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Genesis Chapter I in the Scots Language

(Henry Paterson Cameron, 1921)

The schuppin o' the Warl.

I' the ingang God schuppit the hevin and the erd. And the erd wes wust and vide; and the mirk happit the face o' the depe: and the Gheist o' God steerit apo' the face o' the watirs.

And quo' God, Lat thar be licht: and licht wes. And God saw the licht, that it wes guid: and God sinder't the licht frae the mirk. And God ca'd the licht Day, and the mirk He ca'd Nicht. And thar wes e'enin and thar wis mornin, ae day.

And quo' God, Lat thar be a lift i' the mids o' the watirs, and lat it sinder the watirs frae the watirs. And God schuppit the lift, and sinder't the watirs whilk war aneath the lift frae the watirs whilk war abune the lift: and it wes sae. And God ca'd the lift Hevin. And thar wes e'enin and thar wes mornin, a saicond day.

And quo' God, Lat the watirs ablow the hevin be gaither't thegither ontill ae bit, and lat the histie lan kythe: and it wes sae. And God ca'd the histie lan Erd: and the gaitherin thegither o' the watirs ca'd He Seas: and God saw that it wes guid. And quo' God, Lat the erd fesh furth gerss, yirb giean seid, and frute tree giean frute eftir its kin', whaurin is the seid o't, apo' the erd: and it wes sae. And the erd fotch furth gerss, yirb giean seid eftir its kin', and tree giean frute, whaurin is the seid o't, eftir its kin': and God saw that it wes guid. And thar wes e'enin and thar wes mornin, a thrid day.

And quo' God, Lat thar be licht i' the lift o' the hevin till sinder the day frae the nicht: and lat thame be for witters and for saizzons and for days and yeir: and lat thame be for lichts i' the lift o' the hevin to gie licht upo' the erd: and it wes sae. And God made the twa muckle lichts, the muckler licht to rewl the day, and the wee'r licht to rewl the nicht: He made the starns als. And God set thame i' the lift o' the hevin till gie licht apo' the erd and till rewl owre the day and owre the nicht, and till sinder the licht frae the mirk: and God saw that it wes guid. And thar wes e'enin and thar wes mornin, a fowrt day.

And quo' God, Lat the watirs fesh furth rowthily the steerin craitur whilk haes life, and lat birds flee abune the erd i' the apen lift o' hevin. And God schuppit muckle whaals, and ilka leevin craitur that steers, whilk the watirs brang furth rowthily, eftir thar kin's, and ilka weengit bird eftir its kin': and God saw that it wes guid. And God sained thame, sayan, Be frutefu' and multiplie, and full the watirs i' the seas, and lat birds multiplie i' the erd. And thar wes e'enin and thar wes mornin, a fyft day.

And quo' God, Lat God fesh furth the leevin craitur eftir its kin', nowte, and the crowlin thing, and beiss o' the erd eftir its kin': and it wes sae. And God made the beiss eftir its kin', and nowte eftir thair kin', and a'thing that crowls apo' the grun eftir its kin': and God saw that it wes guid. And quo' God, Lat us schupe man in oor maik, eftir oor seim: and lat thame hae gree owre the fysche o' the sea and owre the birds o' the lift, and owre the nowte, and owre a' the erd, and owre ilka crowlin haet whilk crowls apo' the erd. And God schuppit man in His ain maik, i' the maik o' God schuppit He him; lad and lass-bairn schuppit He thame. And God sained thame: and quo' God till thame, Be frutefu', and multiplie, and refull the erd, and cuddem it; and bear the gree owre the fysche o' the sea, and owre the birds o' the lift, and owre ilka leevin haet whilk steers apo' the erd. And quo' God, Behauld I hiv gien ye ilka yirb giean seid, whilk is apo' the face o' a' the erd, and ilka tree, i' the whilk is the frute o' a tree giean seid; till you it sal be for meit: and till ilka beiss o' the erd, and till ilka bird o' the lift, and till ilk haet that crowls apo' the erd, whaurin thar is life, I hiv gien ilka grene yirb for meit: and it wes sae. And God saw ilk haet that He haed made, and, lo, it wes vera guid. And thar wes e'enin and thar wes mornin, the saxt day.

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