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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
Coastal Georgia Genealogical Society
News Update July 2003


SEPTEMBER 21ST MEETING will be held at the College Place United Methodist Church on Altama Ave. in Brunswick at 2 p.m.

JUNE 22nd 2003 MEETING was headed by Dr. Caroline Haley, one of our members. The title of discussion:  “Genealogy 101”.  She reminded us of things that we usually take for granted after years of research.  One being a research log.  Record where you went, what you looked for, and if you found anything. I know I have gone over some things twice when I could have been looking for something else.  Another pointer is to not use initials.  Find out what they stand for if you can, and always include maiden names.  Also, there are more records than just birth, marriage, and death.  Awards, citations, heirlooms, are just a few of the obscure records that people overlook.  They may be very telling if you look a little closer.


Many of us could literally, and quite possibly physically, kick our selves for not paying attention when grandma was alive and telling stories.  In my case I could kick my cousin who took the tape of hours of my grandmother and her sister telling their family history, showing photos, and telling stories.  Not only did he take this tape, he promptly inserted it into his VCR and recorded a football game over it!  I never got to see it.

Knowing what we know now from researching, we realize how important it may be to future generations to have our history recorded, whether orally or mechanically.  I know the young-uns aren’t interested now, but they may be later.  And like Ms. Fowler of our group stated, start writing a biography about your life, and tell it like it is, don’t hold back.

My nephews are probably going to pass out when they read about my life, but maybe it will help them overcome their obstacles, and understand why grandma was rather mean, and why their father was too.

I have asked many relatives to write me a short bio on themselves.  So far my aunt and a great aunt by marriage have given me some interesting stories. And I happen to be lucky that a great great grand aunt wrote a story about her family from her great, greats, etc. up until her marriage.

Here are some tips suggested for interviewing those not willing to write it down themselves:

Schedule the interview in advance.  Give the person time to collect themselves, and their memories.

Bring a tape recorder or a video recorder (make sure the interviewee has given you permission), also bring writing tools to take notes while you are recording, you may miss something important.  The electronic age is not perfect.

Prepare a list of questions, and bring extra paper to write the answers on.  Number the questions and answers accordingly.

Don’t be afraid to let your subject ramble, you never know where it might lead.

Be patient and don’t push for answers, this cause frustration and may exhaust your subject too early.

If a question clearly upsets the interviewee, back off!  You may have inadvertently brought up a painful memory or a skeleton that they are not ready to talk about.

Exact dates are important, but hard to remember.  Try having them relate the dates to events in their life, graduation, marriage, birth of a child, newsworthy event, etc.

Ask your interviewee if they have any old family photos that would relate to the task at hand, and bring copies of things you may think they will like to see, and maybe have.

Try to keep the interview short.  Some people, like my father, don’t want to talk for more than ten minutes so try to limit yourself to an hour or so.  Be sure to send a thank you letter, with an SASE in case they remembered something after you left and they can jot it down and send it to you.

If you have a scanner or digital camera, take it with you.  You won’t have to wait for copies of photos, you can make them on site.

The most important tip, make sure you have ample battery and power supply for your electronic equipment.  Dead batteries are like that family history tape with the latest football game taped over it.


My brick wall involves my second great grandfather Jacob J. HEDRICK.  Born about 1798 in Virginia, quite possibly in Giles County, but he could also have been born in Pennsylvania, no birth documentation has been found.

Through a long and vexing two year search, I believe I have found Jacob’s parents to be John and Mary HEADRICK.  Mary’s maiden name is unknown, but she was born 28 November 1778 in a location unknown to me , and she died in Grant Co., Indiana on 4 January 1864.

John Headrick died around 1841 from estate record information.  He shows up in early Virginia tax records as owning land in Giles Co., Virginia in the early 1800s.  By 1832 or so, he was no longer living there and in 1840 he shows up, with some sons, in Grant Co., Indiana where he dies quite possibly that year or the next.

Jacob Hedrick, his son, married for the first time in Giles County to Mary BANE on 7 November 1823.  They moved from Virginia, to Ohio, then to Grant Co., Indiana in 1840, then Huntington County, Indiana in 1850.  Mary died in Huntington County on 17 February 1855.  Together they had 7 children born throughout the three states, one becoming a Union Civil War Veteran.

On 26 May 1857, a 60 year old Jacob marries a 23 year old Sarah Jane WEBB in Huntington Co., Indiana.  Sarah is my great great grandmother.  She too was born in Virginia to George Washington and Nancy (ROCK) WEBB on 22 March 1834.  George brought his family to Indiana also, and from viewing census records, I believe he and his wife may have died by 1860 as they are no longer listed in the census, and the rest of the children are living in other homes in the county of Grant in Indiana.

I have not proven Sarah’s parentage beyond her father.  There are family lines on the internet, but they have a lot of conflicting information, and we all know how popular the name George Washington was.  I do not know when they were born, or where, or who their parents were.

On Jacob J. Hedrick, I do not know who his parents really were, just their names John and Mary.  From a will dated October 1841 in Grant Co., Indiana, I have learned who his siblings could be, one of them being married for the first time in Virginia and a John Headrick signed their marriage bond, then they are listed with their maiden, and two married names in the will, so I am quite sure this is the right John Headrick.  But where was he from originally?  Was it Virginia?  Or was it Pennsylvania where the other Hedrick lines originated from?

It is supposed that three Hedrick brothers came to America.  One of them became a Revolutionary war hero, and maybe my John is a son, a brother, a cousin, or a nephew.  This Phillip went to Virginia, then later to Indiana. But not in the same time frame.

So, if you have some good Virginia connections who might be able to help me out, drop me a line.  I have yet to pursue this John Headrick, as I haven’t had time, and I wanted to be sure, which I am now, that he is in fact my third great grandfather.

John J. Headrick/Hedrick born about 1760 married to Mary??? Born 28 November 1778 died 4 January 1864, where are they from?

Jacob J. Hedrick (son of above) married first in Virginia to Mary Bane, then second in Indiana to Sarah Jane Webb.  His death date unknown.  Was he born in Virginia and to whom?  Was it John and Mary Headrick?

Amy Hedrick:

INTERNET  Irish Genealogy Ltd has been established to co-ordinate the Irish Genealogical Project, a unique undertaking that helps you find answers to the questions you have about your Irish roots. What makes the Irish Genealogical Project unique is that it embraces the whole of the island of Ireland, and is supported by Government agencies. Their partners in the project include the three most prestigious family history and genealogical research associations in Ireland.  123Genealogy is the leader in family history tutorial videos focusing on methodology, software, internet and research topics. The nation's best genealogy experts become your personal tutors as you learn step-by-step the ins and outs of family history.


I had prepared this article before our meeting in June, and it was kind of ironic that we touched on this very subject during Dr. Haley’s program.  For those of you who couldn't be there, this is one of the topics that branched off of the digitizing of records and their lasting effects.

The digital age is sweeping over us faster than a tornado.  New and exciting imaging systems are popping up everyday.  The latest craze of course is the digital camera.

I purchased my digital camera a year ago, and have been snapping away ever since.  It is great, I can take up to 850 regular 4x3 photos!  I can also set the camera to take internet ready photos, and then I can fit over 1500 photos on one memory card!  No more buying rolls of film that only takes 24 to 36 photos at a time.  I can take pictures all day, my only worry being dead batteries.

However, if you think about it, do you want precious and possibly priceless photos in a digital only format?  We first came out with records, then cassette tapes, then CD discs, and now you do not see a record player anywhere but in a flea market.

Another downside, is that most people think that they can just print up these photos, then they will be on paper, which we all have photos that are hundreds of years old so this makes sense.  But many don’t realize that their desktop printer is not of the same caliber as the photo mart’s printer.

The photo developer printers cost thousands of dollars, and one color of ink, just one color, costs about $100 or more.  And, these inks are permanent.  Unlike your printer photos, where if you get them wet, just a little drop, the whole picture slides right off of the photo paper.

However digital provides massive photo capabilities, no developing time, and you can always take the photos to the developer on a disc and have them print them up.  But which sounds cheaper, buying a roll of 36 photos for about $4 and paying about $5 or $6 to develop it, or paying $10 per 8x10 sheet of photos?

You can usually only fit about 3 photos, sometimes four on this 8x10 sheet, so you need about 12 sheets at $10 each to develop a normal roll of film.

For me a digital camera works because  I am using it to take photos, mainly for the internet.  I don’t have any family to take precious photos of, other than my four-legged children, so this route is more economical.  And, if you don’t have to print out every photo you take, it may work for you too.  After all, you have the option of deleting photos you don’t like, and viewing them as you take them so you make sure you get the perfect shot and printing only those you want to keep forever.

So, if you are a technical “geek” and have to have the latest gadgets, think about those photos you are taking that will be irreplaceable to future generations.  Photos that are to be kept for a long time, in my opinion, should be printed up by a professional outlet not just saved on the computer or a disc, because one day our cd-roms and computers are going to be outdated like the vinyl record or eight track tape, and so will our hundreds of genealogical gems.


4 July 2003 Friday “12th Annual Cannons Across the Marsh”  from 11am to 4pm on July 4th at Ft. King George in Darien, McIntosh Co., Georgia. Presentations include:  hourly artillery and musket firings, blacksmithing, baking, brewing, local history, guided tours, and canoeing.  Admission is $5 for adults, $4 for seniors, and $2 for children 6 years or older.  Call (912) 437-4770.

16 July 2003 Wednesday “Georgia in Revolution”.  Dr. Stan Deaton will be lecturing on Georgia’s signers of the Declaration of Independence.  Free and open to the public at the Coastal Heritage Center St. Simons Island, for more info call (912) 638-4666.

23 July 2003 Wednesday “Georgia in Revolution”.  Mr. Bill Chafin will lecture on Nancy Morgan Hart, Revolutionary Spy.  Free and open to the public at the Coastal Heritage Center on St. Simons Island.  For more info call (912) 638-4666.

30 July 2003 Wednesday “Georgia in Revolution”.  Dr. Martha Keber will be lecturing on “After the War:  Lafayette’s Tour of Georgia”.  Free and open to the public at the Coastal Heritage Center on St. Simons Island.  For more info call (912) 638-4666.


“Mayflower Bastard, A Stranger Among the Pilgrims” by David Lindsay.  Richard More started out hard in life.  His mother was an adulterer, and her husband wasn’t about to raise any bastard children.  Samuel More divorced his wife Katherine Moore and planted the children on the Mayflower for exile to America.  One child remained in England, four made the trip, only Richard More survived at the tender age of 5 years.  I picked this book up on a whim, and was entranced.  This is a story built around actual people, gleaned from known facts, court documents, and church records.  Richard More was a real person, and David Lindsay, a descendant.  You will follow Richard through his life from the landing in America, to his travels as a sailor, his marriage of two women at the same time, his excommunication from the church for adultery, and to the ending at the Salem Witch trials.  Richard More was the only Mayflower passenger to have an individual gravestone marking his final resting place.


Rampant rumors of ole’ Ben’s leaping libido have been around since before and after his death in 1790.  Apparently he has fathered many illegitimate children around the world, who would have guessed?

L. David Roper, a retired physics professor from Blacksburg, Virginia has come up with the perfect solution:  DNA testing.

Short of exhuming Ben’s body, this is the next best way, and you can participate in the fun.  If you think you are descendant of one of Ben’s many children, Mr. Roper would like to hear from you.  Unfortunately this testing only works with male descendants as the X chromosomes change more frequently then the Y does over the years.

You can visit Mr. Roper’s site at and find out how you can participate in the project.  He has already received several DNA samples from people claiming to be descendants.  Although direct relationship to Ben can not be proven without his DNA, a link can be through known male descendants.


Annual membership to the CGGS is only $15 for one person or $18 for a family.  Membership extends from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2003.

Remit payment to our treasurer:

Barbara Baethke
119 Bayberry Circle
St. Simons Is. , GA 31522

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