Gulf Stream—Its beneficial
influence—Meteorological tables— Mean temperatures, &c.—Arrangement of
seasons—Range of temperature—Rainfall—Atmospheric moisture—Iodine, &c.,
in atmosphere — Winds — Botany corroborating results of
Meteorology—Length of day, &c.—Aurora Borealis—Influence of Drainage on
A CASUAL observer, on
finding Shetland was situated in 60° north, the same latitude as St
Petersburg and of Cape Farewell in Greenland, would, in ignorance,
conclude that its climate was as severe as that of the two
last-mentioned places. Such an observer would be not a little surprised
were he told the mean annual temperature of Shetland was not two degrees
lower than that of Edinburgh. On learning that those islands are fully
exposed to the genial influence of the Gulf Stream, and that the mean
temperature of the sea on their coasts is upwards of 49° Fahrenheit, we
have at once an explanation of the mildness of their climate. The Gulf
Stream is so well known to impinge on the shores of Orkney and Shetland,
as well as those of Great Britain and Ireland, that I need not enlarge
on the fact, merely mentioning that besides giving them a high sea
temperature, it also makes its presence known by carrying to their
coasts the seeds of the Mimosa Scandens, and other West Indian
productions. The beneficial influence of this famous oceanic current on
the climate of Orkney is well stated by that well-known man of science,
and excellent member of the medical and clerical professions, the Rev.
Dr Clouston, minister of Sandwick, who says:—“The mean annual
temperature of the sea is thus seen to be 3*19° above that of the air,
while it is from 6° to 8° above it during January, February, October,
November, and December, and decidedly below it only during May, June,
and July, and even then less than lj° at an average.”1 One of the wise
arrangements of Providence served by the Gulf Stream as regards Shetland
is shown by Mr Buchan, Secretary of the Scottish Meteorological Society,
who gives the normal winter temperature due at its latitude as 3°, but
the actual temperature is 39°, thus indicating a gain of 36°.2 Another
beneficial effect of the same current is to maintain the summer
temperature at 53°, instead of the violent warmth of continental
districts in the same latitude.
In attempting to make a
few remarks on the climate of Shetland, I must acknowledge the kindness
of the Rev. Dr Hamilton, minister of Bressay, who haB presented me with
an elaborate meteorological document, containing the results of his
observations for a period of sixteen years (1850-1865).
The following is the mean
temperature for each month for sixteen years, deduced from said

Taking from the above
table the mean temperature for the seasons of the year as they are
usually arranged, upwards of three months each, we have—

On glancing at this
table, it is evident that to arrange the seasons here according to the
usual method, at once leads us into absurdity; for what could be more
absurd than to have the temperature of winter higher than that of
spring, and that of autumn above that of summer? Can February and March,
with temperatures of 38° and 38'87° respectively, be reckoned spring
months, while the winter months of November and December have a
temperature of 42*4° and 40*9° respectively? Even intelligent
non-scientific observers acquainted with Shetland are aware that the
months are not arranged in seasons there in the same way as in the rest
of Britain.
For the islands under
consideration, I would suggest the following arrangement of months in
seasons as approximating to the truth :—

This arrangement is by no
means absolutely correct, but it gives us the characteristic temperature
of the seasons in something like the proper proportions, and pretty
closely corresponds to the other meteorological phenomena which mark the
different seasons. The chief objection to it at first sight is, that it
makes the winter too long; but no person acquainted with Shetland can
deny its winter is vety long. From unwillingness further to complicate
the arrangement by splitting the months into fractions, I have
classified November as belonging entirely to winter, but it appears to
me its first half should be given to autumn, as it is generally marked
by the prevalence of a “tract” of clear, calm, mild, comparatively warm
weather, known in North America as the Indian summer, and called by the
Shetlanders the “peerie simmer.” The mean annual temperature of
Shetland, according to Dr Hamilton’s table, is 45*5°. Dr G. W. Spence,
however, in his able thesis, calls it 46°, and as all mean annual
temperatures that I have been able to find in meteorological works are
expressed in “round numbers,” without fractions, let us call it 46°. The
isothermal line of 46°, thus passing through Shetland in latitude 60°,
would, according to the chart given in Dr Scoresby Jackson’s excellent
work on medical climatology, descend to Copenhagen in latitude 55° on
the one side, and to Fort Snelling in North America in latitude 44° on
the other. Again, St Petersburg, the equal in latitude of Shetland, has
the isothermal line of 40° passing through it—that same line which
begins due north from these islands, and in latitude 70°. Bucharest, in
Turkey, strange to say, presents the mean annual temperature of 46°.
Let us now contrast the
temperature of Shetland for the whole year and its different months with
a few places in Great Britain.
It appears that,.taking
the winter temperature as 39°, and that of summer as 53°,2 we have in
Shetland a range between these two seasons of only 14°, or between
February (38°), the coldest, and August (54-43°), the hottest month,
16°. The coldest months in Edinburgh, Kendal, and Antrim are,
respectively, December, 38*50°, January, 34*88°, and February, 32*00°;
and the hottest months in the three places are July, 59*31°, August,
58*21°, and July, 60.75°; therefore their ranges of temperature are, in
order, 20*61°, 23*33°, and 28*75°. Thus, taking Edinburgh, Kendal, and
Antrim as specimens of districts in each of the three kingdoms, we have
the range of temperature much less marked in Shetland than in them, and
therefore may conclude that its climate, as far as the temperature of
each month is concerned, is more equable than their climates.
The great defect in the
Shetland climate, has, by all authors who have written on these islands,
been said to be its extreme variability, but it is evident from the
meteorological tables that the difference in temperature between the
successive months is generally less in Shetland than elsewhere in the
United Kingdoln, and that the mean difference between each month and
those which follow it is also less there. Thus the transition in
temperature is shown to be more gradual in Shetland than in the other
districts. The monthly range of temperature in Shetland is less than
that of Bute and Alderly, two British districts with which it may be
compared, as regards every month in the year, except March and April.
The daily range of temperature is only a fraction greater in Shetland
than in Bute, usually reckoned the most mild climate in Scotland. These
results gathered from the tables clearly show the temperature of these
islands less variable than that of the other districts, which are not
reckoned variable; and variability being purely a relative term, we may
conclude that the climate of Shetland is not variable in temperature.
In such a district as
Shetland, situated in the ocean, much intersected by arms of the sea,
with large surfaces of evaporating fresh water, and the prevailing winds
south-westerly, we would expect a large rainfall; but those conditions
favourable to the deposition of atmospheric moisture in the form of rain
are to a great extent counterbalanced by the mildness of the temperature
and the absence of high hills. Thus as regards the rainfall, Shetland
appears to occupy1 almost exactly an intermediate position between
Edinburgh, which may be taken as a representative of an eastern, and
Bute, a very good instance of a western, situation. The large rainfall
at Kendal illustrates the effects of a western situation and propinquity
to high hills. The larger rainfall in Orkney than in Shetland may be
explained by the fact that in the former connty the observations were
taken at Sandwick, a western, and in the latter at Bressay, an eastern,
situation. Even granting the general rainfall of Shetland is as high as
that of Orkney, it is then only “probably near the average of Scotland,”
which conclusion is rather startling when we are often told that more
rain falls in Shetland than in any part of Europe, and when we find
places in Scotland which have from two to four times as much rain in the
year as that remote county. “Thus, at Scathwaite, Borrowdale, the mean
annual rainfall is 127 inches,” and “at a few places among the Moffat
and Lead Hills the annual rainfall is occasionally 70 to 75 inches.” But
it may be argued that, although there is not a great quantity of
moisture precipitated in the form of rain, yet, remaining in the air, it
renders it moist, and consequently produces a “damp” climate.
To get at the truth on
this point we have only to look at barometrical phenomena. The following
table8 exhibits the mean height of the barometer in Shetland, compared
with two other places :—
Orkney. |
Shetland. |
Worthing. |
Annual..... |
29*761 |
29-76 |
29-885 |
January ..... |
29*583 |
29-57 |
30*215 |
February .... |
29686 |
29*73 |
29-985 |
March..... |
29*795 |
29-74 |
29*984 |
April...... |
29-823 |
29*93 |
29*719 |
May...... |
29*879 |
29*88 |
29-874 |
June...... |
29*835 |
29*86 |
29-840 |
July...... |
29-806 |
29-72 |
30-083 |
August..... |
29-789 |
28-81 |
29*868 |
.... |
29-836 |
2971 |
29-874 |
October..... |
29-709 |
29*71 |
29*689 |
November .... |
29*709 |
29-77 |
29-689 |
..... |
29*67 |
29*69 |
29-52 |
From this table it
appears the mean annual height of the barometer is exactly the same at
Bressay, in Shetland, as at Sandwick, in Orkney. The effect of the
western situation of Sandwick, and the eastern position of Bressay,
appears to be counterbalanced from the observations being taken at the
former station 94, and at the latter only 7 or 8, feet above the level
of the sea. At both these places the height of the barometer is shown to
be, for one year, only 0*12 inches below that of Worthing, a favourite
watering-place on the south coast of England, with a mean annual
temperature of 51*3°, and an annual rainfall of 29 *5 inches, and the
climate of which is not damp. If comparison with such a place be of any
value, the conclusion is not unwarrantable that the barometer does not
indicate an excessive amount of moisture in the Shetland atmosphere. The
readiness with which metallic substances tarnish appears to me
explicable on the supposition of iodine, in some form or other, being
suspended in small particles in the atmosphere. During, and after a low
tide, when extensive beds of sea-weed are exposed to atmospheric
influence, the characteristic smell of iodine is. distinctly
perceptible, even a considerable distance from the shore. Chloride of
sodium and other sea salts are, in greater or less quantities, suspended
in the air, as is proved by their deposition on the window panes of
houses in inland situations. All these substances entering the system
through the lungs undoubtedly influence—probably beneficially—the health
of the community.
The next important
constituent of climate to be considered is the direction of the winds
from Dr Scoresby Jackson’s “Medical Climatology,” p. 350. Worthing has
been introduced from the great difficulty of finding barometrical
phenomena in works on climate.

This table gives us a
considerable preponderance of southerly and westerly winds over those
coming from the north and east. In this respect, however, Shetland is
behind Scotland as a whole, and its northern districts. Shetland,
however, enjoys more of the benign influence of the south-west winds
than the other districts. To this circumstance, together with the
impaction of the Gulf Stream on its shores, its mild climate is mainly
to be attributed. It is worthy of remark that the winds here seldom blow
either directly from the east or west, but much more commonly from the
north-east or south-west. From what has been said regarding the winter
temperature of both air and sea, and the nature of the prevailing winds,
it will be easily understood why frost and snow are not only rare in
occurrence, but also show in continuance. Of this a very homely
practical illustration may be given : Shetlanders seldom learn to skate,
because it is only every third or fourth winter they have frost
sufficiently severe to admit of that healthful exercise.
The tendency of all the
foregoing remarks in this chapter is to show that, in temperature, in
rainfall, in the direction of the winds, and in direct exposure to the
influence of the Gulf Stream, the Shetlands have decidedly a “western"
climate. Here botany corroborates the results of meteorology. The
well-known plant, Jesione Montana, is exceedingly common in all parts of
Shetland. It is almost unknown on the east-coast of Scotland, but occurs
abundantly in the western districts. The very presence of the Jesione
indicates a mild climate. As to seasons, the days are very long in
summer, when Shetland is favoured with even a greater amount of light
than is due to its latitude. This is owing partly to the atmosphere
being such as to produce a great amount of refraction, and partly to the
sea acting as a reflector. From the end of May to the beginning of July,
night is absolutely unknown, and what should be midnight—the twilight,
much resembling the noon-day light in the depth of winter—is
sufficiently strong to admit of the smallest print being read with ease.
A clergyman who visited Shetland in the summer time, .on his return to
London preached a sermon on the subject, and with rather more profanity
than wisdom, took for his text the words—“And there shall be no night
there,” after which he went on to describe the permanence t of the day
in summer, from the late setting and early rising of the sun, and in
winter from the very brilliant^Aurora Borealis efficiently “officiating”
for the “orb of day ” during his absence. But in winter the days are
comparatively short. Dr Edmondston toys—“On the 22nd December, which is
the shortest day in the year, the sun rises seventeen and a half minutes
past nine o’clock, and sets forty-two minutes and a half past two
o’clock. He is, therefore, five hours and twenty-five minutes above the
horizon. But besides this, there is a considerable degree of light both
before his rising and after his setting; and when the atmosphere is
clear, the influence is protracted for several hours after his complete
disappearance.” This last remark of Dr E.’s is very just, as twilight is
very much prolonged, as well as the corresponding gradual appearance of
light before the rising of the sun.
The Aurora Borealis often
presents itself with great brilliancy during the winter nights. But it
is as fitful in its periods of occurrence, as in its position in the sky
when present. In some winters it occurs frequently, in others it is very
seldom seen. Writing in 1808, Dr Edmondston remarks—“The Aurora Borealis
. . . has not appeared in the atmosphere of Zetland for the last few
years so frequently, nor with such splendour, as formerly.”
Thunder is by no means common, and it is also very irregular in its
periods of appearance. The ordinary force of the wind is decidedly
greater than throughout Great Britain; and storms are of common
occurrence, particularly in winter. They are frequently sudden in their
outset, and sometimes very severe. Having referred to them in Chapter
I., I need not say more regarding them. To this very imperfect sketch, I
may add that the climate of Shetland is likely to undergo a great
improvement by agricultural progress, particularly by the formation of
surface-drains through the hills, by which vast quantities of water, now
removed by evaporation, will be carried to the streams, and ultimately^
to the sea. Not only does the great amount of evaporation naturally
lower the temperature, but the stagnation of water in the soil both
averts growth, and tends to create miasmata, injurious both to vegetable
and to animal life. Mr Umphray, of Reawick, has told me that since the
draining of a shallow, stagnant loch on his estate, the “mildew” from
which used to blight the crops in autumn, the harvests have been reaped
with perfect safety in the neighbourhood. No doubt the beneficial effect
of this change on the health of the population surrounding the former
swamps is correspondingly great. |