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Mini Bios of People of Scots Descent
Hall Brothers

Hall Brothers. Daniel R. and Robert J. Hall are owners and operators of a fine livery business in Republic. They have a large barn, fifty by one hundred feet, with room for fifty tons of loose hay and  over fifty head of stock. They have a fine assortment of rigs and first-class horses, and do a thriving business. They are substantial men and have done their share in building up Republic and fostering the
interests of the new county.

Daniel R. Hall was born in Roler Valley, Pennsylvania, on March 6, 1874, being the son of Robert and Isabelle (Moore) Hall, natives of Scotland and Pennsylvania, respectively. The father came to this country when quite young and Pennsylvania was the home of the family until 1886, when they removed to California. They were the parents of nine children, named as follows: Joshua, Mary, Wm.J, better known as Kelley, Sadie, Robert J., Rebecka, Daniel, Nannie and Alice. Our subject received his education in various places where the family lived, and at the age of eighteen began life for himself. For a while he was engaged on a stock farm and in 1889 came to where Republic now stands. Later, in connection with his brother, Robert J., he opened the Pioneer livery stable of Republic and has continued since, doing a fine business. In addition to this property, he owns one hundred and sixty acres of good land near town. Politically, Mr. Hall is an active Democrat. He is a member of the Eagles. The marriage of Daniel R. Hall and Miss Gertrude Coffee was  solemnized on January 1, 1904.

Robert J. Hall, better known as James Hall, was born on July 13, 1869, in a rural village of Armstrong county, Pennsylvania. He attended the common schools until fourteen years of age, then soon after went to California and engaged in stock farming. From there he came to Republic with his brother, mentioned in this article, and since that time has been associated with him in his business as liveryman. For three years he was interested in the stage line that operated between Republic and Grand Forks, and since then has been one of the firm of Hall Brothers, liverymen. Mr. Hall is a member of the M.W.A. and is a councilman of Republic. Politically he is a solid Democrat and wors for his principles. Robert J. Hall married Miss Nora Page and to them three children have been born: William R., aged seven; Dan J., aged five; and Carrie I, aged three.



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