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Author Edward Grant Ries

Legacy of Honor
by Edward Grant Ries

As they neared the Mercat Cross, Jamie saw the red-coated soldiers, the horse-drawn cart with two prisoners, and townspeople gathering, their breath smoking in the frigid air. Filled with dread of what was about to happen, Jamie dismounted near the crowd and tied his horse to a post. Archie slid down, dropped his reins, and plucked at Jamie’s sleeve. “Stay, lad. It is too late. Ye can only do yerself harm in tryin’ tae interfere with this proceeding.”

Jamie pulled away. “But, I must save my mama!” he sobbed.

“The soldiers will put yer back tae the lash, as weel as hers.” He seized Jamie in a tight grip and held him close.

“They canna do this!” came out in a hoarse whisper.

“Aye, they can and they will,” growled Archie.

The Highlands of Scotland in 1744 roil with intrigue and hopes for a rising against the hated Hanoverian monarchy in London. As in the past, the clans look to the powerful Drummond family of Strathallan for leadership. Is the time right to support the impetuous Bonnie Prince Charlie, who promises to restore the House of Stewart to the throne?

Political machinations mean little to six-year-old Jamie Drummond, eventual heir of Strathallan. Steeped in the traditions and legends of the glorious past of his people, he experiences the coming of war to his Highland home as an adventure.

The reality and suffering of war and its aftermath become all too real to young Jamie, as he and his mother flee the advancing enemy to find refuge with her family in the mountainous north.

But war, death, and intrigue soon follow the Drummonds.

338 pages - $23.99 (paperback)

You can order this book here

Articles by Edward Grant Ries

Edward is going to send us in some of his articles from time to time and perhaps once a month.

The True History of William Wallace
I wrote the article after Braveheart to help visitors to the Wallace clan tent at games sort out history from hyperbole in the movie.
First Crusade
An account of the First Crusade in the Holy Land
Scotland During the Roman Empire
About the role of the Romans in Scottish history
Bernard of Clairvaux
Patron Saint of the Templar Order
Scottish Clan and Family Identification
By Elaine Ries
History of Scottish Tartans & Clan Tartans
By Elaine Ries, Clan Wallace

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