Many brothers have obtained fame in the club on the field
during the fifty years it has been in operation. Many have done their part
on the council board, though their playing ability did not warrant field
honours coming their way, and have rendered important services to the club
as office-bearers. In the 1867 list of officials the brothers Robert and
James Smith are found, the former as treasurer and the latter as a member of
committee, and both played in the first International at Partick in 1872,
and James in that of 1873, the former as a forward, and James as a
half-back. In 1868 the offices were reversed, James becoming treasurer, and
Robert a member of committee. The brothers were elected to the same offices
in 1869, but as Mr. Lewis Black, who had been appointed secretary, could not
accept the office, Mr. R. Smith took up the secretaryship, Mr. Black going
into the vacant place on committee. Mr. R. Smith, however, resigned the
position in November, 1869, to go to London. Mr. James Smith was still
treasurer in 1870, and at the annual general meeting in April, 1871, was
elected captain, but in November, 1871, resigned, to join his. brother in
London, where they both rendered further service to the club as
representatives at the annual meetings of the Football Association. The
three brothers Wotherspoon—David, Thomas, and John—were presumably original
members of the club, as their names appear on the 1868 roll. David became a
member of committee in April, 1869, and of the trio took the most prominent
Part in the affairs of the club, until he hived off to Clydesdale with his
brother John, over the Gardner split in February, 1874. He filled the office
of secretary from November, 1869, on R. Smith's
removing to London, until the annual meeting in 1872, when Mr. A. Rae was
appointed. Thomas's name was struck off the roll in 1869. David played in
the Internationals at Partick in 1872 and in London in 1873, as a
forward, and his name
appears as a full back for Glasgow against Sheffield in 1874. John played
also against Sheffield, 1875, as a member of Clydesdale.
The brothers Campbell, Edward and Charles, were early members of Queen's
Park, the former appearing on the roll before his greater brother. Edward
obtained a seat on committee at the annual general meeting in April, 1870,
but afterwards disappears. As for Charles, he made history both as a player
and a legislator, and his record for the many years he gave service to the
club in the field, and as president, on committees, and sub-committees, will
stand the test of time. He occupied the presidential chair of the Scottish
Association in 1889-90, and obtained all the honours possible for a
footballer. Only superlatives could meet the occasion in enumerating his
achievements on the field. Entering the club 7th July, 1870, he became a
member of committee on being elected vice-captain in 1874, and was president
in 1879-80. He entered the First Eleven on the opening of Hampden Park, 25th
October, 1873, in a Scottish Cup tie against Dumbreck, and obtained his
tenth International cap against England in 1886. He was capped three times
against Wales, but never played against Ireland, which has been always
considered his native country, and where he resides to-day. He appeared for
Glasgow against Sheffield on seven occasions, and against London twice.
Wrapped up heart and soul in the Queen's Park, he, during his many years of
active connection with it, did more for the club than any other of its many
eminent members. With all his exterior bearing of nonchalance, Charles
Campbell was an intensely nervous man, and took sorely to heart any disaster
which befell the team. He was never extreme in his views, and often urged on
his fellow-members on committee the suaviter in modo rather than the
fortiter in re. His eloquence—he was a capable public
speaker—generally swayed the committee to his views, nor was he exultant
over a beaten opponent. A specialist at after-dinner oratory, he often
assured the defeated, the game was the hardest ever he had played, the score
(no matter how great) in no sense represented the run of the game, and the
Queen's Park was lucky in winning. After he retired from the committee in
1890, he devoted much of his time to the education of youthful footballers,
in whom he took the greatest interest. On the occasion of cup ties, or
special matches, his nervousness was such that he could not bear to look on
during the progress of the game. He has been known to remain downstairs in
the second Hampden pavilion while the game progressed, rushing up the spiral
stairs when cheers denoted a goal had been obtained. On being assured all
was going well, he -would again go below. At the finish no man appeared more
indifferent, and he concealed from all observers the intense nervous strain
he had just undergone. Truly his heart and soul were in the Queen's Park. A
great player almost to the end of his football career, he played the game
fairly—too fairly, according to the light of modern football. Charging was
charging in those days, not as to-day, when if one man rubs shoulders on the
field with an opponent the whistle is blown. Mr. J. J. Gow, an old colleague
of Mr. Campbell's on many a hard-fought field, is so disgusted with the
modern parlour game of football, he has ceased to attend matches. Both these
great players took with equanimity, and gave back with interest, the hard
knocks they received. It is recorded Campbell always apologised when he
grassed his man. In defeat he was never despondent, his axiom being, "We
must do better next time." He retired from committee at the annual general
meeting, 30th May, 1890, but never lost his interest in the Queen's Park.
What he did, the honours he received, and his efforts on behalf of the club,
will be found all faithfully recorded throughout this
book. His name has long been a household word, and
his fame has passed on to succeeding generations. He has left his mark on
the game, and he can console himself in his retirement, that he has won
universal respect and admiration.
Angus and William M'Kinnon, though not brothers, have
often been considered such, and both, especially William, bore their share
in building the reputation of the Queen's Park. The former became a member,
24th August, 1871, and the latter 7th July, 1870. William was the more
famous player, indeed he is considered to have been one of the greatest
centre forwards who ever played Association foot- ball. He is the hero of
eight consecutive Internationals against England, beginning with the first
at Partick in 1872, and ending
in 1879. He played once against Wales, in 1876, but never against Ireland.
Minor honours also fell to him. William M'Kinnon is one of the ornaments of
the game, his name will never be forgotten. A generation which knew him not
extol his deeds on the football field. . No player adorned the game more in
his day, and none enjoyed the reputation he gained for fairness, modesty,
and courtesy. He came first on committee, December, 1873, when W. Ker
resigned the captaincy to go to Canada. When the Second Queen's Park—later
called the Strollers XI—was instituted, October,
1871, William was the first captain of that team. Angus M'Kinnon played in
the 1874 International against England, and both M'Kinnons against Sheffield
in the same year. He became a member of committee in April, 1874, and also
sat in 1876 and 1877. Appointed secretary in 1878, he resigned the office,
and membership, in July of the same year. At that annual meeting, 1878,
William came on committee for the second time. William, or "Billy," as he
was more familiarly styled, played until the end of the season in the spring
of 1879.
Harry and Moses M'Neil were a pair of brothers equally
famous in their day, though Moses was more identified with the Rangers than
the Queen's Park, for whom he played in "very few matches. He joined bill
October, 1875, and played against the Wanderers at Hampden Park, 9th
October, 1875, who were "drubbed " by 5-0. A reference to the brothers in a
report of that game is worth quoting : " The brothers M'Neil—Harry well
backed up by his brother—made some beautiful runs, nor were they, in fact,
ever away from the ball while it was in their part of the ground. Their
English opponents, too, found it was no use knocking them over, as they just
rolled on to their feet again, and on one occasion Harry, who had been
charged right over while engaged in the run, went down with his head turned
in the way of the ball, shouting to his brother, who had taken it up, to be
'easy.'" Highet and M'Kinnon were also "very sorely tumbled about" by C. W.
Alcock, Lord Kinnaird, and their comrades. The brothers were also in the
team when Wanderers inflicted on Queen's Park their first defeat in London,
5th February, 1876, and in the Scottish team in the first International
against Wales, in 1876, when the North Wales Association, then in its
infancy, challenged Scotland. Moses in that match played as a Ranger, as he
did indeed in all his International engagements. It is stated seventeen to
eighteen thousand witnessed that International. Harry was the greater
brother. A genial, happy, tricky, great player, he was most popular, and
served the Queen's Park long and faithfully, right up to season 1882-83,
during which he played in the early matches of that season against Lugar
Boswell and Arthurlie, and in the last against Dumfriesshire, 19th August,
16th September, 1882, and 26th May, 1883, respectively, and also against the
Old Carthusians, 24th February, 1883, for old acquaintance sake. He acted as
match secretary to the Second Queen's Park in 1883-84. The last "captain" of
the Queen's Park team, he held that position when the office was abolished
in 1880-81. He was elected to committee, 5th January, 1875, vice William
M'Kinnon, who, for want of time, could not then accept the position vacated
by Mr. J. Hepburn. Harry obtained many honours. Six times capped against
England, his first cap coming in 1874, he played against Wales on four
occasions, against Sheffield six times, besides minor honours. Moses was
honoured against England in 1880, and played against Wales in 1876, and
against Sheffield in 1876, 1878, and 1880, all from the Rangers.
The brothers Ker, William and George, made history for
the club. The former, during his brief career, from 7th July, 1870, when
admitted a member, to 26th November, 1873, when he resigned to go to Canada,
established himself as a player and legislator. Originally a member of the
Granville, he played in the first International in 1872, and also in the
1873 game in London, as of Queen's Park, at full back. He became a member of
committee in April, 1871, was elected captain in April, 1873, and acted
until the following November. George's membership dates from 7th August,
1877. Playing against 3rd Lanark in the early part of that season, 20th
October, 1877, as a full back, it is written of him: "In the back department
at least, the winning club (Queen's Park won 2-0) did not suffer much by the
trial of young Ker, from the Second Eleven, who, in the opinion of some,
showed the best form of the whole eleven, and the able tactics he pursued in
preventing Miller and others of the 3rd Lanark forwards from getting in on
goal were cheered to the echo." Ker continued at full back for a time, and
on 10th November, 1877, played in that position with J. Philips, when 3rd
Lanark put Queen's Park out of the Scottish Cup ties on the same ground (Cathkin
Park) by 1-0. He filled a like position in other important matches to
the end of 1877. We find him playing forward, on the wing, with H.
M'Neil, against Notts in the return match at Nottingham, 19th January, 1878.
As a forward he found himself, and his great deeds as a centre forward would
fill a volume. He had absolute command over the ball, at dodging and
dribbling he was unsurpassed, and a most dangerous man near goal, his aim
being true and his propelling force emphatic. For many years no forward
could approach him in this position, and no more valuable asset ever played
for the Queen's Park. He had three International caps against England, 1880,
1881, and 1882, and two against Wales, 1881 and 1882. He was in the Glasgow
team against Sheffield, 1879, 1880, and 1881. Ker did not play often in
season 1882-83, and his last appearance for the club was against Hurlford,
in a Scottish Cup tie, 23rd December, 1882. George Ker was a genial,
good-hearted fellow, a man who never made an enemy. He left to join his
brother William in Canada. George departed quite unexpectedly. The club
presented him with a handsome testimonial for his many services, which had
to be sent after him. He had retired from the team at this time—July,
1884—but he rarely missed being an interested spectator when the fortunes of
the club he did so much to raise to so high a level were at stake.
The Lawrie family have maintained a long and honourable
connection with the Queen's Park. James W. Lawrie was a member in 1868.
Walter Lawrie was admitted a. member, 10th May, 1872, and was a player and
member of committee. He was the first player to use bars on boots. Thomas
Lawrie was formally elected to committee, 1st October, 1874, and filled
several offices in the club. He was. captain of the Second Eleven,
vice-captain of the First team, secretary and match secretary of the club,
and president for two years ; also president of the Scottish Football
Association" twice, and of the Glasgow Association five times. His
name-appears on the 1872 roll. He was chosen for the International, but,
having injured his knee, had to stand down. Stewart. Lawrie filled the same
high offices as his brother Tom, and was secretary for four years, and
president two years-He played in the Queen's Park Juniors with George Ker—a
team not directly associated with the club, but who were given the
privileges of the club. Stewart joined 23rd August,. 1880. He attained to
other distinctions, having been president of the Scottish Amateur Athletic
Association, and the Scottish Cross-Country Association (for three years).
Stewart Lawrie was president of the Scottish Gymnastic Association, and
first president of the West of Scotland Harriers. There were two John
Lawries—cousins. One, John of the brothers, was a season ticket holder, and
the other John, the cousin, a player in the second string. Charles Lawrie
also assisted the Second Eleven, and occasionally played for the seniors.
Harry Lawrie, who was admitted 2nd May, 1886, was also a player in the
second team. Truly a magnificent record.
R, M. and A. J. Christie were two brothers who, coming
from Dunblane, did much for the Queen's Park during the time they were
directly connected with it, R. M. became a member, 4th September, 1883. A.
J. was admitted 9th January, 1897. Robert was not very long in the black and
white jersey ere International honours fell to him. He played against
England as a forward in 1884, and his brother against the Rose, at
half-back, in 1899, and Shamrock, 1898, and the latter got his Welsh cap in
1898. R. M. also was in the Glasgow team against both Sheffield and London
in 1884 and 1885. R. M. Christie resigned from the Queen's Park in 1886,
when appointed delegate to the Scottish Association from Perthshire, but was
reinstated 26th October, 1888. He made his first appearance in the Queen's
Park team against Partick, in a Scottish Cup tie, 8th September, 1883, and,
with D. S. Allan, formed one of the best left-wing combinations that had
ever done duty for the club in that position. He was raised to the
presidential chair of the Scottish Football Association in 1903-04.
Alexander held strong views on the amateur question, and he it was who first
brought before his committee the advisability of fostering the rising talent
in the public schools, and he had a hand in the formation of controlling
associations for the schools, and in the initial stages of the Scottish
Amateur Football Association. R. M. Christie fought in the South African War
in 1901, as Captain in the Black Watch, and also in the Great War. He rose
to the rank of Major. He died of wounds and gas poisoning at No. 2 Red Cross
Hospital, Rouen.
R. M. Christie had a worthy colleague and successor in J.
A. Lambie, one of three brothers who did their full share in maintaining the
prestige of the club. John A. Lambie had his birth as a member 7th October,
1884; W. A., 8th May, 1889, on which date another distinguished player, W.
Gulliland, also joined; and R. A., 7th October, 1895. They
also succeeded each other; when the one fell out, the other was ready
to take his place. John, as a lad of sixteen, was in the team in its most
strenuous days, and came in about the time that G. Ker, H. M'Neil, and Eadie
Fraser had ceased to adorn the football field. It is an open question
whether John or William was the better player. Both were in the top rank,
and rendered excellent service to the club. John got his first honour
against Ireland in 1887, and he had the higher honour against England in
1888. Had he not gone to London when at his best, his list of Internationals
would have been greater. Corinthians got the benefit of his Queen's Park
experience. William made his debut as an Internationalist against Ireland in
1892, and he played also against the Shamrock in 1895, 1896, and 1897. He
formed one of the Scottish team against England on four occasions, 1894,
1895, 1896, and 1897, captaining the Scottish team in the last year. He is
found opposing Wales in 1893. These nine caps, with other honours, indicate
the great ability of this player. R. A. was more of a legislator than a
player. No cap came his way, but he rendered valuable services to the club
on committee, and in the campaign for the propagation of amateur football,
by obtaining the support of his club, moral and monetary, for the various
amateur schemes established by it, after the League system of combination
was inaugurated, to conserve amateurism, in all of which the club was the
moving spirit, and Mr. Lambie its zealous and faithful ambassador.
William H. and Davidson Berry, truly not giants in
stature, yet made up in ability what they lacked in inches. William was in
the thick of it in the late 'eighties and early 'nineties. He, the older
brother, sought fame and won it in a team that was then a great force in
football. His advent in the club was 2nd March, 1886, and Davidson arrived
at Hampden Park, 1st June, 1891. "Willie" was a clever player, and immensely
popular. He was a pretty dodger, and often has amused great crowds by his
success in this department. He was a skilful forward, and in every respect
deserved the admiration which the following of the Queen's Park bestowed on
him. He played against England in 1888, 1889, 1890, and 1891, against
Ireland in 1889, against London for Glasgow in 1890, and Sheffield in 1889
and 1890. W. H. Berry held the responsible office of honorary secretary to
the Queen's Park Football Club for seasons 1889-90 and 1890-91. Davidson
Berry, also a player of more than average ability received recognition from
the Scottish Football Association, playing against Wales in 1894 and 1899,
and against Ireland in 1899, and Sheffield in 1894.
Alexander and James Hamilton did good work for the club
at a period when the invaluable assistance they rendered was most required.
Alexander came from Rangers, 2nd September, 1884, and James joined 6th May,
1885. There was a vast difference between the styles of the brothers. Alick
played perhaps the more scientific game, while James used his weight to some
purpose, and was looked upon as the battering-ram of the team. Alexander was
also more interested in the legislative work of the club, and rose to be
president in season 1893-94. Both gained International honours, Alexander
against England in 1885, 1886, and 1888, and against Wales in 1885. James
played against England, 1893; Wales, 1892 ; and Ireland, 1893. There was a
third brother, John, who left the club to play for a professional team.
William and Gladstone Hamilton assisted occasionally the first Queen's Park
team. Gladys, or Gladstone, played against Ireland in 1906 while associated
with Port-Glasgow Athletic.
The three brothers Holm gave faithful service to the
Queen's Park in its best days. Andrew H. Holm was a great back, a sure
defence, and the most modest of men. A worthy colleague to Walter Arnott,
and the pair, playing together for many years, relied upon each other, and
their mutual support rendered that position the strongest in a powerful
team. Andrew and John W. were admitted together 6th May, 1879, and William
A. 3rd June following. Andrew was the only one of the trio who received
International honours, playing as he did against England in 1883, and
against Wales in 1882 and 1883, against Sheffield, 1882, and London, 1883
and 1884. J. W. Holm, who was equally at home at back or half-back, opposed
Sheffield in 1882 as from Queen's Park, and 1884 Pollokshields Athletic,
which latter he assisted for a short period, though retaining his membership
in the Queen's Park. His reasons for this step are to be found elsewhere.
William attended more to the legislative than the playing side of club
affairs. He acted as honorary secretary, season 1887-88, with much
acceptance. He also was one of the joint treasurers with Mr. James Allan,
season 1886-87. As a player he did not occupy such a prominent position as
his brothers, who bore the burden and heat of the day in critical times, and
passed on the great name of the club to their successors undimmed and
Not the least famous of the fraternal players are the
brothers Morton, who threw in their lot with the Queen's Park just before
the war. The more famous of the two is A. L. Morton, one of the smartest
left-wing players who has ever served the club. The war prevented him
receiving International honours earlier, but after its close he at once
received recognition from both the Scottish League and Scottish Association.
For the former, he played in 1919 in the two unofficial matches against
England, 26th April and 3rd May, one against Ireland, 22nd March, 1919 ; and
the Association did him further honour by capping him against Wales, 23rd
February, and Ireland, 13th March, 1920, and selected him against England,
but unfortunately an injury at Dundee compelled him to withdraw. R. M.
Morton was a capable centre forward, who did good work for the club until he
retired in 1920.
There are other brothers who have rendered substantial
services to the club—services which have been appreciated— but did not
attain the same standing in the public eye as those which have been
mentioned. Again, there are brothers, one of whom deserves honourable
mention, while the other was only a member of one of the junior teams, and
played at intervals with the seniors. Such cases are numerous, and need not
be detailed.