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Gardening in America
November 2001, Oklahoma
by Nancy Fletcher

We are over the half way mark into November in Oklahoma and still no frost, although the trees are turning beautiful colors and some are dropping their leaves.

The dry weather has sent us again looking for ways to keep our lawn going with the minimum amount of watering. Don't let my rancher brothers hear me say "Fescue"  but, I'm afraid this is what it is.  For ten dollars I over seeded the back yard until it is coming up, as we Okies say, "as thick as hair on a dog's back."  I'm willing to take the remarks about how they feel about Fescue since,  I don't have any cattle that won't eat it.  Now  the neighbors are pasturing their acre to two or three calves. My husband isn't so, all right,  with the idea but, I'm not complaining. After all they are up hill from us and all I can see is free fertilizer. We have a well with three filters on it and we still don't drink the water. The water we use for drinking and cooking we buy, so this is no problem either. With a water sprinkler having a very wide swathe we water by setting a timer and moving the thing constantly after only about twenty minutes in one place. This is the thing to have brought the Fescue seed up. The well flows at 50 gallons per minute. Still, there is no reason to waste water.

Next month if all goes well we will have our small greenhouse up and hopefully have some pictures as we set tables and such up in readiness for starting spring seedlings.  You know gardening is a little like art work. One doesn't always have the inspiration, but if you get all your tools in order, plans drawn out, etc., when the weather is right and conditions are with you, a work can be completed.

For the food preservation rather than standing for hours cooking jelly during the summer when I'm already over burdened with food storage, I simply can or freeze the juice of the fruit, apples, grapes, whatever. In the winter when the pressure of outside work is lifted I then take the juices and begin making jellies.  At the moment Pyracantha jelly sets in its bright orange red color on the shelf. One of my sister in laws does this, using pretty little jars. When gift giving time comes she already has a wonderfully delicious gift already wrapped in gaily tied fabric over the tops and bright ribbons around its lid.

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