Clan Carmichael USA met at the Stone
Mountain Highland Games in Georgia for the annual meeting on Saturday,
October 19, 2002. Under the tall pine trees and at the edge of the woods,
the board of directors met in the morning in a tent provided by the games
officials for clan meetings. That tent was not large enough for our annual
meeting as we had a good number of members present for these games. That
afternoon the annual meeting was held under the Carmichael tent with the
members spreading out to picnic tables and lawn chairs around the edges.

Clan Meeting
Clan Tent
The meeting was called to order by
president William "Billy Mac" Carmichael and a moment of silence was
observed for departed members. Alana Nigro gave the financial report then
each committee chairperson gave a report. Our Chief, Richard Carmichael of
Carmichael, was present and spoke to us about the happenings on the
Carmichael Estate in Scotland. He also announced that our next
International Gathering will be held in Scotland in late June of 2004.
Next year’s annual meeting will be
held at the games in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, the first weekend in
After the meeting was adjourned, we
took a group picture in front of the tent.
Some of our members were camping at
the campgrounds in the park. That evening the clan gathered around the
campfire for chili and salad, fellowship and a few spirits. Slides of the
1990 Gathering in Scotland were shown.
Some of our members, along with our
Chief and his Lady, Patricia, attended the Kirkin’ of the Tartans on
Sunday morning. Our Chief and his Lady along with several clan members ran
the kilted mile. Clan Carmichael sponsors the trophy for best clan
participation in the kilted mile. This year we won the trophy for the
first time. We marched as a Clan in the Parade of Tartans on Sunday
afternoon then began to disband to our various homes throughout the
Reported by Jeanette Simpson