In a place like Greenock, which had so many shipping, it is to be expected
that many fearful accidents would occur. The waste of individual life by
drowning, or falls from masts, &c., would make a long and melancholy
catalogue. But, independent of this, vessels have been wrecked in our own
channel; some have been burnt at sea; and others foundered on deep, or been
cast away upon foreign lands. But, probably, the most melancholy
intelligence which reached this port, was the loss of a number of our
vessels on the coast of Portugal. The following are the particulars:-
Copy of a Letter from Captain Gibson, of the Robust, to the Owners here,
dated 30 leagues north of Lisbon, 4th April, 1804.
"I am sorry to acquaint you of our melancholy misfortune, which happened on
the morning of the 2d instant. At four o'clock we struck the ground, and
drove on shore, and about thirty or one-and-thirty more of the fleet, and
the Apollo, our Commodore. A great many lives were lost out of the several
ships, and the sight is dismal to behold for many miles along shore. All our
crew got on shore, without the loss of a man. The Robust is all together,
and fast; but the water ebbs and flows in the hold, and the surf is so
heavy, renders it impossible for any person to get now near to her; and I do
not think any thing belonging to her will be saved, as she will break up in
a very short time, and don't expect her to hold fast till to-morrow morning.
The accident was merely through neglect of the Commodore. As the Wjnd was
from the S.W., there was no occasion to stand so far to the eastward. All
the fleet was sensible of being to the eastward, and some of them tacked,
when he fired at them to bring them to: but he himself has suffered, with
about 200 of his crew, some of whom were on the wreck these sixty hours,
without any subsistence. The Clyde ships which have suffered here are the
Elizabeth, Gait; the Peggy, Carnochan; Peggy, Bartley; Active, M'Niccol;
Fame, Gammel; Albion, M'Ewing; Nancy, Weir; Caledonia; Gilkison; and
ourselves. We had much ado to get on shore, as no boat was able to stand the
surf. There was a great deal of people lost out of the Clyde ships: some of
them upwards of half their crews. There is a British Consul here at present,
who came from a town about eight miles off, called Figueiro. I have nothing
more to mention at the present time; but I will write you when I get clear
of this, which I think will not be for some weeks, as we are to wait here,
by order of the Consul, until we all get away together, in a vessel, to
During the war, privateers and letters of marque, owned by Greenock
merchants, were very successful; and a number of gallant exploits were
performed by our seamen. The ships of war also occasionally visited the
place; and, for a considerable time, (on the remonstrance of the
Magistrates,) a guard-ship was kept at the Tail of the Bank. The largest
class of war vessels seen here, was a 42 gun frigate; and one 74, or
line-of-battle ship, came up as far as Gourock. During a war they can be be
of little service stationed here; as the most effectual mode of protecting
the trade, and also the town, is cruizing in the channel, and meeting the
enemy before they reach our doors.
The Coasting trade, though it has diminished, as already mentioned, still
gives employment to a number of men, and also to a fair amount of tonnage.
The following is a statement for the years 1828 and 1829:-

About 50 years ago, though the Foreign and Coasting trade of the port had
increased to a considerable extent, yet a distinct knowledge of the
principles of navigation, for making the requisite observations for
ascertaining the longitude by lunar observation,- and the latitude by double
altitudes of the sun, as practised in the East India trade, was but very
imperfectly known. Indeed, no shipmaster from the Clyde had then attempted
to reduce it to practice; nor does it appear that any teacher in this
country had possessed the requisite means to give instruction to seamen on
important branch. The shipmasters of the old school had all prejudice on
score; and consequently the rising generation were entirely deprived of the
means of practical, as well as theoretical knowledge. Fully aware of the
advantage of this branch of education to the trade, Mr. Lamont, shortly
after his appointment in 1781, went to London, for the express purpose of
obtaining information on the subject, and also the requisite instruments, in
order to prove to seamen the absolute truth of what they merely knew by
report. It was during the magistracy of the late Roger Stewart, Esq., that
an instrument was procured, for the twofold purpose of reducing to practice
the principles of geometrical surveying, and for observing, the cotemporary
altitudes of the heavenly bodies, required in taking lunar distances by the
sextant, which had been already procured by Mr. Lamont, as well as a pocket
chronometer, by the late John .Melville. About 1789 or 1790, he also
procured Dolland's achromatic telescope for observing the eclipses of
Jupiter's satellites; and a planetarium, for illustrating the solar system,
with its accompanying tellurian and Lunarian complete. Thus provided, he was
in a state for making actual observations, for explaining the lunar theory,
and for emulating the Americans, who then frequented the port, and who
boasted of their superior knowledge in these matters. The first individual
to whom British seamen are indebted for reducing the complete lunar theory
to practice, was the late Astronomer Royal, the Rev. Neville Maskelyne, who,
after his voyage to Saint Helena, in 1761, planned the Nautical Almanack,
and the requisite tables for its use. By others these have been brought to
that degree of perfection necessary for the seaman's use. Since that period
the famous Rainsden and Trougliton have executed, under the patronage of
government, their accurate and expeditious dividing engine; and produced the
instruments required.
The first that availed himself of instruction on this subject, under Mr.
Lamont, was a Mr. Robertson, about 1788, who used the first metal sextant
known on the Clyde, which was made by Jones of London. Mr. Tronghton, after
this, invented the light patent sextant, and also the circle of reflection,
which has been proved to be of unrivalled use in nautical astronomy. Captain
James Hamilton, of the brig Nancy, (cousin to the late Professor Hamilton of
Oriental Languages,) was the next who procured a sextant, in 1790, and
prosecuted this study with much success.
Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Brisbane, (then Major Brisbane,) was the first
person who sailed from the Clyde with all the requisite instruments for
ascertaining his situation at sea with any thing like precision, he had
several chronometers; a circular instrument by Tronghton, divided on gold;
and a sextant by Dolland. He sailed from hence in the brig Fame, Captain
Armour, in 1799. He, and the late Quintin Leitch, then Captain of the brig
Clyde, who became an early proficient in such observations, communicated by
signal during the whole voyage, and through life a warm friendship existed
between them. The late Captain John Udny was among the first who carried, at
his own expense, books, instruments, &c., in a complete state, for making
lunar observations; and was allowed to have been the most expert lunarian
then sailing. Since that time, however, every attention has been paid to
this useful branch of education and were it not that some might consider it
invidious to notice by name many Captains who are an ornament to their
profession, we would most cheerfully give them a place in this simple
record. The fair fame they have earned is not the less remembered; and they
may rest assured that, thus trying to lessen the tedious monotony of a long
sea-voyage, only endears them the more to those who intrust them with their
property, as well as the lives of passengers and seamen. It is a situation
of all others of deep responsibility. A ship on the ocean is to the master,
a little world, quite under his own control ; the happiness and comfort of
all under him may be mainly attributable to him; and by his doing all in his
power to form the mind of those youths intrusted to him, and by seconding
the efforts of the teacher in giving useful information, he confers a
greater honour on himself than on those who receive the boon. In this way
there would be fewer run-aways from ships, while a wild boy would be
generally awed into submission by treatment at once conciliating and kind. |