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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
Coastal Georgia Genealogical Society
News Update April 2004


18 APRIL 2004 Meeting will be held at 2:00 p.m. at the College Place United Methodist Church on Altama Avenue.  Patricia Barefoot, author of several pictorial and local history and lore books, will be our guest speaker, she will be giving a program about the Burney-Popwell family and her research into this line, plus other genealogical tidbits on this family.  Refreshments will be provided also.

15 FEBRUARY 2004 Meeting was a show and tell.  Member Jerry Martin brought along his digital camera and gave us some pointers on the ease of use, and what to look for when buying.  We also had a brief discussion on some of our obstacles in our research.


Recently, I have been thinking of ways to keep us all in touch, without having me around.  I have a lot of our email addresses, and only I have them.  If something were to happen to me, the group would not fall apart, but a lot of people will be lost from our contacts.

I had thought about making a website, but one, I don't have the time to maintain a third site, and two I don't want everyone's email out to the public, but I want our group to be able to access it.

Yahoo has a system called, conveniently enough, Yahoo Groups.  Last month I started our group one of these sites to test out the theory.  The idea behind this web group is so that anyone of us can get each other's email address when needed, or we can post messages that can go directly to everyone in the group, with just one click.

It is basically our own message board, with perks.  The perks are:  we can add photos, a calendar of events, one email goes to everyone, you can look up a certain individual's email address, you don't need me to give you an email address or relay a message to the group.

One of the biggest downsides to this site, is the advertisements.  Some of them block the message text.  There is no way around this.

Now, I know a few of you are saying, but I don't want just anybody getting my email address.  Well, no one but members of our group will be able to access your email address.  This is a private group that I have to extend membership to others.  Not just anyone can get our contact list.

However, I have set the group site up so that anyone can post a message or view our archived messages.  This is so that folks needing research help can email us, and any one of us in the group can answer.  I have also set the site up so that if you do answer a post, the message goes back to the author and not everyone in the group.  That way we won't be getting a bunch of unnecessary emails.

The mail list is also moderated by me, so that messages sent to the site, go to me first for approval, before they are posted to the site and sent to you.  That way, if some jokester gets on there and posts an obscene message, I can just delete it, and no one ever sees it.

The newsletter can also be sent via this email site, however, I will be maintaining the address to receive newsletter submissions, thus keeping them separate from the massive amount of emails that I already receive.

The website address is at:  <>

The email address is:

You can go directly to the site and post a message or use your email application and send directly from that.

The benefit to posting our newsletter at this site, is that I can format it to look just like the paper one we mail out.  Making the reading of it easier on the eyes.  It will also be archived, so that we can go back if there was an article you were interested in from the past newsletter, or a web address.  This way you won't have to save the emailed newsletters on your computer, they will be on the CGGS group site.

Right now I have only signed up three members, myself, Bill Smith, and Jim Wroton.  This was to test the site out and see what their thoughts on it would be.

Bill and Jim agree that this is a good idea.  So now I am presenting this to the group.  What are your thoughts?

In order to be a part of this site, I will have to send you an invitation, or you can send an email to this address: SUBSCRIBE in the subject box.  No message in the text box.

Please email me with any questions.  I would like all of our due paying members to sign up, it's free, and no risk.  If some of us don't agree with this, then it will not be feasible.

A paper copy of the newsletter will still be mailed out to those of us without email addresses, as usual.


Many of us have clippings of obituaries, or articles from newspapers, and of course they are turning brittle and yellow.  What to do?  Here are some ideas.

First and for most, how about Xeroxing those articles onto acid free paper?  Or using one of the many de-acidifying sprays [see the internet column for websites on ordering archival products].  If using a spray, test it out first, and follow the directions, do not assume it will work.  Many paper types differ and if you are not sure what you have, better safe than sorry.

Never use rubber bands or paper clips.  If you do have to use paper clips avoid the bare metal kind.  Paper clips rust, rubber bands will eventually bind to the document.  Store them in acid- and lignin-free paper or high quality plastics like polypropylene or Mylar instead of binding them.

Or for your techies, just scan these articles, and store them on the computer, or print them on acid free paper.  However, not all printer ink is alike either.  Make sure your ink is water and light resistant, or you are back at square one.

The ultimate of horrors to me, is seeing something laminated.  Have you ever stopped to think what is actually happening to the article you are laminating?  You are exposing it to high heats, glue, and inferior plastic products.  Encapsulating is best, and you can even seal them off permanently.  But remember to de-acidify those articles first or they will just continue to deteriorate.

Storage is a key factor too, you don't want a hungry rodent to eat all that yummy Mylar and sweet tasting paper.  It is recommended to store articles at 77° F with a 50% humidity and away from light.  I bought a fire proof box for my old photos.  No light, hopefully will withstand a fire, and not edible by cats and rats!

Whatever you do, do it soon, paper can last forever with the proper care.


<>  Hollinger Corp.  Providing the finest quality archival storage products since 1945.

<>  Light Impressions offers the highest quality archival supplies including photo albums, frames, mat board, slide, negative, film, and print storage, portfolios, storage boxes and bags, scrap-booking supplies, and much more for your photographs, artwork and other valuable materials.


Now that we have talked about preserving your memories, what about your digital memories?  How are they stored?  Where are they stored?  If someone were to look into your records, would they be able to find your photos and documents?

I have so much information in my computer, that I would probably just hang myself if I lost it all.  My fear, however, is not a computer crash, but a house fire.  Because I have quite a bit of paper too.

I recently looked into buying a fire proof safe to store some of my valuable papers.  Unfortunately, you have to buy a special safe that costs hundreds of dollars in order to save media, like CDs, or videos.  But, the less expensive fire safes will store hardware, like a hard drive.

A lot of my photos, documents, website designs, etc., are all on discs.  One swift fire, and my years of work will be gone.  It's not as frightening to me now, as I have taken precautions.  Here is what I have done.

Number 1:  I have uploaded my family tree to the internet.  Now, many of you scoff at this, but think about it.  Would you rather have some one skim information from it, and possibly sell it, or would you rather loose it all when your computer crashes, or some sort of disaster occurs?  Also, you can upload your family history online so that no one can view it.  It will be your free personal storage space.

If you use genealogy software, you can save your files in a GedCom format, and upload them to, for free, and choose your preferences.  I chose to allow mine to be viewed by others.  In the first week I had several queries and responses!  Not only have I saved my work, but I am getting more information to go with it.

Theft is going to occur, no matter what you put online.  But think about this also, people can buy a book that someone else compiled about your information without your permission, or they can view your information, in your format, and contact you, for free.

Number 2:  On my Glynn County website work, I have everything saved on CD.  From the beginning I have burned two CDs, one for me, and one for a friend to store.  That way if my computer crashed, or my house burned down, someone would have this information.

Number 3:  I have bought an external hard drive to put in a fire proof safe. This convenient critter works just like your computer.  You plug it into a USB port, and save things right to the drive, no floppy discs or CDs needed, and it has a lot of room.

You can purchase one for around $100 or more, depending on how much space they hold.  I wanted to get a 200GB one, but that was about $300, so I settled for a 40GB at $50, and so far have only used 2GB of space, and have put everything that I have, on it!  The wiser choice for my money.

Whatever your choice may be, don't procrastinate.  We all hear those horror stories of folks loosing their life's work, don't be a victim.  There are many options out there.  Your safest may be to keep copies with a family member or friend.  But remember, CDs and floppy discs can become corrupt and non-usable just after one use.  All your information can be lost quickly.

Paper copies are the number one best bet, as paper lasts a long time, it's only downside is the space it may take up in your home, plus that pesky fire or natural disaster striking.  My personal choice would be to upload the family file in GedCom format to, you can keep it private, no one can view it but you.


4 April 2004, Sunday Author Catherine Clinton will be speaking on her new book "Harriet Tubman:  The Road to Freedom" at the Brunswick Library at 3 p.m.  Call (912) 267-1212 for more information.

8 April 2004, Thursday  Patricia Barefoot will be speaking about coastal history at 7 p.m. at the Wayne County Library.

9 & 10 April 2004, Friday & Saturday  Annual Used Book sale at the Ida Hilton Library in Darien, McIntosh Co., Georgia from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

15 April 2004, Thursday  CGHS Field trip to historic downtown Brunswick directed by Meredith Hanak.  From morning to early afternoon.  Meet at the lighthouse on St. Simons Island.  FEES $5 for CGHS members and $7 for non-members.  Call (912) 638-4666 for reservations and more information.

27 April 2004, Tuesday  The Coastal Georgia Historical Society and the Marshes of Glynn Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution will cosponsor a presentation by J. G. (Jerry) Braddock Sr., at 7:00pm; at the Coastal Heritage Center, 620 Beachview Blvd; St. Simons Island, Georgia. Jerry Braddock will discuss the Revolutionary War Engagement that occurred in Glynn and McIntosh Counties during April 1778 in which Jerry's Great (4 times) Grandfather, Captain John Cutler Braddock and others played a significant role. Jerry is proud to be one of the many descendants, currently living in Coastal Georgia and Nassau County, Florida, of these Revolutionary War Patriots. For more information, call Bill Ramsaur, President, Marshes of Glynn Chapter, GASSAR Telephone 912-634-1293

St. Simons Island Ghost Tours are being held at 9 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday starting at Beaches & Cream near the pier in the village.  This is a 90 minute, lamp-light tour of Olde St. Simons with tales of murder, mystery, and the strange and unusual.  Call (912) 638-2756 for more information.  FEES  Children [4-12] $6, Adults $10.


"Journal of a Residence on a Georgia Plantation 1838-1839"  Originally written by Frances Ann Kemble Butler, this journal has been reprinted by various publishers and authors throughout it's first publication in 1863.  The journal was kept by Fanny Kemble Butler during her stays at Butler's Island in the Altamaha River near McIntosh County, and at Hampton Plantation on St. Simons Island.

Due to family obligations, Fanny did not publish her journal until 1863, she had separated from her husband long before that, and would have been denied the right to see her children if she published her journal at all.  When her children were of age, Fanny finally published the journal during a tumultuous time in American History.

This is a must read for local historians, as there are daily notes on people and places, your ancestors may be mentioned in this book.  There are numerous accounts of slaves, their names, family information, and more.  I have noticed on the Glynn County Message Board at Rootsweb, that some African-American researchers were searching for the Valliant [and various spellings] family.  One slave was mentioned in this book, Jem Valiant, a Mulatto, son of slave Judy, and Roswell King, Jr.

This is a great account of the times and trials of a few Glynn County plantations.  For those of you, who like me, ramble all over the county, reading this book is like stepping back into time.


A favorite hobby of mine is to visit yard sales, flea markers, antique stores, etc.  On one such trip to Darien, I found two yearbooks for the Georgia State Womans College in Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia.

I was immediately intrigued by these yearbooks, as they were from 1926 and 1927, plus women from Brunswick, and all over the state of Georgia attended.   This was a rare genealogical find in a shop.  After leaving and coming back several weeks later [fretting over not buying them then], the books were still there, I bought them both, as I had an idea.

I have been working on getting them to the general public via the Glynn County GenWeb page that I host.  After getting one of the books online, I posted messages on several message boards telling people about what I am doing.  By the next day, I had two folks email me saying that their ancestors were pictured, and that this was the only photo they had ever seen.

One gentleman told me that he has a yearbook from 1929, and another for the Valdosta High School from 1926 and asked if I would be interested in digitally restoring them.  Of course I said yes, and he mailed them to me, a very trusting soul.

So now, on top of numerous other projects, I am recreating these lost treasures online, for folks to view.  Check them out at:  <>


Annual membership to the CGGS is only $15 for one person or $18 for a family.  Membership extends from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2004.

Remit payment to our treasurer:

Barbara Baethke
119 Bayberry Circle
St. Simons Is. , GA 31522

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