IN conformity with
earlier usage a statute of James II., passed in 1457, ordains that
sailors engaged in merchandise should be freemen of burghs and
indwellers within the burgh; and by an Act passed in the reign of
James III., on 31st January, 1466-7, it is more specifically
provided that none of the king's lieges should sail or pass with
merchandise for trading purposes, furth of the realm, except freemen
of the merchant class dwelling within burgh. But stringent
conditions were imposed with the view of ensuring that those engaged
in foreign trade should be financially able to implement their
engagements. [Ancient Laws and Customs, ii. pp. 26, 30, 31.] Though
the Scottish shipping ports at this time were still chiefly on the
east coast and the trade with Flanders was far in advance of that in
any other quarter, some share of shipping activity was manifesting
itself in the Clyde estuary before the end of James the Third's
reign. This is shown by a Precept of James IV., in 1490, whereby he
confirmed an undated decree by the Privy Council, in his father's
time, ordaining that all manner of ships, strangers and others,
should come to the king's free burghs, such as Dumbarton, Glasgow,
Ayr, Irvine, Wigtown, Kirkcudbright and Renfrew, and there make
merchandise, strangers being

required to buy
merchandise only at free burghs, and to pay their duties and customs
there. [Lanark and Renfrew, pp. 188-9; Glasg. Chart. i. pt. ii. pp.
Notwithstanding its
inland position and the incommodious state of the river for miles
below its site, [The unnavigable condition of the river Clyde at
Glasgow is shown by the provisions of an agreement dated 14th May,
1507, whereby Thomas Tayt, burgess of Ayr, sold to the archbishop a
quantity of lead, part of which he undertook to deliver either at
the burgh of Renfrew, or at the shallow of Govan if his ship could
be conveniently brought to the latter place (Diocesan Reg. Prot. No.
233). The editors of the Register suggest that the lead may have
been destined for the south transept of the Cathedral which the
archbishop began but did not live to complete (Ibid. i. p. 16).]
Glasgow was not content to confine its seaward enterprise to traffic
in salmon and herrings, but was ready to compete with its neighbours
for a share of foreign trade. With four burghs having an interest in
the narrow part of the river between Rutherglen and the eastern
bounds of Dumbarton there was need for careful diplomacy if seaboard
advantages were to be equally distributed, and a few isolated
particulars of such negotiations have been preserved. The liberties
of the burgh of Renfrew, embracing its shire, took in both sides of
the river, and accordingly between it and Dumbarton arrangements
connected with both land and water required consideration. To
provide for the settlement of questions likely to arise, twelve
representatives from each burgh met in the kirk of St. Patrick
(Kilpatrick), on 29th August, 1424, and resolved that for the
maintenance of friendship, six persons from each burgh, making
twelve in all, with an oversman to be chosen alternately by the one
and the other, should decide all complaints that might be made.
Anything that might happen, either by sea or land, which it was not
in the power of this body to determine, was to be referred to the
quartet where the earliest competent decision could be got. It was
also agreed that no one in the burghs should forestall or buy within
the shire or freedom of the other without obtaining the requisite
permission, but that all should intercommune with each other within
their burghs to buy and sell freely and in good neighbourhood. Five
years later questions arose between the burghs as to certain
freedoms and fishings, and these were settled by an assize which met
at Glasgow on 22nd November, 1429, in presence of the great
chamberlain of Scotland, who pronounced his decree on 3rd January,
thereafter. Renfrew was found to be in possession of fishings called
the Sandorde and of the midstream of the Water of Clyde, and also to
have the custom and anchorage of the river to a place called the
Blackstane. Below that point the profit was to be divided between
the burghs. [Lanark and Renfrew, pp. 282-4.]
The agreement of 1424, was still
operative a hundred years later, and at a meeting of six
representatives from each burgh, held in the parish kirk of
Kilpatrick, on 18th May, 1524, the procedure thereby prescribed was
observed. At that meeting Renfrew complained that Dumbarton had made
a "band and confederatione" with the city of Glasgow without their
consent, and that a bailie of Dumbarton had intromitted with the
custom and toll of a French ship within their bounds and freedom.
[Irving's History of Dumbartonshire (1857) pp. 155-7.] The " band
and confederatione " here referred to has not been conclusively
identified, but it may have been the " mutuall indenture," not now
extant but said to have been entered into in 1499, between Glasgow
and Dumbarton, for the maintenance and defence of each other's
privileges, "condiscending to ane equal entres of the river Clyde,
neither of them pretendand priviledge nor prerogative over the
other." [Glasg. Chart. ii. p. 62.]
The contract of 1424 is valuable as
indicating how by friendly negotiations facilities were afforded for
carrying on trade between communities to their mutual advantage,
notwithstanding the restrictions imposed by early burghal
legislation. It is difficult to understand how the hard and fast
rule of giving each burgh exclusive privileges within the limited
area of its own freedom could ever bear the strain of actual
practice, and it is probably safe to assume that arrangements
similar to those agreed upon by Renfrew and Dumbarton were, either
by tacit implication or express contract, in general operation
throughout the country. With regard to Glasgow its interests were so
far protected by the royal charters and precepts which the bishops,
through their influence as state officials and otherwise, were able
to procure, but even here, in addition to the contract of 1499,
there is trace of an earlier arrangement between the city and the
burgh of Dumbarton with reference to their respective rights in the
river Clyde.
Without superseding the system of cross-country transport, practised
between the city and Linlithgow port on the east and Irvine harbour
on the west. [Antea, pp. 177-80.] Glasgow merchants were from early
times in the habit of dealing both in imports and exports by meeting
ships at landing places in the Firth and, after concluding purchases
or sales, transferring cargo from or to small boats of draught
suited for passage along the shallow water between these landing
places and the city. In the later stages of traffic so conducted
some city merchants had ships of their own engaged in foreign trade,
but in the fifteenth century, when we first have any references to
the subject, the trading vessels belonged to foreigners. In the year
1469 Glasgow's representatives bought a quantity of wine out of a
Frenchman's ship, but the magistrates and community of Dumbarton
interfered and forcibly stopped the completion of the transaction.
Thereupon Bishop Andrew and the magistrates and community of Glasgow
summoned the Dumbarton authorities before the Lords Auditors of
Causes and Complaints, who, after investigation, found that Glasgow,
as "the first byars of the wyne," had been wronged, and Dumbarton
was ordained to desist from such interference in future, and to be
in the meantime punished, at the will of the sovereign, for the
injury done by its representatives. This decision was arrived at
after examination not only of charters and evidents but also of "the
instrumentis and indenturis of baith the partiis," from which it may
be inferred that at that time there was in existence a contract
between the two burghs regulating the mode of procedure in the
purchase of imports. With the authoritative pronouncement of the
Lords Auditors on their respective rights, any need for further
contention between Glasgow and Dumbarton on sea questions must have
been removed for the time, though eventually, in consequence of
changes in views or circumstances, the "band and confederatione"
complained of by Renfrew, in 1524, may have introduced
modifications, the full terms of which cannot now be definitely
ascertained. [Glasg. Chart. i. pt. ii. p. 54. The River Clyde, pp.
11-13, and authorities there cited.]
John M'Ure asserts that "the first
promoter and propogator of trade in this city was William
Elphingston, a younger brother of the noble family of Elphingston,"
who took up his abode in Glasgow in the reign of James I., and
became a merchant; and Gibson, in his History of Glasgow, published
in 1777, adopts the statement, and adds that the trade which he
promoted was in all probability the curing and exporting of salmon.
On the authority, apparently, of George Crawfurd, [Officers of
State, (1726), P. 47.] M'Ure states that the wife of William
Elphingstone was Margaret Douglas of the house of Mains in
Dumbartonshire, and that this couple were the parents of William
Elphinstone, bishop of Aberdeen and founder of

the University in that city. [M'Ure's
History of Glasgow, p. 93 ; Gibson's History of Glasgow, p. 203. ]
What authority there was for the trade story cannot be traced, but
there is no doubt that Bishop Elphinstone's father, also named
William, was a churchman, a canon of Glasgow cathedral from 1451 to
1483, holding the offices of dean of faculty in 1468, prebendary of
Ancrum in 1479, and archdeacon of Teviotdale in 1482. He died in.
1486. Bishop Elphinstone is believed to have been born in Glasgow in
1431; he matriculated at Glasgow college in 2457, took his
Bachelor's degree in 1459, was a regent in the University in 1465,
and its rector in 1474; and between the years 1471 and 1477 he acted
as official of the diocese of Glasgow. Of all the written
proceedings of the courts of the official only a single leaf has
been preserved, and it embraces the record of the part of two days'
procedure in court, in 1475, containing the name of William
Elphinstone as the presiding judge. [Glasgow Protocols, vol. v. pp.
xi, xii.] On his being appointed official of Lothian, in 1478,
Elphinstone's more intimate connection with Glasgow was terminated,
but the chief events of his great career were still to come. One of
the most useful services rendered by the bishop to national progress
was the part he took in the introduction of the art of printing into
Scotland, he having obtained a grant of exclusive privileges in
favour of Walter Chepman and Andro Myllar, two burgesses of
Edinburgh, in 1507.
If the William Elphinstone whom M'Ure
introduces in. the reign of James I. was a real personage, he may
have been. the ancestor of the Elphinstones of Gorbals, as the
earliest rentaller traced in the possession of these lands bore that
name, and his forebears must have been rentallers for an unknown
period prior to 1520. About that time the name of Elphinstone was
common in Glasgow, and, as will be afterwards noticed, one John
Elphinstone, in the year 1508, obtained royal authority to erect and
occupy a fortified building in the High Street of Glasgow. [Early
Scottish History, pp. 258-66 ; Hunterian Club, vol. xv. pp. iii-xiii
; Medieval Glasgow, pp. 116-26.]
Various statutes of James III.., on the
lines of those of his. immediate predecessor and already referred
to, [Antea, p. 203.] were passed for advancing the internal welfare
of the burghs, and it seems there was room for improvement in the
mode of electing the magistrates and other officers, disturbances
being apt to arise when large bodies of the citizens were assembled
to choose their rulers at the annual period of election. By Act of
Parliament dated 10th November, 1469, it was, for avoidance of the
great trouble and contention which yearly occurred at the elections,
"throw multitud and clamor of commonis sympil personis," enacted
that no officers or council should be continued more than a year,
that the old council should choose the new, that the new and old
councils should choose the alderman, bailies, dean of guild, and
other officers, and that each craft should choose one of its number
to have a voice in the election of such officers. The requirement
for a new council yearly was modified by the provision in an Act
dated 9th May, 1474, stipulating for "four worthy persounis" of the
old council being continued on the new; [Ancient Laws and Customs,
vol. ii. pp. 32, 35.] but, as was not uncommon with ordinances of
the Scottish legislature neither act was strictly observed. The
Commissioners on Municipal Corporations, who had evidence before
them from the several burghs, remarked in their Report of 1835, that
the simple and uniform plan of election prescribed in 1469 was by no
means universally adopted, and that the constitutions of burghs
royal, technically denominated their "setts," came to exhibit an
endless variety in their details, although, there was scarcely any
exception to the "leading principle of what has been usually termed
self-election, to the exclusion of any near approach to popular
suffrage." It was this prevailing distinction which was referred to
in the preamble of the Burgh Reform Act of 1833, where it is stated
that the right of electing the common councils and magistrates
appears to have been originally in certain large classes of the
inhabitants of the burghs, "by the abrogation of which ancient and
wholesome usage much loss, inconvenience and discontent have been
occasioned and still exist," and it was for redress and prevention
of such that the "close system" of election was abolished and the "
ancient free constitutions substantially restored." Whatever may
have been the mode of election in Glasgow previous to 1469, the new
rules, adapted to the city's circumstances, seem to have been
followed in most of their essential features. |