Ingram Street,
between Hanover Street and Frederick Street, formed one of the
rendezvous of the social life of the city. [According to Strang
(Glasgow and its Clubs, p. 347), when the Assembly rooms were first
opened in 1798 the company consisted of 370 ladies and gentlemen,
and the Queen's assembly in the following year was attended by 460.]
For fifty years after that they were the home of the Glasgow
Athenaeum and Commercial College, and when the General Post Office
at last acquired the site, the Adam part of the facade was removed
to form one of the gateways to Glasgow Green. [The Glasgow
Athenaeum, by James Lauder, p. 30; Glasgow and its Clubs, p. 171.]
Yet another Glasgow building of Adam
design was the substantial residence of David Dale in Charlotte
Street. It was in that house that Dale's eldest daughter married
Robert Owen, the apostle of Socialism, who was to bring his
father-in-law's great enterprise at New Lanark into conspicuous
notoriety as the scene of his well-meant experiments in the
formation of a new order of society. [Lugton's Old Lodgings of
Glasgow; Curiosities of Citizenship, p. 65.] After serving as an Eye
Infirmary for some years, the house still remains to represent the
domestic style of the famous architect. |