This year of 2004,
the patio in front was where we stashed this or that exotic plant. The
years we had our faithful “foreman,” have come and gone. Before he left
though, the sprigs of plants shared with us have grown to quite sizeable
As September is upon
us and we know it will be just a matter of time before we have to pull
these pots os frost endangered plants into the house. Of course, they give
us pleasure through the wintry months with their continued greenery. On
the other hand, we will miss the quiet moments early in the morning with
the sun coming up while we have a sip of sweet tea. Warm gentle mornings
turn into blazing days in Oklahoma, of course. For the time we lingered
in our little sanctuary we are fortified for whatever the day has to dump
upon us.
The Poplar trees in
the background are a gift from someone who sells them on line. This is the
second year for them and look at the height they have achieved! These
delightful trees are being grown all over the world in order to meet the
growing demand for paper. Humble as they are the trees still cleanse the
run off water, hold the soil with their roots and the wide leaves on this
variety promises the mulch we need on this hillside.
So now, though we've
lost the “foreman,” retirement has given me a better worker through my
husband's talents. Instead of having to continually do a balancing act for
keeping up with chores there is someone now at my side who takes up the
slack for keeping things ship shape (excuse me, he wasn't a sailor but a
Marine) around here.