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Stoved Potatoes

Method 1:
peeled potatoes
1/2 inch water in pan
(pinch of salt)

1.Put potatoes and water in pan; add salt if not sea-water, dot lavishly with butter.
2.Cover tightly, simmer very gently until cooked.
3.Shake occasionally to avoid sticking. Check after 1/2 hour.

Method 2:
bacon or meat dripping
2 medium onions, sliced
potatoes cut in thick slices
1/2 inch water in pan
(pinch of salt)
(handful fine oatmeal)

1.Melt bacon or meat dripping in pan.
2.Fry onions until golden, not brown.
3.Add potato slices, water, add salt if not sea-water.
4.Cover tightly, simmer very gently until cooked.
5.Shake occasionally to avoid sticking. Check after 1/2 hour.
6.If potatoes are new, add oatmeal when done.
7.Cover, shake well, leave 10 minutes off heat.
8.Serve hot with glasses of buttermilk.

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