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Treacle Pudding

4 oz. softened butter
4 oz. castor sugar (fine granulated will do)
2 eggs
4 oz. self raising flour
pinch salt
4 tablespoons Golden Syrup (Lyles)

4 tablespoons Golden Syrup (as above)
2 tablespoons water

Butter a 1 pint pudding basin. Cream the butter & sugar in a bowl until soft & fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, adding in a little flour with the second egg to prevent curdling. Fold in the flour & salt, lightly. If the mixture is too dry add a little milk. Spoon the syrup into the bottom of the bowl then add the pudding mixture. Cover with a sheet of buttered foil and bake at 375 F for 35-40 minutes.
Put second lot of syrup in small pan with water and heat ready to pour over pudding when you turn it out onto a plate.
Good luck. (Lyles syrup is available in Loblaws in Canada, but expect you can get it in USA, also SR flour there too)

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