In September 2004 the SI attended
the SNP Conference in Inverness and had a special meeting to introuduce Team
MacTaggart, the new SI editors, to the multitudes :-)

Ken Fee at the SI stand and on right Ken & Margery
Fee looking great after their retirement

On left Jim Lynch and Peter Wright of the SI
plotting and planning at the bar! On the right is Jim Lynch with fellow
Flag compiler Ian Goldie

And there is James Halliday on the right and Bruce
Crawford MSP on left

And Tom Preston on the extreme right

Beverley Murray and Trudi Logan on the SNP stand and Linda Fabiani MSP on the right.

Fergus Ewing on the right

The new editord of the Scots Independent Newspaper -
Team MacTaggart

Mike Weir MP for Angus

Power of the SNP
Peter Murrell, SNP Chief Executive on the left, Colin Beattie, new SNP Treasurer
on the right

BBC getting ready to shoot an interview and an SI
cartoon with Alex Salmond the new SNP Leader

Christine Grahame MSP
And now we get to the SI Special
Meeting with no seating room left!

Marilyn Wright looking very happy and enjoying her
wee glass of wine! :-)

The head table with Peter D Wright, Chairman of the
SI, between the two editors

Winnie Ewing talking to the audience and as you can
see no seats were left!

The SI was being given out free at the SNP

Stewart Stevenson, MSP for Banff and Buchan which
concludes our wee snapshot of the SNP conference |