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Scottish Sliced Sausage

500 gms medium fat minced beef
500 gms sausage or pork mince
0.75 cup breadcrumbs
1 tspn pepper
1.5 tspn salt
1.5 tspn coriander
0.5 tspn nutmeg
0.5 cup water

Mix all except minces. Mix 2 types of mince very well together with a fork (or use an electric mixer). Add other mixed ingredients to mince mixture and mix again very well.

Wrap mixture in cling wrap and squeeze into a meat loaf tin so that it is well compressed. Freeze until half frozen, then slice.

PS. Sausage mince is the stuff you buy to put inside sausage rolls.
PPS. You can then have it anyway you like but best fried with bacon and eggs for breakfast or fried or grilled with onions and put in a roll.

Recipe contributed by Elda Quinton

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