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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
The Family Tree - April/May 2004
Wee Snippets (8)

Dixon Scottish Games & Gathering set for September
The sights, sounds, and food of Scotland can be experienced at the fifth annual Dixon Scottish Games & Gathering on Saturday, September 25, from 9 AM to 6 PM at the Dixon Fairgrounds, 655 South First Street, Dixon, California. Dixon is 19 miles southwest of Sacramento, along Interstate 80.
The Dixon Highland gathering was named as the best one-day Scottish festival in the United States which attracted nearly 7,000 visitors last year.
The family activities will include Scottish, Irish, and Celtic folk bands; Scottish Highland and Scottish country dancing; eleven award-winning bagpipe bands; Scottish athletic competitions; crafts, food, and beers of the British Isles; Scottish clan information booths; a rugby tournament, living history and Scottish animal exhibits; and many other events.
A Ceilidh barbecue dinner is scheduled at 6 PM on the Dixon Fairgrounds, immediately after the Scottish games' closing ceremonies.
For more information, contact the Dixon Scottish Cultural Association at 707-678-8814 or visit website

A hypermedia archive awaits your inspection
The Valley of the Shadow Project takes two communities, one Northern and one Southern, through the experience of the American Civil War. The project is a hypermedia archive of thousands of sources for the period from John Brown's Raid to the era of reconstruction.
Although the site focuses on Augusta County, Virginia, and Franklin County, Pennsylvania, the resources include information about the entire United States. The site provides contrasting sources since each county lies on a different side of the Mason Dixon line. Whether or not you have ancestors in the two counties, there will be material here to engage your mind and pen.
The sources include newspapers, letters, diaries, photographs, maps, church records, population censuses, agricultural censuses, and military records. Taking a walking tour of this virtual archive provides a near perfect background for anyone writing a family history that includes the time frame of the Civil War. The database is especially helpful in reconstructing the life stories of women, African Americans, farmers, politicians, soldiers, and families.
Sponsored by the University of Virginia, the website takes the form of a three-story archive, and in each story lie seven types of source rooms through which you can stroll. For instance, if you enter the second-floor room named "Soldiers Records," try searching on the name Snyder from Franklin County. You will receive a page of Snyders from which to choose.
Click on the top Snyder to see a page devoted to Adam J. Snyder of Chamberburg, Pennsylvania. Here are all the records in the National Archives about this person, from home address at enlistment to his military and health records, among many. The page even provides the proper citation to use if you publish any of the information.
For more information, you might wish to visit the website
Our thanks for this article from Whittier Area Genealogical Society's WAGS Newsletter, PO Box 4367, Whittier, CA 90607-4367.

"Lineal?" "Collateral?" "Allied?"
In genealogy, the term "lineal" means either ascending or descending to a direct line. "Collateral" means descended from the same ancestor, but not in a direct line of descent. "Allied" families are families related usually through marriage.
Source: WAGS Newsletter, Whittier Area Genealogical Society, PO Box 4367, Whittier, CA 90607-4367.

Bruce's yew tree will be better!
An ancient Scottish yew tree where Robert the Bruce rallied his troops is to be saved after experts were brought in to check out the ailing tree located on the banks of Loch Lomond. Bruce had just escaped from a battle with McDonald of Lorne in 1306 and had crossed the Loch in a leaky boat where he rallied his disappointed men. Bruce used the yew as a battle emblem and eight years later won independence from England and was crowned King of Scotland.
The yew tree was old in Bruce's time and is reputed to be close to 2,000 years old. Tree expert, Roddy McGregor gently drove small sensor pins into the old tree that relayed information to a laptop computer. Fifty-eight percent was diagnosed as decayed, while normal growth was gauged at 21%. The rest of the tree was considered to be restorable.
The tree doctor concluded that the main problem was the lack of light getting to the King's tree. When some of the nearby foliage and neighboring trees are cut back to allow more sunlight on this piece of old Scottish history, things should remarkably improve for the old yew and it should be around for centuries to come.
Thanks to Palmetto & Thistle, Scots-American Society of Brevard, PO Box 3325, Melbourne, FL 32902-3325.

Carter Surname DNA Project underway
The surname Carter DNA project is looking for Carter researchers who do not know about the DNA project and who would be interested in joining our project. Many of us are facing brick walls. We are hoping by using DNA we will be able to match with other Carter researchers and find new clues to help us continue with our search. The website is <>.
For further information, contact project administrator Vickie Carter Tallent at
Source: Nuggets from Paradise, Paradise Genealogical Society, Inc., PO Box 460, Paradise, CA 95967-0460.

Nancy Freeman MacLeod of Bristol, Rhode Island died Sunday, May 4, 2003. She was 80 years old and the wife of N. Douglas MacLeod, Jr. . .the surviving member of the group which founded Clan MacLeod, USA in 1954. Known to friends as "Nanny," she was a graduate of Lincoln School and Sarah Lawrence College and lived most of her life in Bristol.
She taught preschool and kindergarten at the Lincoln School for 29 years before retiring, was a volunteer at Womens and Infants Hospital in Providence, a member of the Junior League, the Handicraft Club, and was a test grower for Jackson and Perkins roses.
Comments from her children at her memorial service noted a lady of wit, wisdom, love of family, strength and patience. A sign on her refrigerator door apparently proclaimed her philosophy: "Life is an adventure to be lived, not a problem to be solved."
In addition to her husband, N. Douglas, she is survived by son Norman D. MacLeod III; daughters, Heather and Laurie MacLeod, Bonnie Thompson, and Jeanie Juckett; eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

W. Mullins McLeod of Walterboro, South Carolina died Friday, January 31, 2003 at Medical University Hospital in Charleston after an extended illness. He was 60 years of age.
The son of Walton J. McLeod, Jr. and Rhoda Lane Brown McLeod, he was born in Walterboro and graduated from Bolles School in Jacksonville, Florida, Wofford College, and the University of South Carolina School of Law.
McLeod served in the Vietnam War as an Army Intelligence Officer and was awarded the Bronze Star, Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam Campaign Ribbon and the National Defense Service Medal. He served in the US Army Reserve as a captain in the Judge Advocate General's Corp. He served ten years as administrative assistant and district a former State Senator Peden B. McLeod, and Thomas Gordon McLeod, III of Walterboro.

The tale of a shepherd's dog lives on
From Marie McIntyre Nemnich of Florissant, Missouri, we received this lovely letter: "I'm of Scottish descent. . .I'm 82. I love Robert Burns stories, so am enclosing this page from an old book I have, Wood's Illustrated Natural History by the Reverend J. G. Wood printed in London in 1879. We have in our household a Border Collie (mix) age 8 years, adopted 6-1/2 years ago from the Animal Protective Association. He has loyalty to only one, my daughter, and is very protective of her. They didn't have a large number of breeds in 1879, so is probably descended from The Shepherd's Dog written about on these pages. A devout Christian or someone who doesn't or has never had a dog companion may not appreciate Robert Burn's words.
"Another interesting story about our dog. My grandson invited us to last Easter dinner. We always come home with leftovers. That day it was roast lamb. The dog always comes to my daughter for human food bites. When she offered him a bite of lamb, he shook all over, backed away and made strange sounds - not barking. We realized in his DNA and genes as a Border Collie, his master probably said, "These sheep are for you to guard, not to eat."
"I love the study of our Scottish genealogy and look forward to each issue of The Family Tree."
If you're interested in sharing your Robert Burns stories with Marie, you can email her at

Canadian and USA MacLeods will gather in July 2004
The North American Gathering of the Canadian and USA MacLeods will be held July 1 - 4, 2004 at the Sheraton Chicago Northwest in Arlington Heights, Illinois. John MacLeod of MacLeod, Dunvegan Castle, Isle of Skye, Scotland will be the guest of honor. The Gathering will celebrate Canada Day on July 1 and Independence Day on July 4. This will be the 50th anniversary of US Clan MacLeod Society's founding.
For more information, contact Richard A. MacLeod, 990 Waverly Road, Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 USA; telephone 630-858-8486 or email
Source: The Clan MacLeod Newsletter, Clan MacLeod Society, USA, PO Box 70928, West Valley City, Utah 84170-0928.

The best chance you'll ever have to check out Irish roots is coming to Jacksonville, Florida
On Monday, May 10, 2004, Dr. Brian Trainor, research director, and Finton Mullan, executive director of the Ulster Historical Foundation of Belfast, Northern Ireland will conduct an all day seminar/workshop at the Holiday Inn Baymeadows and I-95 (Exit 341), Jacksonville Florida 32256. Anyone with Irish or Scotch-Irish ancestors won't want to miss this unprecedented opportunity to research Irish records. The speakers bring their public record office computerized data bases of vital and virtual records with them and project them on the seminar screen.
This day-long event will be squeezed into their USA lecture tour to coincide with three performances (May 14 and 15) at Jacksonville's brand new Veterans Memorial Arena of an extravaganza called On Eagle's Wing; a celebration in music, dance or oratory of Ireland and Scotland's historical ties to America.
The seminar/workshop requires an intimate setup where everyone can see the screen and take notes. A hot served lunch with choice of entrees is included in the price. The fee of $40 covers all the May 10th events, lunch and materials. Paid reservations received by March 31st pay $35.
For more information and a registration form, email, phone 904-996-0056 or 904-610-7570, or fax Marianne H. McNair at 904-996-0109.

The Most Reverend Gilbert C. McDowell, 66, of Palm Harbour, Florida, died Friday, October 24, 2003 while in Rome, Italy. He was born in Duluth, Minnesota, and moved to Palm Harbor in 1991 from Arlington, Virginia.
An archbishop and leader of the United Anglican Church, he served from 1992 to 1996 as executive vice president of the Christian Network and as a television worship leader, program creator and host of the program In the Word with Gil McDowell.
>From 1988 to 1991 he was an associate for the Fellowship Foundation in Washington, DC. He was an alumni of the University of Minnesota, received a Doctor of Divinity from Cornerstone College and Theological Seminary, and a PhD in Psychology from New York University, and attended Bangor Theological Seminary and Nashotah House Seminary.
Among his memberships were the Clan MacDougall Society of North America, Scottish Pipe and Drum Corps, and Salinas Valley Highlanders.
Survivors include his wife of 26 years, Barbara J.; daughter, Deborah McDowell, Hillsdale, NY; sons, Craig of Great Barrington, MA, and Timothy and wife Cindy of New York, NY; two stepsons, Brent Johnston and wife Mako, Palm Harbor, FL and Matthew Johnston and wife Mary of Sacramento, CA; and stepdaughter, Julie L. Johnston of Clearwater, FL. He is also survived by half brother, the Reverend Robert Aspling of Duluth, MN; half sister, Judy Fontaine of Gordon, WI; and eight grandchildren.

Calling all Clan Nicolson members. . .a "Nose Contest" just for you
Many members of this clan are aware that one of the physical characteristics we often share is what is known as the "Nicolson Nose". It's not like a Roman nose, it's not a cute little turned-up nose, it is a nose of ample proportions and noble shape. In the year 2000 in Portree on the Isle of Skye, our new chief John MacNeacail presented Jan Nicolson with a trophy he had brought from Australia, an aboriginal stone carving of a nose of prodigious size and weight. Jan is holding this trophy until a new winner can be found.
Now we have been presented with a challenge. Clan member Brigadier-General Michael Nichols of Seaside, Oregon enclosed a couple of photographs and wrote:
"I'm not a handsome man, nor yet the proverbial chopped liver. I will state, however, that a man with a large proportionately shaped nose is found to be attractive indeed by the fairer sex. Witness my beautiful MacIntosh wife, which leaves no doubt about the allure of the Nicolson Nose. I should like to add that my nose is one of great character and nobility. So there. . .the gauntlet has been issued."
A challenge is therefore levied to all clan members. Please submit one of two recent photographs of your proboscis to Murray Nicolson for consideration.
Criteria for the competition will include, but are not limited to, general size, location, shape, profile, proportion, healthy color and sense of grace and charm.
A panel of judges has been formed from clan members including: John MacNeacail of MacNeacail and Scorrybreac (Chairman); Jenni Nicolson, beauty consultant; Dr. Brenda Pritchard, medical consultant; John Gillis, Esq., legal consultant; and Jan Nicolson, immediate past winner.
The panel will meet to make their final decision at the International Clan Gathering on the Isle of Skye, Scotland during October 14th to 16th, 2004. The lucky winner can elect to take the trophy back with them (if they are present and have enough baggage allowance) or to leave it suitably inscribed on the Isle of Skye until the next gathering in four years time. If the winner is not present, the trophy could be delivered to them by cargo ship and mule train.
* No substitutions; noses must be the genuine property of the entrant. A noserised affidavit is desirable but not essential.
* Noses must not be artificially enhanced by implants or plastic surgery.
* Neither may they be enhanced by fisticuffs or other sporting or domestic injuries.
* Neither may they be enhanced by self-inflicted processes like walking into a door.
* Noses must be fully functional for normal nasal activities.
* Bribery of the judges is not allowed (although no doubt they all have their price!).
* Owner must be a member of Clan Nicholson.
If you want to have a sniff at winning the trophy, don't blow your chances or sneeze at this opportunity! Please submit your photographs and any supporting statement you may wish to make as to why you are the most worthy winner to:
(Before June 1, 2004) Murray Nicolson, 226 Peter Spring Road, Concord, Massachusetts 01742-1945).
(After June 1 and before October 1, 2004) Murray Nicolson, Piccadilly Cottage, Kington, Herefordshire HR5 3HP, England.
Source: Scorrybreac, The Journal of Clan MacNicol in North America, Editor Murray Nicolson (see above addresses).

Tartan Day in New Mexico was in the swing
The New Mexico Tartan Day chairman, H. William Hart, approved the plans to start Tartan Day 2004 in a benefiting way. Ralph L. Stevenson, Jr., KTJ, New Mexico Tartan Day media chairman, worked with Peter Kelton, a golf organizer, for the local Mothers' Against Drunk Driving (MADD) to bring something Scottish to the annual golfing event. The Civil Air Patrol Color Guard and Piper Tim Delaney began the MADD Scrabble with their exciting entertainment. Piper Delaney is a former student of Pipe Master Harry McNulty and Jerald Rooney. Both Delaney and Peter Kelton wore the New Mexico Tartan.
The event was held on April 3rd at the Arroyo Del Oso Golf Course in Albuquerque. Seventy-five to 80 players were expected at the event and New Mexico Tartan scarves were given to the flight winners.

Clan MacLeod celebrates 50th anniversary
If you see a lot of bright yellow tartan in Chicago this coming July, you will know that Clan MacLeod is gathering to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of Clan MacLeod USA. The clan was founded in 1954 in Chicago.
There will be a private dinner on July 1st at The University Club of Chicago, which was the site of the 1954 meeting. Chief John MacLeod of MacLeod from Dunvegan Castle in Scotland will attend, along with N. Douglas MacLeod from Rhode Island, the only surviving USA member of that memorable meeting.
The actual North American Gathering will begin at 9 AM on the morning of July 2nd with the opening ceremony at the Sheraton Northwest in Arlington Heights. The Stanley R. McLeod Memorial Speech will be given by award winning novelist and Canadian author, Alistair MacLeod. Alistair's roots are from Dunvegan, Nova Scotia. He received his Doctorate in English from Notre Dame University and is a former professor at the University of Windsor, Ontario, and Indiana University. The public is invited to meet Alistair and have him autograph his most famous novel, No Great Mischief. This is a very touching story about the trials and tribulations of a migrating Scottish family who settled in 19th century Nova Scotia.
The Clan MacLeod Gathering will last until July 4th and feature workshops on weaving, piping, dancing, genealogy, and other subjects on Scottish culture. A Scottish ceilidh is planned on Friday evening, a banquet for Saturday evening, a traditional Kirkin' of the Tartan on Sunday morning, and a barbecue Sunday night. All these events will be held at the Sheraton Northwest. On Sunday afternoon, there will be a special Clan MacLeod race at Arlington Park before the barbecue.
Clan MacLeod has many Sept families such as MacCaskill, MacClure, Beaton, Lewis and MacCrimmon to name only a few. All MacLeods, their Septs, other Scots or interested families are cordially invited to attend. Please note the website for complete details:

Several historical events are planned for the Rochester, Indiana area
April 24-25: The 14th annual Redbud Trail Rendezvous, on the Fulton County Historical Society grounds 4 miles north of Rochester on US 31 and Tippecanoe River. Fulton County Museum and Round Barn Museum at north end of grounds. Rendezvous on river bank portrays frontier history with tepees and historic tents and camps, foods cooked over wood fires, music and dance on Chippeway Village stage, village has 40 wooden booths, muzzle loading shoots, traditional crafts, blanket trading. Festival named for redbud trees that bloom by the river. No motorized or battery operated golf carts allowed in festival area. Handicapped accessible. Open 10 AM to 5 PM. Admission charged, free for age 5 and under. Contact Fulton County Historical Society, 37 East 375 North, Rochester, Indiana 46975, phone 574-223-4436. Museum open year around Monday - Saturday, 9 AM to 5 PM.
June 10-12: The 34th annual Round Barn Festival, Rochester, Indiana, on Main Street. Several blocks of big tents with arts and crafts, foods, dances, free entertainment, fun adult and kiddie contests, athletic events, golf contest, parade Friday evening. Bus tours of round barns, restored Prill one-room school, Fulton County Museum and Round Barn Museum. Fly-in breakfast at airport Saturday. Contact Chamber of Commerce, 822 Main Street, Rochester, Indiana 46975, phone 574-224-2666.
June 18-20: Fulton County Historical Power Show, Rochester, Indiana; held on Fulton county Historical Society grounds. Open 9 AM to 8 PM Friday and Saturday, 9 AM to 2 PM Sunday. Power show will include antique tractors, garden tractors, hit-n-miss engines, equipment and antique trucks. Hosting the Vintage Garden Tractor Club of America. Vendors of swap parts, crafts, food, etc. available. Contests for exhibitors called Antique Tractor Olympics and John Henry contest. Sponsored by the Fulton County Historical Power Association and the Fulton County Historical Society. Museums will be open. Free parking. Admission charged, children 11 and under free. Contact Fulton County Historical Power Association, c/o Fulton County Historical Society (see address above).
September 18-19: The 29th annual Trail of Courage Living History Festival, Rochester, Indiana, on the Fulton County Historical Society grounds. Festival on south end of grounds on river bank. Historic encampments include French and Indian War, Voyageurs, Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Western Fur trade, Plains Indian tepees, Woodland Indian wigwams. Muzzle loading shooting and tomahawk throwing contests. Historic canoe landing and fur trade skit, canoe rides. See Chippeway village and programs on two stages. Special honored Potawatomi family with ancestors on the 1838 Trail of Death. Friday is School Tour Day, not open to general public. Free tram rides from museums and free parking lot to festival. Handicapped facilities. Open 10 AM to 5 PM. Admission charged, free for age 5 and under. Contact Fulton County Historical Society (see address above).

Enjoy a Scottish weekend in Franklin, Tennessee in June
"The pipes, the pipes are calling..." All Scots and "wannabees" will be celebrating their heritage at the 8th Annual Taste of Scotland.
This year, The Taste of Scotland is proud to feature Smithfield Fair from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. This group performs exclusively Scottish music and original compositions and have awed and excited audiences all over the world through both live performances and radio.
Also performing will be Celtic Air from Bristol, Tennessee. This will be their third appearance at the Taste of Scotland and they have wowed the audiences with their talent.
The mountains will be alive with Scottish music, starting at 7 PM at the Fine Arts Building at 331 and Porter Streets. Tickets are available and may be purchased in advance at the Scottish Tartans Museum or the Chamber of Commerce. Advance purchase is recommended. If not sold out, tickets will be available at the door on Friday evening, June 11th.
". . .from glen to glen and down the mountainside."
The 8th Annual Taste of Scotland is a FREE festival from 9 AM to 4 PM in downtown Franklin. In addition to the music and dance, Scottish foods from baked goods to haggis, as well as Scottish crafts, may be purchased. An invitation is extended to clan members to set up an information tent and display their tartans free of charge. (We know how you Scots like free.)
At 10:30 AM Saturday the Chattahoochee Celtic Pipes & Drums, the Piedmont Pipes and Drums, and the John Mohr McIntosh Pipes and Drums will be leading the Parade of Tartans, clans and entertainers. Also on Saturday Flora MacDonald Gammon, a renowned vocalist and historian of traditional Scottish music, will give two performances.
The Brae Moor Scottish Highland Dancers from Loganville, Georgia, Rural Felicity and Sticks in the Mud from Hayesville, Georgia, along with Franklin's own Brave Hearts, will be kicking up their heels on the Main Stage. And the
The Carolines will perform at the opening ceremonies immediately after the parade and flag presentation by The Scottish Tartans Museum Color Guard at 11 AM Saturday.
Other events will be Bill Coburn's Border Collies, many demonstrations and displays, contests with prizes and things for the wee ones.
For more information about the festival, call 828-524-6964 for visit website

ROBERTSON, ROBERT. Where might our ROBERTSON families coming early to North Carolina from Scotland have settled? Could it have been the East Coast or Cape Fear area? My grandfather ROBERT ROBERTSON was born ca 1833 in North Carolina, one of a large family of boys. No other member of this large family is known. According to census records, ROBERT's parents too were born in North Carolina. ROBERT and CATHERINE GARBER were married September 3, 1859, Douglas County, Illinois. Six sons were born in Illinois and in Indiana before the family settled in Southeast Colorado, where ROBERT died April 8, 1905. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Contact Mabel I. Robison, 2235 Juntura Ct. S., Salem, Oregon 97302-2222, phone 503-589-9567.

Looking for the ancestors or relatives of THEODORE MONROE, married to MARY ANN? Their son was JOSHUA M. MONROE, born ca 1833 in Osage, Iowa and married KEXIA ALBERTA GELLETT, born ca 1856, in Bayham, Canada. These were my great, great grandparents. Contact B.A. Monroe, 123 Dogwood Circle, St. Marys, Georgia 31558 or email

JOHN NORMAN MARSHALL NICHOLSON SMITH The subject was my grandfather who was born in Campbell Town, Tasmania in 1865. His name has always been a puzzle to me and I was fascinated by the discovery of Scorrybreac in Tasmania this evening. His parents were SAMUEL SMITH and FRANCES KEANE. To the best of our knowledge, SAMUEL was the son of THOMAS SMITH, convict from Warwickshire, and MARTHA FAGAN, convict from Dublin. FRANCES KEANE arrived in Tasmania in 1856 as a bounty immigrant on the 'Woodcote' and the following information is about her: Details: FRANCES KEANE, age 20, high complexion, large oval face, broad forehead, stout figure, religion Church of Scotland, from Wicklow, Ireland. Housemaid and nurse. Can read and write. Bounty payable 16 pounds. Sailed October 7, 1856 from London, arrived December 29, 1856; 54 single women, 2 married couples, and 4 children landed. I wonder why she named her son JOHN NORMAN MARSHALL NICHOLSON? SAMUEL, her husband, is thought to have been a policeman. He was an extraordinarily handsome man and lived to 97 years of age. We have not been able to find anything more on FRANCES. I note she belonged to the Church of Scotland and two of her daughters married a BERTRAND and a LOTHIAN. Hoping you have some suggestions. Contact Wilma Fleming, 26 Kenilworth Pde., Ivanhoe, Victoria, Australia 3079.

James Franklin Hutchison passed away February 2, 2004 at 89-1/2 years of age. He was a farmer all his life and was legally blind for 42 years. His ancestors were George Gunn (Civil War) and James Boyd. His grandmother was Catherine Boyd and his grandfather was William Gunn. He is survived by his wife Ina R. Hutchison of Unity, Ohio.

Cavaliere Anthony J. Lascio, Jr., 70, of Plainfield, Illinois died February 25, 2004 at his residence after a long illness; beloved husband of Adrienne, nee Lisak, since 1966; loving father of Lynne (Tim) Yuill, Robert and the late Paul; proud grandfather of Emily and Sarah; fond uncle and cousin to many. He was a Fourth Degree member of the Knights of Columbus and a distinguished Knight of Merit with Star in the Royal Dynasty Military Constantinian Order, Knights of St. George, House of Bourbon, Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. He was the founder of Chicagoland Candlelighters, a support group of parents of children with cancer. He also founded the Chicagoland Chapter of POINTERS In Person (Pursuing Our Italian Names Together), the nation's first Italian genealogy interest group. He was the genealogy journalist for Fra Noi, Chicago's Italian American newspaper, as well as other out of town publications including The Family Tree, taught Italian genealogy classes, and was a public speaker on Italian genealogy..
Tony was a nice man and a good friend. He will surely be missed.

Kenneth L. Douglas MSgt. USAF (Retired) passed away peacefully at his Waukesha, Wisconsin home on November 12, 2003, age 77 years. Beloved husband of Joyce (Kirchmayer) for 52 years. Loving father of Kenneth D. (Sheila) and Glenn D. Douglas. Dear brother of Shirley Douglas-Gee of Cogan Station, Pennsylvania, the late Ronald W., and H. June Douglas. Grandpa of the late Sherrie Anne Douglas. Also nieces, nephews, other relatives, and friends. Ken was a retired employee of Wisconsin Bell and member of Wisconsin Bell Pioneers and American Legion Post #8. "He has embarked on his next great adventures."

Ronald Douglas Esq. passed away on April 27, 2003 after a long battle with cancer. He was born September 9, 1932 in Queensland, Australia. Throughout his life he expressed a strong interest in Scottish culture and participated actively on many committees in executive positions. Ron received an Australian Honor, the Order of Australia Medal, of which he was very proud. He was a founding and Life Member of the Clan Douglas Association of Australia, as well as Armiger, which meant that he had been granted his own personal Coat-of-Arms with a shield, crest and the motto "Onward brave heart" by the Lord Lyon King of Arms in Scotland. This gave Ron the right to wear an eagle feather in his bonnet and carry his banner. Being a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, FSA Scot, meant much to Ron as he had been nominated by the famous Clan Donald historian and genealogist, Graham Mac Donald Esq., formerly of Toowoomba.
Ron was Chieftain and former president of the Toowoomba Caledonian Society, past president of the Clan Douglas Association of Australia, past president and founding member of the Scottish Clans Congress of Queensland, member of Australian Scottish Heritage Council and Companion of the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (The Knights Templar). Honoring Ron's services to the Gaels and the Celts, the Celtic Council of Australia awarded him the medal and title of Duinne Urramach "Honored Gentleman" D.Urr. - one of only twelve ever granted in Queensland. He was also a fine genealogist, a great Scottish Country dancer, a manufacturer of Scottish silver jewelry, and a collector of books, artifacts and antiquities.
Ronald Douglas is survived by his wife Merle, sons Russell and Andrew, and daughter Kylie.

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