THE end of the
fifteenth century is regarded as marking the close of the Middle
Ages and the dawn of a new era for modern Europe. The discovery of
America and of a fresh sea route to India enlarged geographical
knowledge and gave promise of immense advance in commercial
enterprise ; and it may be supposed that other countries besides the
leading maritime nations of Spain and Portugal would share to some
extent in the impetus thus given to trading activity. Of the
prosperous condition of Scotland we have a contemporary account
given by Don Pedro de Ayala, the Spanish ambassador to the court of
King James. Writing in 1498 this foreigner reported that the country
had greatly improved during the king's reign, that commerce was much
more considerable than formerly and was continually advancing. There
were three principal articles of export, wool, hides and fish, and
the customs were substantial and on the increase. [Early Travellers,
pp. 42, 43. Ayala says: "The towns and villages are populous. The
houses are good, all built of hewn stone, and provided with
excellent doors, glass windows, and a great number of chimneys. All
the furniture that is used in Italy, Spain, and France, is to be
found in their dwellings. It has not been bought in modern times
only, but inherited from preceding ages." (Ibid. p. 47.)]
About this time, and
for a considerable period afterwards, Dumbarton was the chief port
in the west of Scotland and the most frequented as a naval base. It
was the favourite place of departure and arrival to and from France.
Expeditions to the Isles were organised at Dumbarton, fleets were
fitted out there, and thence they sailed. At the time King James was
making strenuous efforts to create a navy one ship was built at
Leith, another in Brittany and a third at Dumbarton. There are many
other recorded cases of shipbuilding at Dumbarton, and it long
continued to be a harbour for such royal ships as came to the west
coast. [River Clyde, pp. 17, 18; Lord High Treasurer's Accounts,
iii. and iv. In the year 1512 there are several payments out of the
royal treasury for timber and other material used for the building
of a galley at Glasgow, a vessel about which, unluckily, there are
no further particulars (Ibid. iv. P. 290).]
In 1499 Glasgow and
Dumbarton entered into an amicable arrangement for the defence and
maintenance of each other's privileges. In future each of the two
burghs was to have an equal interest in the river Clyde, neither of
them pretending privilege or prerogative over the other. [Glasg.
Chart. ii. pp. 62, 72, 119. In connection with the purchase of wine
from a ship, in 1531, Glasgow had sued Dumbarton in the consistorial
court, and on this ground the latter burgh alleged that the " band "
of 1499 had been broken, but the treasurer of Glasgow protested
against his burgh being prejudiced by the proceedings (Glasg. Prot.
No. rio3). An indenture entered into between the two burghs, in
1590, is on the same lines as the agreement of 1499, and provision
is made for the settlement of disputes by six representatives from
each who were to meet in the burgh of Renfrew (Glasg. Chart. i. pt.
ii. pp. 225-7)] As subsequent records show this judicious
arrangement worked satisfactorily and, subject to various
modifications, it was renewed from time to time.
Several of the
statutes of James IV. deal with the administration of burgh affairs.
[Ancient Laws, ii. pp. 49-57. Magistrates of burghs were required to
have these Acts openly proclaimed within their bounds.] Thus in May,
1491, better observance of the existing Acts relating to weights,
measures and customs was enjoined, directions were given for
expenditure of the common good only for the necessary purposes of
the burgh and on the advice of the town council and deacons of
crafts, and inquiry was to be made regarding such expenditure in the
yearly circuits of the great chamberlain. To avoid undue alienation
of burgh property, lands, fishings, mills and all yearly revenues
were not to be leased for a longer period than three years at a
To secure the loyalty
of the burgesses both to the nation and to their own rulers it was,
by renewal of a similar Act passed in 1457, [Ancient Laws, ii, p.
29.] ordained that no one dwelling in the burgh should enter into
leagues or manrent bonds with any landward person in any risings or
convocations, but that every one should obey the king or the burgh
authorities in the defence of the realm and for the advantage of the
burgh. In the words of the statute the inhabitants were not to "ride
na rout in fere of were [Not to assemble and march in warlike
array.] with na man bot with the king or with his officiaris or with
the lord of the burgh thai dwell in, or with his officiaris."
Practices introduced
and dues exacted by craftsmen, with regulations passed by deacons of
crafts, had the effect of unduly raising prices and interfering with
the completion of work, and in June, 1493, some interesting statutes
were passed to remedy such evils. In June, 1496, magistrates of
burghs were instructed to fix the prices and quality of victuals,
bread and ale, but this maybe regarded more as a parliamentary
sanction of existing practice than as the introduction of a new
system, because from the earliest times of which their proceedings
are extant town councils seem to have exercised control in that
An Act passed in
March, 1503, providing that all officers, provosts, bailies and
others having jurisdiction within burgh should be changed yearly,
and that none should hold office except those who "usis merchandice"
within the burgh, may have been strictly observed in Glasgow, except
in the case of the provost whose office, as formerly, seems to have
been regarded as an appendage to the bailieship of the regality. [Antea,
p. 210.]
Membership in the
community of a royal burgh, termed burgesship, originally implied
the possession of real property within the burgh, with the privilege
of sharing in its trade, responsibility for the administration of
its affairs, and liability for the defence of its interests. From an
early period the regulation of admission to the burgess roll was in
the hands of the community, one of the points on which the great
chamberlain inquired on his periodical visitations of a burgh being
"gif the balyeis sell the fredome of the burgh till ony without leif
of the comunite." [Ancient Laws, i. p. 153.] In accordance with the
practice here indicated, it was, in the parliament of 1503, ordained
that the provost and bailies should not make burgesses without the
advice and consent of the great council of the town and that the
profit should go to the common good and be spent on common works. As
representing the community the Town Council fixed the entry money,
which long formed a substantial item in the Common Good assets of
royal burghs. Under numerous legislative enactments burgesses of
royal burghs possessed the exclusive privilege of trade, both home
and foreign, and expenditure in enrolment as a burgess was thus a
remunerative investment. In Glasgow the rights of burgesses are
recognised in the foundation charter of the burgh. "I will and
straitly enjoin," so runs the royal mandate, "that all the burgesses
who shall be resident in the foresaid burgh shall justly have my
firm peace through my whole land; and I straitly forbid any one
unjustly to trouble or molest them or their chattels." [Glasg.
Chart. i. p. 4.] It may safely be assumed that Glasgow burgesses
have all along enjoyed the usual privileges of their class, but on
account of the extant council records not beginning at an earlier
date than 1573 there is little actual evidence on the subject prior
to that date.
On a vacancy in the
chaplainry at the altar of St. Kentigern, founded by Sir Walter
Stewart of Arthurle, on the south side of the nave of the cathedral,
[Glasg. Chart. i. pt. ii. pp. 45-52.] occurring in the year 1505-6,
Sir Bartholomew Blare, chaplain, was inducted, by delivery of the
chalice, missal and ornaments of the altar. It had been provided
that on failure of heirs-male of the founder the patronage was to
belong to the bailies and community, and though it is not recorded
that they nominated the new chaplain they took part in some of the
necessary arrangements. The induction took place on loth February,
1505-6, and two days later Patrick Culquhoune, provost, and two
bailies, in name of the whole community of the city, delivered to
the inducted chaplain the furnishings and ornaments of the altar,
conform to a list which is quoted below as indicating the vast
amount of valuable material which must have been stored in the
cathedral, assuming that each of its many altars was fitted up and
decorated in a somewhat similar manner. ["First, an image of the
Saviour with a pedestal, in a wooden chest, of alabaster; an image
of the glorious Virgin, on a table of alabaster; two large
chandeliers, and two small brass prikkets; two extinguishers for
torches, of tin; two silver phials, one of which wanted 'the strowp';
a chasuble of blue, with the hood, stole, and apparels thereof; a
chasuble of dun-coloured `sathyne,' without the hood, stole, and
apparels; a chasuble of burd alexander; two white albs, with an old
alb; a missal, with a wooden boss of overlaid work; two curtains of
taffety; six coverings for the altar of linen cloth; two amices; a
hanging of arras cloth, suspended at a pillar before the altar; a
frontal of black velvet, with a frontal hanging to the ground joined
to it of arras work, also an arras frontal with a hanging front of
worsted reaching to the ground ; two cushions of blue and red
velvet; a stole with a fillet of Liege cloth of gold—'the luke'; two
apparels of red velvet upon the tail, with an apparel of green burd
alexander upon the sleeve of an alb; an apparel upon an amice of
green burd alexander; a large hanging chandelier before the altar."
Burd alexander was a kind of cloth manufactured at Alexandria and
other towns in Egypt.] The chaplain accepted the custody of the
articles delivered to him, but protested for the replacement of
those which were wanting, when they happened to be restored to the
altar. [Diocesan Reg. Prot. Nos. 148-9.]
About four months
later Andrew Stewart, son of the founder of the chaplainry, and then
archdeacon of Candida Casa, founded another chaplainry at St.
Kentigern's altar, endowing it with four tenements on the west side
of the High Street. [Reg. Episc. No. 485. Provision was made for the
tenements being kept in repair; and on the day of the founder's obit
the chaplain was instructed to bestow sixpence each on forty poor
fathers and mothers of families, the procurators who distributed the
money receiving 3s. for their trouble, and the priest who served the
original chaplainry was also to get 3s.] Some little time must have
been occupied in preliminary details, but on 17th November, 1507,
the founder conferred the new chaplainry on Sir James Houstoun,
deacon, who latterly came to be well known as subdean and founder of
the Collegiate Church of St. Mary and St. Anne in the city. In the
instrument recording the appointment the founder takes the
opportunity of narrating that the endowments of the chaplainry
consisted of goods bestowed by God and collected by his own industry
and labour. [Dioc. Reg. Prot. No. 281.]
Archbishop Blacader
died in the end of July, 1508, while on a voyage in pilgrimage to
the Holy Land. News of his reported demise probably reached Scotland
by October, as James Beaton, then bishop of Galloway, [Archbishop
Beaton was the sixth son of John Beaton of Balfour in Fife, his
mother being INIarjory, daughter of Sir David Boswell of Balmuto.
Bethune, Betone and Betoun, are varying forms which this name takes
in sixteenth century MSS. "Beaton" is adopted here in conformity
with modern usage.] was at the king's desire chosen by the chapter
of Glasgow as his successor, on 9th November, but under reservation
of the right and possession of the former archbishop, "if he still
survived." All doubt as to the actual vacancy having been removed,
the chapter, on 8th April, 1509, complied with letters sent by Pope
Julius and received the new archbishop as the father and shepherd of
their souls. Similarly cordial welcome was given by the university
and clergy and by the bailies in name of the citizens and people of
Glasgow, and on 18th April the archbishop himself, sitting in
judgment in the chapter house, "for restoring rights and hearing
causes," declared that he was prepared to render justice to those
who desired to prosecute any ecclesiastical persons of his diocese,
repledged from the court of justiciary to the jurisdiction of
ecclesiastical liberty. [Dioc. Reg. Prot. Nos. 288-90, 358-60;
Dowden's Bishops, pp. 334 40.]
The jurisdiction here
referred to was that exercised in the court of the archbishop's
Official, otherwise called the commissary or consistory court. Four
months later the archbishop granted a commission to Lord Gray, the
king's justiciar, authorising him to hold a court of his (the
archbishop's) regality of Glasgow, within the tolbooth of Edinburgh,
for the trial of Alexander Likprivik and his accomplices for the
murder of George Hamilton within the regality and city of Glasgow,
the accomplices being also charged with other crimes. The
commission, which was presented by John Stewart of Minto, bailie of
the regality and provost of the city, was accepted by Lord Gray and,
while the reason for holding the trial in Edinburgh is not stated,
the archbishop, who was present, took the precaution of protesting
that this should not be to the prejudice of the regality of Glasgow.
[Reg. Episc. No. 488. The trial ended in the conviction and capital
sentence of Alexander Lekprevik, but he had a royal pardon.
(Pitcairn's Criminal Trials, pp. 62*; 110*.)]

The jurisdiction
exercised by the Official throughout the diocese was so
comprehensive as to leave few subjects beyond its range, but the
bailies of the burgh maintained that none of the citizens ought to
summon another citizen before a spiritual judge ordinary respecting
a matter which could be competently decided before the bailies in
the court-house of the burgh. A citizen who was fined in the burgh
court for transgressing this rule appealed to the court of the
Official, and some of the proceedings, including the decision of the
burgh court, are recorded in documents dated in December and
January, 1510-z. While the magistrates, through their provost, the
Earl of Lennox, appear to have adhered to their position, it was
declared that the magistrates and citizens would not do anything
against the liberty and jurisdiction of Holy Mother Church. [Dioc.
Reg. Prot. Nos. 498, 503-4. One of the points of inquiry to be made
by the great chamberlain on his circuit of the burghs was "gif ony
drawis his nychtbouris in the christiane court fra the secular."
(Ancient Laws, i. pp. 152-3.)]
Alexander Stewart, a
son of the king, had been provided to the archbishopric of St.
Andrews, in 1504, while he was yet a child of about eleven years of
age, the actual administration of affairs being entrusted to
churchmen of mature experience. On the occasion of a visit to
Glasgow by the young archbishop, when in his seventeenth or
eighteenth year, the feeling of independence and anxiety for the
maintenance of their privileges was manifested by the clergy of
Glasgow diocese, as represented by the cathedral chapter. Hearing
that the archbishop, who was likewise primate of Scotland and papal
legate, was approaching the city, and that the archbishop of Glasgow
was going to meet him for the sake of paying homage and obedience,
the chancellor, president- and chapter of Glasgow, on 21st June,
1510, formally declared that they were to go with the archbishop to
please the King, who was to accompany his son, the primate, and also
to please the archbishop, and not otherwise; and that they were
exempted "both by their ancient and modern privileges, granted by
the Roman pontiffs and by kings from doing homage to the primate and
to the archbishop of Glasgow and other judges ordinaries
whomsoever." They therefore solemnly protested that whatever homage
or obedience or courtesy the archbishop of Glasgow, to please his
Majesty, should render by walking in procession to meet him should
not prejudice them or their successors. [Dioc. Reg. Prot. No. 468.
The privileges of the chapter of Glasgow were ,confirmed by
Archbishop Beaton on 8th July, 1512 (Reg. Episc. No. 490).]
Long before the time
of Archbishop Beaton all the available lands in the barony of
Glasgow which had been at the disposal of his predecessors were put
into the possession of rentallers, but the earliest preserved Rental
Book, containing the record of changes in ownership, only begins in
the first year of his episcopate. After the original grant from the
bishop, as lord of the barony, a rental right might be acquired by
succession, by purchase from a rentaller, or by marrying the
daughter of .a rentaller; and a widow was entitled to hold her
husband's possession during her viduity. Relaxation of a widow's
forfeiture on remarriage was common, and when a right came by
succession to a son, and sometimes, though rarely, to a daughter,
the liferent of the surviving father or mother was invariably
reserved. It was a common practice for one member of a family to be
entered as rentaller during the lifetime of both parents, but in
that case actual possession was ,contingent on survivance. The
preserved Rental Book embodies holograph entries by the several
archbishops, recording in brief form the transmission of rental
rights between 1509 and 1570, and thus affords much desirable
information regarding the people in the barony and their estates,
some of which were •continued in direct lines of succession for many
generations. [In 1918 the corporation of Glasgow purchased from the
trustees of William Allan Woddrop, recently deceased, part of the
estate of Dalmarnock, which had come to him through ancestors and
relatives whose successive possession can be traced since 1522 (Dioc.
Reg. Rental Book, p. 83). The Rental Book was taken to Paris by the
second Archbishop Beaton, who -continued to enter the names of
rentallers therein till 1570. This book and Cuthbert Simson's
Protocol Book, 1499-1503, were published by the GrampianClub in 1875
under the title Diocesan Registers of Glasgow.] |