The Hon. William Ramsay, second son of the eighth
Earl of Dalhousie, was born in 1771. He succeeded to the estate of
Panmure in 1782, on the death of his maternal uncle, when he assumed the
name of Maule. The title of the "Generous Sportsman" he acquired on
account of his liberality of disposition, and his fondness for the
sports of the turf. He appears at one time to have been a keen
participator in the royal recreation of cock-fighting, which, in his
earlier years, was a favourite source of amusement.

The public or political life of the noble Baron has
not been marked by any thing very striking. In 1789 he purchased a
cornetcy in the 11th dragoons, and shortly afterwards raised an
independent company of foot, which, however, was disbanded in 1791. He
was first elected member of Parliament for the county of Forfar in 1796,
which he continued to represent
until within these few years.
In Parliament he adopted, and consistently maintained, the principles of
Fox. In 1831, a short time after the accession of the "Whigs to power,
the title of Panmure was revived in his person, as the reward of long
and stedfast adherence to his principles.
The chief residence of his family is the ancient
Castle of Brechin, in Forfarshire, celebrated for its noble defence of
twenty days, under the gallant Sir Thomas Maule, against the army of
Edward I. It is situated in a "romantic manner on a high and abrupt
bank, or rather precipice, overhanging the river, South Esk, which forms
a deep pool beneath." Part of the old walls are still standing, but the
Castle was rebuilt about the beginning of the seventeenth century by
Patrick, first Earl of Panmure. The title and estates were forfeited by
James, the fourth Earl, who took part in the rebellion of 1715. The
representation of the family devolved on his nephew, "William, who was
created an Irish Peer by the title of Earl Panmure, with remainder to
his brother John. By him the forfeited family estates were reacquired
and strictly entailed. Earl "William died without issue in 1782, when
the estate devolved, as heir of entail, upon his grand-nephew.
Of the "Generous Sportsman," there are many amusing
anecdotes told. The Highland Chairmen of Edinburgh, some thirty years
ago, were proverbial for their insatiable love of money. The excessive
"greed" of these worthies happening to become the subject of
conversation among a few gentlemen on one occasion, his lordship (then
Mr. Maule) took up a bet in favour of the character of our northern
countrymen, respecting the possibility of satisfying them by liberal
remuneration. The wager being accepted, Mr. Maule threw himself into a
sedan, and gave orders to be conveyed a short distance down the
Canongate, for which, on alighting, he bestowed the handsome reward of
one guinea, quite confident thereby of giving satisfaction. It
was impossible for Donald altogether to suppress the smile which played
upon his countenance, as he turned over the "yellow Geordie" in his
hand: "But could her honour no shuist gi'e the ither sixpence to get a
gill?" His lordship good humouredly supplied the "ither sixpence"
in expectation of gaining his bet; but another demand, on the part of
Donald's companion, for "three bawbees of odd shange to puy snuff," put
him out of all temper, and thoroughly convinced him of the impossibility
of satisfying a Highland chairman.
"Walking through his plantations one day, his
lordship was attracted by the sound of some one felling a tree. "What
are you about there?" said, he to a young man whom he caught in the act
of levelling a stately "monarch of the wood," with a cart and horse at
no great distance, ready to carry away the booty. "Do ye no see what I'm
about?" answered the fellow with the utmost assurance: "nae doubt ye'll
be some o' the understrappers frae the big house!" Amused at the
surpassing non-chalance of the rustic, "What if Maule were to come upon
you?" said his lordship, with difficulty maintaining a sufficient
gravity of countenance. "Hout, man, he wadna say a word—there's no a
better hearted gentleman in a' the country; but as I'm in a hurry, I
wish you would lend me a hand, man." To this Panmure good-humouredly
agreed; and when the tree had been securely placed on the cart, the
jolly peasant proposed rewarding his assistant with a dram in a
neighbouring alehouse. To this his lordship would not accede, but
invited the youth to call next day at the Castle, where, by asking for
Jamie the footman, he would be sure to find him, and be treated to a
glass out of his own bottle. The countryman called according to promise
; but his confusion and astonishment may be guessed, when, instead of
meeting Jamie the footman, he was ushered, with great ceremonj', into
the presence of Lord Panmnre and a company of gentlemen. "My man," said
his lordship, walking up to him, "next time you go to cut wood, I would
advise you first to ask Maule's permission." With this gentle reprimand
he dismissed the terrified depredator, though not without having given
instructions that he should be well entertained in the hall.
In imitation of some of our Scottish Kings, Maule
occasionally amused himself by visiting his tenantry in the character of
a mendicant, so disguised that it was impossible they could recognise
him. He thus became minutely acquainted witli the character and habits
of a class of people in whom he was deeply interested. Entering a
hamlet, in the course of his excursions, on the borders of Forfarshire,
one very cold and wet evening, he sought shelter in the house of an old
woman, who was busy at her wheel, for the spinning-jenny had not then
entirely expelled that useful instrument of industry from the cottage
ingle. With the accustomed hospitality of our rural population, the "Gaberlunzie-man"
was welcomed to a share of the hearth ; but he was no sooner seated than
he began to grumble at the small fire that burned slowly in the
half-empty grate. The woman assured him there was no more fuel in the
house; and as she marvelled at the impertinent manner of the
sturdy-looking beggar, her terror and amazement may be conceived, when
starting to his feet, and exclaiming—" I'll soon make a fire," he laid
hold of the wheel ; and, in spite of threats, remonstrauces, and the
personal opposition which a sense of wrong inspired her with strength
and courage to offer, first the rock, with the "wee pickle
tow"—next the wheel—and, lastly, the whole body of the frame—at once her
pride and her means of livelihood— were crackling in the flames, and
spreading a light and a warmth unknown to the cottage. Having thoroughly
warmed himself, and when the rage and imprecations of the old woman were
nearly spent with their own violence, Maule took his departure, hut not
without leaving a benison, in the shape of a well-filled purse, which
amply reconciled her to the destruction of her property.
The liberality of his disposition frequently relieved
the "Generous Sportsman" from many an awkward scrape. On one occasion he
and two or three others happened to dine at an inn in Perth, and as
usual sallied out after nightfall in quest of adventures. The
street-lamps having attracted their notice, they began smashing them
with sticks, till in a short time the whole city was in total darkness.
Next morning, on learning that the Magistrates were met in full conclave
to discuss the serious outrage that had been committed overnight, Maule
very calmly repaired to the Council Chamber, and addressing the Lord
Provost, said, "My Lord, having just recently come to visit your city, I
was quite ashamed last night to see the shabby-looking lamps in your
streets, which are quite a disgrace to so fine a town, I therefore
demolished the whole, with the view of presenting, at my own expense, a
new and handsome set of lamps." The astonished Magistrates of course
accepted the apology.
His excesses in this way, more characteristic of a
love of fun, than of any ignoble quality of the mind, are not the
only instances of that liberality for which the Generous Sportsman was
distinguished. Others more akin to native goodness of heart deserve to
be recorded. "We allude, in particular, to the sum of .£50 annually
given by his lordship (then Mr. Maule) to the widow of Burns, and
which was continued until the eldest son of the Poet, by his exertions
in India, was enabled to provide for his mother; when, with a laudable
spirit of independence, the farther aid of their benefactor was
respectfully declined.
To this genuine display of generosity, which at once
testified his respect for the Bard, and his sympathy for the widow and
her children, it remains, in justice to his lordship, to be added, that
advancing years have not tended to contract, but rather to widen the
channel of his munificence. As an instance, Lord Panmure laid before the
Council of Brechin, in 1838, plans for enlarging the building of the
Public Schools, and for erecting a hall, with library, apparatus-room,
etc., for the Mechanics' Institution, above the schools, his lordship at
the same time offering to be at the sole expense.
An unquestionable proof of the estimation in which
Lord Panmure was held in his neighbourhood, particularly by his tenantry,
is the fact, that the latter have erected a handsome column in honour of
his lordship, as a lasting memorial of their respect for him as a
landlord. On the completion of the monument in 1839, his lordship
presented each of the subscribers with a portrait of himself.
Lord Panmure married 1st December, 1794, Petricia
Heron Gordon, daughter of Gilbert Gordon, Esq., of Halleaths, near
Lochmaben, by whom he had nine children. This lady died on the 11th of
May, 1821; and his lordship, in 1822, married, secondly, Miss Elizabeth
Barton, but by her he had no issue. |