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History of Inverness County, Nova Scotia
Chapter XXXIII - River Dennis

This District takes its name from the river flowing through Whether the river was named after the famous Nicholas Denys after an Indian Chief called Deny whose headquarters were at t basin of the river when the first Highland settlers came, and who w then very old, is an unsettled question. Denys in his book publish in 1672 refers to La Riviere Denys and perhaps this fact has led the belief that our River is the one referred to. However, the Denys book contains a map in which La Riviere Denys appears as what now known as Sydney Harbour. The district was an immense forest up to the early part of the last century when many persons from Pictou County took up lots there and engaged in lumbering. These men made little or no attempt to cultivate the land, and having cut down and disposed of the pine, they themselves left—all but one. This one was Alexander McGregor who had come in 1810 and who is accounted the first settler. He took up Lot No. 1 on the South side of the River, being the second lot to the East of the railway bridge now spanning it. His wife was Kate Gordon of Galloway. The family consisted of two daughters, one of whom, Isabel married Donald McLeod and settled with her husband at The Points, W. Bay Co. Richmond. The other daughter, Margaret, married Kennedy (Angus' son) who settled upon the Lot No. 1 with his wife and their offspring still occupy it. This Alexander McGregor was brother of John McGregor late of Scotsville, and of Donald McGregor late of Whycocomagh. We learn that the next man to permanently settle in the district was Samuel McLean who was born in Perth, 1791 came to River Dennis 1817, and died here, 1880. With him came half brother, Lauchlin McNeil, who settled on the lot at McLean Bridge now owned by Hugh McLean (Samuel's son). Samuel settled upon the adjoining lot immediately to the West. After a few years Lauchlin sold out to Samuel and moved to Red Islands. Samuel's wife was a McDonald by whom he had the following children: Mary married to Angus McDonald (Retland), Judique; Jessie, married Archie McDonald, St. Peters, C. B.; Catherine, married to Norman McDonald, St. Peters, C. B., Lizzie, married to Archie McLean Judique; John, married to Sarah Jackson, St. Peters, C. B.; David married to Effie McMaster, Judique; Allan, married to Jessie Mc Donald, East Bay, C. B., Hugh married to Margaret McVarish, Glendale.

The sons, John, David and Hugh, settled upon sections of their father's lands. John had a large family all of whom are now dead except Allan, a section foreman in the service of the Inverness Railway and Coal Company. David had three sons all of whom are now dead. One of them, Sam, was a noted athlete. Allan had no family. Hugh, the only one of Samuel McLean's children now living is still hale and hearty in his ninety-ninth year, on the old homestead surrounded by a large family of sons, daughters and grandchildren.

The next permanent settler was Peter McIntyre (Para Beag), a native of Argyle who was seven years a Paisley weaver, seven years a sailor and seven years a forester for the Duke of Argyle. On coming to America, probably about 1817, he was engaged for a time as ferryman on the Strait of Canso, then he came to River Dennis, selected a lot of land adjoining the West side of Samuel McLean's lot, cleared a part, built a house and then went to Pictou and there married. Catherine McDonald, also a native of Argyle, and brought her to his new home where they lived and prospered and reared a large family.

Shortly after Peter McIntyre's settlement on his farm there came three brothers, Godfrey, Henry and George Hines. Godfrey occupied the lot on which the Railway Station is situated. Henry occupied an adjacent lot and George occupied a fifty acre rear lot subsequently granted by the Crown to Angus McIntyre, Peter's son. After a few years Godfrey sold his lot to Peter McIntyre, and Henry sold to Alexander McArthur who in turn sold to Peter McIntyre, and then the three Hines brothers moved to Ingonish. Peter McIntyre's son, John, acquired the Henry Hines lot from his father and settled upon it, and married Isabel McFadyen. John McIntyre left seven children, Hector, Catherine and Mary reside in Massachusetts, Florence at River Dennis, Jessie wife of Peter McLean of Cannes, Co. Richmond; Peter J., merchant, River Denys Station; Hugh, residing on his late father's farm, and Donald who died a few years ago in Ontario.

Angus and Hugh McIntyre settled on their father's farm. Hugh married a Miss Dowling of River Inhabitants, and died childless, and his share of the farm now belongs to his nephew, Hector, John's son. Angus married Joan McIntyre, of River Dennis. She died leaving a son and daughter now abroad. Angus' second wife was Flora Cumming, daughter of William, by whom he left issue: a son, John J., now resides upon the place.

Peter McIntyre (Junior), acquired the lot at River Dennis Presbyterian Church, once owned by William McLean, and died there several years ago leaving a family. His son Hugh now owns and occupies this lot.

Both Peter (Junior) and his brother Hugh were employed many years as teachers at River Dennis, Malagawatch and River Inhabitants, and many there are in these districts who owe much of their education and success in life to the instruction received from these good masters.

About the time Peter McIntyre came to River Dennis there came from the Isle of Skye two brothers, John and Kenneth McKenzie (Iain Mac Ruairidh agus Coinneach Beag). John was a widower with three sons, John, (ban,) Murdoch and Rory. John took up the lot adjoining the West side of Peter McIntyre's lot, Kenneth took up a lot on the North side of the River opposite to Peter McIntyre's lot, with these brothers came their widowed sister, Mrs. Sarah McLeod, and her three daughters who settled on a lot adjoining the Northern end of the brother Kenneth's lot. Two of these daughters, Effie and Mary died childless, the third married a neighbour, Alexander Cummings, by whom she had a large family. One of the sons, John, died on the old homestead leaving a widow, and an only daughter who married a son of Malcolm Cameron, late Councillor for South Whycocomagh, one of the daughters, Mary, is still living at River Dennis and is the widow of the late Archibald McLean (Angus). A daughter Annie, now deceased, was wife of Malcolm Blue Esq., of Valley Mills.

Returning to the brothers John and Kenneth McKenzie, the former married a sister of John McLeod (Red) of Big Brook by whom he had one son, Ronald, now dead, and several daughters. The brothers, John and Kenneth, and John's son (Iain ban) in common with other settlers found great difficulty in getting into communication with the outside world for there were no roads, and they had to acquire the art of building birch canoes, and the log canoes were too "cranky". They accordingly consulted with John Steele, a carpenter who lived on the lot near Crowdis Bridge later owned by Alexander Matheson. The result was a partnership under which they built a substantial boat in which they were able to go to and from Sydney and outlying ports with ease and comfort. Their poet (his name is lost) commemorated the formation of the partnership, or perhaps we should say, the first meeting of the provisional directors, in the following lines:

"Thuirt Iain MacRuairidh ri Iain Ban,
Paring ri Iain Steele,
Colnneach Beag a sin a's Sam,
Bi bat againn dhuinn fhin."

John McKenzie's sons, Iain ban and Rory, died childless; Murdoch moved to California; Ronald's son, Donald, who now owns the old homestead, is a member of the police force in Sydney.

Kenneth McKenzie in addition to his own lot acquired the lot adjoining the East side of it — the lot at the Northern end of McLean's Bridge — owned by one Daniel Oman in 1834, and he gave the same to his son Roderick whose sons, Kenneth and Malcolm, now reside on it. To his son, Murdoch, Kenneth devised the homestead lot, and on it Murdoch's son, Kenneth M., now resides, the son, Malcolm purchased from one Duncan McKellar the lot on the North side of the River immediately opposite the Railway Bridge, shortly thereafter Malcolm, who was never married, died intestate, and the lot was disposed of to one Granigan who was married to a daughter of Lauchlin McFadyen who owned the adjoining lot. Granigan sold and went away and the lot is now owned and occupied by Neil S. McIvor.

The lot adjoining the John McKenzie lot was owned by Duncan McKellar above referred to. This McKellar was the only son and heir of his mother, a sister of the Jacksons to be mentioned hereinafter. On the death of Duncan's father, the widow married one Mc-Dougall who lived on the farm with his wife and step-son, and died there. In 1843 McKellar sold this lot to the above mentioned John McKenzie, and shortly thereafter bought from one John Fulton of Fisher's Grant the same lot sold later on to Malcolm McKenzie as already stated. On the death of McKellar's mother and the sale to McKenzie he himself went to Ontario, but returned about thirty years ago and resided at River Dennis with James M. R. McIntyre whose paternal grandmother was a sister of McKellar's mother. This McKellar was never married.

Archibald McIntyre, a ship carpenter, was married in Greenock, January 17th, 1805, to Margaret Jackson. In 1819 they left Scotland and came to Pictou, and in 1820 settled with their family on the lot adjoining the Duncan McKellar lot first above referred to. Of their daughters, Nancy married Alexander Dowling of River Inhabitants. Betsy married Donald McLean of River Dennis; Mary married Malcolm McNiven of Whycocomagh and Catherine married one Kempt. Of the sons, Donald died about 1832 unmarried, and Archibald (Junior) became the owner of the old homestead where he died a few years ago. Three brothers of Archibald (Senior) settled in Ontario, and Gilbert H. McIntyre of St. Mary's, South Perth, a son of one of these, was Deputy speaker of the House of Commons in 1907-8. Archibald (Junior) married Flora Noble, daughter of the late Dr. John Noble, by whom he had the following issue: Joan, married to Angus McIntyre; River Dennis; Julia, married to Peter Campbell, Valley Mills, Catherine married to Simon F. Bell, Port Hood; Colina, married to Reverend Angus McMillan, Marion Bridge; Donald who died many years ago leaving no issue; Archibald, in general business in San Francisco; John Colin, Broker and Attorney, Minneapolis; and James M. R., residing on the old homestead. The daughter, Joan, died many years ago. The daughter, Catherine and family now reside in California.

It may not be amiss to state here that Dr. John Noble came from Inverness, Scotland, about 1822, and is said to have been the first physician to settle in this County. He married Julia, daughter of Captain McNiven of Whycocomagh. His wife died in 1843. Dr. Noble resided for a time at Judique and Port Hood. After his wife's death he moved to London, Ontario, where he died about 1854. The family then moved to Minnesota and later to the State of Washington where two sons are still living.

Adjoining the West side of the Archibald McIntyre lot there settled in 1829 one Archibald McPhail (Mac Phail Gallda), from Castle Crawford, Ayrshire, with his wife, Janet McCuaig, and family. In 1836 he purchased from one James Wallace the lot adjoining on the Western side. This latter lot McPhail subsequently gave to his son Archibald whose son James J., now owns part or all of it. Archibald McPhail (Senior) died about eighty years ago leaving the following family: Archibald, married to a Miss McKichan of River Inhabitants; Alexander, married to a Miss McRae of Big Harbour; Euphemia, married to Angus McPhail of the Glen; Kate, married to Finlay McPhail of the Glen; Janet, married to Hugh McColl, West Bay; Mary married to Neil Ferguson, Ashfield; Margaret married to Duncan McRae, Big Harbour: and Duncan Martin married to a Miss Farquharson of Middle River, Co. Victoria, who resided on the old homestead for a time but moved to Manitoba about 1873. James J. McPhail above referred to, and Chistopher and Alex, sons of Alexander have the old homestead divided among them and reside on their respective portions. The wife of Archibald McPhail (Senior) had three brothers, James, Donald and Alexander. James settled on a lot immediately to the rear of the Wallace lot, but sold to John Kennedy (Angus' son) whose son John now resides upon it. Donald and Alexander settled upon adjoining lots on the northern side of the River practically opposite the site of the Presbyterian Church, but shortly thereafter, about 1836, they sold to Lauchlin and Angus Kennedy, and with their brother, James, moved to Guelph, Ontario, and settled there.

About the same time as Archibald McPhail (Gallda) settled on his lot one William McLean of Applecross, Scotland, settled upon the lot adjoining the Western side of the Wallace lot. His wife was Mary McKay, sister of the late John McKay a prominent farmer of South side St. George's Channel. Of a large family there are but four now living: Donald, in British Columbia, Duncan in Saskatchewan; Lizzie in Provincetown, Mass., and Margaret, wife of Daniel Matheson of River Dennis Centre. The son, Duncan, sold the lot about 1873 to Peter McIntyre, whose son, Hugh, now resides upon it.

As to the lot adjoining the west side of William McLean's lot it was first settled upon by one John Campbell about 1825. In 1836 this Campbell sold it and moved to Ontario. The purchaser was Christy Cameron of Creignish, widow of Hugh Cameron. In the same year the widow sold this lot to her nephew, Charles Cameron. This Charles was one of several brothers, Donald, Alexander and Archibald — who came with their parents, Allan Cameron and wife, from Achosnaich, Lochaber, about 1810 and settled at Low Point on the Strait of Canso. There was one McIntyre, commonly called "Baldy", residing at Big Brook on the farm owned later on by Hugh McLean (og) and his brother, Stephen, and Charles Cameron married "Baldy" McIntyre's daughter. She died, and Charles married Betsy Finlayson of Middle River, Co. Victoria. He himself died about 1885 leaving no heir. On his death and after some litigation the lot became the property of one Donald McDonald whose heirs now own it.

One Alexander McKenzie was the first to settle upon the lot adjoining the West side of the Charles Cameron lot. This Alexander's brother, John, was the first to settle on the "Mill lot", so called, on the opposite side of the River, and one Ewen Stewart was the first to settle upon the lot adjoining the west side of the Mill lot. This Stewart and the two McKenzies and John Campbell sold their lots about the same time and left with their families for Ontario. They started by boat for Sydney, but in trying to make Sydney Harbour they were driven off the Coast, and when picked up some days later, Stewart (and we think some of the children) had died of thirst. Stewart and John McKenzie had sold their lots to Ewen Cameron who will be referred to below. One Hugh McDonald of River Inhabitants acquired the Alexander McKenzie lot and he sold it to a brother of Reverend Angus McMillan, who in turn sold it to one Kenneth Gumming, now deceased.

The lot adjoining the Alexander McKenzie lot on the West side was settled upon by Malcolm McLeod (Elder) a Lewis man, whose wife, Katherine Young, was a first cousin of the late Chief Justice Sir William Young. Their son, James, settled upon a lot on the opposite side of the River immediately to the rear of John Chisholm, (Sex)'s lot. James sold this lot to D. Y. Cameron, the present owner, and moved to Cape Breton County. Malcolm MacLeod's son Thomas remained on the homestead lot and married a daughter of the late John Campbell of Marble Mountain, and died there about twenty-five years ago. His widow and members of his family now reside on this lot. As to the' lot adjoining the Western side of the Malcolm McLeod lot, we learn that one John Jackson, a Scottish immigrant, was the first to settle upon it or lay claim to it. Then one Peter Campbell of Malagawatch acquired title to it about 1851. In 1834 Peter Camp ell conveyed it to one Neil Mcintosh, probably of River Inhabitants, who owned it until 1837 when he conveyed it to Archibald Chisholm (Colin) of Long Point who then settled upon it and prospered. His wife was a Miss Forbes of Scotland whose father, known as "the big Forbes", settled in Antigonish. Archibald Chisholm had two sons, one of whom, Colin, remained on the place and married a daughter of Alexander Beaton (Contractor) of South West Mabou, by whom he had a large family, all daughters. Colin's widow and several of the daughters still live on this lot. Archibald's son, Hector, is now resident in Idaho, of Archibald's daughters, one was married to Alexander Beaton, Upper Glencoe, one to Alexander McDonald (Dow-nie), Hillsborough; one to John Chisholm, Princeville, and the last, Jessie, who resided several years in Port Hood, was unmarried. We believe all the daughters are now dead except Alexander McDonald's widow.

The course of the River from its mouth to Archibald Chisholm's lot is about West, and the River the common boundary of the front lots; but from this lot to its source the course is about North.

So the next lot, up stream, is bounded on the south by this one.

The lot next to the Archibald Chisholm lot, up stream, was originally located to the above named John Jackson, probably about 1820. Jackson had four sons, Archibald, John, Malcolm and James, and three-daughters; one of the daughters was married to Archibald McIntyre (Senior), one was the mother of Duncan McKellar, and one was married to a McLean. The sons took up lots adjacent to their father's. The father died at River Dennis about 1825, having devised his lands in equal parts to his four sons above named. The son, Malcolm, remained on the lot next to the Archibald Chisholm lot until 1868, when he conveyed it to John Chisholm (Senior) of Long Point, who conveyed or devised it to his son Alexander (Alasdair Mac Iain Mhoir), whose sons, Colin and John, now reside on it. This lot is sometimes referred to as Lot No.35, but so is the lot adjoining it on the North side.. The Jacksons sold the last mentioned lot to John McLennan (Iain Mor) and he in turn sold it in 1851 to Alexander Chisholm (Tailor) son of John Chisholm Ban) of Rear Long Point, who resided on it until about fifteen years ago when he sold it to Dan McKinnon of Rosedale who now resides on it. Alexander Chisholm (Tailor) with his wife and family then moved to Dumore, Port Hood, where he and his wife died.

The lot adjacent to the last mentioned lot was acquired from John Jackson and Peter Campbell by John MacEachern of Red Bank in 1835. We learn that the greater part of it was acquired from McEachern or his heirs some fifty years ago by the late Michael McDonald, merchant, whose widow and heirs still reside there, and by the late Miles Doyle, tanner, whose son Daniel, merchant, now resides there. Michael McDonald was a native of Judique. In early life he died general business at Port Hood with his brother the late Angus McDonald, Esq., but about 1865 Michael branched out for himself at Melford, then known as the "Cross Roads," shortly thereafter he married Flora, daughter of the late John McDonald of Seaside. Miles Doyle, a native of Margaree settled at Melford about 1875 where he carried on an extensive business as tanner for many years. His wife was a Miss Delehanty of South West Port Hood.

Leaving the "Cross Roads" and proceeding south-westerly along the Victoria Line, we come to the lot formerly owned by Peter McMillan, a native of South Uist. He was a brother of Rory McMillan late of Port Hood, blacksmith. Another brother was father of Donald McMillan now deceased who acquired the Samuel Cameron lot at Upper River Dennis, upon which Donald's widow and children now reside. All Peter McMillan's sons died unmarried, and two daughters, spinsters, now reside upon the lot.

Along further on the Victoria Line there settled Neil McLennan (Donald's son). He had two children, Kate, married to Donald Morrison of Port Hastings, carpenter, and Kenneth, married to Mary McLennan (Mairi Iain Ruaidh). Kate and her husband are dead, and so is Kenneth, but his widow is still living on the old homestead with her son, Neil. Part of the homestead is now owned and occupied by Allan Forbes, a nephew of old Neil McLennan's wife.

Immediately to the west of Neil McLennan's lot there settled one Alexander Henderson who came from Scotland in early days. We have no particulars of his history further than that he married, had two sons, Angus and Donald, and four daughters. The sons, moved to the United States. Two of the daughters, Jane and Kate, never married, and died on the old homestead many years ago. A daughter, Isabel, was married to John McLeod, once blacksmith at Port Hood, now residing in Oregon, and a daughter, Margaret, now dead, was married to one Williams, a tailor, who resided for a time at Port Hawkesbury. Angus Williams, a son of this marriage, now resides upon the old Henderson lot.

Three brothers of Neil McLennan (Senior) above named, Donald, Duncan and Alexander, settled upon lots adjacent to Neil's lot, and Eastward of it. One of these, Donald, was married to Effie McPhail of the Glen by whom he had one child, Christy. Donald died about 1848, and his lot was disposed of to an O'Henly family of Judique. One of these, Peter, was married to Christy, daughter of Eugene McDonald of River Dennis Road whose children now own and occupy the Donald McLennan lot. The daughter, Christy McLennan, married Murdoch Morrison (Rory) of the Points, West Bay, and settled with him at Upper River Dennis where he died about 1877. Shortly thereafter she and her family moved to the United States. She died about five years ago in Montana, leaving a son, Murdoch, and one daughter surviving.

Duncan, brother of Neil, was twice married. His first wife was Margaret Morrison, aunt of Christy McLennan's husband. By her he had two sons, Donald and Murdoch, and a daughter, Isabel. The second wife was a daughter of the late John McArthur of Big Brook by whom he had four sons, Duncan, Alex. Francis and John, and four daughters. The sons, Donald and Murdoch who were married to sisters, Sarah and Jessie McQuarrie of Port Hastings, moved to British Columbia about forty years ago where Donald died leaving a widow and four sons of whom two, Alex and Albert, now reside in Vancouver, B.C. The widow married in British Columbia, Clough McKeen, son of the late Hon. William McKeen of Mabou. Murdoch followed seafaring, and many will remember him as captain of the ill-fated schooner "Maggie H." wrecked in a storm at Port Hood in December, 1876. He and his wife now reside in Vancouver, where also reside their three sons, John, Edward and James, and their daughter, Mabel.

Murdoch's sister, Isabel, married Finlay Bass of The Points, West Bay. On the death of her husband she and members of the family moved to Montana.

Of Duncan McLennan's second family, Duncan John and Margaret are dead, Alex resides at Glace Bay. Francis is farming in the Peace River District, Christina is married to a Mr. McLeod in Montana, and Hanna is married to a Mr. Choate in Vancouver, B. C. The old home at River Dennis is still in the family but is unoccupied. Alexander McLennan was married to Lizzie McLennan of Grand River, Co. Richmond, by whom he had three sons: Thomas D., of Port Hastings, and Farquhar and John K., now residing on the old homestead. There were also daughters. Eliza, Jessie, Christy, Katie Anna and Joan, all of whom we believe are dead.

Returning to the "Cross Roads", we learn that the Jacksons above referred to occupied the lot known as Lot No. 37. It is said that Alexander and Donald Matheson, brothers of the late Dougald Matheson of River Dennis Centre, were the first settlers on this lot and the lot adjoining it on the Northern side, and that these Mathesons moved to Boularderie Island leaving the Jacksons to take possession. The public records show, however, that the late Reverend Dougald McKichan, Presbyterian Minister, acquired the Jackson claim and then secured a Crown Grant in 1834, and in 1838 conveyed the lot together with a rear and adjacent lot to Colin Chisholm (Senior) of Long Point. Colin Chisholm's son Rory acquired the part now owned and occupied by his nephew John Chisholm (John's son), and Rory's brother, John, acquired the part now occupied by Alex J. McLennan, grandson of this John. Rory Chisholm left no heir. His brother John was married to a daughter of John McEachern above referred to by whom he had three sons and several daughters. A son, Alex, was married to a Miss McDonald of Little Judique and moved to Pennsylvania where he died leaving his widow and several children. The son John who married Isabel, daughter of Ronald McLellan of Broad Cove, resides on his uncle Rory's lot. The son, Colin, who acquired his late father's lot, died several years ago leaving a widow but no heir. One of the daughters was married to a McDonnell of Judique, one to the late Capt. Allan Livingstone of Little Judique, one to the late Neil McLennan of Broad Cove, one to the late Archibald McLennan of Broad Cove, one to Archibald McLellan of Dunve-gan, one to Angus McDougall of Broad Cove, and one to Angus McDonald of Bornish. John McEachen of Rear Banks, Judique acquired title to lot No. 38 adjoining lot No. 37, on the North side. He conveyed it in 1840 to Archibald McPhail. It does not appear that McEachen ever resided on this lot, and it is probable he sold to McPhail some years earlier than the date of the deed for McPhail conveyed the same lot to Angus McPhail in 1838, who reconveyed to Archibald in 1847. This Archibald was married to Isabel McDonald (Isabeal Ruadh) and died about sixty years ago childless. He was a brother of Finlay McPhail (Glen) whose son, Donald acquired title to the lot on the death of Archibald's widow. This Donald's son, John Alex, now owns and possesses the lot. In early days, probably about 1825, five sons of John McPhail of North Uist and Mary McLennan his wife settled at Upper River Dennis. These sons were Angus, Archibald, John, Donald and Neil. The son Neil took up a lot at the head of the Glen, known as McPhail's glen, but after a few years residence there he sold to one of his brothers, and moved to Ontario.

The son Donald, had moved from North Uist to Harris with his wife, Mary McAskill, and it was in Harris that all their children were born to them, viz: Finlay, Angus, Archibald, John, Effie, Sarah, Christy and Mary. The daughter Mary never married. Christy married Angus Archibald McPhail of Grand River; Sarah married Allan McDonald of Glace Bay; Effie married Donald McLennan (tailor's son) and on his death married Godfrey McDonald of Ashfield. The son Archibald acquired Lot No. 38 as above stated. The three sons, Finlay, Angus and John settled upon three adjacent lots in the Glen. John was married to Ann McLean of Bernerie, an aunt of the late D. F. McLean of Port Hood, and left but one son, John, who married a daughter of Rory McPhail (Big) and died recently leaving a widow and children at the old home in the Glen. Angus, who was married to Euphemia McPhail left a numerous family one of whom, John, resided upon his late father's land at the Glen and married Mary McPhail. This John died there lately and is survived by his widow and son.

Finlay, who was married to Kate McPhail, had six sons, Donald Archie, John, Alex, John Archie, and Duncan, and four daughters.

Finlay's son Duncan, now deceased, owned about half of his late father's lot, and married Rachel McDonald, sister of the late Reverend Peter M. McDonald and Dr. Angus McDonald of Boston. His only son, John Alex, now resides on the lot. He left two daughters one of whom, Katie, is married to Dan McKinnon at Iron Mines, and the other, Sarah, to Alfred McPherson of Upper River Dennis. The son Archie, married to a Miss McEachern, now resides on the remainder the old homestead. The sons Alex, John Archie and Duncan died unmarried. The son John carried on an extensive mercantile business for several years at Iron Mines. His wife was Kate Gunn, daughter, of the late Reverend John Gunn of Kenloch by whom he had one son now a successful practising dentist in Boston, Mass. John died about 1880. The daughter, Mary, married in Montana, the daughter, Jessie, now a widow, was married to Angus a brother of the late Neil McAulay Ex-Warden of the Municipality, the daughter, Margaret is the widow of Rory McPhail (Big), and the youngest daughter Christy, is wife of James Mcintosh Esq., Ex-Councillor, River Inhabitants. John McPhail of North Uist and his brother Angus first settled in Judique where they remained about a year before they moved to River Dennis. John whose wife was Margaret McKeigan settled upon the lot next to Lot No. 38, now occupied by his grandsons Angus and Donald. Sarah, a daughter of this John married John McLennan (Mor) and Isabel, another daughter married John McPhail (Bard). We believe there was another daughter, Mary. A son, John (Iain Mac Iain) married a daughter of Neil Morrison (Nial Mac Phadruig) by whom he had sons, Angus and Donald above named, and Mary, widow of John McPhail (Glen) and Margaret widow of Hugh McDonald, Stewartdale. Two sons, John and Neil, died unmarried.

Angus McPhail of North Uist, (Aonghas Mor) whose wife was Margaret McDonald, upon leaving Judique settled upon a lot situate about a mile Eastwardly from Lot No. 38. He had six sons, Donald, James, John Rory, William and Angus, and two daughters, Mary and Margaret. The daughters died spinsters.

The son Donald whose wife was a sister of Reverend Peter M. McDonald resides upon part of the old homestead and is probably the oldest man but one in the District. His son Angus resides with him, a son Alex, is at Iona, and a son Peter is now at River Dennis, There are several daughters, all abroad.

The son John who was the family bard — and a good one — married his cousin, Isabel McPhail, and settled upon the lot immediately to the East of his father's lot, but sold to his brother Rory in 1855 and removed with his wife and family to Western Ontario where his goodness found expression in the composition of several beautiful Gaelic hymns.

The son Rory (Ruairidh Mor), a giant in stature and strength, married to a daughter of Finlay McPhail (Glen) died a few years ago on the lot bought from his brother John, leaving sons, Angus, Finlay, Malcolm, Duncan and John W., and a daughter now widow of John McPhail (Anna). Angus, Rory's son, resides on his late father's lot. Finlay, Malcolm and Duncan are abroad and Reverend John W. is a Presbyterian minister in the United States. We know little of the son, James, but believe he moved to Ontario.

The son Angus (Aonghas Og) who is a Stipendiary Magistrate for the Municipality, resides on part of the old homestead. He was married to Katie Campbell of Big Meadow, now deceased, by whom he had a son Willie now settled in San Francisco, Dan who resides with his father, Joan, married to a Mr. Williams of Point Tupper, and Annie now in California, and Mary Flora in New York. His second wife is Mary McDonald of Ainslie Glen.

The son, William, now dead, was married to a daughter of Malcolm McLeod (Elder) and resided with his parents at the old home where his son, Angus, now resides. Another son, Reverend Malcolm McPhail is a Presbyterian Minister in the United States.

Archibald McPhail, brother of Angus (Mor) was married to Sarah McCuish, sister of the late Neil McCuish of Rear Big Brook, and settled to the Eastward of his brother Angus' lot and near the Big Marsh where he owned about six hundred acres. He had one son only, John, who married Mary, daughter of Donald Cameron, Esq., Big Marsh. John's children were Maggie, widow of Allan Cameron (Achosnaich), Donald, Archie, Lizzie and Mary on the old homestead, Sarah married to James M. R. McIntyre. Fanny, married to Donald J. McPhail and Duncan in Boston.

We may add that a sister of Angus McPhail (Big) married one Morrison of Little Crossing Co. Victoria, by whom she had a daughter who became the wife of the late Alex. Taylor, Esq., of Baddeck, and that another sister was married to one Lamond of Sydney, C. B.

Immediately to the West of the Angus (Mor) McPhail lot is a lot settled upon by Rory Morrison who came from North Uist about the same time as the McPhails. He had no relatives in this Country except a brother who settled in Framboise and a sister who never married. Rory's wife was a Morrison, whose sister was wife of Angus McAskill of Upper River Dennis. Another sister, Effie, was wife of Angus McCuish by whom she had a daughter who married Peter Morrison of Upper River Dennis by whom she had a family one of whom, John, was father of the pugjlist Andy Morrison of West Bay Road. Rory Morrison had two sons, now dead and three daughters. A daughter, Effie, married John McAskill, (Tailor) of Rear Upper River Dennis, by whom she had John, Finlay, John (junior), Angus Rory, Christy, Katie Ann, Maggie Ann and Jessie Effie. Part of the lot is now owned by this Finlay, part by Ang McPhail, Esq., and the remainder by Angus McPhail (Rory). To the North of Rory (Mor) McPhail's lot along the Victoria Line there is a lot of land now owned by Duncan McPherson (Donald's son). This Duncan has a brother, Reverend Ronald McPherson, now Presbyterian Minister at Tyley, Alberta. We are told that Ronald McPherson, senior, father of Donald, settled on the lot now occupied by his son Archibald in the South Whycocomagh District, and was a native of North Uist, but we have no further particulars. Neither have we particulars, regarding Donald and Alexander McCuish, natives of North Uist, who settled near the McPhersons. Alexander's family went abroad many years ago; but Donald's son, Philip, now resides on his late father's lot.

In 1822 Samuel Cameron of Lochaber came to Pictou and two years later settled on a lot immediately to the South of the Rory Morrison lot, Samuel was followed shortly by his brothers, Donald and Duncan. Donald settled upon the lot adjacent to Samuel's, and adjoining the Western side of the Rory Morrison lot, Samuel married Margaret Cameron of Creignish by whom he had one son, John and several daughters. None of the daughters married. The son John, married a daughter of Allan Gillis and settled at River Dennis Road where he died about 1912 leaving a son, John A., on the farm, a son Angus in Westville, ana another son in New York. He also left several daughters.

Samuel's brother, Donald, married Betsey Cameron, sister of Ewen Cameron of River Dennis Centre, by whom he had two sons and two daughters. One of the sons was the late J. D. Cameron, merchant of Mabou. The other son, Alexander, remained upon the old homestead and married Margaret McPherson of Mabou Ridge by whom he had no issue. Upon Alexander's death the lot was acquired by Alfred McPherson, the present owner.

One of the daughters, Ann, was the wife of Lauchlin McDonald late of Mull River. The other daughter, Isabel, was the wife of Allan Cameron of West Bay Road. On the death of Donald Cameron his widow married one John Rankin of Pictou by whom she had two daughters, Jessie and Christy, now married abroad. Donald Cameron's brother, Duncan, never married, and died at a great age at the home of his nephew, Alexander.

Immediately to the East of the Archibald McPhail lot last above named referred to is the Big Marsh, now called Big Meadow, containing about fifteen hundred acres of rich intervale. The first settler at the "Marsh" was Donald Cameron of Fort William, Lochaber, with his wife Elizabeth Cameron of the same place. He was of the Camerons of Clunes, she of the Camerons of Glen Nevis. His father's sister was mother of the late Bishop MacDonnell of Kingston and Montreal, and it was through correspondence with the Bishop that Cameron with his wife and two children was induced to leave Scotland for America in 1822. He came on the good ship "Commerce of Greenock." bound for Montreal. On this voyage their only son, Donald (Domh'l og) was born. At the Strait of Canso they spoke an outgoing ship from Montreal and learned of the Bishop's death. Cameron then changed his plans and landed in Pictou where he taught school for two years. In 1824 he with a cousin, Samuel Cameron above referred to, came to Cape Breton to seek a home. He selected a section of the "Marsh", cleared a bit of it, built a house, and then went to Pictou and returned by boat with his wife and children to his new home. Here he laboured so successfully that his land became in a few years what it still is, the finest farm in South Inverness. His father, Donald, was a soldier, the sixth Donald "of that ilk". His mother, Margaret Campbell, was authoress of a collection of English and Gaelic hymns published in Scotland in 1810. By her first husband, Angus McIntyre, she had five children one of whom, John, became a Presbyterian Minister. By her second marriage she had but one child, the subject of our sketch. Donald Cameron was well educated shortly after settling at Big Marsh he was appointed a Justice of the Peace, so he became known generally as "Squire" Cameron. Several Lochaber people that came across on the same ship with him settled in this County; among them we recall Angus and Donald McInnis late of Mabou Ridge. He died in 1863. His wife predeceased him. He left eight daughters and one son, viz; Margaret, married to his neighbour Donald Cameron (Kate married to Charles McDonald, South side Whycocomagh; Joan, married to John McLennan (blacksmith) River Dennis; Ann, married to Norman Campbell, Mull River; Mary, married to his neighbour, John McPhail (Archy); Fanny, married to William Mcpherson, Esq., Port Hood; Charlotte, married to Malcolm Blue, Blue Mills; Jessie married to William Calder, South Side St. George's Channel; and Donald, married to Marcella Fraser of Port Hood. The son, Domh'l Og, who became proprietor of the property on his father's death died about 1898 leaving three sons; Donald F., Allan B., and John R., and three daughters: Ida, Maud, and Fanny Belle. Donald F., who was married to Flora Kennedy died a few years ago leaving one heir, a daughter. Ida died unmarried; Maud is married in Boston;. Allan B., married to Katie Ferguson, John R., unmarried; Fanny Belle, married to William Kennedy, now occupy the old homestead except as to about one hundred acres of it sold many years ago by Domh'l Og to Alexander Ross, now deceased, whose son, Dan Ross, now resides there. This Alexander Ross was the last Highland immigrant to settle at River Dennis. Next to the Squire Cameron lot, down stream, is an extensive tract of low land — the Big Marsh proper. The greater part of this tract was left by nature devoid of trees, and on it grew luxuriant marsh grass and "brown top" — a real prairie. This tract was granted by the Crown to the Reverend Peter Mc-Kichan who in 1856, conveyed it to "Donald Cameron of Big Clearing near Antigonish in the County of Sydney." There were thus six Donald Camerons on adjacent lots. Donald of Antigonish, Donald the Squire; the son Donald (Og); Donald, Archosnaich, Donald, brother of Samuel above referred to and Donald (Post), brother of Squire Cameron's wife, who occupied the lot now owned and occupied by Margaret (widow of Allan Cameron, Donald Archosnaich's son) and her son Donald. Within a year of his acquiring the tract Donald Cameron of Antigonish conveyed it to Murdoch McLennan (Iain Ruadh's son) who occupied it until his death a few years ago. This Murdoch was twice married; his first wife was a daughter of the late Ewen Cameron of River Dennis Centre by whom he had one son, Duncan, and several daughters now abroad. By his second wife, a daughter of Malcolm McLeod (Elder) he had one son, Malcolm. The son Duncan sold part of the tract to one McDonald. The son Malcolm sold the remainder to one Morrison.

Next to the last mentioned tract, down stream, is a rich and extensive block of land now owned and occupied by Daniel Matheson, Dougald's son. Dougald Matheson with four brothers: John, Duncan, Donald and Alexander were immigrants from Lochaber. Their father.

Murdoch Matheson, was killed in rescuing his sons from a revenue cutter in Scotland, but not until he had effected the rescue. There were giants as well as whiskey in those days. Dougald settled upon his lot, Duncan at Marble Mountain, John at St. Esprit, Co. Richmond and Donald and Alexander at Boularderie, Dougald's wife was Katherine Mcintosh of Malagawatch. His family who came to maturity were John, last heard of in California; Murdoch who died at home; Kenneth, last heard of in Oregon; Kate, first wife of J. D. Cameron, merchant, Mabou; Flora who died at home; and Daniel, married to Margaret McLean, daughter of the late William McLean of River Dennis Centre. Daniel's son William, is now a clergyman in Ontario, two sons Kenneth and Rory, reside on the farm, and two sons, Duncan and John D., and a daughter are abroad. Following the River down stream, we come to a lot once occupied by James McLeod, Malcolm's son, and now owned by G. Y. Cameron, (Achosnaich). Next to this lot, down stream, at the place where the River turns at right angles is a lot which was first settled upon by James McLean (Wellington) an old soldier who fought in the Peninsular War and at Quatre Bras. McLean was a happy-go-lucky old veteran and a great favorite. Two of his sons, Magnus and Cowan Dulius, he named after Spanish Comrades. Indeed he carried his admiration for the Spaniards further, for to his yoke of oxen he gave the high sounding names of Murisco and Murello. Besides the two sons above named he had a son, Donald, who was married to a daughter of Archibald McIntyre (Senior). The son Magnus was twice married; his first wife belonged to Port Hawkesbury where he himself died, leaving issue by each wife. The son Cowan D. never married. He and a spinster sister Kate, lived together at Valley Mills. Another sister of Cowan D., named Christy was wife of Donald Nicholson, formerly of P. E. Island late of north side River Dennis, by whom he had a family one of whom, Peter, resides on his deceased parents land, a third sister of Cowan D., was wife of John McLean (Iain Sheumais) who occupied the farm at Valley Mills on which Malcolm Blue, Esq., now resides.

In 1856, this James McLean and Nancy his wife sold the lot to John Chisholm (Mor) of Long Point, who gave it to his son, John, who took possession. Two sons, Alex and John D., and a daughter Isabel, of this John (Seoc Iain Mhoir) now reside on the lot.

We came next down stream, to the lot on the north side of the River settled upon by Ewen Cameron, who was a maternal uncle of the late J. D. Cameron of Mabou and a first cousin of the wife of Donald Cameron, Esq. Ewen came from Achanagoer, Lochaber, with his parents and two brothers, Duncan and Colin and two sisters, Bella and Margaret. The brothers and sisters died unmarried. Ewen married a Miss Cameron of West Bay by whom he had sons and daughters none of whom married, except a daughter married to Murdoch McLennan of the Big Marsh, and a son, Duncan, who married Katie Mcintosh of Big Brook, and who died in 1921, leaving his widow and two sons and a daughter surviving and resident upon the old homestead. The two lots immediately to the East of the Cameron "Mill lot" were occupied by McCuaigs and sold by them to Lauchlin and Angus Kennedy as already stated. These Kennedys had come from the Isle of Coll and settled for some years at Big Ridge Rear Port Hastings, before they moved to River Dennis. Lauchlin's wife was a sister of Donald McFadyen (soldier) referred to below. Lauchlin had two sons, one of whom, John, married to Effie McLeod, left no heir. The other son Lauchlin (Lachain beag) married Mary Mcintosh, Big Brook, by whom he had a son Lauchlin, now deceased, who married a daughter of Dougald McLennan (Iain Ruadh) and left a widow and family. William, now residing at Big Meadow, merchant and farmer. John, now abroad, Mary widow of Alex McLeod late of River Denys Station, merchant; Flora, widow of the late Donald F. Cameron. And Katie the wife of one McGregor who resides on part of the old homestead.

Angus Kennedy was twice married. By his first wife he had two sons, Neil and John, already referred to, and a daughter, Mary, who married one John Campbell by whom she had one son, Duncan, now staying on the old place. By his second marriage Angus had two sons William and Malcolm, and two daughters. William married Effie Mcintosh of Big Brook. His widow and children now reside on the lot immediately east of the "Mill Lot" above mentioned. Malcolm and his sister Margaret were never married. The second daughter married Neil McLeod, son of McLeod of River Dennis Road and had a large family by him, all of whom are abroad.

In 1821 Duncan McLennan and his three sons, Hugh, Dougald and John, came from Plockton, Lochalsh, and settled upon adjacent lots on the North side of the River immediately to the West of the Kenneth McKenzie lot, John taking the one next to McKenzie, Dougald the one next to John, and Hugh settling with his parents on ' one next to Dougald. Duncan was twice married. By his first ' McDonald) he had two sons, Alexander and Donald (Tailor). Alexander, a soldier, never came to America. The father reserved for his son, Donald, the lot lying between the lot occupied by his son, Hugh, and the Angus Kennedy lot above referred to; and a few years thereafter the son Donald came with his wife (also a McLennan) and family, and settled on the lot so reserved for him by his father. Duncan McLennan's second wife was Kate Matheson, a sister of that Duncan Matheson who was killed as already stated. Donald (tailor) had seven sons; John (Mor), Neil, Donald, Alexander, Duncan, Frank and John (Beag). We have already given an account of the first five. As to John (Mor), we wish to add that a daughter of his, Beathag, married a Neil McLennan of Grand River, Co. Richmond. John (Beag) re-married on his father's lot, married Jessie McArthur of River Inhabitants by whom he had sons and daughters all of whom died without issue except a son, Frank, who now resides in Massachusetts and has a family. Frank (Donald's son) became a medical doctor and went about 1868 to practise his profession in Tipton County, Tennessee, where his maternal uncle, Neil, resided. He died there leaving no heir. We may mention that this maternal uncle, Neil, had several sons all of whom were officers in the Confederate Army during the Civil War, and that McLennan County in Texas is named after two of them who either from disgust or prudence retired to the Texan wilds when the North finally triumphed. In 1850 Dougald McLennan sold his lot to his nephews, Murdoch (John's son) and Murdoch (Hugh's son), and went to reside at The Points, West Bay, where his wife, Catherine Ross, had relatives. But shortly thereafter he moved with his wife and family to Ontario and settled at or near Goderich where some of his descendants are still to be found. Hugh McLennan, whose wife, Jessie Finlayson, was a sister of the late Alexander Finlayson of Middle River, Co. Victoria, had by her three sons, John, Murdoch and Duncan. In 1847 the son John, who was a blacksmith, bought from John Fraser, a Pictou man, the lot on the South side of the River where it is spanned by the Railway Bridge, and resided there until his death in 1902. His wife was Joan Cameron, daughter of Squire Cameron of the Big Marsh, by whom he had five sons and three daughters. Allan, the eldest, whose wife is Margaret McQuarrie of Port Hastings, now resides in British Columbia as do also all his surviving children. Allan's only son, John Donald, an officer in the 72nd Gordon Highlanders of Vancouver, fell at Vimy.

Hugh (John's son), for many years a teacher, married Christena McQuarrie of Port Hastings, and kept a general store there. He died in 1915 leaving an only daughter, Anna, now wife of William A. McLean, locomotive engineer. Jessie, married to Donald MacDonald late of Marble Mountain, Ex-Municipality Warden, died there about 1892 leaving an only son, Stewart J. Donald, John's son, (generally called Daniel), married to Miss MacQuarrie of Port Hastings, resides at Port Hood.

Alexander F., Eliza and Fanny A., reside in San Francisco. Dougald M., died at Port Hood in 1903. The old homestead is owned by the son, Allan. Hugh McLennan, Senior's son, Murdoch, married Mary McLean of North Highlands, and resided upon the Eastern side of his father's lot together with the Western half of his uncle Dou-gald's lot. His son, Duncan M., married to a daughter of Archie MacPherson resides at Blue's Mills. The other surviving members of Murdoch's family, Hugh, Allan and Roderick reside in British Columbia. The homestead is owned by the sons Allan and Duncan M. Hugh McLennan, senior's son, Duncan, who resided upon his father's lot married Annabella Finlayson of Middle River, Co. Victoria, by whom he had three sons: Alex in Minnesota, Hugh married, and settled on the Eastern half of his late father's lot, and Charles married and settled on the Western half. There were also six daughters, Jessie, Bessie, Katie, Lily, Joan and Maggie. The father died in 1917. Hugh McLennan (Senior) also had four daughters, Ann married to Alexander Matheson, Valley Mills; Kate, to Peter Dowling, River Inhabitants; Annabella, to Neil McKinnon, Whycocomagh, and Mary to Rory McLean (Allan) once of Strathlorne, but later of Portland, Maine.

John McLennan (Iain Ruadh), son of Duncan Senior, was married to Jane Morrison of The Points, West Bay, by whom he had sons, Murdoch, Alexander, John and Dougald, and daughters, Isabel, Margaret Kate and Mary. The son Murdoch resided at the Big Marsh as before stated, the sons Alexander and Duncan died in Halifax. The sons John and Dougald acquired the old homestead. The son John married a daughter of the late Angus Ross of South Side St. George's. Channel, and the son Dougald married a daughter of Peter Mcintosh of the same place.

John's son, John Angus, now resides upon his late father's land-A son Alex is railway conductor in British Columbia. Of the daughters Flora and Jane are married abroad, Christy (now deceased) was married to Malcolm McKenzie; Flora Belle to Neil S. McIver and Hannah to Charles McLennan. Dougald's son, Willie, resides at the old home with his widowed mother, Hugh is in Cobalt; Mary J., wife of James McKay, Ex-warden, resides with her husband at or near Red Deer, Alberta, at which place the daughter Maud is also married. A third daughter is widow of Lauchlin Kennedy, River Dennis Centre. Two sons were drowned while bathing in the River, and another son was killed in a railway accident in British Columbia.

We have already spoken of Kenneth McKenzie (Beag) and his sons. The son, Murdoch was twice married. By his first wife, Margaret Cumming, (William's daughter) he had one daughter, Maggie, now wife of a Mr. McLeod of Orangedale. By his second wife, Sarah McLeod of Orangedale, he had a son, Kenneth M., and a daughter Mary Ann, both residing on the old homestead, and with them their aunt, Flora, the only surviving member of Coinmeach Beag's family, the oldest woman in the district, and still hale and hearty.

The son, Rory, was married to Effie, daughter of James McLean, of Valley Mills. Two sons, Kenneth and Malcolm, reside on the farm — the old Oman lot. Kenneth's wife is Mary Ann, daughter of Alexander Matheson late of Valley Mills. Malcolm's wife, now deceased, was Christy, daughter of John McLennan (Iain Iain Ruaidh) A daughter of Rory is present wife of Malcolm Blue, Esq., of Blue's Mills. Alexander is in the Western States, James and John were drowned on the Grand Banks, and John (Junior) went abroad ana has not been heard of for many years.

It is said that one Sinclair was the first to settle upon the lot adjoining the Eastern side of the Rory McKenzie lot, that one Hector McDonald, brother of the late big Neil McLean of Orangedale, acquired it from Sinclair, and sold it to Rory McLeod of the Isle of Skye in 1852. This McLeod was one of a family of young men (Gillean Charistiona) who with their widowed mother, came from the Isle of Skye and settled at Big Brook, in the district of River Inhabitants. Rory married a daughter of Norman McKenzie (Tormod Liath), a Skye man who had settled about a mile down stream on the same side of the River. A daughter, Sarah, now resides on the lot with her son. Donald, Rory's son, now resides at Big Brook.

Next to the Eastern side of the Rory McLeod lot is a lot said to have been possessed first by one Robert Patterson who sold out his interests to Hector McFadyen (Donald's son) who then took possession. Hector married Jessie McKenzie, sister of Donald Bair and Alexander Ban McKenzie already mentioned. Their family consisted of Lauchlin, married to a daughter of the late Neil McArthur of River Inhabitants, and whose sons now reside on the place, John who moved to Manitoba about 1872, Donald a sea Captain, drowned on the Grand Banks. John (Junior) a gold miner, abroad; Finlay and Hector drowned on the Grand Banks; Angus who died at home, and whose only daughter, married to a McLennan, now resides on part of the place; Isabel, who was wife of John McIntyre (Peter's son); Jessie, drowned in the Big Brook; Ann, Flora and Mary Ann, married and died in the United States.

In the early part of the last century practically all the forest on the North side of the River from McLean's Bridge to Orangedale was destroyed by fire, and as there was no intervale land on this side, East of the Fulton lot, and as the fire burnt up the soil a stretch of about five miles from the Fulton lot to Seal Cove was called the "barren", and little attempt was made to settle upon it in early days. However, Norman McKenzie settled there as did also, Angus McDonald (Retland), Mangus McLean and James Pringle, but none of their descendants are there now.

One Neil McLean (Nial Ban) a native of the Isle of Coll, came with his wife and family about 1830 in the immigrant ship "Dunlop," and settled first at Blue Mountain, Rear of Port Hastings in the immediate neighbourhood of the home of the paternal grandparents of Allan McLean, Councillor for South Whycocomagh. After some two or three years they moved to Seal Cove where they settled and prospered. The sons Donald and Malcolm took up lots adjacent to that selected by the father, and the sons, John and Hugh remained on their father's lot. A son Allan went to the United States. The son John married Christy Cummings Hugh married a Miss Ferguson. All these are dead many years. John's and Hugh's families are scattered, and the farm is now owned and occupied by Allan McLean, a grandson of the late Neil McLean (Ur) of Valley Mills. The son Donald had three sons. Donald (Domh'l og), Neil and Murdoch, all of whom settled at Seal Cove, married and had families. There were also several daughters all of whom married.

Next to Malcolm McLean's lot, is the lot extending to Crowdis' Bridge. On this last mentioned lot Lauchlin Kennedy of Coll, a Justice of the peace, settled. He left a family now abroad, and the Jot is vacant. We think this Lauchlin and his brother Alexander, were the last but one of the Highland immigrants to settle in this District. Taking the Eastern end of the District, on the South side of the River, we find the first settler there was Austen Seely, after whom Seely's Cove is named. He sold his lot on this District's side of the Cove, in 1838, to Lauchlin McDonald who had come from the Isle of Coll with several sons and daughters. These people sojourned for several months at Long Point before deciding upon South Side River Dennis as their home. The sons were Hector, Neil, Alexander, Donald and Lauchlin; the daughters were Ann, Margaret, Flora, Sarah, and the wife of the late Charles McKenzie of Ashfield, and the wife of the late Hector McLean (Charles). The son Lauchlin returned to Scotland, became a Presbyterian minister there, revisited his home at River Dennis, and died at Earltown, Co. Colchester about fifty years ago. The son Neil lost his eyesight in an explosion. He was the "Bartimeus" over whose signature the story of the early settlement of Malagawatch appeared in several numbers of the "MacTelia" newspaper published at Sydney. The son Alexander married Ellen Urquhart of The Points, West Bay, and the grand children now occupy part of the old lot. The daughter Ann married Alexander McLean. The daughters Flora and Sarah never married. The daughter Margaret married Lauchlin McKinnon (Ig). About the same time as the arrival of these McDonalds there also arrived from the Isle of Coll, Charles McLean with his six sons: Hector, Donald, Allan, Rory, Alexander and James. The first five sons settled on adjoining lots immediately to the West of the McDonald lot. Of Hector McLean's family two daughters married brothers, Donald Og and Neil McLean of Seal Cove, another married Alexander Kennedy brother of Lauchlin last above mentioned. Two sons, John and Hector, remained on the old homestead. John married a daughter of Lauchlin MacLean of Black River, and Hector married a daughter of Neil McMillan of Marble Mountain. A son, Neil, never married. This Neil and Alexander Kennedy became the owners of Donald McLean's lot, Neil taking the Eastern and Alexander the Western side, where Alexander's son, Charles now resides. Allan McLean (Ailean Ruadh), who was drowned at the Grand Narrows, had sons and daughters. All of whom died childless except a daughter who was married to one Neil Patterson of Boularderie whose heirs lately conveyed the lot to Charles G. McLean grandson of old Rory McLean.

Rory McLean left but one heir, a son, Rory, whose widow and children now reside on the grandfather's lot.

Alexander McLean died young leaving a widow and several daughters. All the daughters went abroad except one, Flora, who married Charles Howard by whom she had two daughters who on their parents' death sold the lot to Hector McLean (Neil's son) of Valley Mills, and went abroad.

James McLean settled upon the lot at Valley Mills now owned and occupied by Malcolm Blue, Esq. One of his daughters, Jessie, was the wife of the late Angus Munroe of Seal Cove, another daughter, Mary, was the wife of William Cumming of River Dennis; and a third daughter, Effie, was the wife of Rory McKenzie (Kenneth's son). A son, John, occupied the homestead after his father's death and married a daughter of James McLean (Wellington) above referred to, by whom he had a large family all of whom are abroad.

West from the Charles Howard lot, we next come to a lot formerly occupied by Hector McLean (Eachan a Rudha.) This Hector had three sons, one of whom, Hugh, resided at Little Harbour. The other two, Angus and John, lived and died on the old place leaving families still resident there.

Next to these last mentioned McLeans there settled another family of McLeans — three brothers, Donald, Rory and Neil, known as the "carpenters". Rory married a daughter of Angus McLean, (William) and their son now occupies the place.

Next to this McLean lot coming up stream, and at the Southern end of Crowdis' Bridge is the Rory Cumming lot. In or about 1833, there came from the Isle of Roosa, Scotland, four brothers, Rory, William, James and Alexander Cumming. Their ship entered Sydney Harbour at night. The following morning the Cumming brothers and other immigrants crowded upon deck to get their first glance of the New World. Their attention was attracted to a large crowd that gathered on an eminence in the town; soon two men and a woman were seen occupying an elevated platform in the midst of the crowd; the platform suddenly gave way and the three were seen dangling in space. It was a public execution. The Cumming brothers landed at Sydney and in their search for home came to River Dennis where they settled. Rory settled upon the lot at the Southern end of Crowdis' Bridge. His wife, Isabel, was a sister of Donald McLeod (Torquil). They had a large family, none of whom now reside in this country. Alexander er owned and occupied the lot adjoining the Eastern side of the lot now occupied by Malcolm Blue, Esq. Alexander's wife was a daughter of Kenneth McKenzie (Beag). A son now resides on the lot.
James Cumming (Seumas Beag) took up the rear lot now owned and occupied by Murdoch McLeod, Warden. James left several daughters, and one son, Rory. The family moved to The Grant, near the Little Narrows. This Rory was drowned on the Grand Banks leaving a son, his only heir.

William Cumming bought from one Angus McKenzie a lot upon which this McKenzie had settled in 1820, adjoining the West side of the lot of the late John McLennan, Blacksmith. McKenzie moved to Prince Edward Island. William married Mary, daughter of James McLean by whom he had a large family, all now dead except Flora, widow of the late Angus McIntyre. The eldest daughter, Christy, was married to John McLean, Blacksmith of Seal Cove by whom she had a son, William, now deceased, who married a daughter of Rory McLeod (Ban). This widow and family now occupy the lot.

With these Cumming brothers, came five brothers, cousins of theirs; Donald, Malcoln, John, James and Alexander. Donald acquired from one Donald McLean, locally known as the Cnoideartach, the lot adjoining the West side of William Cumming's lot, and the East of Hugh McLean (Sam's) lot. The brother, Malcolm, who never married, made his home with Donald whose wife was a Nicholson by whom he had a son, Malcolm, a retired Railway Conductor residing in Moncton, a son John (Senr.), resident in Dakota with a brother, Alexander, and owning and operating a Coal Mine there; a son Donald in Saskatchewan, and a son, John (Junior) and daughter, Flora, on the old home. A daughter, Kate is the wife of Alex Kennedy (Neil's son) and two daughters, Mary and Jessie, and a brother, Rory, are dead.

James Cumming (Seumas Mor) first settled in Judique, but moved shortly thereafter to Ashfield where he settled on a lot adjacent to that of his brother, Alexander, of whom we have already given particulars. James had a large family all of whom are dead except a son Angus who now resides on the lot.

The brother, John Cummings, took up the lot at Basin River Dennis adjoining the Western side of the Alexander Matheson lot to be referred to below, and later owned by Neil McLean (Ur). John's wife was Effie McSween by whom he had a daughter, Ann, who married William Murray of North East Margaree. On John's death his widow, Effie married one Lamond of North East Margaree by whom she had a daughter, Christy, who became the wife of the late James H. Austen, Deputy Commissioner of Crown Lands.

Ann, a sister of Donald Cumming was wife of Kenneth McKenzie (Beag).

Next to the Rory Cumming lot at Crowdis' Bridge, and on the Western side of it, is a lot originally owned by one John Steel who sold it in 1851 to Alexander Matheson of Grand River, Co. Richmond, merchant. This Matheson was married to Ann, daughter of Hugh McLennan by whom he had two sons, Frank and Hugh, and two daughters Mary Ann and Kate. Frank, who was a bookkeeper was killed by falling down a stairway in Whycocomagh. His widow, a sister of Mr. Campbell, manager for the Dom. Coal Co., at Marble Mountain, predeceased him. The family is abroad. Hugh died in Klondike. Mary Ann is wife of Kenneth McKenzie, River Dennis, and Kate of Dan A. MacKinnon, merchant, Iron Mines.

We stated above that Neil McLean (Ur) acquired the John Cum-ming lot adjoining the Matheson lot. This Neil was a late immigrant from Coll, hence the addition Ur to his name to distinguish him from the old Neils. He died comparatively young leaving five sons and two daughters. The son John remained on the lot and married a daughter of Ellen McDonald of Seeley's Cove, and died many years ago leaving a family who now own the lot. Two sons, Neil and Donald, acquired a lot known as the Compton Mill Lot, at Seal Cove and each died there lately leaving a widow and family. A son, Allan, acquired a lot at Whycocomagh and is still living. A son, Hector, acquired the Howard lot as already stated. Two daughters, Margaret and Flora died unmarried.

Next to the Neil Ur McLean Lot, up stream is a lot now occupied by Kenneth Blue who acquired it from his father, Dougald Blue, who acquired it by Deed from Charles Fowler in 1855. Dougald Blue erected a grist mill and shingle mill on this lot and for many years supplied the wants of the neighbourhood in these directions. He was a son of Donald Blue of Blue's Cove (now Orangedale). His wife was a daughter of Kenneth McKenzie (Beag), by whom he had three sons, Malcolm of Valley Mills, Donald of Miller's Siding, and Kenneth, and five daughters, Jessie , now deceased, wife of a Mr. McLeod of Orangedale; Mary, wife of John McLean (Archy) of Miller's Siding; Annie, now deceased, wife of the late John McLean of Sugar Camp. A fourth daughter is the widow of the late Norman McLeod of River Dennis, and a fifth daughter is the widow of the late Allan McQuarrie of rear Port Hastings.

We have already referred to the Alexander Cumming lot and to the Malcolm Blue lot. The next to the West was owned originally by one Rory McFadyen (Tailor) also of the Isle of Coll. So far as we know, Rory had no relatives in this Country. His wife was a sister of the "Carpenter" McLean above referred to. He had four sons of whom but one, Neil, survives, and is now on the place with two spinster sisters. A third sister is the widow of the late John Mcintosh who resided on the North side of the River, and whose father was of Big Brook, and whose mother was a sister of the "Carpenter" McLean.

The next lot West of Rory McFadyen's lot was formerly owned by Charles Fowler. It is now owned and occupied by Peter Campbell.

Next to the Peter Campbell lot is a large lot taken up first by Angus McLean, (William) of the Isle of Skye whose wife was a sister of Kenneth MacKenzie (Beag). This Angus had four sons, Archy, John, Rory and William, and three daughters. Archie settled on the Western third of the lot. John in the Centre and Rory on the Eastern third. Rory and William died unmarried. Archie's first wife was a daughter of William McLeod by whom he had several children of whom John, Donald, Murdoch and Christy survive. By his second wife (Mary Cumming) he had a family of whom Lauchlin, Alexander, Alexander (Junior,) and two daughters still survive. The sons John and Alexander reside on farms on the North side of the River, quite near the old home where Donald resides with his widowed step-mother. The other members of the family are abroad.

John McLean (Angus' son) married Mary, daughter of Eachan a' Rudha by whom he had two sons and a daughter. One of these sons now resides on the place.

A sister of Archy and John McLean was wife of Rory McLean, "Carpenter", another the wife of Donald McLeod (Torquil), and a third the wife of John McLeod (Red), Big Brook.

The next lot on the West side of the Archy MacLean lot was first settled on by one Donald McFadyen, a pensioned soldier, who came from the Isle of Coll about 1820, and settled on the Ridge on the West side of the River Inhabitants near the Lamey homestead. After two or three years' stay on the Ridge he came and settled at River Dennis. He had four sons, Hector, Angus, John and Donald. We have already given our account of Hector. John died unmarried. Donald married and settled at Little Harbour. Angus remained on the old lot and married and had a family and died. John McFadyen (Hector's son) then got title to the place; the widow and family went abroad; and the place is now owned by a great grandson of the original settler.

The next lot to the West of the McFayden lot was settled upon about 1820 by one Lauchlin McLean, a brother of the late big Neil McLean of Orangedale. This McLean left the place, apparently intending to return, but while he was away a big negro called, Ebenezer Mingo, came along, and burst open the door of McLean's house and took possession. By and by along came Charles Fowler, a bigger and burlier negro than Mingo, with the result that the latter had not only to leave the lot but also his wife. This Mingo lot is now owned by the heirs of Norman McLeod (Donald's son) who also own the adjoining lot on the West side which was first settled upon about 1868 by their grandfather Donald McLeod (Torquil) who came from the Isle of Skye by way of Prince Edward Island, and married Catriona daughter of Angus McLean (William) by whom he had sons: Captain John, drowned on the Grand Banks; Captain Allan, died in Gloucester; Dan, Alex and James drowned on the Grand Banks; Johnny died in Idaho; Angus now in Cobalt; Annie, widow of John Cumming, and Norman who died in 1903.

Next to the West Side of the Donald McLeod (Torquil) lot is the lot taken up by Alexander MacGregor, the first settler.

To the rear of the last mentioned lots, one Murdoch McLeod settled about sixty years ago, and two of his daughters still reside there. This Murdoch had first settled at Big Brook, and was a brother of Rory McLeod of North side River Dennis. His wife was a sister of William Cumming.

With the Cumming families above referred to came one William McLeod who was married to a sister of William Cumming and who settled on the second range of lots immediately to the South of the MacGregor and Fraser lots. This McLeod had no near relatives in this Country, so far as we know. His son, Rory, who acquired the lot originally settled upon by Seumas Beag was father of Murdoch McLeod, Warden; his son Neil owned and resided upon the McKichan lot at River Inhabitants; his son Malcolm now resides at Point Tupper; one of his daughters was first wife of Archy McLean (Angus); his son John, who acquired the homestead died there several years ago leaving a family, one of whom Alex John, now resides on the place with his Aunt Margaret.

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