As promised I'm enclosing some
pictures of my cats. The hairless ones are Sphynx, and the one with hair
is a Burmese. The url for my Sphynx site is and for the Burmese its
I did go see Narra's picture. I can definitely see the two breeds in her.
She's beautiful! You know, you can show household pets in their own class,
just as you can the purebreds. They get their own titles and ribbons. If
you'd ever like to go to a show with us, you're more than welcome. :)
PS. In case you need their
names, the solid blue double exposure Sphynx photo is Wrinkles of Love
Cerulean Sultana. The tortie (spotted) Sphynx is Double Champion Amajen
Pocket Dragon of Sphynxter. The black kitten is Sphynxter's Sardaukar, and
the red kitten is Sphynxter's Contender. The solid blue Sphynx male is
Icon of Sphynxter. And finally, the Burmese is Double Champion Chin Hills