THERE is a never-ceasing element of interest
in the sketches of men who in different callings of life have made their
mark on the sands of time, and who, by the services they have rendered
to their fellows, have made their influence felt amidst the community
where they have lived.
The Border Magazine has from time to time borne eloquent testimony to
the worth of many Borderers who have gone abroad. Writing as I do from
New Zealand, I feel that I can best give practical expression to the
pleasure and satisfaction I experience in perusing the “B. M.”. pages
each month by endeavouring to outline briefly the life and work of a
Borderer whose zeal, usefulness, and influence in his own locality tend
to produce in the daily lives of his fellow-men a higher ideal. 'These
qualities are only equalled by his deep sympathy with human nature, his
self-denial, thoroughness, natural modesty, and characteristic

William Gilchrist is a native of
Galloway, that countryside which has been rendered famous in recent
years by the writings of S. R. Crockett, but he was still a little boy
when he removed with his parents to Walkerburn, Peeblesshire, about- the
end of the “sixties,” where he got all his schooling a.t the little
parish school under Mr Thomas Weir, whose retiral was mentioned in the
Border Magazine some time ago. Mr Gilchrist’s father was gamekeeper to
the late Mr James Dalziel of Tweedholm Mills, and lived in the little
cottage close to Tweed Bridge. After leaving school young Willie was
apprenticed to the grocery and provision trade with Mr George Anderson,
Innerleithen, and on completing his term he became confidential clerk
and manager, in which capacity he remained until failing health made it
advisable for him to go abroad.
While resident in Innerleithen, Mr Gilchrist took an active interest in
the social life of the community. Church agencies, Mutual Improvement
Association, Reading-room, Ac., found in him tui able and willing
helper, and those who can recall the St Ronan’s of twenty-five years ago
have kindly remembrances of him.
Some years previous to the time mentioned the present writer, also a St
Ronan’s Borderer, had sailed for New Zealand and settled in Gore, one <Jf
its most southern tov ns. Encouraged by the cheery optimism of the
former emigrant* Mr Gilchrist set sail in the ship “Dunedin” for the
land of the Southern Cross. Arriving at the home of his “towney’’ in
Maori-laud, employment was soon obtained with Messrs Hunter and Brett,
merchants in Gore, whom he served with great acceptance for over a year.
Then he transferred his services for a more lucrative appointment in the
then more important and exciting town of Kait&ngita.
At that time great inducements were offered to young men of scholarly
attainments to enter the service of the Southland Education Board, to
take charge of the many new schools which were being erected in this
rapidly growing district. Mr Gilchrist, becoming tired of commercial
life, applied for, and obtained, an appointment as teacher of the
Shotover Public School. From thence he removed to Millers Flat, thus
still keeping near to Queenstown, the queen of all that is beautiful in
lake and mountain scenery all the world over. Here Mr Gilchrist remained
for four years, and it was amidst the exquisitely beautiful surrounding
of the Lakes District that our friend mot the lady who afterwards became
his helpmeet in life.
Ever studious, and jossessing energy rare in one who could not be called
a physical giant, this country teacher was steadily adding to his
educational qualifications, which were instrumental in securing for him
an appointment-to a larger school at Thornbury. This town is situated in
a fertile district about twenty miles from Invercargill, which Mark
Twain calls the city of magnificent distances, referring to the great
width of its streets.
A year or two later finds Mr Gilchrist an applicant for the position of
headmaster of the East Gore School, and, being well and favourably known
there, and having a warm personal friend in the chairman of committee,
he was successful in securing this responsible position. This
appointment he has now held for eighteen years to the entire
satisfaction of successive committees, and to the great advantage of the
pupils, as is abundantly verified in the records of the school, and in
the later performances of many distinguished scholars.
In a wide sense Mr Gilchrist is a “man o’ pairta” In the local
Presbyterian Giurch he has long filled the position of Clerk of Deacons’
Court and Managers’ Committee; he is also an elder of session and
Superintendent of Sunday School, in all of which branches of Christian
work his influence is pronouncedly felt, and his counsel and wisdom have
been frequently referred to as of immense assistance and value in times
of difficulty.
Socially he is much sought after by literary and debating societies, for
which he frequently lectures and given addresses on Scottish life in the
Borderland. He also conducts, as '‘Uncle Phil,” the wonderfully popular
young folk’s column in the local evening newspaper, “Mataura Ensign,”
which has correspondents all over the Dominion and includes the wife of
the editor of the “B. M.”
Educationally and professionally the subject of this sketch is reputed
for his comprehensive knowledge, mastery of details, and ability to
impart his knowledge to others. Jn art, science, and nature study he has
in recent years added considerably to his accomplishments, and his
characteristic enthusiasm and thoroughness has often impressed his
friends. When they expostulate with him for overwork he is accustomed to
reply:—“Time without work is too heavy and monotonous on my hands.”
Whilst the growth in numbers and importance of the East Gore School has
been steady and sustained, the success of the headmaster in his teaching
has been no less brilliant and phenomenal. Since 1897 his pupils have
won in bursaries a sum amounting to a little over £1200. Four of these
pupils became in turn Dux of the Invercargill High School, a
much-coveted honour.
Should, perchance, any readers “O’er the Border” find themselves in
Gores little enquiry will be needed to direct them to the home of one of
the best-known, highly-respected, and estimable of her citizens, whom it
is a pleasure and a privilege to know, and who, I feel sure, would
cordially extend a hearty welcome to any visitor from his native soil.
A. Aitkin.