IN the study of the nests and nesting habits of birds, we
find that they divide themselves naturally into certain categories as
resulting from the different sites they choose for their nests. A large
number, as we know, build in trees, high or low, or in bushes, others on the
ground, or very near it; some few seek the habitations of man. Another large
class build in holes in trees, natural or excavated by themselves, on crags
and rocks, in crevices of any kind. Others, again, build on or near water;
some utilise the old nests abandoned by previous owners, many make no real
nest at all. One species, fortunately unique, not only takes felonious
possession of the nests of others, but adds insult to injury by handing on
to them as well the weighty burden of the brooding and upbringing of the
usurper’s progeny, and this, too, at the expense of their own innocent
Probably the most familiar
instance of birds nesting in high trees is that of the rooks, a gregarious
race, living in large colonies, and preferably near human habitations. Their
nest is a crude structure of sticks and twigs, which they bite off with
their powerful beaks, with some coarse lining of grass or the like. Their
congeners, the carrion crow and hooded crow, on the contrary, nest in single
pairs in trees or on cliffs and crags, and generally use some wool in the
lining. The magpie, which also prefers solitude, strikes out a line for
itself, building a large structure strongly domed and covered with thorns,
generally at a considerable height ; possibly a guilty conscience causes it
to fear reprisals. The jackdaw is to be found in larger or smaller colonies,
nesting in hollow trees, or in holes and crevices in cliffs, or in ruins, or
in church steeples ; often, too, as many of us have experienced, in house
A distinct type of nest is
that of the wood pigeon, a mere platform of sticks and twigs, so sparse that
often the eggs may be seen through the bottom ; and yet, although so fragile
in appearance, it seems to resist successfully the wildest storms.
Would that we might still
number that noble bird, the osprey, among our native tree-building birds. A
generation ago its nest might still have been found on some tall pine
overlooking the waters of a Highland loch; but the greed of the
egg-collector has robbed these scenes of one of their greatest charms. About
the most unlikely bird, one would have thought, to choose high trees for its
breeding-site, is the heron, and certainly they look somewhat quaint and
out-of-place, with their long bare legs, perched on some lofty tree ; yet
such is the usual situation for their colonies, although, when suitable
trees are wanting, as in our more northern districts, they are to be found
building in stunted birches or hollies, on ivy-clad rocks, or even on the
heather-clad cliffs. Occasionally, too, although usually gregarious, a
single nest is to be found. I well remember such a solitary example on a
single tree growing by the side of one of our western salt-water lochs.
Another fine bird that, like
the osprey, was not so long ago common throughout Scotland, is now no longer
to be found on our side of the border. The kite or 'Bled' builds its large
and conspicuous nest usually on a tall and inaccessible tree, and is
remarkable for a very singular and unaccountable habit ; for invariably in
the lining of the nest will be found rags and tatters of human clothing,
paper and the like, acquired no doubt from the nearest farmyard rubbish
heap. Robert Gray 1 describes a nest near Loch Lomond, some fifty years ago,
as suggesting that 'the bird had robbed some gaberlunzie of his wardrobe, -
a pair of ragged trousers, worn stockings, and part of an old shirt, being
among the articles.
The kite has little fear of
man, and his constant raids on the poultry yards doubtless brought about his
destruction. To-day a small remnant still exists, carefully preserved and
cherished, in a certain district of Wales.
Of all our British birds the
chaffinch is preeminent as the architect of the most beautiful and artistic
of nests. Placed, as a rule, at a height intermediate between the higher and
the lower building species, the nest is usually so alike to its immediate
surroundings as to be easily overlooked. The moss, grass stems and rootlets
are deftly interwoven, felted together with spiders' webs, and delicately
lined with wool feathers, hair and such like soft materials ; the outer
walls spangled with lichens and mosses, the whole so beautifully rounded as
to suggest the turning-lathe or potter's wheel rather than the unaided
efforts of the tiny builder. Sometimes one finds exceptions to the general
rule, as in an example where the whole outer nest was studded closely over
with small pieces of white paper, making it a somewhat conspicuous object.
Another nest, hardly less
beautiful, is that of the goldfinch, now unfortunately a rare bird with us.
This is usually placed much higher than that of the chaffinch and so is
difficult to find, is lined with wool and hair, but seldom or never with
Of a totally different nature
are the dome=shaped nests, of which that of the water ouzel may be taken as
an example. One of our earliest nesting species, the site is preferably in a
rocky hollow or crevice, often so close to some little cascade as to be ever
damp from the spray. A large structure for the size of the bird, the chief
material used by it is moss, with grass stems, roots, and, in many instances
at least, withered, hard wood leaves. Unless the nest is sufficiently
covered by the nature of the cavity, the whole is domed and roofed over.
Sometimes the site is such that the bird has to pass and repass through
spray and falling water to reach the nest. The piers and arches of bridges
are also in some cases utilised. Another curious instance is recorded by the
late E. R. Alston, as quoted in Dresser's Birds of Europe: 'Sometimes the
dipper shows unwonted boldness in its choice of an abode. I have known a
pair to build in a hole in a wall to which they could only gain access by
darting between the revolving spokes of a mill wheel.
The wren is another
well-known dome-building bird, choosing often the overhanging brows of burns
or banks or quarries, crevices in rocks, ivy-clad walls and such-like
well-protected places. They use a great variety of material, restricting
themselves, however, mainly to one substance in each case; one nest, for
instance, will be chiefly composed of oak leaves, another of moss, and so
on. Many are lined with feathers, others are unlined; it has therefore been
sometimes held that the latter were merely sleeping places, or winter
houses; but Gray says that of six examples examined by him, and all without
feathers, each contained eggs. It is nevertheless evident, from the number
of nests found in a restricted area, that some are built and used for
residential purposes only.
The most artistic and
beautiful of the dome nests is doubtless that of the long-tailed tit. Firmly
fixed to the branch of a tree, or in the middle of some thick bush, it is
closely woven or felted together, the moss and other material made dense and
secure with wool and spiders webs only a small hole left on one side of the
oval-shaped nest for ingress; the whole studded with lichens and bark scales
so as to match the immediate surroundings. It is somewhat unaccountable why
this lovely little creature should, alone of all its congeners, build a nest
that to us seems singularly inconvenient in view of its long tail, but so it
is. The nest is loosely and warmly lined with a great amount of feathers.
Of birds that build in holes
in trees, the wood-peckers select one with some portion sufficiently
decayed, and excavate their own retreat with their powerful beaks, the chips
below often betraying the locality. One species of this interesting family
has of late years begun to return to its old haunts north of the Tweed, and
it is earnestly to be hoped that those who are fortunate enough to find them
nesting will refrain from giving any hint, however vague, as to the locality
in the public press ; for such serves merely to bring down on them the
egg-collector and his hungry gang.
A natural hollow in a tree
serves often for the nest of the tawny owl, although it frequently uses an
old nest of rook or crow, as is the constant habit of the long-eared owl.
The white or barn owl is more apt to select church steeples, ivy-clad ruins
or crags, although occasionally using tree holes also. These latter are not
what one would expect to be the natural breeding-place of any pigeon; yet
the stock dove builds by preference in hollow trees, although at times
making shift with rabbit burrows when nothing more suitable is handy. Still
less, however, would one suspect a duck of such a choice; nevertheless the
golden eye nests regularly in hollow trees and often at some considerable
height. That gaudily-coloured bird, the sheldrake, on the other hand, lays
its eggs in rabbit burrows, sometimes even, we are told on the authority of
Dresser, in the earths of fox or badger, and that, too, notwithstanding the
presence of the original tenant; yet this is stated also by several foreign
authorities, who add that no disturbance of peaceful relations appears to
Of the smaller birds that
habitually nest in holes, whether of trees, walls or the like, the great
tit, coal tit, blue tit and marsh tit are all familiar examples; and like
other birds with similar habits, are ready to take up their abode in
suitable nesting-boxes when these are provided for them.

As all know, several species
of birds find in and about our own houses convenient breeding places. The
house sparrow is the most familiar example, together with the house martin
and the swallow; the swift is found nesting under our eaves, as also the
starling, while the jackdaw too often takes possession of a disused chimney.
Rocks, cliffs and crags claim
quite a number of nesting species. The golden eagle will occur to all as a
chief instance; the sea eagle or erne, alas, has joined the osprey and is
now nought but a memory. The noble peregrine, however, still holds its
place, like the harmless, useful buzzard; and of sea fowl of all sorts,
cormorants, shags, gannet, guillemots, gulls and others, it were tedious to
make an inventory.
Coming now to such as build
on the ground itself, it seems strange to find a falcon with such modest
habit; yet the merlin, a true little falcon, is content to build its nest
among the heather alongside of the grouse, plover and snipe, of whom, one
fears, he is hardly a kindly neighbour. Nor does the same moorland
heather-bush suggest itself as the most likely nesting-site for any owl; yet
it is there that we shall often find the home and nursery of the short-eared
owl, not an uncommon breeding species with us north of Tweed.
Our game-birds all nest on
the ground, although naturally in different localities and surroundings,
from the capercaillie and the woodcock in the woods to the ptarmigan among
the grey lichen-covered boulders of the hill-tops. Of lesser birds too, a
great host ; man's familiar friend the robin, the tiny willow-warbler, the
wheatear, wagtails, pipits, yellow-hammer, to name only a few that first
suggest themselves.
As has been said above, some
birds are apt to take advantage of the deserted nests of others. Sometimes,
indeed, do not await desertion, but take possession vi et armis; as in the
common instance of the house sparrow and the martin. The kestrel will at
times be found in possession of an old nest, so too the owls, especially the
long-eared owl; a squirrel's drey is sometimes selected, or the nest of crow
or magpie.
Still to be considered are
those that live and nest on or near to water. The ducks furnish their nest
with a warm lining of down from their own breasts, with which they cover
carefully their eggs when leaving them; a microscopic examination of these
various downs tells the secret of the species to the expert, should the
parent bird have escaped unseen. The coot makes a great pile of reed-stalks
that can rise and fall to some extent with the varying height o{ the water.
The water-hen's nest is somewhat similar, but is usually placed among the
rank grasses and herbage at the water's edge. The sandpiper's is generally
not very far from the water, although in a recent instance one built more
than one hundred yards from the loch side, with a high road and a railway
intervening. |